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The health condition and work capacity of space travellers during many flights remained adequate. Medical examinations performed during and after space flights consistently revealed the following symptom-complexes: space motion sickness, changes in the muscles system, hemodynamics, fluid-electrolyte balance and its regulation, calcium metabolism and bone density, transient erythrocytopenia and immunity decline. This paper presents a detailed discussion of the changes observed in space flight.  相似文献   

Long-term space missions may increase risks of unfavorable consequences for cosmonauts as a result of radiation effects. This paper presents results of a study of cytogenetic damage in cosmonauts' peripheral blood lymphocytes induced by space radiation. Cultivation of lymphocytes and analysis of chromosomal aberrations were made according to generally accepted methods. It is shown that the yields of dicentrics and centric rings scored after long-term space flights are considerably higher than those scored prior to the flights. An attempt was made to assess individual doses received by cosmonauts. Individual biodosimetry doses received by cosmonauts who showed a reliable increase in the yields of chromosomal-type aberrations after their first flights were estimated to be from 0.02 to 0.28 Gy.  相似文献   

How human sleep in space--investigations during space flights.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sleep problems have been observed during many of the space flights. The existence of poor quality of sleep, fatigue, insomnia or different alterations in sleep structure, organization and sleep cyclicity have been established. Nevertheless results obtained from investigations of human sleep on board manned space vehicles show that it is possible to keep sleep patterns related to the restorative and adaptive processes. For the first time in the frame of the "Intercosmos" program a multi-channel system for recording and analysis of sleep in space was constructed by scientists of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and was installed on board the manned Mir orbiting station. In 1988 during the joint Bulgarian-Russian space flight continues recording of electro-physiological parameters necessary to estimate the sleep stages and sleep organization was made. These investigations were continued in next space flights of different prolongation. The results were compared with the findings obtained under the conditions during the pre- and post-flight periods.  相似文献   

The Sun undergoes several well known periodicities in activity, such as the Schwabe 11 year cycle, the Gleissberg 80–90 year cycle, the Suess 200–210 year cycle and the Halstatt 2200–2300 year cycle. In addition, there is evidence that the 20th century levels of solar activity are unusually high. The years 2020–2040 are expected to coincide with increased activity in human space flight beyond low Earth orbit. The solar cycles and the present level of solar activity are reviewed and their activities during the years 2020–2040 are discussed with a perspective on space radiation and the future program of space flight. It is prudent to prepare for continuing levels of high solar activity as well as for the low levels of the current deep minimum, which has corresponded to high galactic cosmic ray flux.  相似文献   

In order to maintain cosmonaut health and performance, it is important for the work-rest schedule to follow human circadian rhythms (CR). What happens with CR in space flight? Investigations of CR in mammals revealed, that the circadian phase in flight is less stable, probably due to a displacement of the range of entrainment, resulting from internal period change (the latter was confirmed on insects). The circadian period may be a gravity-dependent parameter. If so, the basic biological requirement for the day length might be different in weightlessness. On this basis, a higher risk of desynchronosis is expected in a long-duration space flight. As a countermeasure, a non-24-hr day length could be suggested, being close to the internal circadian period (in humans about 25 hr). Taking into account a possible displacement of period in weightlessness, it seems reasonable to establish a flexible work-rest schedule, capable to follow the body temperature CR by means of biofeedback.  相似文献   

The first microgravity protein crystal growth experiments were performed on Spacelab I by Littke and John. These experiments indicated that the space grown crystals, which were obtained using a liquid-liquid diffusion system, were larger than crystals obtained by the same experimental system on earth. Subsequent experiments were performed by other investigators on a series of space shuttle missions from 1985 through 1990. The results from two of these shuttle flights (STS-26 and STS-29) have been described previously. The results from these missions indicated that the microgravity grown crystals for a number of different proteins were larger, displayed more uniform morphologies, and yielded diffraction data to significantly higher resolutions than the best crystals of these proteins grown on earth. This paper presents the results obtained from shuttle flight STS-32 (flown in January, 1990) and preliminary results from the most recent shuttle flight, STS-31 (flown in April, 1990).  相似文献   

Based on the available measurement data, simulations of radiation conditions during spacecraft flights in the interplanetary space and in the Earth's and Jupiter's radiation belts has been carried out. The > or = 10 MeV and > or = 30 MeV solar flare proton fluence forecast has been proposed for Cycle 22. Radiation conditions due to both magnetospheric electrons and protons and to solar flare protons, magnetic rigidity cutoff being taken into account, have been evaluated on spacecraft trajectories in the Earth's and Jupiter's magnetospheres.  相似文献   

The uniqueness of the space radiation field creates specific problems in the evaluation of hazards to men and materials. Comprehensive measurements of all physical parameters are necessary but not sufficient. Particular attention has to be paid to variables like solar flares by applying fast-responding active dosimetry. The assessment of biological consequences poses even more problems. There are no human data for the kinds of particles seen in space and they will presumably never be available. The only reasonable approach is therefore to use the information obtained for other radiations and check their applicability for the space situation. This involves both the study of fundamental processes in ground experiments as well as their verification in space missions. Special emphasis has to be laid on the modification of radiation effects by flight-dynamic factors and microgravity. Radiation protection guidelines for space flights cannot simply be transformed from existent regulations designed for radiation workers on earth but have to be tailored to the specific situation in space.  相似文献   

In this note the state of the art of our knowledge of the high energy sky will be reviewed, with particular regard to the hard X-ray range.The use of more complex and sophisticated payloads that is necessary to obtain up-to-date results mandatory to achieve a better understanding of the actual scenario in the range 15–300 keV, causes new continuous requirements for long duration balloon flights.The needs for astronomy oriented scientific ballooning will be considered and discussed.  相似文献   

By the turn of this century, long-duration space missions, either in low Earth orbit or for got early planetary missions, will become commonplace. From the physiological standpoint, exposure to the weightless environment results in changes in body function, some of which are adaptive in nature and some of which can be life threatening. Important issues such as environmental health, radiation protection, physical deconditioning, and bone and muscle loss are of concern to life scientists and mission designers. Physical conditioning techniques such as exercise are not sufficient to protect future space travellers. A review of past experience with piloted missions has shown that gradual breakdown in bone and muscle tissue, together with fluid losses, despite a vigorous exercise regimen can ultimately lead to increased evidence of renal stones, musculoskeletal injuries, and bone fractures. Biological effects of radiation can, over long periods of time increase the risk of cancer development. Today, a vigorous program of study on the means to provide a complex exercise regimen to the antigravity muscles and skeleton is under study. Additional evaluation of artificial gravity as a mechanism to counteract bone and muscle deconditioning and cardiovascular asthenia is under study. New radiation methods are being developed. This paper will deal with the results of these studies.  相似文献   

When humans move out into the solar system to stay for long durations, the most immediate challenge will be the provision of a life-supporting environment in locations that are naturally devoid of food, air, and water. Life support systems must provide these commodities in all phases of space flight--during intravehicular activity (IVA) and during extra-vehicle activity (EVA). Systems that support human life must provide: overall reliability in the space environment, allowing maintenance and component replacement in space; reduced resupply mass of consumables and spares; for planetary surfaces, the ability to utilize local resources for increased self sufficiency; and the minimized mass power and volume requirements necessary for all space flight systems. This paper will discuss the melding of these technical requirements in such a way as to meet the human needs of space flight.  相似文献   

The establishment of an autonomous European manned space capability is an objective set up by the ESA Council Meeting at the ministerial level, in 1985/1987. ESA's Long-Term Programme Office (LTPO), charged of the preparation of the programme for a European Manned Space Infrastructure (EMSI), started during 1988 to build up an intellectual framework in the domain of long-duration manned space missions. EMSI scope was eventually extended to embrace Moon/Mars missions and bases. Several exploratory studies on problems related to human factors in long-duration space missions were initiated by LTPO. The work of an ad-hoc group of experts (SIMIS Group) has been focused during 1989/1990 on the planning for simulation of such missions with a broad mandate, covering the physiological, psychological and operational aspects of long-duration exposure to microgravity and isolation/confinement. Preliminary results of SIMIS activities are reported. The HYDREMSI experiment, carried out in a terrestrial, analogous environment for 72 days during 1989, is described as an example of the envisaged simulations.  相似文献   

Long-term manned exploratory missions are planned for the future. Exposure to high-energy neutrons, protons and high charge and energy particles during a deep space mission, needs protection against the detrimental effects of space radiation. It has been suggested that exposure to unpredictable extremely large solar particle events would kill the astronauts without massive shielding. To reduce this risk to astronauts and to minimize the need for shielding, astronauts with highest significant adaptive responses should be chosen. It has been demonstrated that some humans living in very high natural radiation areas have acquired high adaptive responses to external radiation. Therefore, we suggest that for a deep space mission the adaptive response of all potential crew members be measured and only those with high adaptive response be chosen. We also proclaim that chronic exposure to elevated levels of radiation can considerably decrease radiation susceptibility and better protect astronauts against the unpredictable exposure to sudden and dramatic increase in flux due to solar flares and coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

Hemopoietic tissues were studied in vertebrates launched aboard the Soviet (Russian) biosatellites ("Cosmos-1129, 1514, 1667, 1887 and 2044"; "Bion-10 and 11") between 1980 and 1996. In the bone marrow of rats exposed to spaceflight conditions, a statistically significant decrease in cell number was revealed in the progenitor cell compartment accounting for the compensatory response of granulocyte-macrophage (CFU-gm) and erythrocyte lineages (BFU-e and CFU-e) and in the compartment of multipotent hemopoietic stem cells (CFU-s), which is responsible for the permanent renewal of hemopoietic tissue. The number of stromal fibroblastic progenitors (CFC-f) in the bone marrow of these rats was also reduced. Apparently, changes in the hemopoietic stroma damage the hemopoietic microenvironment and, hence, may be responsible for changes observed in the hemopoietic tissue proper. Attempts were made to develop methods for analyzing morphologically indiscernible clonogenic hemopoietic cells of newts, and studies on the effects of spaceflight factors on these cells were performed. The results showed that the numbers of clonogenic cells in newts of the flight group newts were significantly lower than in control newts. The data obtained are used as the basis for formulating the problems to be studied, drawing up a program for further research on the effects of spaceflight factors on stem and other clonogenic hemopoietic cells, and developing new experimental models for analyzing stem cells, the state of the hemopoietic stroma, etc.  相似文献   

Balloon location techniques have developed along the same lines as ship and aircraft navigation systems. Early NCAR balloon flights were located by sun angle measurements versus time and magnetic field measurement, much the same way that Captain Cook used to navigate his sailing vessel. Others have used radio systems developed for ship and aircraft location such as Omega, Loran, radio direction finding, Variable Omnidirectional Radio (VOR) and radar transponders.  相似文献   

A thorough analysis of balloon flights made from Hyderabad, India (Latitude 17°28′N, Longitude 78°35′E), and other equatorial sites has been made. It has been shown that limited success is expected for flights made from equatorial latitudes with balloons made out of natural colour polyethylene film, since the best known balloon film in the world today viz. Winzen Stratofilm is tested for low temperature brittleness only at ?80°C., whereas the tropopause temperatures over equatorial latitudes vary between ?80°C and ?90°C. The success becomes even more critical when flights are made with heavy payloads and larger balloons particularly at night when in the absence of solar radiation the balloon film becomes more susceptible to low temperature brittle failure. It is recommended that in case of capped balloons longer caps should be used to fully cover the inflated protion of the balloon at the higher level equatorial tropopause. It is also advised that the conditions such as wind shears in the tropopause should be critically studied before launching and a day with the tropopause temperature nearer to ?80°C should be chosen. Special care also should be taken while handling the balloon on ground and during launching phase. Properties of Winzen Stratofilm have been critically studied and fresh mandates have been recommended on the basis of limiting values of film stresses which caused balloon failures in the equatorial tropopause. It is also emphasized that the data on such flights is still meagre especially for flights with heavy payloads and larger balloons. It has been also shown that it is safest to use balloons made out of grey coloured film which retains its flexibility with the absorption of solar radiation, the success obtained with such balloons so far being 100%. The drawback, however, is that these balloons cannot be used for night flights. Stratospheric wind regimes over Hyderabad are also discussed with a view to determine the period over which long duration flights can be made. The data available, however, is meagre and it is recommended that more frequent special wind ascents be made to collect adequate statistical data from which reliable conclusions could be drawn through critical analysis.  相似文献   

针对中国首次自主火星探测任务需要,结合环绕器质量特性和推进系统布局构型,分析了喷气卸载对整器角动量的影响。在分析的基础上,通过飞轮卸载前后三轴转速变化规律,计算整器角动量变化情况,并解算出每次喷气时产生的冲量及推力方向偏差;通过同组推力器作用时对各轴的扰动,解算整器质心坐标。利用在轨数据分析了天问一号探测器巡航段6次使用不同推力器的喷气卸载情况,解算的推力器方向偏差、质心坐标和地面设计值进行比对,实测推力方向偏差不超过0.6°,质心绝对偏差小于18mm,验证了计算方法的有效性和正确性,可作为后续轨控任务的点火方向制定、燃料预算的输入依据。  相似文献   

With the advent of a permanent manned space station the longstanding problems of radiation protection in manned spaceflight have acquired an immediacy. This paper endeavors to emphasize the gaps of our knowledge which must be closed for effective radiation protection. The information that is required includes the accurate determination of the exposure inside the space station to the various components of tile ionizing radiation, the evaluation of the biological importance of the different radiation qualities and the depth dose distribution of the less penetrating component. There is also the possibility of an interaction with weightlessness. It is necessary to establish adequate radiation protection standards and a system of dosimetric surveillance. There is a need for studies of possible methods of hardening selective shielding of the space station. Spaceflight experiments, which might contribute to the solution of some of these problems are discussed.  相似文献   

Computations of the transmission functions of cosmic rays penetrating the geomagnetic field are discussed. Results of LET spectra calculations both inside and outside the spacecraft COSMOS-1129 are presented. Comparison of calculations and measured results shows (in interval 10-5 x 10(3) MeV/cm) a difference of less than 30%. The need for further systematic low altitude particle measurements for the purpose of developing dynamic models of particle populations is stressed.  相似文献   

甚长基线干涉测量(VLBI)是深空探测器导航定位的重要手段之一,深空探测器的VLBI观测通常采用差分单程测距(DOR)信标和双差单程测距(Delta-DOR)测量体制,精确地测量深空探测器相对于河外射电源的角距.相位杂散是影响Delta-DOR测量精度的主要误差源之一,针对这项误差研究了一种基于伪随机噪声调制方式的新型...  相似文献   

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