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中国地区20──80km高空风的一些特征   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
利用Nimbus-7卫星1979-1981年的平流层和中间层大气温度探测数据(SAMS)和热成风原理,计算了高空风场,得到中国上空20──80km高度范围风场的一些特征。结果表明,用地转一热成风公式从卫星温度探测数据计算的高空风与当日中国气象火箭探测的高空风基本一致,说明利用卫星温度数据是获得中国20-80k高空风气候特征的一种有效的方法;从计算出的风场看,中国上空20──80km的纬向风与COSPAR国际参考大气CIRA-1986的纬圈平均纬向风有显着差别,文中还给出了经向风的分布和风场的变化情况。   相似文献   

简要介绍了(WIPM)双波长共振荧光激光雷达系统和数据处理方法, 并利用其对武汉上空钠层和钾层进行了多天的同时观测, 通过对钠层和钾层的绝对数密度、柱密度以及质心高度的计算, 同时与中纬度其他地区的相关参数进行比较,得出武汉上空钠层的绝对数密度、柱密度以及质心高度与其他中纬度地区十分相近的结论, 并且发现了一个钠层突发和钾层突发不同时出现的现象.   相似文献   

高空风会影响大型客机航线飞行的油耗和飞行时间。本文提出了一种计算高空风对航线性能量化影响的方法,并分析了高空风对航线性能的量化影响。建立了有风条件下飞机的飞行仿真模型,提出了针对飞机航线飞行的驾驶员建模方法,基于"驾驶员-飞机"闭环数字虚拟飞行仿真方法,提出了一种计算高空风条件下飞机航线性能的方法。对算例飞机在典型航线下的油耗、飞行距离、飞行时间进行了计算与分析。结果表明:在飞行距离相同时,顺风可以减少飞机的航线飞行时间并降低油耗,逆风会增加飞机的航线飞行时间并增加油耗;由于高空风的影响,部分航线往返飞行时,油耗和飞行时间相差较大;对于部分远程航线,由于高空风的影响,为满足最大起飞重量限制,飞机需要减小商载以装载更多燃油,确保能够飞抵目的机场。  相似文献   

国际海事卫星组织从1987年9月开始,将对飞越全球海洋上空的飞机进行通信实验。因此,该组织将向各国航空企业提供飞机用的高增益天线、低增益天线以及各种通信装置。目前,在召开的国际海事卫星组织理事会上正讨论有关海岸地球站无线电频率的建议(RFP)。若按现在的国际海事卫星组织计划,首先从1987年起,用1~2年时间进行新业务  相似文献   

介绍了用于低功率肼(N2H4)电弧加热发动机(Arcjet)的高空模拟试验系统,阐述了该系统中的高空模拟真空系统、推进剂供给系统、电源调理单元(PCU,Power ControlUnit)、微推力全弹性测量装置、数据采集系统以及其它配套设施.针对低功率肼电弧加热发动机地面试验的特殊要求,重点介绍了有毒推进剂肼(N2H4)的供给、微小流量测量、微小推力测量的方法与原理,并在该套系统上进行了系统功能验证性试验.试验证明,该套系统满足低功率肼电弧加热发动机高空模拟试验要求,为推进肼电弧加热发动机的研究与工程应用提供了保障.  相似文献   

中国上空平流层准零风层的特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
利用ECMWF提供的ERA-40再分析风场资料首次分析了中国上空平流层准零风层的特点及其随季节和地理位置的变化特征.结果表明,准零风层一般处于18~25 km高度范围内,零风线所在的高度随时间和地理位置的不同稍有变化.根据准零风层随纬度的变化特征,中国上空可以分成三个区域:低纬地区(5°N~20°N)、中低纬过渡区域(20°N~32.5°N)和中高纬地区(32.5°N~55°N).低纬地区一般在冬季和初春有准零风层结构存在;中高纬地区一般在春末和夏季存在准零风层结构;而中低纬过渡区域是否有准零风层结构存在还与准两年震荡(QBO)有关,在QBO东风相位时,过渡区域呈现的特性偏向于中纬特性,在QBO西风相位时,过渡区域呈现的特性偏向于低纬特性.准零风层随经度变化非常小,零风线所在高度随经度的变化幅度一般不超过2 km,过渡区域的变化幅度相对大些.   相似文献   

巴西定于1992年11月15日至12月15日期间发射本国制造的SCD-1卫星。这是一颗执行遥感与环境数据收集等多项任务的卫星,由巴西国家航天研究院自行建造。该院院长巴博沙说,SCD-1卫星1988年已定型,用了将近一年时间进行发射准备工作,目前已进入发射准备的最后阶段。建造该卫星所需的热真空室与振动试验设备耗资3000万美元。巴西将于1992年9~10月间把这颗卫星送往美国,装到飞马座火箭上。美国在用B52飞机将火箭与卫星运到佛罗里达州沿岸上空4万英尺的高空  相似文献   

在1991年的海湾战争中,美国首次用“斯拉姆”导弹攻击伊拉克境内的一座发电站。当时挂2枚“斯拉姆”导弹的一架美国A-6,和协同作战的一架A-7E攻击机,从部署在红海的“肯尼迪”号航空母舰上起飞,预定攻击的发电站的图象信息已事先装定到导弹的预先发射数据计算机中。A-6飞机在离舰之前已使导弹接收到全球定位系统(GPS)的时钟数据。A-6飞机飞到远离目标的起始点上空发射导弹之后,导  相似文献   

1999年9月20日星期一晚上20时 ,我与爱人去天安门广场看节日夜景。我们走到劳动人民文化宫前看河中喷泉 ,我无意识转身抬头看天空 ,只见在广场正中央 ,高空中从一点爆发出数十个大亮“星星”。还有一团簇拥着 ,并未散开 ,而是向南飞行。当时天空很黑 ,看不到星星、月亮。我爱人说是飞机 ,我说不像飞机 ,因为第一它们是自一点爆发出来的 ,不是从远自近出现的 ;第二它们的速度太快了 ,一瞬间掠过天安门广场上空 ,飞机可没有这个速度 ;第三即使是飞机夜航灯 ,也是闪烁的光 ,而此光球一闪也不闪 ,光也强的多。正在我们议论时已走过天安…  相似文献   

2001年8月24日凌晨1时~1时30分期间有UFO列队飞过哈尔滨上空.有一个大型碟状UFO其后带有多个小型UFO编队飞过哈市上空,方向是由西北向东南.无声,速度比飞机快,加速后更快,后边带有明亮尾线,当时高度与云层相当.目击者分布地域较广,大庆市、呼兰县、五常市、亚沟镇以及哈市五区(平房区、动力区、香坊区、南岗区、平太区)的目击者达上百人,电话汇报者达30多人.  相似文献   

实现航空发动机大推力通常采用加力燃烧室设计,燃烧室进气温度升高会同步导致排放尾气中NOx浓度提高.采用典型加力燃烧室主稳定器的V型结构试验件,测试加力燃烧前后(进口600 ℃,出口600~1 200 ℃)燃烧室排放断面的NOx浓度分布,通过相同流场4种试验工况的NOx生成浓度组分和氧含量变化分析,验证了加力燃烧室NOx生成以热力型NO为主的"高温、富氧、贫油"燃烧特性.结果表明加力燃烧室燃烧过程中消耗的氧含量大多贡献于CO2增量,在800~1 000 ℃燃气排放温度范围内,不完全燃烧产物CO对NO的热力生成有明显抑制作用.  相似文献   

In a paper published 12 years ago, we showed that the height of the atmospheric sodium layer at our location is about 1 km lower in November than at any other time of the year. We also showed that the decrease in height of the sodium layer was accompanied by an increase in the intensity of the OI 557.7 nm and OH(9,4) band airglow emissions. At that time we suggested that this behavior could be the result of large scale convective transport in the MLT region. We have now had the opportunity to compare the diurnal variations of the sodium layer and airglow emissions with the tidal winds measured by meteor radar over the past 5 years. We find that the amplitude of the diurnal tide is much smaller in November than at other times of the year. Since most of the sodium measurements and all of the airglow observations are for night-time conditions only, a change in the amplitude of the 24-h tide could strongly influence the average measured sodium and airglow parameters. It is shown that the observed changes in the tidal winds are qualitatively consistent with the sodium measurements, but the amplitude of the observed height change is much greater than would be expected from the tidal winds.  相似文献   

选取2辆典型汽油缸内直喷汽车(GDIV),在环境舱内进行了不同环境温度下,车辆冷启动和热启动后按照全球轻型车统一测试循环(WLTC)运行时的排气污染物试验,测量并分析了GDIV排气中的气态污染物和颗粒物,旨在为GDIV排放系统设计、控制策略制定以及评价汽车排放对环境影响的相关研究提供理论依据。研究结果表明:环境温度对GDIV试验车辆冷启动和热启动的颗粒物数量(PN)和颗粒物质量(PM)排放因子影响显著。环境温度低于14℃,冷启动工况下行驶时PN排放难以满足国Ⅵ排放标准限值,总碳氢化合物(THC)和CO的排放因子受温度的影响显著,热启动时影响不明显。无论是热启动还是冷启动工况,当温度从-7℃逐步上升到40℃时,试验车辆的CO2排放因子呈现先减少后增加的变化规律,2辆车在热启动时的CO2排放因子比冷启动时平均降低4%和7%。冷启动和热启动时,氮氧化物(NOx)排放因子受温度的影响均没有明显的规律。   相似文献   

A Brazilian sounding rocket, SONDA III, with two airglow photometers and two ionospheric electron density probes, was launched successfully from Natal (5.8°S, 35.2°W), Brazil, on December 11, 1985, at 23:30 GMT. The observed height profiles of the atomic oxygen OI 5577Å and molecular oxygen Atmospheric (0,0) band at 7619Å emissions are discussed. This is the first simultaneous measurement of these emissions in the equatorial region. A preliminary analysis shows that the two emissions have peak emission heights located between 95 and 96 km, and their half widths are about 6 km. The O2A 7619Å emission peak, however, is located slightly lower, less than 1 km, than that of the OI 5577Å emission.  相似文献   

Optical measurements made from the Space Shuttle include several sources of emission, each modified according to viewing configuration, Shuttle altitude, solar activity, local time, and latitude. These sources include the atmospheric emissions and emissions of non-terrestrial origin (such as stellar, interstellar, and interplanetary), together with any contamination emission induced by the Shuttle itself. In order to make astronomical observations from the Shuttle, the observer needs good information on the intensities and spectral characteristics of these various sources. In this paper we present a model spectrum for one of these components, the natural airglow background. The spectrum is modeled over a wavelength range extending from the extreme ultraviolet to the near infrared. This model is based on our present knowledge of the upper atmosphere. The effect of different viewing configurations is illustrated, together with day to night variations. The results synthesized here assume an ideal vehicle in the sense that no contaminant emissions are induced by the Shuttle and payload. These spectra therefore represent a baseline which can be used to locate unanticipated or non-ambient features.  相似文献   

We discuss some recent observations of red dwarf flare stars. When observed over periods of about 8 hours, each of 4 flare star systems displayed at least one major flare at 20 cm. Quiescent emission at 6 cm was seen from UV Ceti and EQ Peg A, but flares were much less frequent at 6 cm than at 20 cm. We also summarize earlier observations of quiescent emission from UV Ceti. Observations of highly polarized flares with brightness temperatures in excess of 1010 K appear to be common on red dwarf stars. We have also found narrowband flares which strengthen the argument that a coheren emission mechanism is involved in these flares. One of those narrowband flares allows us to place severe constraints on conditions in the flare source, and if the flare is cyclotron maser emission it seems unlikely that magnetic reconnection is involved in the flare.  相似文献   

中国微藻航空煤油制备潜能及CO2减排   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
综合考虑中国各地温度变化、水资源和CO2的供给能力等因素,分析了中国适合微拟球藻规模化养殖的地区;根据2013年沿海地区燃煤发电排放CO2量,结合蓬莱地区微拟球藻规模化养殖的实际数据,预测了中国微藻的年产量潜力及在现有技术水平下利用这些微藻原料可制备航空煤油的潜力;并采用全生命周期模型GREET计算了微藻航空煤油相比传统石油基航空煤油在全生命周期内中可减少CO2的排放量。结果表明:目前中国具有每年8894万t的微藻养殖潜力,这些微藻共可制备航空煤油1917万t;与传统航煤相比,制备1 t微藻航空煤油在全生命周期内相比传统航空煤油可降低CO2排放2.28 t。  相似文献   

未来航空燃料原料可持续性研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
运用全生命周期评价方法,评价未来航空燃料原料可持续性。以传统石油基航空燃料为基准,分析未来8种航空燃料原料(煤、天然气、能源藻、麻疯树、大豆、棕榈、油菜籽及亚麻荠)的可持续性。评价路径包括原料阶段、燃料阶段和应用阶段。原料阶段考虑基础设施消耗,燃料阶段考虑因电能消耗嵌套引起的碳排放。评价指标不仅包括能量、化石能源、水资源消耗和温室气体(GHG)排放,而且包括了环境污染雾霾中的主要成分PM10和PM2.5排放。本文为选择航空替代燃料原料来源提供理论和技术基础。结果表明,在原料阶段,生物基温室气体排放相比石油基均降低,其中大豆油碳减排最明显,麻疯树基航空燃料PM10和PM2.5排放量大,因在种植过程中加入大量化肥。在燃料阶段,煤基费托过程能量消耗大,碳排放高。通过全生命周期分析,煤基费托温室气体排放高,大豆温室气体排放较低,其次是能源藻。在不与人争粮,不与粮争地的前提下、不占用耕地的能源藻具有可持续大规模制备航空替代燃料的应用前景。   相似文献   

Geologic and climatologic studies suggest that conditions on early Mars were similar to early Earth. Because life on Earth is believed to have originated during this early period (3.5 billion years ago), the Martian environment could have also been conducive to the origin of life. To investigate this possibility we must first define the attributes of an early Martian biota. Then, specific geographic locations on Mars must be chosen where life may have occurred (i.e. areas which had long standing water), and within these distinct locations search for key signatures or bio-markers of a possible extinct Martian biota. Some of the key signatures or bio-markers indicative of past biological activity on Earth may be applicable to Mars including: reduced carbon and nitrogen compounds, CO3(2-), SO4(2-), NO3-, NO2- [correction of NO2(2)], Mg, Mn, Fe, and certain other metals, and the isotopic ratios of C, N and S. However, we must also be able to distinguish abiotic from biologic origins for these bio-markers. For example, abiotically fixed N2 would form deposits of NO3- and NO2-, whereas biological processes would have reduced these to ammonium containing compounds, N2O, or N2, which would then be released to the atmosphere. A fully equipped Mars Rover might be able to perform analyses to measure most of these biomarkers while on the Martian surface.  相似文献   

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