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The effect of random errors in the steering vector of an Applebaum adaptive array is examined. Each component of the steering vector is assumed to have a random error component uncorrelated between elements. The array output signal-to-interferenceplus-noise ratio (SINR) is computed as a function of the error variance. It is shown that the array output SINR becomes more sensitive to steering vector errors as more elements are added to the array and as the received desired signal power becomes larger. The variance of the steering vector error that may be tolerated depends on the required desired signal dynamic range. The larger the dynamic range that must be accommodated, the smaller the error variance must be. 相似文献
The required accuracy for computing the estimated optimum weights of an adaptive processor has been analyzed by investigating the effects of errors in computing the inverse matrix. It is shown that the required precision depends upon the matrix. An equation for the general case is derived. Several special cases are considered in detail. It is shown that the case of a single interference source requires the highest precision. The least stressing case is identifi'ed and compared to the worst case. The requirements for a "typical" case are also considered. A comparison of the requirements for the covariance matrix estimation technique and for adaptive weight implementation using gradient descent techniques is given. It is shown that there is a dichotomy in that cases that do not stress one technique tend to stress the other. 相似文献
A computationally efficient scheme for estimating the digital instantaneous frequencies of narrowband inputs is introduced. The frequency estimates are obtained by searching for minima of the inverse input power spectrum. This spectrum is estimated at each input sample from the weights of an adaptive linear predictor which uses the LMS (least mean square) algorithm to update its weights. The related minima are sought via an iterative search algorithm, referred to as the iterative frequency estimator. This algorithm is computationally more efficient than available methods, and also provides a higher resolution. Simulation results are included; these include tracking of random message sequences in FM signals, and the formant frequency estimation of speech. 相似文献
A formal approach is introduced toward mathematically relating errors in processed sensor data to their impact on error in gunfire of ground based, antiaircraft defense systems. An initial budget for sensor errors is formulated in terms of the accuracy requirements imposed upon the gunfire. The analysis is applicable to gun sites that are remotely located from the sensor as well as to colocated gun sites. Here, the radial components of sensor errors (along the sensor track line) are found to affect the target-miss distance of a remote gun by at least an order of magnitude more than their effect on the miss distance of a colocated gun. However, the effects of the traverse components of sensor errors (across the sensor track line) are found comparable in magnitude between remote and colocated guns. 相似文献
The effect of a constant synchronization error on PN systems has been studied by Gill [1]. His results are generalized here for random synchronization errors, and extended to PSK systems using decision directed channel measurements [2]. In both cases, it is shown that the effect of random synchronization errors is to reduce the effective input signal power and to introduce an additional self-noise. The effect is minimized when the synchronization error has zero mean and can easily be evaluated in terms of circuit parameters. 相似文献
The effect of initial weight values on the transient characteristics is investigated on three kinds of adaptive arrays under different principles, i.e., the directionally constrained minimization of power (DCMP), the least mean square (LMS), and the maximum signal-tonoise ratio (MSN). Analysis and computer simulation demonstrate how the convergence rate is affected by the initial setting. The best choice of the initial value is given. 相似文献
The properties of an adaptive array antenna, including transient response rate and control loop noise, depend on the intensity of the external noise field. The dependence can be reduced by 1-bit digitization of the real and imaginary parts of the signals from which the envelopes in the control loops are formed. This can be done without degrading the performance of the adaptive array. 相似文献
Random bit errors that occur in PCM data during the various phases of the telemetry-data-processing system will not only add a component of mean square error to the experimental data but will also bias it. This paper derives a formula for the bias and describes some of the characteristics of the bias. 相似文献
大地测量误差对导弹精度的影响与修正 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
将导弹发射点的所有测量误差统一为标准发射坐标系与实际坐标系之间的平移和旋转,建立了这两种坐标系之间的变换关系,通过各坐标系内的制导方程,用小偏差法求出了落点偏差与发射点的坐标偏差,高程偏差,方位角偏差及垂线偏差之间的解析关系式,并按该计算模型,对典型远程导弹进行了计算。结果表明,该修正公式计算精度高,能用于导弹射前修正。 相似文献
It is shown that the errors associated with radio elevation measurements may be investigated systematically using a variational technique. The error occurring when spaced antennas are used is compared with that for a single directional antenna. Integral expressions are obtained for the refractive errors. 相似文献
This correspondence derives simple expressions for the ambiguity function X and the Q function of uniformly spaced burst waveforms that are subject to independent random errors in the transmitter and receiver pulse phase and amplitude weightings. The expressions are similar to those in [1], but have been put in more simplified form, and are valid for more general sources of error. 相似文献
Farrell J.L. Mims J.H. Sorrell A. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1973,(5):758-776
A maneuvering synthetic aperture radar in squint mode, during a loosely piloted maneuver, is simulated with presence of various navigation system errors. The error sources investigated place emphasis on short-term effects, involving platform servo transients, noise and quantization in accelerometers, interaction of angle pickoff uncertainty with the displacement from platform to radar antenna, and uncertainty in this displacement itself. Simulation results are accompained by interpretive discussion, and followed by suggested areas for further study. 相似文献
The leading edge estimator (LEE) of a pulse signal is defined as the instant at which a filtered version of the received noisy signal passes a preset threshold. A rigorous analysis for a rectangular pulse model of the signal results in an exact probability density function for the LEE, valid within the time interval of the leading edge of the filtered pulse. Possible occurrence of the threshold crossing outside of this interval is considered to be an anomalous estimate, since it leads to a gross error in comparison with the regular cases. It is found that the density function of the LEE error is asymmetrical and therefore biased, that the probability PA of anomalous estimation increases with the filter bandwidth, thus setting a well definable limit to the latter and that, for prespecified PA, the minimum bias and variance are proportional, respectively, to R-1 and R-2, minima being obtained by allowing for the largest bandwidth compatible with PA. On the other hand, for given bandwidth the variance decreases only as R-1. Here R is the signal-to-noise energy ratio. Results are presented in form of parameterized graphs. 相似文献
从人机工程学的角度、人机总体设计、人的生理节律、人的可靠性与压力几个方面说明了在人机相互作用中,维修工作人员出现人为差错的原因以及应该注意的问题。 相似文献
胡适先生在红学研究中存在失误,希望后来研究者不要重蹈覆辙。通过对一些红学研究材料的举证分析。提出胡适先生在红学研究中的十项失误,并给予纠正。勿需多言是胡适先生对红学的巨大贡献。 相似文献