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博引 《国际太空》2011,(5):31-39
2011年3月17日,经过15min的近水星制动减速,美国信使号(MESSENGER)水星探测器成功进入近水点200km、远水点15193km、周期12h的水星轨道。从而成为世界上第1颗水星探测卫星,将对水星进行为期1年的科学考察。  相似文献   

谢懿 《太空探索》2012,(1):49-51
"信使"水星探测器最新发现水星包含有意料之外的成分和"歪斜"的磁场,而其环形山的永久阴影区中可能还蕴藏着水冰。2011年3月17日行星科学家们都长舒了一口气。经过15分钟的发动机点火,美国航宇局的"信使"号水星探测器终于减速并被水星的引力束缚住。这标志着它97亿千米的旅程宣告结束,而与此同时它对水星为期至少1年的在轨探测任务正式开始。  相似文献   

方天 《飞碟探索》2012,(5):37-37
根据来自美国航空航天局宇宙飞船的最新证据显示,水星是一个非常活跃、有生气的行星。 根据“信使”号水星探测器的数据显示,水星表面的撞击环形山在形成以后被某种地质运动过程改变了,而另一项对水星引力区的研究还显示了水星内部不寻常的构造。  相似文献   

高温水星有水吗水星是太阳系中距太阳最近的行星,水星的自转周期与它围绕太阳运行的公转周期相一致,因此水星对太阳就像月球对地球一样,总是以一面朝向太阳。在这一面上,全年白昼无夜,同时由于水星上几乎没有大气,炽热的阳光直射裸露的水星表面,所以温度很高,其赤道附近温度高达400℃,所以叫水星就显得有点儿名不符实了。与此相反,在阳光照射不到的水星背面,永远是长夜无昼,酷寒难熬,冷到-162℃。在这种环境下自然没有生命存活。  相似文献   

难得一见的水星 水星是离太阳最近的行星。它到太阳的平均距离仅为5791万千米。因此,从地球上看去,水星总是被淹没在太阳的光芒下,很难见其身影。只有在即将日出前的东方天空或刚刚日落后的西方天空才有可能看到它。但即使在这种时候,水星也常常因为太接近太阳而无法看到,而且日出前日落后的天空太亮,水星很容易被忽略掉。  相似文献   

徐菁 《国际太空》2004,(6):14-16
20世纪70年代,水手-10探测器曾成功飞越水星,获得了一些关于水星的珍贵资料,激发了人们试图进一步探索水星的兴趣,希望能把探测器送入环水星轨道。但是,当时的科学研究者还不知道如何利用有限的推进能力把探测器送入环水星轨道。20世纪80年代中期,研究者发现,通过利用多次飞越金星和水星得到的引力辅助,可实现环水星飞行的目的。然而,由于1986年挑战号航天飞机失事,使得美国航宇局  相似文献   

正1概述水星是距离太阳最近的行星,由于向水星转移需要非常大的速度增量且水星几乎没有大气,进行水星环绕和着陆任务难度很大。另一方面,水星表面温差极大,其宜居性差且探测难度较大。因此,人类过去探测水星的热情并不高。目前,仅有水手-10(Mariner-10)和"信使"(MESSENGER)探测器进行过水星探测,欧日联合探测任务"贝皮-科伦坡"(BepiColombo)则正在飞行途中。然而,水  相似文献   

  相对于火星探测的如火如荼,水星更像是被人遗忘的星球。到目前为止,人类仅有两次以水星为主任务目标的探测活动。究其原因,一是由于水星是太阳系最内侧的星球,对探测器的热控系统要求很高;二是由于水星上存在生命的概率基本为零,因此人类对探测水星热情不高。  相似文献   

细长的新月及漫游的水星,就在日落的西方的天空,周围相伴沿着法国里维埃拉河岸的灯光.天文学家杰克在2005年3月11日,当月亮与水星距离不到3°,拍下这个美景.当然,月相新月的出现位置通常是在接近水平的方向,也是水星经常出没的地方,水星伴随着太阳,所以这时比较容易看到它.接下来几天可能就难看到水星,因为太阳系的内行星,在夜空中呆的时间不长.过几天,蜡黄颜色的月亮将又和另一颗明亮的行星--土星会合在天空中.  相似文献   

2012年4月,水星运行到西侧离太阳最远的位置,和太阳的最大视距约为27°,而且有月底的眉月相伴。它们一同出现在清晨的天空中,一同往陡峭的黄道面攀升。在这张取景佳妙的时序影像里,月亮和水星悬在澳洲昆士兰省布里斯本市灯火的上方。右侧是水星,它和月亮相隔8°。  相似文献   

The Mercury Magnetopsheric Orbiter (MMO) is one of the spacecraft of the BepiColombo mission; the mission is scheduled for launch in 2014 and plans to revisit Mercury with modern instrumentation. MMO is to elucidate the detailed plasma structure and dynamics around Mercury, one of the least-explored planets in our solar system. The Mercury Plasma Particle Experiment (MPPE) on board MMO is a comprehensive instrument package for plasma, high-energy particle, and energetic neutral particle atom measurements. The Mercury Ion Analyzer (MIA) is one of the plasma instruments of MPPE, and measures the three dimensional velocity distribution of low-energy ions (from 5 eV to 30 keV) by using a top-hat electrostatic analyzer for half a spin period (2 s). By combining both the mechanical and electrical sensitivity controls, MIA has a wide dynamic range of count rates for the proton flux expected around Mercury, which ranges from 106 to 1012 cm−2 s−1 str−1 keV−1, in the solar wind between 0.3 and 0.47 AU from the sun, and in both the hot and cold plasma sheet of Mercury’s magnetosphere. The geometrical factor of MIA is variable, ranging from 1.0 × 10−7 cm2 str keV/keV for large fluxes of solar wind ions to 4.7 × 10−4 cm2 str keV/keV for small fluxes of magnetospheric ions. The entrance grid used for the mechanical sensitivity control of incident ions also work to significantly reduce the contamination of solar UV radiation, whose intensity is about 10 times larger than that around Earth’s orbit.  相似文献   

Space weathering is a process where formation of nanophase iron particles causes darkening of overall reflectance, spectral reddening, and weakening of absorption bands on atmosphereless bodies such as the moon and asteroids. Using pulse laser irradiation, formation of nanophase iron particles by micrometeorite impact heating is simulated. Although Mercurian surface is poor in iron and rich in anorthite, microscopic process of nanophase iron particle formation can take place on Mercury. On the other hand, growth of nanophase iron particles through Ostwald ripening or repetitive dust impacts would moderate the weathering degree. Future MESSENGER and BepiColombo mission will unveil space weathering on Mercury through multispectral imaging observations.  相似文献   

The BepiColombo mission to Mercury is devoted to the thorough exploration of Mercury and its environment, with the aim to understand the processes of planetary formation and evolution in the hottest part of the protoplanetary nebula. This mission represents an unique opportunity for the European community to extend the understanding of the Solar Nebula evolution from its outer edge – ideally represented by comets – to its inner and warmer edge. Obviously this exploration asks for a detailed knowledge of the main constituents of the matter present in the different Solar System areas. Spectroscopy is a powerful tool to acquire this knowledge. We have participated with a large consortium of European researchers to the development of the Rosetta imaging spectrometer. We propose here to use our experience to develop a newly designed spectrometer to investigate the mineralogical composition of the Mercurial surface. Given the particular thermodynamical situation of the Mercurial surface, we have developed a concept that combines a medium IR low spectral resolution imager with a moderate spectral resolution NIR point spectrometer. The main goal of METHIS is to provide the mineralogical characterisation of the surface with sufficient spectral resolution in a scientifically diagnostic spectral range.  相似文献   

BepiColombo is scheduled for launch in August 2013 and to arrive after a nearly six-year long transfer at Mercury in June 2019. The trajectory has a number of challenging elements: a launch with Soyuz/Fregat into a geostationary transfer orbit, followed by a lunar flyby, long low-thrust arcs and five more planetary flybys (one at the Earth, two at Venus and two at Mercury). At arrival the low thrust arcs reduce the approach velocity so much that BepiColombo passes by the Sun–Mercury Lagrange points L1 and L2 and gets weakly captured in a highly eccentric orbit around Mercury in case the orbit insertion manoeuvre would fail.This paper describes the navigation strategy during the final phase. Five trajectory correction manouevres during the last 65 days requiring up to 20 m/s (3σ) are proposed. With this strategy it is possible to navigate BepiColombo safely through the weak-stability boundary of Mercury and to reach the target periherm with a precision of 11 km.  相似文献   

Bepi Colombo is a joint mission between ESA and JAXA that is scheduled for launch in 2014 and arrival at Mercury in 2020. A comprehensive set of particle sensors will be flown onboard the two probes that form Bepi Colombo. These sensors will allow a detailed investigation of the structure and dynamics of the charged particle environment at Mercury. Onboard the Mercury Magnetospheric Orbiter (MMO) the Mercury Electron Analyzers (MEA) sensors constitute the experiment dedicated to fast electron measurements between 3 and 25,500 eV. They consist of two top-hat electrostatic analyzers for angle-energy analysis followed by microchannel plate multipliers and collecting anodes. A notable and new feature of MEA is that the transmission factor of each analyzer can be varied in-flight electronically by a factor reaching up to 100, thus allowing to largely increasing the dynamical range of the experiment. This capability is of importance at Mercury where large changes of electron fluxes are expected from the solar wind to the various regions of the Mercury magnetosphere. While the first models are being delivered to JAXA, an engineering model has been tested and proven to fulfill the expectations about geometrical factor reduction and energy-angular transmission characteristics. Taking advantage of the spacecraft rotation with a 4 s period, MEA will provide fast three-dimensional distribution functions of magnetospheric electrons, from energies of the solar wind and exospheric populations (a few eVs) up to the plasma sheet energy range (some tens of keV). The use of two sensors viewing perpendicular planes allows reaching a ¼ spin period time resolution, i.e., 1 s, to obtain a full 3D distribution.  相似文献   

Since the flyby observations by Mariner 10 in 1974 and 1975, Mercury has been one of the most interesting objects for space physics and planetary exploration. The MESSENGER and BepiColombo missions now plan to revisit this planet. In order to design plasma instruments for the BepiColombo mission, we have estimated electron and ion fluxes around Mercury with an empirical model, which has been developed for the Earth’s magnetotail. The solar wind data needed as input parameters are derived from Helios observations. The result shows that our predicted electron fluxes at aphelion agree well with the Mariner-10 data. It is also noted that ion instruments must cover a very wide dynamic range of proton fluxes. However, the applicability of the Earth’s magnetospheric model to Mercury is, in itself, an important issue for comparative magnetospheric studies.  相似文献   

Just as clearly as Mariner 10 established that Mercury has an intrinsic magnetic field, the Pioneer Venus orbiter has established that Venus has no significant intrinsic field. This is perhaps the opposite of what might be expected. Mercury, a small planet might be expected to cool rapidly and its internal dynamo to cease, while Venus, which is almost as large as the Earth, should not have lost much heat. On the contrary the source of energy of the Mercury dynamo appears to be extant whereas that of Venus appears to be extinct.The existence of a Martian magnetic field is controversial. No unambiguous signature of a Martian magnetic field has been reported. If the field on the nightside of Mars is of planetary rather than solar origin the Russian Mars spacecraft observations indicate the Martian dipole lies near the planetary equator rather than its pole.  相似文献   

The heat transfer in a regolith subsurface layer of thickness 20 m has been theoretically simulated for the areas near Mercury's north pole aiming at the clarification of the possible existence of subsurface ice formations of different form. The paper considers different models of the icy regolith structure and composition: pure uniform amorphous ice; a porous dispersive system with ice-filled pores and voids; permafrost. For comparison the heat transfer in dry iceless regolith has been considered as well. It has been shown that the line of maximum distribution of subsurface icy formations depends on the icy regolith model, but for any one in the “hot” regions it does not go below 70°. For the “cool” regions this line has been shown to go from 5° to 10° southward than that for the “hot” ones. The possible thickness of icy regolith near the pole has been estimated for different models assuming an interior heat flow of 15 mW m−2. It has been shown that the maximum thickness of this layer takes place at the pole and is equal to 10 km for any model.  相似文献   

用基于工业铂电阻的高精度数字温度计替代标准水银温度计,是当今温度计量的一个研究热点。迄今为止这类产品只能作为工作器具使用,其主要原因是对高精度数字温度计的长期稳定性研究还不充分。介绍了一款高精度数字温度计长达8年的稳定性研究成果,并和标准水银温度计比较,说明用高精度数字温度计替代标准水银温度计是完全可行的观点,同时提出一些具体建议。  相似文献   

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