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The evolution of a site where homologous flares occured on June 8, 1980 is analysed by using observations both in the photosphere and in the chromosphere. The homology is discussed through space, energy and dynamical aspects. The criteria are used in order to propose the definition of a coefficient of homology.  相似文献   

A detailed record of the evolution of NOAA Active Region 2372 has been compiled by the FBS Homology Study Group. It was one of the most prolific flare-producing regions observed by SMM. The flares occurred in distinct stages which corresponded to particular evolutionary phases in the development of the active region magnetic field. By comparison with a similar but less productive active region, we find that the activity seems to be related to the magnetic complexity of the region and the amount of shear in the field. Further, the soft X-ray emission in the quiescent active region is related to its flare rate. Within the broader definition of homology adopted, there was a degree of homology between the events within each stage of evolution of AR2372.  相似文献   

When homologous flares are broadly defined as having footpoint structures in common, it is found that a majority of flares fall into homologous sets. Filament eruptions and mass ejection in members of an homologous flare set show that maintainence of the magnetic structure is not a necessary condition for homology.  相似文献   

According to the definition of the homology (optical) kept in reference, the homologous flares (HFl) may be observed wherever flares occur. The supposed supplementary preflaring conditions to have HFl may be either that the preflaring conditions have not been destroyed by the first flare (and then what mechanism has stopped the first and triggered the second ?) or that the preflaring conditions have been destroyed and rebuilt (and then, how ?). The analysis of data related to some selected active regions AR by the members of the working group, and the earlier works on HFl, may be used simultaneously to investigate the differences between one set of HFl and the others, the location of their sites and the evolution of HFl productive AR. This study brings the appearance of new footpoints from one flare to the following, the behaviour of cool arches (surging arches) leading to information on the changes of the magnetic configuration, and to peculiar characteristics of HFl, oif 2nd, 3rd in the time order concerning the chromospheric transition zone or coronal regions. The time delay between two consecutive homologous flares appears very quickly as an essential parameter to study homology. It was found that every set of flares (same type of site) is able to produce “rafales” of homologous flares, i.e. two, three, four, oir more flares with Δt in the range of one hour or less. The observations show no great chantes in macroscopic photospheric patterns (B, V) during this H flaring period. They lead to compare their temporal variation curves of flare brightness. A quantitative brightness parameter of homology relation has been defined. Some scale changes have also been detected in the dynamic spectrum of the site, and it is in good agreement with a very interesting theoretical suggestion made by P. Sturrock to produce such “rafales”. It may be shown that the closely consecutive time-homologous flares (CCHF) or “rafales” represent a good tool to analyse the critical conditions related to the origin and the amount of energy, mechanism of storage and release, necessary and, perhaps, sufficient conditions. New statistical results, applied to the different selected homologous flare active regions are presented and show the existence in homologous flaring areas of a “pivot” of previous filaments interpreted as a signature of an anomaly in the Solar rotation.  相似文献   

恶意代码克隆检测已经成为恶意代码同源分析及高级持续性威胁(APT)攻击溯源的有效方式。从公共威胁情报中收集了不同APT组织的样本,并提出了一种基于深度学习的恶意代码克隆检测框架,目的是检测新发现的恶意代码中的函数与已知APT组织资源库中的恶意代码的相似性,以此高效地对恶意软件进行分析,进而快速判别APT攻击来源。通过反汇编技术对恶意代码进行静态分析,并利用其关键系统函数调用图及反汇编代码作为该恶意代码的特征。根据神经网络模型对APT组织资源库中的恶意代码进行分类。通过广泛评估和与MCrab模型的对比可知,改进模型优于MCrab模型,可以有效地进行恶意代码克隆检测与分类,且获得了较高的检测率。   相似文献   

Humans taking part in parabolic aircraft flights (PAFs) may suffer from space motion sickness (SMS, a kinetosis). Since it has been repeatedly shown earlier that some fish of a given batch also reveal a kinetotic behavior during PAFs (especially so-called spinning movements and looping responses) and due to the homology of the vestibular apparatus among all vertebrates, fish can be used as model systems to investigate the origin of susceptibility to motion sickness. Therefore, we examined the utricular maculae (they are responsible for the internalization of gravity in teleosteans) of fish swimming kinetotically at microgravity in comparison with animals from the same batch who swam normally. On the histological level, it was found that the total number of both sensory and supporting cells of the utricular maculae did not differ between kinetotic animals as compared to normally swimming fish. Cell density (sensory and supporting cells/100 micrometers2), however, was reduced in kinetotic animals (p<0.0001), which seemed to be due to malformed epithelial cells (increase in cell size) of the kinetotic specimens. Susceptibility to kinetoses may therefore originate in malformed sensory epithelia.  相似文献   

Under hypergravity conditions, the cell wall of stem organs becomes mechanically rigid and elongation growth is suppressed, which can be recognized as the mechanism for plants to resist gravitational force. The changes in gene expression by hypergravity treatment were analyzed in Arabidopsis hypocotyls by the differential display method, for identifying genes involved in hypergravity-induced growth suppression. Sixty-two cDNA clones were expressed differentially between the control and 300 g conditions: the expression levels of 39 clones increased, whereas those of 23 clones decreased under hypergravity conditions. Sequence analysis and database searching revealed that 12 clones, 9 up-regulated and 3 down-regulated, have homology to known proteins. The expression of these genes was further analyzed using RT-PCR. Finally, six genes were confirmed to be up-regulated by hypergravity. One of such genes encoded 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-Coenzyme A reductase (HMGR), which catalyzes a reaction producing mevalonic acid, a key precursor of terpenoids such as membrane sterols and several types of hormones. The expression of HMGR gene increased within several hours after hypergravity treatment. Also, compactin, an inhibitor of HMGR, prevented hypergravity-induced growth suppression, suggesting that HMGR is involved in suppression of Arabidopsis hypocotyl growth by hypergravity. In addition, hypergravity increased the expression levels of genes encoding CCR1 and ERD15, which were shown to take part in the signaling pathway of environmental stimuli such as temperature and water, and those of the alpha-tubulin gene. These genes may be involved in a series of cellular events leading to growth suppression of stem organs under hypergravity conditions.  相似文献   

光纤陀螺随机漂移模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
随机漂移是光纤陀螺的主要误差,建立数学模型在输出中补偿是抑制该项误差、提高光纤陀螺精度的有效方法.光纤陀螺静态输出为随机过程,对该随机过程的平稳性和正态性进行分析,拟合趋势项、周期项并补偿,使其成为平稳随机序列.采用时间序列分析法建立光纤陀螺随机漂移模型,根据随机漂移自相关和偏相关系数的特性辨识模型的类型和阶数,利用最小二乘方法估计模型参数,得到光纤陀螺随机漂移模型为AR(2).对陀螺输出数据补偿,检验模型的适用性.结果表明,该模型具有很好的适用性,能够有效抑制随机漂移,提高光纤陀螺精度,可以作为惯导系统卡尔曼滤波器状态变量的数学模型.   相似文献   

接口阻抗测试是航天产品中对产品状态是否正常来进行判断的常用方法。在航天产品应用中,通常认为接口芯片阻抗测试异常即代表该接口芯片已经失效。本文针对一种LVDS接口发送芯片由静电导致阻抗测试异常,但功能正常的现象进行分析。在元器件失效分析的基础上,定位静电损伤的位置为芯片内部静电防护电路,从而建立了对应的电路模型,对芯片静电损伤的现象进行理论分析。分析说明:该芯片在被静电打击时,其静电防护电路中一个NMOS管受损,但该电路保护了芯片的功能电路,被击穿的NMOS管等效为一个电阻,因此导致阻抗测试异常,但芯片功能电路未受损的现象,为静电软击穿现象。且可认为该芯片在受静电影响后并未失效,相关电路仍具有正常工作的能力。即阻抗异常现象并不是芯片失效的充分条件。  相似文献   

针对零件的不规则薄孔,常规的方法无法对其精确测量,提出了一种基于数字图像处理的模板匹配检测方法,运用数字图像处理技术对采集的圆孔网像进行截取、降噪、分割、边缘检测等处理,再把提取出的圆与标定模饭上的标准阋进行比较,实现对不规则网孔尺寸的检测,并通过实验证明了陔方法的可行性和实用性.  相似文献   

磁悬浮控制敏感陀螺(MSCSG)是一种新概念陀螺,采用洛伦兹力磁轴承为力矩器驱动转子径向偏转。针对MSCSG转子旋转过程中产生不平衡振动的问题,分析了不平衡振动产生原理,并建立了解析模型。首先,分析了MSCSG的工作原理。然后,确定了转子不平衡条件下转子几何轴与惯性轴间的几何解析关系;推导了转子不平衡振动力矩数学模型,并对不平衡扰动量的能观性进行了判定;建立了包含振动源的磁轴承-转子控制系统模型,对闭环系统的不平衡振动产生机理进行了分析,并对不同转速下不平衡振动的响应特性进行仿真,仿真结果验证了所提出模型的正确性。最后,根据转子不平衡振动的特点提出了对其进行抑制的要求,为实现MSCSG转子不平衡振动控制奠定了理论基础。  相似文献   

主钟系统作为原子时系统的重要组成部分,其运行状态直接关系到整个原子时系统的性能。为了提高系统的可靠性,建立备份主钟系统尤为必要。本文围绕原子时系统中的主备钟同步技术开展相关研究,建立了主备钟同步系统。通过分析原子钟性能,建立钟差模型;并根据钟差模型对备份主钟的频率进行驾驭调整,实现主备钟之间的时间频率一致性。通过调整,原子时系统的主备钟时差可实时保持在1ns以内,频率偏差实时保持在10E-15量级,为原子时系统的主备无缝切换奠定良好基础。  相似文献   

面向短波红外星敏感器在机载平台、弹载平台以及舰载平台的应用需求,设计了H波段折反式星敏感器光学系统。该折反式镜头总长为232mm、焦距为704.3mm、全视场为2°、F数为3.9、探测极限星等为6。结果表明:调制传递函数值接近衍射极限,在奈奎斯特采样频率处大于0.5;各视场径向能量趋于一致,弥散斑可覆盖2~3像元;相对畸变小于0.1%,满足指标要求。本文可为近地空间短波红外星敏感器的工程应用提供理论基础与技术支持。  相似文献   

根据PTB和ISO 4037-1:2019要求,关于高空气比释动能系列(H系列)X射线参考辐射质的推荐数据,外推得出H-450的附加过滤为6.24 mm Cu,第一半值层(HVL1st)为(5.39~5.52)mm Cu,平均光子能量为(214.25~214.78)keV,剂量率为11.51 Gy/h(距离焦斑为1 m处,管电流为10 mA)。随后,使用PTW32005电离室作为测量器具,采用半值层法建立H-450 X射线参考辐射质,得出HVL1st为5.37 mm Cu,第二半值层(HVL2nd)为5.97 mm Cu,同质系数为0.9。最后,使用PTW30013次级标准电离室测量得出H-450 X射线参考辐射质下距离焦斑1 m,管电流为10 mA时的剂量率值为11.98 Gy/h,与理论值的相对误差为4.07 %。采用MCNP 5软件对H-450 X射线参考辐射质进行能谱模拟并计算得出其平均光子能量为200.4 keV。  相似文献   

综合建模形式弹道极限方程中存在11个待定参数,从理论上讲,采用穷举法可以获得其数值大小,但需要的计算时间过长,储存空间巨大,不宜实现,为解决此问题,改用差异演化算法。基于填充式实验数据,采用差异演化算法对综合建模形式弹道极限方程的11个待定参数进行了多目标优化计算。结果显示,方程的总体预测率为82.35%,安全预测率为100%,平均相对误差平方和为0.001 3。该方程对其他来源的49个实验数据的预测结果显示,总体预测率提升了1.32%,安全预测率降低了4.08%,平均相对误差平方和增加了0.007 3,表明差异演化算法适用于解决多参数多目标的弹道极限方程建模问题。  相似文献   

针对我国导弹生产过程中舱段对接精度差、效率低且一致性差的问题,提出了一种结合激光跟踪仪及Steward平台的导弹数字化对接系统。在基于激光跟踪仪的动态测量方面,提出采用阵列靶球和T-Probe相结合的测量方式,通过对阵列靶球的测量获得高精度基准,通过对T-Probe的测量实现动态测量,从而实现对导弹舱段的高精度且高动态测量。基于所提出的导弹数字化对接系统,进行了导弹舱段数字化对接试验。试验结果表明,导弹舱段间导向销的径向峰值偏差为0.26mm,姿态峰值偏差为0.015°,能够满足导弹对接导向销的安全对接条件,对接时间小于25秒,提高了导弹舱段对接的精度及效率。  相似文献   

栅格翼与机身发动机组合体的气动特性计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文给出了栅格翼和机身、机身和发动机以及机身的台阶与其前后柱体等复杂气动力干扰的计算方法,考虑栅格翼与机身气动干扰时,假定栅格翼处在机身的向流动的上洗流场中,用翼片理论计算有机身影响时栅格翼上载荷分布,考虑机身和发动机气动干扰时,有杉一个机身和上个发动机组成的十字型五体组合体模型,用保角变换算出干扰因子,考虑机身台阶与其前后柱体的气动干扰时,采用锥柱体和截锥结合实验修正的方法,用本方法计算了栅格翼  相似文献   

太阳宇宙线在电离层D层中的电离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据带电粒子对D层大气电离的理论,导出了太阳宇宙线在D层的电子产生率Q(h)的表达式,并计算了不同级别的太阳宇宙线事件、不同能谱参数下,Q(h)在极区随高度的分布。结果表明,不同级别、不同能谱的太阳宇宙线事件在极区产生的电离有显著的差别。同一级别,能谱指数γ越大,在较高的高度上电子产生率越大;能谱指数越小,在较低的高度上电子产生率越大。电子产生率的分布曲线出现明显的双峰,一个峰位于60公里左右,另一个峰位于85公里左右。前一个峰主要由太阳宇宙线中质子产生的,后一个峰主要是z≥2的重粒子成分产生的。本文所得结果明显好于Velinov等人的结果。   相似文献   

基于提升的Landsat-TM光谱图像压缩   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析多光谱图像小波变换后系数特点的基础上,提出了一种基于整数小波变换的三维集合分裂嵌入块编码(3DSPECK)压缩方法。该方法将小波变换压缩技术中的零数编码推广到多光谱图像压缩中,采用整数小波变换去除空间冗余,谱域上对多幅小波图像构成的小波矢量采用离散余弦变换进行变换,对变换后的系数进行3DSPECK编码。实验结果表明,该方法硬件实现简单,编码解码时间快,对内存要求低。  相似文献   

反向定位系统是针对驻留型同温层气球平台的一种新型定位系统 ,该系统的基本原理是由接收站的位置计算得出发射机的位置。文章采用卡尔曼滤波的方法 ,建立了反向定位系统的模型 ,给出其滤波算法 ;鉴于地面接收站的位置选择对该系统的定位精度有较大的影响 ,给出地面站选址依据 ,并通过计算、仿真获得一组较为理想的布站方式。此外 ,钟差是系统的一个主要误差源 ,文中对其引起的定位误差进行了分析 ,并给出估算的方法 ;对系统中的传播误差、设备误差也进行了分析。最后 ,对系统建立了仿真模型进行仿真。结果表明 ,该定位系统具有较好的定位精度  相似文献   

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