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<正>据报道,美国白宫科技政策办公室(OSTP)近日主持了一项名为"空间天气:了解潜在影响和抗灾能力建设"的活动,意在联合联邦政府和外部利益相关方共同研究空间天气以及相关的科学和技术,提高对空间天气重要性的认识。在活动中白宫科技政策办公室主任发布了《国家空间天气战略》和《国家空间天气行动计划》两份报告,并做出了相关承诺,以提高国家应对  相似文献   

与空间碎片有关的国际空间法研究主要包括对空间碎片的定义、空间环境保护制度、空间物体的登记制度及空间损害赔偿责任制度等问题的研究。联合国和平利用外层空间委员会法律小组经过多年的研究和讨论,对于“空间物体”与“空间碎片”的定义及其关系问题的研究基本上获得了国际社会的普遍认可,  相似文献   

空间垃圾威胁着人类的航天活动,它给人类开发和利用外层空间带来了阴影。清除空间垃圾和防止空间的进一步污染是所有从事航天活动的国家,特别是航天大国义不容辞的义务。作者在本文中对解决空间垃圾问题提出了具体建议,其中包括开展广泛的国际合作。中国愿意积极参加和研究制止空间垃圾危害人类和平利用和开发外层空间的工作。  相似文献   

国外空间天气保障能力建设及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章对空间天气保障能力的科学内涵进行了分析,总结了国外相关发展现状,建议我国应从战略上高度重视空间天气保障能力发展,并从加大宣传力度、建设监测体系、提高预报水平、研究应对策略、注重人才队伍等方面进行了对策思考。  相似文献   

联合国和平利用外层空间委员会第56届会议于2013年6月在维也纳联合国总部举行,会议的主题是“空间活动长期可持续性”(Long-term sustainability of outer space activities),内容涉及:空间碎片、空间操作和空间态势感知;空间核动力源;空间天气;近地物体;全球卫星导航系统;对灾害管理的支持;  相似文献   

焦勇 《中国航天》1993,(7):8-11
当今,发射服务已成为空间活动商业化的一个重要领域。商业发射服务从根本上说是国际性的。它必然涉及一系列国际空间法律问题。 国际空间法规定的是在探索和利用外层空间活动过程中各国之间的法律关系。发射服务必须遵循空间法的各项规则才能健康地向前发展并走上规范化的道路。  相似文献   

俄罗斯空间立法发展对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在我国空间立法的研究过程中,除了准确、全面地研究空间活动的有关国际公约和政府间协定外,还要对世界上主要空间国家的有关空间立法进行比较分析。这样可以保证我国与有关国家进行航天合作的准确性和合法性,合理地保护我国的国家利益;在充分研究的基础上总结有关国家的空间立法经验和教训,保证我国未来空间立法进程的顺利完成;借鉴国外的有关法律体系和内容,充实和完善我国的空间立法。在对世界主要国家空间立法体系的研究过程中,我们发现俄罗斯的国家空间立法是一个比较成熟和科学的立法体系,有很多地方可以作为我国未来空间立法的实践参考。鉴于我国与俄罗斯/前苏联在航天领域中的良好合作关系,我们认为有针对性地对其国家空间立法进行系统和全面的研究是非常必要的。  相似文献   

空间微重力试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国早就具有进行空间微重力研究和试验的较好条件,但开始试验是在1987年8月。从那时起共进行了4次试验,取得了可喜的成果。笔者认为应该把微重力科学和技术作为国家的重点前缘学科,有目标、有计划地加以发展。  相似文献   

构造快速进入空间和应用空间的能力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
快速进入空间和应用空间是应用需求不断增长的必然,是未来航天领域发展方向之一。随着科学技术的迅猛发展,快速利用空间对地进行观测、通信和导航定位,对每个国家来说,已变得越来越重要,并且在技术上也有这种可能。  相似文献   

哈勃空间望远镜是空间天文学发展史上最为雄心勃勃、最重要的工程之一。它带有许多先进仪器,使天文学家能在紫外、可见光和近红外光谱区内更清楚、更详细地观测宇宙,这是使用地面观测设备所无法实现的。它还能在空间长期运行,并将在轨道上进行维修和改进。本文概述了它的任务、构造及科学应用价值。  相似文献   

Japan has been active in the development of space science and technology, for peaceful purposes only, since 1955. This article describes the formation of the Space Activities Commission as the country's primary policy-making body, and of the National Space Development Agency, which oversees the development of space technology. The fundamental guidelines governing space activities are explained, and a detailed breakdown is given of projects agreed for the coming years.  相似文献   

The lack of a legal boundary between air space and outer space has not given rise to significant difficulties in the determination of applicable law with respect to traditional flight craft – aircraft and space objects, due to their separated sphere of activities. But the advent of new flight craft that are capable of operating in the intermediate “near space”, i.e. Near Space Vehicles, would render a clarification of their applicable law and the legal status of the zone requisite. For the purpose of balancing the right of exploration and use of near space and the security interest of subjacent States, this short note proposes a tri-layer approach of delimitation by which near space is established as a sui generis zone reserved exclusively for peaceful purposes, while the space below the upper operative limit of aircraft and that above the lower operative limit of space craft are air space and outer space respectively.  相似文献   

文章分析了国内外卫星空间辐射效应飞行试验的现状和发展趋势,根据我国卫星空间辐射效应及防护技术的具体情况,对卫星空间辐射效应及防护技术空间飞行试验的开展提出了建议。  相似文献   

The Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space ( 82) identified crucial problems and made recommendations on strategies for developing countries to bridge the gap with advanced nations in the area of space technology. This article addresses some issues which, although implicit in the Report, are not discussed in detail therein. The role of space science and related scientific research is particularly emphasized. Close attention is paid to the role of human factors, such as the motivation to conduct research, the motivation to engage in international cooperation, and the motivation to utilize and exploit space. Possible opportunities for space research for developing countries, as well as relevant issues concerning management of space, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (Unispace 82) identified crucial problems and made recommendations on strategies for developing countries to bridge the gap with advanced nations in the area of space technology. This article addresses some issues which, although implicit in the Unispace Report, are not discussed in detail therein. The role of space science and related scientific research is particularly emphasized. Close attention is paid to the role of human factors, such as the motivation to conduct research, the motivation to engage in international cooperation, and the motivation to utilize and exploit space. Possible opportunities for space research for developing countries, as well as relevant issues concerning management of space, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Using the global commons for “peaceful purposes” is agreed upon among states in principle but disputed in substance. While non-militarization has been superceded by the doctrine of non-aggression, the latter, as a necessary rather than sufficient condition for “peaceful purposes”, is tested to its limit by the pressing issue of space weaponization. An international treaty to plug the gaps of the Outer Space Treaty should be negotiated. This would require the prohibition of both weapons in outer space and anti-satellite weapons on Earth. The Draft Treaty on Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space and of the Threat or Use of Force against Outer Space Objects, proposed by Russia and China at the Conference on Disarmament, is an effort in this direction. However, divided views are held on several issues arising from the draft treaty, e.g. the efficiency of the current regime of outer space law, definitions of “weapons in space” and “threat or use of force”, and verification. A primary reason for US opposition to the draft treaty are security concerns over its space assets. However, exercising the right of self-defense is excluded from the obligations of disarmament and this is explicitly affirmed in the draft treaty.  相似文献   

空间环境研究的现状与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空间环境研究的内容包括空间环境模式研究、空间环境效应研究和空间环境实验研究。当前国外空间环境研究注重对大型软件组织多学科、多单位长期合作研究;模式研究与实验研究紧密结合;注意开发对工程适用的模式;工作重点是太阳帆板带电和低轨卫星表面带电。建议我国在今后的空间环境研究中加强联合,集中攻克急需的大型软件;加强对材料特性的实验研究;着手发射环境效应卫星;开拓空间环境研究的新领域;在空间环境效应研究中加强卫星研制单位、卫星操作部门与环境效应研究单位的合作。  相似文献   

空间科学不仅能够推动我国在基础科学研究领域取得重大科学突破,还能够有效牵引、带动航天高新技术的发展。中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项是"十二五"时期我国空间科学领域最重要的系统性进展,开启了中国空间科学发展的新篇章。"十三五"时期,我国将继续研制、发射一系列新的空间科学卫星,这对航天运输系统提出了新的技术发展需求。发展空间科学必将推动我国的航天强国、世界科技强国建设进程。  相似文献   

D. Stone  C. Welch   《Space Policy》2002,18(3):233
This report describes the background to and rationale for World Space Week, now an annual event aiming to increase public awareness of the benefits of peaceful space use and to act as an educational tool for the young. Examples of typical activities in a variety of countries are presented. The report concludes with recommendations—such as rescheduling existing events to the period of World Space Week—to make the event even more successful.  相似文献   

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