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内圣是人格主体在德、能、学三个基本方面的自我修养,其至高境界是"极高明而道中庸";外王则是指卓越的"治平"社会功德.内圣是外王的前提和基础,外王是内圣的实践归宿和社会价值体现.内圣外王具有道德的、政治的和学术的三重理想人格涵义.内圣外王人格论的思想理论基础是传统的民本思想、"人贵论"和"人性论".  相似文献   

习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想是马克思主义中国化的最新理论成果。"十九大"报告用了八个"明确"概括了这一思想的基本内涵。《基础》课作为高校一门重要的思想政治理论课,在对大学生进行"习思想"的传播和讲授中起着极其重要的作用。依据这一新思想的理论性和《基础》课的逻辑结构,采用小班讨论的方式把"习思想"的八个"明确"贯穿在整个教学当中是一种比较理想的教学方式和路径。  相似文献   

全面深化改革思想是我们的党和政府对新时期我国社会主义现代化建设做出的系统部署和安排,同时也是对马克思主义方法论的体现和运用。全面深化改革思想蕴含着丰富的方法论思想,它的形成不是凭空产生的,具有坚实的理论基础和现实支撑。全面深化改革思想是我们党站在全新的视域下对改革及其规律等问题做出了全新的认识。学习和运用全面深化改革思想,要警惕出现方向性的错误,避免出现"邪路"和"弯路"。  相似文献   

浅谈电视节目主持人的人格魅力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任何艺术最后的竞争,一定是人格的竞争。作为广播电视传播的参与者和直接体现者,作为社会主流思想、主流文化等的直接传播者,电视节目主持人在先进文化的传播中起着非常重要的引导、示范和影响作用。其人格魅力蕴含于节目主持和社会活动之中。目前,个别主持人在思想素质、爱心善心、学习态度以及责任感、正义感等方面存在诸多问题。不仅需要社会、媒体的共同关注,更需要电视节目主持人本身的自我学习、自我教育、自我修炼和自我净化。  相似文献   

各高职院校多层次办学,使其生源结构越来越复杂,由于学生有着不同的家庭背景与社会背景,而且年龄、知识结构和社会阅历方面差异很大,这给教育管理带来一系列新问题。具有逆反心理的学生最典型的有三种类型:一是自暴自弃型;二是自傲型;三是狭隘偏执型。针对这类学生的教育,一般要用三种方法:一是以情换心,师生平等;二是注重教育管理艺术,以引导为主批评为辅;三是依靠教师人格的感召力,实现师生心灵交融。  相似文献   

俗话说"基础不牢、地动山摇"。基层党组织是党在社会基层组织中的战斗堡垒,是党的全部工作和战斗力的基础。严格党内政治生活是党的优良传统和政治优势,是党员党性锻炼的主要平台,是强化基层党组织政治功能的重要支撑和必然要求。  相似文献   

针对工艺工作如何借助质量管理、环境管理和职业健康安全管理等三个体系的先进管理思想、经验和方法的问题,阐述了工艺体系与三个体系的关系,指出工艺体系是以工艺工作和车间操作为基础,是在工艺工作和车间操作活动中的"融合";深入分析了工艺体系,包括体系概念的认识、技术与管理、工艺文件系列、组织结构等多方面的特点;提出了改进工艺体系的设想,包括从体系思想、组织结构、规范文件、人员职责分工以及借鉴"PDCA"循环等方面推进体系建设。  相似文献   

习近平总书记在2016年全国高校思想政治工作会议上强调,要坚持不懈促进高校和谐稳定,培育理性平和的健康心态,加强人文关怀和心理疏导,整体推进高校心理咨询教师等队伍建设。大学生心理健康受到前所未有的关注,高校应通过更新理念,提高认识,重视大学生心理健康管理的环境建设。本文借鉴医学心理学的心理应激理论,结合三个环节即应激源、应激中介因素、应激反应选择干预手段,尝试构建大学生心理健康促进工作新模式,以提升大学生心理健康促进工作的规范化、系统化和科学化水平。该模式重点以应激中介因素即心理性应激源作为切入点,从6个方面着手:(1)从改善认知模式;(2)调整应对方式;(3)提高应对技巧和适应能力;(4)提高情绪管理能力;(5)提高对社会支持的领悟度及利用度;(6)培养积极的人格品质。推进大学生心理健康促进工作,提升大学生心理健康素质,最终实现"三育人"即教书育人、管理育人、服务育人的目标。  相似文献   

<正>此次发射为一箭双星,是"北斗"三号系统组网发射收官阶段的奠基之战,意味着"北斗"全球组网正式进入倒计时,对于"北斗"向全球用户提供全天候、全天时、高精度的定位、导航和授时服务具有重要意义。执行此次发射任务的"长征"三号B/"远征"一号运载火箭由中国航天科技集团有限公司一院抓总研制,是"长征"三号A系列运载火箭中的一员,由基础级和上  相似文献   

大学生处于人格发展和完善的重要时期,在这个阶段,他们需要吸收、摄取明确的价值观念,调整人格结构,形成独特、整合的人格,为进一步适应社会做好准备。本文在对北华航天工业学院187名学生的卡特尔16PF人格测试结果的分析基础上,结合实际工作,针对大学生的人格各要素特点,进行了初步的评估,为进一步开展教育辅导提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

本文结合《电子电路实践》课程教学实践,通过课程体系的重构,教学场所时间与空间结构的整合、理论与实践的融合互动,对融“教、学、做”一体,以学生为中心,以培养学生的专业能力、方法能力和社会能力为目的的教学模式进行探索性的设计与实施.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2014,93(2):534-537
The search for signals out of noise is a problem not only with radio signals from the sky but in the study of animal communication. Dolphins use multiple modalities to communicate including body postures, touch, vision, and most elaborately sound. Like SETI radio signal searches, dolphin sound analysis includes the detection, recognition, analysis, and interpretation of signals. Dolphins use both passive listening and active production to communicate. Dolphins use three main types of acoustic signals: frequency modulated whistles (narrowband with harmonics), echolocation (broadband clicks) and burst pulsed sounds (packets of closely spaced broadband clicks). Dolphin sound analysis has focused on frequency-modulated whistles, yet the most commonly used signals are burst-pulsed sounds which, due to their graded and overlapping nature and bimodal inter-click interval (ICI) rates are hard to categorize. We will look at: 1) the mechanism of sound production and categories of sound types, 2) sound analysis techniques and information content, and 3) examples of lessons learned in the study of dolphin acoustics. The goal of this paper is to provide perspective on how animal communication studies might provide insight to both passive and active SETI in the larger context of searching for life signatures.  相似文献   

A mechanism whereby sound is generated by the motion of vortices in the human lung is described. This mechanism is believed to be responsible for most of the sound which is generated both on inspiration and expiration in normal lungs. Mathematical expressions for the frequencies of sound generated, which depend only upon the axial flow velocity and diameters of the bronchi, are derived. This theory allows the location within the bronchial tree from which particular sounds emanate to be determined. Redistribution of pulmonary blood volume following transition from Earth gravity to the weightless state probably alters the caliber of certain airways and doubtless alters sound transmission properties of the lung. We believe that these changes can be monitored effectively and non-invasively by spectral analysis of pulmonary sound.  相似文献   

Complex objects are better recognized under a specific orientation. When presented upside down, a face, even very familiar, is recognized with greater difficulty than when presented upright ("Inversion effect"). Up to now it was not possible to decide whether the direction provided by gravity or the one provided by the retina and the body constitutes the spatial reference involved in this "Inversion effect". Three cosmonautes learned photographed faces on the ground and had to recognize them both on ground and on flight. Other photographed faces were learned in flight and where presented for recognition on flight. Results show that the Inversion effect is still present on flight for faces that have been learned on ground as well as for those learned on flight. Persistence of the inversion effect in 0-G shows that gravity is not involved as a spatial reference in recognition of faces. Learning and recognition performances of faces learned in flight were significantly lower than performances for faces learned on ground. A possible role of gravity in configural processing, but not in the Inversion effect, is suggested.  相似文献   

王晓斌  古伟 《航天控制》2012,30(4):68-72,96
结合航天产品研制特点,针对研制过程产生的大量不同种类试验数据,提出了试验数据分析与管理系统的设计目标、组成与基本要求,解决试验数据有效便捷使用、深层次价值挖掘问题.从整体设计角度,对系统设计思想、软件架构技术( B/S,C/S)、数据库技术(ORACLE,SQLSERVER等)进行了研究.并对设计实施过程中所采用的策略、开发平台、技术手段进行了论述.实践表明,采用B/S软件架构和“富”客户端技术构建的系统,能够较好地解决试验数据分析与管理问题.  相似文献   

江泽民同志提出的“三个代表”的重要思想,是站在世纪之交的时代高度,总揽全局,对我党近80年历史经验和50年执政经验的总结,提出了加强执政党自身建设的新思路,创造性地发展了马克思主义党建理论与学说,具有鲜明的时代特点。本文就“三个代表”思想所体现的时代特点进行了初步的探讨,论证了其内在逻辑上的统一性,指出了“三个代表”思想必将成为新世纪党建理论的强大思想武器和伟大旗帜。  相似文献   

M.A. Post  R. Lee 《Acta Astronautica》2011,68(7-8):1343-1352
In this paper, we explore the lessons learned from the work of the York University Rover Team (YURT), which designed, built, and operated two prototype rovers for the University Rover Challenge (URC) in 2008 and 2009, placing third in the first year, and winning first place in the second year. We outline the competition, the team, and briefly describe the York University space engineering program. Both of the rovers are described with evaluations of each major component and the resulting design changes. A general trend toward design modularity, purpose-driven customizations, and better critical thinking in the design process is evident as the team gains experience. Also, the value of this project as an educational medium is evaluated with respect to traditional classroom learning. Participating students from a wide range of disciplines gained real-world experience in both “hard” engineering skills such as mechanical and electronic design, fabrication, and testing, and “soft” skills such as project management, system-level thinking, creative problem solving, and interpersonal skills. Lessons learned from this include the necessity of good financial management, the importance of marketing and outreach, the use of short and simple development steps, and the need for comprehensive contingency planning. We conclude that the URC provided an inter-disciplinary, cooperative educational environment, and that student engineering projects such as this can provide “soft” skills through experiential education that are normally difficult to teach in the classroom.  相似文献   

A method to improve rock fragmentation with explosives is based on a new way of explosion energy transfer to the solid media. It provides a considerably higher efficiency of the explosion energy by changing the gas dynamic processes of the expansion of detonation products in the charge chamber.In practice this method has been instrumental in developing two new types of charges: the air-spaced charge for rock fragmentation and the air-cavity charge for heaving blasts.The basic idea underlying charge construction in both types consists of a most efficient transfer of explosion energy into rock fragmentation or heaving process by reducing the initial peak pressure and increasing the time of explosive action upon the rock mass. When exploding such charges, shock waves and gas streams undergo gas dynamic interactions in air cavities causing the rock to be repeatedly loaded with a system of shock compressions. This makes it possible to reduce energy losses due to too fine rock fragmentation in the zone next to the charge, as well as to increase the amount of energy directed for a more even breakage of the entire rock material.An application of the new types of charges in both construction and mining industry increased the excavator efficiency by 20–40%, reduced the specific consumption of explosives by more than 20%, diminished seismic influence of explosions, etc.The new method of rock fragmentation described here paves the way for further development of the theory and practice of blasting operations yielding a higher efficiency of the use of explosions.  相似文献   


Participants learned circular layouts of six objects presented haptically or visually, then indicated the direction from a start target to an end target of the same or different modality (intramodal versus intermodal). When objects from the two modalities were learned separately, superior performance for intramodal trials indicated a cost of switching between modalities. When a bimodal layout intermixing modalities was learned, intra- and intermodal trials did not differ reliably. These findings indicate that a spatial image, independent of input modality, can be formed when inputs are spatially and temporally congruent, but not when modalities are temporally segregated in learning.  相似文献   

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