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In 1803, President Thomas Jefferson set fourth a military expedition led by Captains M. Lewis and W. Clark (Lewis and Clark Expedition) on an exploration that would become an everlasting part of US national history and pride. Looking back at the events of this exploration, there are many similarities to the experiences future human space explorers will face as we look to colonize the Moon and travel to Mars and beyond (NASA Vision for Space Exploration, 2004):
The Lewis and Clark Expedition lasted almost three years and involved a crew of 43 men traveling up the Missouri River to explore the unknown lands and a possible water route to the Pacific Ocean;  相似文献   

The study addresses interaction of bacteria and phages in the host–parasite system in batch and continuous cultures. The study system consists of the auxotrophic strain of BrevibacteriumBrevibacterium sp. 22L – and the bacteriophage of Brevibacterium sp., isolated from the soil by the enrichment method.
Closed system. In the investigation of the relationship between the time of bacterial lysis and multiplicity of phage infection it has been found that at a lower phage amount per cell it takes a longer time for the lysis of the culture to become discernible. Another important factor determining cytolysis in liquid medium is the physiological state of bacterial population. Specific growth rate of bacteria at the moment of phage infection has been chosen as an indicator of the physiological state of bacteria. It has been shown that the shortest latent period and the largest output of the phage are observed during the logarithmic growth phase of bacteria grown under favorable nutrient conditions. In the stationary phase, bacterial cells become “a bad host” for the phage, whose reproduction rate decreases, and the lysis either slows down significantly or does not occur at all.  相似文献   

Multi-spacecraft tracing of the high latitude magnetopause (MP) and boundary layers and Interball-1 statistics indicate that:
1. (a) The turbulent boundary layer (TBL) is a persistent feature in the region of the cusp and ‘sash’, a noticeable part of the disturbances weakly depends on the interplanetary magnetic field By component; TBL is a major site for magnetosheath (MSH) plasma penetration inside the magnetosphere through percolation and local reconnection.
2. (b) The TBL disturbances are mainly inherent with the characteristic kinked double-slope spectra and, most probably, 3-wave cascading. The bi-spectral phase coupling indicates self-organization of the TBL as the entire region with features of the non-equilibrium multi-scale and multi-phase system in the near-critical state.
3. (c) We've found the different outer cusp topologies in summer/winter periods: the summer cusp throat is open for the decelerated MSH flows, the winter one is closed by the distant MP with a large-scale (several Re) diamagnetic ‘plasma ball’ inside the MP; the ‘ball’ is filled from MSH through patchy merging rather than large-scale reconnection.
4. (d) A mechanism for the energy release and mass inflow is the local TBL reconnection, which operates at the larger scales for the average anti-parallel fields and at the smaller scales for the nonlinear fluctuating fields; the latter is operative throughout the TBL. The remote from TBL anti-parallel reconnection seems to happen independently.


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Recent progress in the diagnosis of flare fast particles is critically discussed with the main emphasis on high resolution hard X-ray (HXR) data from RHESSI and coordinated data from other instruments. Spectacular new photon data findings are highlighted as are advances in theoretical aspects of their use as fast particle diagnostics, and some important comparisons made with interplanetary particle data. More specifically the following topics are addressed:
  • (a)RHESSI data on HXR (electron) versus gamma-ray line (ion) source locations.
  • (b)RHESSI hard X-ray source spatial structure in relation to theoretical models and loop density structure.
  • (c)Energy budget of flare electrons and the Neupert effect.
  • (d)Spectral deconvolution methods including blind target testing and results for RHESSI HXR spectra, including the reality and implications of dips inferred in electron spectra.
  • (e)The relation between flare in situ and interplanetary particle data.

We investigated the influence of dark matter on light propagation in the solar system. We assumed the spherical symmetry of spacetime and derived the approximate solution of the Einstein equation, which consists of the gravitational attractions caused by the central celestial body, i.e. the Sun, and the dark matter surrounding it. We expressed the dark matter density in the solar system in the following simple power-law form, ?(t,r)=ρ(t)(?/r)k?(t,r)=ρ(t)(?/r)k, where t is the coordinate time; r, the radius from the central body; ?, the normalizing factor; k, the exponent characterizing r  -dependence of dark matter density; and ρ(t)ρ(t), the arbitrary function of time t. On the basis of the derived approximate solution, we focused on light propagation and obtained the additional corrections of the gravitational time delay and the relative frequency shift caused by the dark matter. As an application of our results, we considered the secular increase in the astronomical unit reported by Krasinsky and Brumberg (2004) and found that it was difficult to provide an explanation for the observed dAU/dt = 15 ± 4 m/century.  相似文献   

We study the roto-orbital motion of a triaxial rigid body around a sphere, which is assumed to be much more massive than the triaxial body. The associated dynamics of this system, which consists of a normalized Hamiltonian with respect to the fast angles (partial averaging), is investigated making use of variables referred to the total angular momentum. The first order approximation of this model is integrable. We carry out the analysis of the relative equilibria, which hinges principally in the dihedral angle between the orbital and rotational planes and the ratio among the moments of inertia ρ=(B-A)/(2C-B-A). In particular, the dynamics of the body frame, though formally given by the classical Euler equations, experiences changes of stability in the principal directions related to the roto-orbital coupling. When ρ=1/3, we find a family of relative equilibria connected to the unstable equilibria of the free rigid body.  相似文献   

The Antarctic Laboratory for Cosmic Rays (LARC, acronym for Laboratorio Antartico per i Raggi Cosmici or Laboratorio Antártico para Rayos Cósmicos) operates on King George Island (South Shetlands). Since January 1991 a standard 6NM-64 detector has been recording continuous cosmic ray measurements and several Ground-Level Enhancements have been registered. Here we describe the different phases performed in Italy for the realization of a 3NM-64_3He detector, which started its measurements during the Italian XXII Antarctic Summer Campaign. Data recorded during solar activity cycle 24 will furnish an useful research tool for the next Solar Extreme Events.  相似文献   

In the spherical accretion onto massive objects, the matter may be heated up to temperatures as high as 1012 °K. In such a hot plasma, the thermal bremsstrahlung (e-e and e-p) and π° decay from inelastic collisions of protons are the main γ-ray sources. We determined the γ -ray production spectra from the π° decay and from bremsstrahlung for different temperatures. The expected γ-ray spectra were evaluated too in order to fit experimental data. We have fitted COS B data from 3C 273 using a two temperatures plasma model. The best fit is for
(M8 is the black hole mass in 108 M) which gives . The hard X-ray measurements do not contradict the bremsstrahlung spectrum.  相似文献   

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