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Clouds are important elements in climatic processes and interactions between aerosols and clouds are therefore a hot topic for scientific research. Aerosols show both spatial and temporal variations, which can lead to variations in the microphysics of clouds. In this research, we have examined the spatial and temporal variations in aerosol particles over Pakistan and the impact of these variations on various optical properties of clouds, using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data from the Terra satellite. We used the Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory (HYSPLIT) model for trajectory analysis to reveal the origins of air masses, with the aim of understanding these spatial and temporal variabilities in aerosol concentrations. We also documented seasonal variations in patterns of aerosol optical depth (AOD) over Pakistan, for which the highest values occur during the monsoon season (June–August). We then analyzed the relationships between AOD and four other cloud parameters, namely water vapour (WV), cloud fraction (CF), cloud top temperature (CTT) and cloud top pressure (CTP). Regional correlation maps and time series plots for aerosol (AOD) and cloud parameters were produced to provide a better understanding of aerosol–cloud interaction. The analyses showed strong positive correlations between AOD and WV for all of the eight cities investigated. The correlation between AOD and CF was positive for those cities where the air masses were predominantly humid, but negative for those cities where the air masses were relatively dry and carried a low aerosol abundance. These correlations were clearly dependent on the meteorological conditions for all of the eight cities investigated. Because of the observed AOD–CF relationship, the co-variation of AOD with CTP and CTT may be attributable to large-scale meteorological variations: AOD showed a positive correlation with CTP and CTT in northern regions of Pakistan and a negative correlation in southern regions.  相似文献   

The SAM II and SAGE satellite systems have provided to date more than 5 years and almost 3 years, respectively, of data on atmospheric aerosol profiles on a near-global scale. Studies with these unique data sets are developing a global aerosol climatology for the first time and have shown the existence and quantification of polar stratospheric clouds (PSC's) and tropical stratospheric cirrus. In addition, a tropospheric cirrus climatology is evolving. Since these two experiments were launched, a series of large volcanic eruptions have occurred which have greatly impacted the stratospheric aerosol loading. The aerosol layer produced by the eruption of El Chichon, for example, increased the 30 mb temperatures in the northern tropics by as much as 4°C for 6 months after the eruption. This paper will describe in detail, from a climate perspective, the evolving aerosol and cloud climatologies as a function of space and time, and show the stratospheric dynamics of volcanic injections and their enhancements on stratospheric optical depth and mass loading.  相似文献   

A radiative-convective equilibrium model is developed and applied to study cloud optical thickness feedbacks in the CO2 climate problem. The basic hypothesis is that in the warmer and moister CO2-rich atmosphere, cloud liquid water content will generally be larger than at present, so that cloud optical thickness will be larger too. For clouds other than thin cirrus, the result is to increase the albedo more than to increase the greenhouse effect. Thus the sign of the feedback is negative: cloud optical properties alter in such a way as to reduce the surface and tropospheric warming caused by the addition of CO2. This negative feedback can be substantial. When observational estimates of the temperature dependence of cloud liquid water content are employed in the model, the surface temperature change due to doubling CO2 is reduced by about one half.  相似文献   

The Cryogenic Infrared Spectrometers and Telescopes for the Atmosphere – New Frontiers (CRISTA-NF) experiment on board the Russian research aircraft Geophysica measures limb emission spectra with an unprecedented vertical and horizontal resolution in the 4–15 μm wavelength region. The IR spectra measured during the SCOUT-O3 Tropical Aircraft Campaign have been analysed with respect of cloud occurrence, cloud vertical and horizontal extent, cloud spatial structures and their utilisation for trace gas retrievals. In addition indicators for ice water content and optical thickness of the clouds have been adopted. These new kinds of measurements in the upper troposphere/lower stratosphere region are especially valuable for the design and development of future space borne high resolution limb sounders.  相似文献   

The present study uses five Martian years of observations from Mars Climate Sounder onboard Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter for investigating the Aphelion Cloud Belt (ACB) over the tropics. Analysis of zonal mean water ice column opacity suggests that the spatial extension of the ACB is mainly confined over the tropics and mid-latitudes (-20 – 40°N) during LS ~ 45 – 135° (LS = 0° signifies northern spring equinox). The ACB is seen primarily in the nighttime only due to the truncation of the daytime profile observations at significantly higher altitudes (at ~30 km). Zonal mean ice extinction profiles show ACB’s altitudinal range within ~10 – 40 km, and the existence of a thin cloud band in the absence of a thick ACB during aphelion season. Three phases of the ACB could be identified as the formation phase during LS = 45 – 75° (phase 1), the peak phase during LS = 76 – 105° (phase 2), and the decaying phase during LS = 106 – 135° (phase 3). Observation of the cloud latitude belt shows a northward movement starting from phase 2, prominent over regions nearby Lunae Planum and Xanthe Terra. During this phase, the top level of thick clouds within the ACB decreases to ~20 km in the southern hemisphere, while it increases a little over the northern hemisphere (NH). The decreasing tendency continues in phase 3 over the entire region ?10 – 10°N, and the thick cloud base moves higher over the NH, though the vertical depth of it becomes narrower than phase 2. Temperature profiles do not show any noticeable influence on the northward evolution of the ACB. However, the study at a regional level indicates a possible association of upper tropospheric dustiness with the ACB’s evolution. The mechanism is evident in the correlation analysis mostly at an altitude range of ~18 – 35 km. The migrating semidiurnal tide (SMD) as a proxy of dust or water ice forcing, and the calculated upper tropospheric dust radiative heating, shows an apparent northward movement of their peak amplitude within the three phases of the ACB. This match between the spatiotemporal variations of the SMD and the water ice was not observed previously. However, the correlating behavior seems to be prominent in the areas nearby Lunae Planum and Xanthe Terra and the upper-tropospheric region of the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Statistics of cloud characteristics over North America during winter of 1985–86 have been calculated. The frequency of cloud cover with associated heights and infrared attenuation were charted using the CO2 channel radiometric data from the geostationary VISSR Atmospheric Sounder (VAS). Cloud top pressures were determined from the ratio of VAS CO2 channel radiances in a radiative transfer equation formulation. Cloud emissivities were then calculated from infrared window channel observations. CO2 technique derived height and emissivity assignments have been found to be reliable in all cloud types, including thin cirrus clouds where other techniques have been inconsistent. Observations during November 1985 revealed that 25% of the United States was covered with thin clouds (radiative attenuation was less than 80%), 50% was covered with thick opaque clouds, and 25% had clear sky conditions. Geographical distribution of cloud cover over the United States for the winter of 1985–86 shows a strong latitudinal dependence. Cirrus reports in frequencies of 15% in the south increase to 30% in the northwest.  相似文献   

The Solar Flux Radiometer (LSFR) experiment on the large probe of the Pioneer Venus (PV) mission made detailed measurements of the vertical profile of the upward and downward broadband flux of sunlight at a solar zenith angle of 65.7°. These data have been combined with cloud particle size distribution measurements on the PV mission to produce a forward-scattering model of the Venus clouds. The distribution of clouds at high altitudes is constrained by measurements from the PV orbiter. Below the clouds the visible spectrum and flux levels are consistent with Venera measurements at other solar zenith angles. The variations in the optical parameters with height and with wavelength are summarized in several figures. The model is used to evaluate the solar heating rate at cloud levels as a function of altitude, solar longitude, and latitude for use in dynamical studies.  相似文献   

Cirrus clouds and low clouds over snow are sometimes difficult to assess by common retrieval methods. In the case of cirrus the reason is the highly variable optical depth while low clouds have approximately the same temperature and reflection properties as snow covered mountains (or plains). An empirical interactive method is described, which allows to classify with great detail clouds of the described types and to determine the fractional coverage of each cloud type as seen from the satellite. The statistical properties of the cloud classes are determined by analyzing small areas of uniform cloudiness. The algorithms applied to pairs of spectral images is the standard maximum likelihood method.  相似文献   

Intercomparisons of the zonally averaged outgoing longwave fluxes estimated from 10 μm radiance observations on NOAA polar orbiters and flat plate observations on the Nimbus 6 ERB experiment have shown the NOAA estimates to be higher than the ERB measurements. Our analysis shows that the operational technique systematically overestimates calculated fluxes for middle and high cloud conditions. A different radiative transfer model and new assumptions concerning clouds reduce the NOAA-ERB flux difference by approximately 35%.  相似文献   

The determination of the cloud top height by means of satelliteborne IR-radiometers requires the conversion of the measured radiance to an equivalent blackbody temperature and the assignment of this temperature to a geometrical height. The latter is associated with errors which add up easily to several kilometers. DFVLR did a case study to compare satellite derived cloud top heights with those from airborne Lidar measurements. The difference of the radiosonde temperature from the standard temperature profile results in a 1.8 km difference in cloud top height. The achievable accuracy using actual radiosonde temperatures is ± 0.4 km for optical thick clouds and much less for optical thin clouds.  相似文献   

Magnetic clouds (MCs) are highly magnetized plasma structures that have a low proton temperature and a magnetic field vector that rotates when seen by a heliospheric observer. More than 25 years of observations of magnetic and plasma properties of MCs at 1 AU have provided significant knowledge of their magnetic structure. However, because in situ observations only give information along the trajectory of the spacecraft, their real 3D magnetic configuration remains still partially unknown. We generate a set of synthetic clouds, exploring the space of parameters that represents the possible orientations and minimum distances of the satellite trajectory to the cloud axis, p. The synthetic clouds have a local cylindrical symmetry and a linear force-free magnetic configuration. From the analysis of synthetic clouds, we quantify the errors introduced in the determination of the orientation/size (and, consequently, of the global magnetohydrodynamic quantities) by the Minimum Variance method when p is not zero.  相似文献   

It is shown that experiments with geostationary injections of dense barium plasma clouds after CRRES program presented a unique opportunity for investigation of Earth's space environment radiation generation mechanism at frequencies 100 to1000 times higher than the usual plasma frequency signal. We present electromagnetic noise or radiostorm data obtained in Havana in broad frequency bands 45–90 MHz, 235MHz and 280 MHz after Ba injection. It is proposed that signals appearing with 7 to 10 min delay after injection possibly caused a substorm initiated by the injection, during which the radiation is generated by local energetic particles flowing through the irregular barium cloud. Another possibility is connected with irradiation of the barium cloud by the Jicamarca radar. Modulation of radioburst at barium gyrofrequency is typical for both cases.  相似文献   

We have observed the CS (2-1) and (3-2), and 13CS (2-1) transitions toward the Galactic Center molecular cloud Sgr B2 which consists of several clumps with different chemical properties. We have newly identified a cloud at 30 km s-1 from a CS (2-1) optical depth map. This cloud lies 1.5' South from the Sgr B2 (M) position and has a diameter of approximately 2.5 pc and a total column density of 7 x 10(23) cm-2 assuming optically thin emission of the 13CS (2-1) line. Towards the 2'N Cloud no evidence for a density enhancement is found, which suggests that the strong emission from HNCO and HCO+2 is due to chemical effects. The main isotopic CS lines show broad wing components similar to previous studies, but we find rotational temperatures Trot(CS) < 10 K at this region.  相似文献   

The extraction of information on cloud cover from present-day multispectral satellite images poses a challenge to the remote sensing specialist. When approached one pixel at a time, the derived cloud cover parameters are inherently nonunique. More information is needed than is available in the radiances from each channel of an isolated pixel. The required additional information can be obtained for each scene, however, by analyzing the distribution of pixels in the multi-dimensional space of channel radiances. The cluster patterns in this space yield statistical information that points to the most likely solution for that scene. The geostationary and polar orbiting meteorological satellites all have, at a minimum, a solar reflection channel in the visible spectrum and a thermal infrared channel in the 8–12 micron window. With the information from the cluster patterns and application of the equations of radiative transfer, the measurements in those channels will yield cloud cover fraction, optical thickness, and cloud-top temperature for an assumed microphysical model of the cloud layer. Additional channels, such as the 3.7 micron channel on the AVHRR of the polar orbiting meteorological satellites, will will yield information on the microphysical model—e.g., distinguishing small liquid liquid droplets (typical of low level clouds) from large ice particles (typical of cirrus and the tops of cumulonimbus). New channels to be included in future satellite missions will provide information on cloud height, independent of temperature, and on a particle size and thermodynamic phase, independently of each other. A proposed STS mission using lidar will pave the way for the use of active sensors that will provide more precise information on cloud height and probe the structure of thin cirrus and the top layer of of the thicker cloud.  相似文献   

The ultimate objective of this paper is the estimation of rainfall over an area in Algeria using data from the SEVIRI radiometer (Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager). To achieve this aim, we use a new Convective/Stratiform Rain Area Delineation Technique (CS-RADT). The satellite rainfall retrieval technique is based on various spectral parameters of SEVIRI that express microphysical and optical cloud properties. It uses a multispectral thresholding technique to distinguish between stratiform and convective clouds. This technique (CS-RADT) is applied to the complex situation of the Mediterranean climate of this region. The tests have been conducted during the rainy seasons of 2006/2007 and 2010/2011 where stratiform and convective precipitation is recorded. The developed scheme (CS-RADT) is calibrated by instantaneous meteorological radar data to determine thresholds, and then rain rates are assigned to each cloud type by using radar and rain gauge data. These calibration data are collocated with SEVIRI data in time and space.  相似文献   

We present evidence that the soft X-ray distribution observed with the ROSAT PSPC instrument is not adequately explained by the standard Local Hot Bubble model (/1/). We discuss the X-ray absorbing cloud LVC 88 + 36 − 2 embedded in the hot plasma of the Local Hot Bubble, the X-ray shadow of the Draco nebula and other clouds inside and outside the galactic disk, and the X-ray emission associated with halo type objects like the HVC's M I and M II. They populate the distance range from about 60 pc to more than a few kpc and imply the presence of X-ray emitting plasma between the sun and and the outer galactic halo. These observations are consistent with a pervasive X-ray emitting plasma in which neutral clouds are embedded. However, the volume filling factor of this plasma is not known. A model which adequately describes the observed features has been developed and published by Hirth et al. (/28/).

For the first time in the literature we present results of a correlation analysis of X-ray shadows and H I or IR images of a molecular cloud. This is a new technique for the determination of the total column density of hydrogen nuclei for molecular clouds.  相似文献   

Corrected thermal net radiation measurements from the four Pioneer Venus entry probes at latitudes of 60°N, 31°S, 27°S, and 4°N are presented. Three main conclusions can be drawn from comparisons of the corrected fluxes with radiative transfer calculations: (1) sounder probe net fluxes are consistent with the number density of large cloud particles (mode 3) measured on the same probe, but the IR measurements as a whole are most consistent with a significantly reduced mode 3 contribution to the cloud opacity; (2) at all probe sites, the fluxes imply that the upper cloud contains a yet undetected source of IR opacity; and (3) beneath the clouds the fluxes at a given altitude increase with latitude, suggesting greater IR cooling below the clouds at high latitudes and water vapor mixing ratios of about 2–5×10?5 near 60°, 2–5×10?4 near 30°, and >5×10?4 near the equator.  相似文献   

The optical depth of Saharan dustclouds (a component of the radiation budget), which can be clearly seen in satellite images taken over the Atlantic, can be determined from the Meteosat VIS-data. ‘Favourable angles’ between sun, observed point and satellite are chosen so that the optical depth is determined with an inaccuracy of only about 20%.We present several clouds, their change over time, and some of their other interesting features. The results are discussed.  相似文献   

Magnetic clouds are the interplanetary manifestation of coronal mass ejections, which are transient expulsions of major quantities of magnetized plasma, from the Sun toward the heliosphere. The magnetic flux and helicity are two key physical magnitudes to track solar structures from the photosphere-corona to the interplanetary medium. To determine the content of flux and helicity in magnetic clouds, we have to know their 3D structure. However, since spacecrafts register data along a unique direction, several aspects of their global configuration cannot be observed. We present a method to estimate the magnetic flux and the magnetic helicity per unit length in magnetic clouds, directly from in situ magnetic observations, assuming only a cylindrical symmetry for the magnetic field configuration in the observed cross-section of the cloud. We select a set of 20 magnetic clouds observed by the spacecraft Wind and estimate their magnetic flux and their helicity per unit length. We compare the results obtained from our direct method with those obtained under the assumption of a helical linear force-free field. This direct method improves previous estimations of helicity in clouds.  相似文献   

Two procedure are presented for quantitative estimation of cloud cover (N), type of clouds (C), as well as base of clouds (Cb) and top of clouds (Ct) by using radiosonde data as well as satellite cloud pictures and radiation data. The data obtained in this way can be used as input data in the model for the estimation of the vertical profile of longwave radiative cooling.  相似文献   

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