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Fourier spectrometers for the investigation of infrared spectra of Venus were installed on the recent Soviet orbiters “Venera-15” and “Venera-16”. Many spectra with reliable absolute calibration were obtained in the 280–1500 cm?1 region with a spectral resolution of 5 cm?1 (ground based processing) and about 7 cm?1 (preoprocessed on board) and a spatial resolution of about 100 km at the Venusian cloud top level. Bands of CO2, H2O, H2SO4 and SO2 are identified. The 15 μm-CO2- fundamental band was used for retrieval of altitude dependent temperature profiles. There are significant differences in the cloud structure above 60 km for distinct regions of Venus, demonstrated by differences in the spectra.  相似文献   

The feasibility of determining cirrus “emissivity” from combined stereoscopic and infrared satellite observations in conjunction with radiosounding data is investigated for a particular case study. Simultaneous visible images obtained during SESAME-1979 from two geosynchronous GOES meteorological satellites were processed on the NASA/Goddard interactive system (AOIPS) and were used to determine the stereo cloud top height ZC as described by Hasler [1]. Iso-contours of radiances were outlined on the corresponding infrared image. Total brightness temperature TB and ground surface brightness temperature TS were inferred from the radiances. The special SESAME network of radiosoundings was used to determine the cloud top temperature TCLD at the level defined by ZC. The “effective cirrus emissivity” NE where N is the fractional cirrus cloudiness and E is the emissivity in a GOES infrared picture element of about 10 km × 10 km is then computed from TB, TS and TCLD.  相似文献   

Two sublimation experiments with PbTe were performed at 850°C and 750°C under microgravity conditions during the “Salyut-6”-“Soyuz-31” mission in 1978. The sublimation took place on the (100)-face of a PbTe crystal. The condensate grown at 850°C shows in the upper part the formation of a pyramidal habit. The bulk consists of parallel growth colums with [100]-boundary faces. The charge carrier concentration of the electrons (N=1,5·1019 cm?3) is higher than the homogeniety limit for 800°C should permit. This is in contrast to the result obtained on the PbTe crystal of the parallel experiment on the earth. At 750°C a laminated condensate is grown with a low growth rate. The microphotograph of the substrate shows the beginning whisker formation according to the VLS-mechanism.  相似文献   

The planetary outgoing longwave radiation has been estimated since 1974 from two different series of NOAA operational polar spacecraft. The first series provided data from June 1974 through February 1978 and was designated “SR” for the scaning radiometers used at that time. This data set has been used in a variety of radiation budget and climate studies, such as that by Ohring and Gruber, 1983. The second satellite system is the currently operational TIROS-N series of satellites. Data from this series began in January 1979 and are continuing. In both systems, estimates of the outgoing longwave radiation are obtained from narrow spectral interval (10–12 μm) window radiances. A comparison is made of the estimates from the two different series of satellites in order to arrive at an assessment of their compatibility. This is important since the SR observations were taken at approximately 0900 and 2100 local times, while the TIROS-N data alternate between 0730-1930 and 0300-1500 local times. In addition, there is a period of overlap between the TIROS-N data and the broad band (5–50 μm) Nimbus 7 EArth radiation budget data. A comparison of those two data sets indiciate excellent agreement generally within about 1–2 Wm?2 on the monthly means on global and hemispherical scales. Comparisons of zonal averages indicate maximum differences as large as 9 Wm?2.Evidence is presented to suggest that observations taken at different local observing times may be biased by the diurnal variation of emitted flux, even on global scales.  相似文献   

Lyman α and 58.4 nm HeI radiations resonantly scattered were observed with EUV spectrophotometers flown on Venera 11 and Venera 12. The altitude distribution of hydrogen was derived by limb observations from 250 km (exobase level) to 50,000 km. In the inner exosphere (up to ? 2,000 km of altitude) the distribution can be described by a classical exospheric distribution with TC = 275 ± 25 K and n = 4?2+3 × 104 atom. cm?3 at 250 km. The integrated number density from 250 to 110 km (the level of CO2 absorption) is 2.1 × 1012 atom. cm?2, a factor of 3 to 6 lower than that predicted by aeronomical models. This number density decreases from the morning side to the afternoon side, or alternately from equatorial to polar regions. Above 2,000 km a “hot” hydrogen population dominates, which can be simulated by T = 103K and n = 103 atom. cm?3 at the exobase level.The optical thickness of helium above 141 km (the level of CO2 absorption for 58.4 nm radiation) was determined to be τo = 3, corresponding to a density at 150 km of 1.6 × 106 cm?3. This is about 3 times less than what was obtained with the Bus Neutral Mass Spectrometer of Pioneer Venus, and about twice less than ONMS measurements, but is in agreement with earlier EUV measurement by Mariner 10 (2 ± 1 × 106 cm?3).  相似文献   

A large (1455 cm2) hard X-ray telescope was successfully launched aboard a stratospheric balloon on October 4, 1980. During this flight four galactic X-ray sources were observed, namely the transient recurrent X-ray pulsar A0535+26, the Crab Nebula, Cygnus X-1 and X Persei. Here we report the results on the latter two sources. From Cygnus X-1 we measured a photon flux in the band 30 to 200 keV, of 3.5 × 10?2 photons cm?2 which is 6.5 times lower than that recieved from the source in a “low” intensity state in the same energy band. In addition, the photon spectrum in the same energy band was very soft and consistent with a power law with photon index α = 2.71 ± 0.14. Even if a simultaneous observation of the source at lower energies was not available, our data strongly suggest that we observed the source during a “high” intensity state. We report also positive detection in the band 30 to 200 keV of the low luminosity X-ray pulsar X Persei. In its spectrum we confirm the presence of a hard X-ray tail consistent with a power law (photon index α = 2.17 ± 0.42).  相似文献   

Four versions of a steady-state quiet D-region model are presented. They differ from each other as a result of latitudinal differences in total neutral particle concentrations, nitric oxide concentrations and cosmic ray ionization rates. The total ion concentration profiles of all four versions have minima near 70 km which range from about 108 m?3 at high latitudes to 3.5 × 107 m?3 at equatorial latitudes for a solar zenith angle of 60°. Neutral density differences among the four cases result in important vertical shifts for the respective D-region profiles relative to one another. A “C-layer” is evident for the high and mild-latitude models at large solar zenith angles. The altitude where the negative ion/electron concentrations ratio is unity varies from about 63 to 67 km. The computed results are compared briefly with the extensive data base in the literature.  相似文献   

An infrared sounder is being developed in France to observe in 1986 Comet Halley from the Soviet “VEGA” flyby probes. The instrument, called “I.K.S.”, has three measuring channels. Two of these channels will provide the spectrum of the comet emission in the spectral intervals 2.5–5.0 μ and 6–12 μ, at a constant resolution λ/Δλ = 50.The third channel analyzes the comet I.R. image at a spatial frequency of about 1 arc minute?1; two I.R. colours are used in this channel: 7–10 μ and 10–14 μ. From the results expected, it is hoped that (1) most primary simple molecules emitted by the nucleus will be identified; (2) the chemical composition and perhaps crystalline structure of the dust grains and ices released by the comet will be derived; and (3) the diameter of the nucleus and its brightness temperatures will be measured.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of gravity in a linear stability analysis of the onset of coupled convective and morphological instabilities during directional solidification at constant velocity of a dilute alloy of tin in lead. For solidification vertically upwards, the temperature gradient alone would cause a negative density gradient and the solute gradient alone would cause a positive density gradient. Two types of instability are found, a convective type that occurs for long wavelengths and a morphological type that occurs for short wavelengths. In general, these are coupled but the morphological instabilities are practically independent of gravity and thus correspond to the predictions of previous morphological stability theory in which density changes and convection are neglected. The convective instabilities depend strongly on gravity; for a growth velocity of V = 1 μm/s and a temperature gradient in the liquid of GL = 200 K/cm, the critical concentrations for convective instabilities are 3.1 × 10?4, 3.1 × 10?2 and 2.39 wt. % for ge = 980 cm/s2, 10?4 ge and 10?6 ge, respectively. For low velocities, the convective instabilities occur at much lower solute concentrations than the morphological instabilities whereas at high velocities, the reverse is true. At intermediate velocities where the changeover takes place, there are oscillitory instabilities of mixed character whose periods range from 60 s at ge to 6 × 104 s at 10?6 ge.  相似文献   

Far-infrared observations of the Galactic Center have been carried through with the MPE Im balloon-borne telescope “Golden Dragon”. The measurements are composed of photometric scanning (33–95 μm) of the inner 4′×4′ and low resolution spectroscopy (δν = 10 cm?1) of the center and of a position approximately 1.5′ to the north. A Mars spectrum has been obtained for calibration. The spatial resolution of the photometry map is increased using the Maximum Entropy Method and the resulting map is compared to other observations in the same and other spectral regions. A clear asymmetry in the ring-like structure around the center indicates the presence of noncircular motions. The shape of the spectra is fairly smooth with at least no prominent dust features. A simple modelling shows a drastic increase of column density within 2 pc from the center and a modest drop over the next 3 pc to the north.  相似文献   

The first unambiguous identification of ammonia in the upper atmosphere of Jupiter has been obtained from the observation of individual NH3 bands in an IUE high resolution spectrum in the 2100–2400 Å spectral range. The variation with wavelength of the strengths of these NH3 bands implies that the NH3 abundance has to be strongly reduced by photolysis in the upper jovian atmosphere. Preliminary analysis by means of scattering models shows that the ammonia mixing ratio cannot be constant with altitude. The mixing ratio NH3/H2 ranges from 5 10?8 to 5 10?7 at the 250 mb pressure level, and decreases as P or P2 toward higher altitudes.  相似文献   

Radio occultation measurements of the temperature structure of the Venus atmosphere have been obtained during seven occultation “seasons” extending from December 1978 to December 1983. Approximately 123 vertical profiles of temperature from about 40 km to about 85 km altitudes have been derived. Since these measurements cover latitudes from both poles to the equator, they have shown the latitudinal dependence of thermal structure. There is a smooth transition from the troposphere to the mesosphere at latitudes below about 45°, with the tropopause at about 56 km. The troposphere then rises to about 62 km in the “collar cloud” region between about 60° and 80° latitude, where a strong temperature inversion (up to 30 K) is present. In the polar areas, 80°–90°, the mesosphere becomes isothermal and there is no inversion. This latitudinal behavior is related to the persistent circulation pattern, in which a predominantly zonal retrograde motion at latitudes below 45° gradually changes to a circumpolar vortex at the “collar cloud” latitudes. Indeed, the radio occultation data have been used in a cyclostrophic balance model to derive zonal winds in the Venus atmosphere, which showed a mid-latitude (50°–55°) jet with a speed of about 120–140 ms?1 at about 70 km altitude /1,2/. The observations obtained in 1983 and 1984 have shown that above the tropopause there is considerable temporal variability in the detailed thermal structure, suggesting that the persistent circulation pattern is subject to weather-like variability.  相似文献   

We observed the radio and X-ray source G359.23–0.82, also known as “the Mouse”, with XMM-Newton. The X-ray image of this object shows a point-like source at the Mouse’s “head”, accompanied by a “tail” that extends for about 40″ westward. The morphology is consistent with that observed recently with Chandra [Gaensler, B.M., van der Swaluw, E., Camilo, F., et al. The Mouse that soared: high resolution X-ray imaging of the pulsar-powered bow shock G359.23–0.82, ApJ 616, 383–402, 2004]. The spectrum of the head can be described by a power-law model with a photon index Γ  1.9. These results confirm that the Mouse is a bow-shock pulsar wind nebula (PWN) powered by PSR J1747–2958. We found that the hydrogen column density toward the Mouse, NH = (2.60 ± 0.09) × 1022 cm−2, is 20%–40% lower than those toward two serendipitously detected X-ray bursters, SLX 1744–299 and SLX 1744–300. At a plausible distance of 5 kpc, the X-ray luminosity of the Mouse, L(0.5–10 keV) = 3.7 × 1034 erg s−1, is 1.5% of the pulsar’s spin-down luminosity. We detected a Type I X-ray burst from SLX 1744–300 and found a possible decrease of NH and persistent luminosity for this source, in comparison with those observed with ROSAT in 1992.  相似文献   

We present observations of flaring active regions with the Very Large Array (V.L.A. at 6 cm and 20 cm wavelengths) and the Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (W.S.R.T. at 6 cm wavelength). These are compared with photospheric magnetograms (Meudon) and with Hα and offband Hα photographs (Big Bear and Ottawa River Solar Observatories). The 6 cm radiation of these active regions marks the legs of dipolar loops which have their footpoints in lower-lying sunspots. The intense, million degree radiation at 6 cm lies above sunspot umbrae in coronal regions where the longitudinal magnetic field strength H? = 600 Gauss and the height above the sunspot umbrae h = 3.5±0.5 × 109 cm. Circularly polarized horseshoe structures at 6 cm ring the sunspot umbrae. The high degree of circular polarization (?c = 95%) of the horseshoes is attributed to gyroresonant emission above sunspot? penumbrae. The 20 cm radiation of these active regions exhibits looplike coronal structures which extend across regions of opposite magnetic polarity in the underlying photosphere. The 20 cm loops are the radio wavelength counterparts of the X-ray coronal loops. We infer semilengths L = 5 × 109 cm, maximum electron temperatures Te(max) = 3 × 106 K, emission measures ∫Ne2dl = 1028 cm?5, and electron densities Ne = 109 cm?3 (or pressures p = 1 dyn cm?2) for the 20 cm bremsstrahlung. A total of eight solar bursts were observed at 6 cm or 20 cm wavelength with second-of-arc angular resolution. The regions of burst energy were all resolved with angular sizes between 5″ and 30″, brightness temperatures between 2 × 107 K and 2 × 108 K, and degrees of circular polarization between 10% and 90%. The impulsive phase of the radio bursts are located near the magnetic neutral lines of the active regions, and between the flaring Hα kernels which mark the footpoints of magnetic loops. In one case there was preburst heating in the coronal loop in which a burst occurred. Snapshot maps at 10 s intervals reveal interesting burst evolution including rapid changes of circular polarization and an impulsive burst which was physically separated from both the preburst radio emission and the gradual decay phase of the burst.  相似文献   

In order to improve the low energy capability (15 ÷ 150 KeV) of the balloon borne “ZEBRA” low energy gamma imaging telescope (150 KeV-20 MeV), a large area, high spectral resolution (5% at 60 KeV), low background detector has been designed and is now under development.It consists of two MultiWire Spectroscopic Proportional Counter (SPC), escape gated, that have a sensitive area of 6000 cm2, and are placed above the large area array of sodiumiodide position sensitive elements.  相似文献   

985 whistlers observed between 1970 and 1975 in Hungary have been processed for equatorial plasmaspheric electron density and tube electron content above 1000 km (NT). The hourly median value of NT exhibits a diurnal variation with an amplitude of 1×1013 electrons/cm2-tube. 75 per cent of the electron flux values obtained from the time variation of NT are lower than 6×108 el cm?2s?1, while in some cases the fluxes reach a value as high as 3×109 el cm?2s?1. Between 17 and 04 LT the dominant flux direction is toward the ionosphere. The data also indicate that the day to day filling of the plasmasphere after magnetic disturbances continues through several days without exhibiting saturation, with higher filling rates for lower values of average Kp.  相似文献   

The stellar occultation technique is a clean and powerful means of detecting and quantifying minor gases in the earth's atmosphere. The results obtained are totally insensitive to knowledge of the absolute flux of the star, and are not influenced by instrument calibration problems. Pioneering observations of nocturnal mesospheric ozone and thermospheric molecular oxygen by the stellar occultation technique were made in 1970 and 1971 with the Wisconsin stellar photometers on board the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory-2. A limb crossing geometry was used. The high resolution Princeton ultraviolet spectrometer aboard Copernicus was used in the summers of 1975, 1976 and 1977 to measure altitude profiles of molecular hydrogen, atomic chlorine and nitric oxide in addition to ozone and molecular oxygen. A limb grazing geometry was employed. The ozone densities show wide variation from orbit to orbit and particularly betewen the OAO-2 and Copernicus observations. A H2 density of 1×108 cm?3 at 95 km, and a NO density less than 106 cm?3 for altitudes greater than 85 km were measured.  相似文献   

The IPM detector consists of two separate impact ionization detectors, one of them covered by a 2.5 μm thick plastic film and a piezoelectric sensor mounted to the back of the joint impact plate. First impact tests, with iron projectiles in the mass range 10?15 to 10?9 g and in the speed range 1 km/s to 70 km/s, were performed with the calibration (FS) and the flight (F) model of this detector. The charge yield at 69 km/s impact speed (flyby speed of GIOTTO) has been extrapolated from the data and amounts to 400 Coulombs per gram. This corresponds to a preliminary sensitivity threshold for the impact ionization detector of about 6×10?17 g. The penetration limit introduced by the plastic film is about 10?14 g for iron particles. Only the biggest particles used for the test produced signals at the piezoelectric sensor. If one assumes an energy dependence of the piozoelectric signal, a preliminary sensitivity threshold of about 10?13 g at 69 km/s can be established.  相似文献   

Nous pre´sentons les re´sultats pre´liminaires d'un mode`le photochimique de la haute atmosphe`re de Ve´nus (60 – 200 km) en nous plac¸ant dans le cas ou`l'hydroge`ne mole´culaire est abondant ([H2]~10 ppm). L'abondance d'hydroge`ne dans l'exosphe`re est compatible avec un coefficient de diffusion turbulente de 5 · 106 cm2 s?1 et un flux d'e´chappement proche du flux limite.  相似文献   

Outgassing from materials as well as deliberate gaseous and liquid releases create contaminant clouds around spacecraft that can degrade both instrumentation and measurements. This paper describes a new method for estimating outgassing water vapor concentrations around space vehicles. Water vapor ions measured in the course of a rocket experiment performed at Eglin AFB, Florida, on December 12, 1980 at 2311 UT are utilized to demonstrate the technique. The H2O concentration near the payload's surface is calculated using the rate coefficient for the fast charge transfer process, O+ + H2O + H2O+ + O, the source of the observed water vapor ions. It is found that the measured H2O+ ions were produced within 3–4 cm of the sampling plate's surface and that the average H2O pressure over this distance was relatively constant on ascent at 8 × 10?6 torr, within a factor two, implying a steady outgassing rate.  相似文献   

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