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载人航天器密封舱微生物防控技术体系框架研究概述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
载人航天器密封舱内环境适宜航天员工作和生活,同时也给空间微生物提供了生长繁殖的有利条件。而空间微重力和电磁辐射等环境会加大空间微生物对材料的腐蚀能力。因此,必须对空间微生物防控技术进行体系化研究。文章从空间微生物菌种的采集和鉴定、空间环境下微生物对航天材料的腐蚀机理、载人航天材料抗菌涂层选择以及微生物控制技术等方面对微生物防控体系进行阐述,可以作为开展载人航天器空间微生物防控技术研究的参考。  相似文献   

Michael J. Rycroft   《Space Policy》2006,22(3):158-161
This paper addresses, with examples, the essential need to devise important scientific research questions in order to set the objectives of space missions. However, the crucial objective of the human race is to survive the numerous hazards, both natural and anthropogenic, which may be expected to occur on Earth during the 21st century. With some experts believing that human civilisation may not survive to the end of the century, the main goals for space exploration should first be the preservation of planet Earth as a human habitat and, second, for human beings to settle in another haven, e.g. to colonise Mars. Treating this as an insurance policy, the annual premium for which could be around $16 billion, a globally cooperative plan should now be prepared and agreed. The fundamental message of this article echoes Zubrin's belief that, in order to survive, humanity must become a spacefaring species.  相似文献   

This article is a literary review focused on the problem of the stress-effect of microgravity. Based on the all-round analysis of data from manned missions and space experiments with rats it is concluded that microgravity as a permanent factor of space flight does not produce an intense chronic stress in either humans or animals. On the other hand, microgravity is responsible for deconditioning of a number of vital systems and of the organism as a whole. On return to Earth, the deconditioned bodies of humans and animals exaggerate the usual terrestrial loads due to gravity forces and respond by acute gravitational stress.  相似文献   

A relatively general formulation for studying liberational dynamics of a large class of spacecraft during deployment of arbitrarily oriented beam and plate type flexible members has been developed by the authors. The formulation is applicable to a variety of missions ranging from deployment of antennas, booms and solar panels to manufacturing of trusses for space platforms using the Space Shuttle. The governing nonlinear, nonautonomous and coupled equations of motion are extremely difficult to solve even with the help of a computer, not to mention the cost involved. To get some appreciation as to the complex interaction between flexibility, deployment and attitude dynamics as well as to help pursue stability and control analyses, the procedure is applied to the Space Shuttle based deployment of plate-like members. Results suggest substantial influence of the flexural rigidity of the appendages, deployment velocity, initial conditions, and appendage orientation on the system response. Deployment maneuvers in conjunction with a typical controlled time history of permissible liberational rates suggest flexible plate members to be stable. In general, the instability is triggered through roll excitation leading to unbounded yaw due to coupling. The results should prove useful in planning of the Orbiter based experiments aimed at studying dynamics and control of flexible, deployable structural components needed in construction of space platforms.  相似文献   

As international partnerships increasingly look to be the way forward for sustainable human space exploration, the need to think about language protocols becomes more pressing. Using the historical examples of three international human spaceflight missions, this viewpoint shows how each language protocol was dictated by political realities and how often difficulties arose during implementation as a result. It is argued that, in order to optimize operational environments in future human space exploration, the international space community should adopt a standardized, single-language protocol, similar to commercial aviation. While English may appear to be the most obvious candidate, other languages, particularly Russian and perhaps even Chinese, may also be worth considering.  相似文献   

Saara Reiman   《Space Policy》2009,25(2):81-87
Expanding the human sphere of influence beyond Earth presents philosophical questions that also have important practical applications. Do we need to worry about the moral implications of our actions in the vastness of space? What kind of explorers will we be - and what kind of explorers should we be? The answers to these basic questions depend greatly on what moral status is assigned to space; how it is conceptualized. This article sets forth arguments both for and against considering space as an environment, that is, as a place deserving of ethical treatment in the same way that terrestrial environments are valued and respected in environmental ethics. It sketches some answers to how space exploration could meet high ethical standards and puts forward the notion of environmental ‘virtue ethics’.  相似文献   

This Viewpoint is a slightly edited version of the ‘Statement by Space Explorers on Human Space Exploration’ produced in the wake of a workshop organized by the European Space Policy Institute and held in Vienna in May 2010. While noting the cultural differences in understandings of ‘exploration’ around the world, it also affirms the phenomenon as a globe-wide, human urge, emphasizing that only the physical presence of a human being can assure the full emotional quality of exploration. It calls upon decision makers to regard human space exploration as a global trans-cultural quest that should be supported and furthered.  相似文献   

Parviz Tarikhi   《Space Policy》2009,25(3):160-173
Iran's efforts to develop space technology for civil and peaceful purposes began many years ago. Almost all its success in this connection is the result of indigenous potential in terms of human resources, available expertise and experience along with international cooperation and exchange of knowledge. There are considerable civilian entities involved in space-related development and production in Iran. This article describes the history and current status and capabilities of Iran's space programme and its aim to use space for peace and prosperity and to attain the position that it deserves in the global arena. Stepping into space using an indigenously developed system has provided Iran with a notable and unprecedented national pride. Only international cooperation, as already exists in the framework of COPUOS activities on the peaceful uses of outer space, can improve 21st century understanding of the space policy and visions of Iran for the world community. Iran's space programme is really no different from that of any other nation. It is committed to developing its assets in space both for peaceful purposes and for use as part of various multinational space projects. It should not be ignored that such achievements require a high degree of expertise, ability and comprehensive knowledge about the subject, while the attitudes and visions of leaders in each nation who also influence and contribute to the pace, progress and developmental objectives of any nation's space program should not be disregarded.  相似文献   

Culture is an organized group of learned responses of a particular society, or the total round of human activities, not due to heredity, shared by members of a group. This means that culture is a dynamic process and it is in tight relationship to the civilization as a tool to master their all day's tasks. Space science is a result of the shift from the mass production civilization to the knowledge civilization. The science had opened new ways of thinking into a new environment, space. The ability to develop thinking to new living areas is already a learned response to the environment and therefore an act of culture.

The next changes in culture are a result of the different view, mankind has from earth looking back out of the spacecraft window. We see now with other eyes the small and vulnerable living area of mankind. We see no political limits partitioning the surface. We understand time zones as systems properties of the regions. This has up to now influenced big groups of the societies. As this view has to be shared by all members of the societies in the same mode, space education has to organize this effect.  相似文献   

Scott Pace 《Space Policy》2011,27(3):127-130
China has engaged in a steady, long-standing effort to build and strengthen its space capabilities, achieving progressively more ambitious milestones and staking its claim as a major space power. It is also increasingly engaging in cooperative efforts. A number of issues must be weighed, however, before the USA should consider any collaboration with it. These include the essentially military nature of China’s space program, the fact that China’s intentions in space and decision-making process are far from ‘transparent’, and the way it uses its space activities to pursue foreign policy goals. While the latter could be useful in, e.g., reducing tensions on the Korean peninsular through a space-services-for-giving-up-missiles tradeoff, and while there is scope for collaboration in space science missions, there are no compelling reasons for the USA to pursue cooperation in human spaceflight with China.  相似文献   

Why we need a space elevator   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The goals of and vision for development of a space elevator have been discussed repeatedly. However, why we should develop one has been glossed over. This paper will focus upon the major issue—why build a space elevator infrastructure? It considers why we need a space elevator, what missions it would enable and how far it would reduce costs. There is no doubt that some major missions would be enhanced or significantly enabled by a space elevator infrastructure. Global communications, energy, monitoring of the Earth, global/national security, planetary defense, and exploration beyond low-Earth orbit are a few examples. In the end, if we are serious about extending space development and avoiding limitations on the human spirit, the reason we should build a space elevator is because we must!  相似文献   

We present a methodology that provides traceable analysis from stakeholders’ needs to prioritized goals for human space exploration. We first construct a network to represent the stakeholder environment of NASA’s human exploration efforts, then assess the intensity of these stakeholder needs, and build a numerical model to represent the flow of value in the network. The underlying principle is that as a rational actor, NASA should invest its resources in creating outputs that provide the greatest return of support to it. We showcase this methodology, seeded with test data, the results of which suggests that the most important outputs of the exploration endeavor are human and robotic exploration firsts and science data, but also include funding to the science community, providing interesting NASA mission event content directly to the public and to the media, and commercial contracts. We propose that goals should be structured to ensure these value outputs, and be written in such as way as to convey the subsequent creation of value in the network. The goals derived in this manner suggest that the majority of the value created by human space exploration derives from campaign level design, rather than from operation of transportation elements. There would be higher assurance that these value outputs would be delivered if a responsible official or entity within the exploration function was specifically tasked with ensuring stakeholder value creation.  相似文献   

Several nations are currently engaging in or planning for robotic and human space exploration programs that target the Moon, Mars and near-Earth asteroids. These ambitious plans to build new space infrastructures, transport systems and space probes will require international cooperation if they are to be sustainable and affordable. Partnerships must involve not only established space powers, but also emerging space nations and developing countries; the participation of these new space actors will provide a bottom-up support structure that will aid program continuity, generate more active members in the space community, and increase public awareness of space activities in both developed and developing countries. The integration of many stakeholders into a global space exploration program represents a crucial element securing political and programmatic stability. How can the evolving space community learn to cooperate on a truly international level while engaging emerging space nations and developing countries in a meaningful way? We propose a stepping stone approach toward a global space exploration program, featuring three major elements: (1) an international Earth-based field research program preparing for planetary exploration, (2) enhanced exploitation of the International Space Station (ISS) enabling exploration and (3) a worldwide CubeSat program supporting exploration. An international Earth-based field research program can serve as a truly global exploration testbed that allows both established and new space actors to gain valuable experience by working together to prepare for future planetary exploration missions. Securing greater exploitation of the ISS is a logical step during its prolonged lifetime; ISS experiments, partnerships and legal frameworks are valuable foundations for exploration beyond low Earth orbit. Cooperation involving small, low-cost missions could be a major stride toward exciting and meaningful participation from emerging space nations and developing countries. For each of these three proposed stepping stones, recommendations for coordination mechanisms are presented.  相似文献   

The authors examine the principles, goals and guidelines in the new US NSP. While in general favourable to the overall direction of the policy, noting that Europe too has similar goals or, in some cases, should be adopting US ideas, they are sceptical about certain aspects, such as the greater emphasis on commercial partnerships with NASA and the continuing protectionist launch policy. Particular points of concern are the vagueness and lack of clear goals in the human spaceflight programme and the US position on space weaponization at the Conference on Disarmament. Nevertheless, they believe that a similar type of EU-wide policy should be developed by the European Commission.  相似文献   

The Space Age is causing new applications to the concept of culture, a human coping tool. The exploration and exploitation of outer space resources are altering human culture both on Earth and in orbit. For the first time in history, our species need not merely react and adapt to environment, but plan for a space culture appropriate for extraterrestrial migration. The impact of culture can be analyzed in terms of how space developments alter human perceptions and behavior on this planet; the emergence of a new culture to suit the orbital environment; the organizations that build spacecraft and deploy people aloft; and the technological systems created for spacefaring. This article presents a paradigm for analyzing some of the non-technical human factors involved in space undertakings. It also offers a method for classifying a culture according to ten categories which may be applied both to a macroculture, such as a lunar base; or a microculture, such as a space agency or crew. Human enterprise in space is viewed as both altering the species, and providing a challenge for expanded behavioral and biological scientific research on living and working in space.  相似文献   

Linda Billings   《Space Policy》2006,22(4):249-255
The US civilian space program is focused on planning for a new round of human missions beyond Earth orbit, to realize a ‘vision’ for exploration articulated by President George W. Bush. It is important to examine this ‘vision’ in the broader context of the global enterprise of 21st century space exploration. How will extending a human presence into the Solar System affect terrestrial society and culture? What legal, ethical and other value systems should govern human activities in space? This paper will describe the current environment for space policy making and possible frameworks for future space law, ethics and culture. It also proposes establishment of a World Space Conference to aid deliberations on the above.  相似文献   

Vestibular disturbances in connection with space flight were reported by a majority of participating astronauts and cosmonauts. These include motion sickness symptoms in the first few days of the space flight, as well as standing, gait and orientation disturbances after the return to Earth. The Aerospace Medical Community has been trying to select those people that are particularly adapted to the above stresses or that can be further adapted through training programs. As the circle of selectees extends to women, the problem arises as to whether differences between men and women exist under the conditions of space flight. In seeking answers to this question we studied a group of 42 women and 44 men, who were further subdivided according to their subjective motion sickness sensitivity, as determined by a questionnaire. Using this material, 26 men and 22 women were designated as motion sickness resistant, and 18 men and 20 women were designated as nonresistant. The vestibular test battery given these test subjects consisted of caloric, rotatory, optokinetic, vestibulo-spinal and vestibulo-vegetative testing. Because of the mixed orthostatic and vestibular problems seen after space flights, we also studied the response of the vestibular apparatus during peripheral blood pooling as induced by lower body negative pressure. The collected historical and test data are analyzed in this paper with emphasis on the relationship to motion sickness tendency.  相似文献   

The present report describes the development and application of a distributed interactive multi-person simulation in a computer-generated planetary environment as an experimental test bed for modeling the human performance effects of variations in the types of communication modes available, and in the types of stress and incentive conditions underlying the completion of mission goals. The results demonstrated a high degree of interchangeability between communication modes (audio, text) when one mode was not available. Additionally, the addition of time pressure stress to complete tasks resulted in a reduction in performance effectiveness, and these performance reductions were ameliorated via the introduction of positive incentives contingent upon improved performances. The results obtained confirmed that cooperative and productive psychosocial interactions can be maintained between individually isolated and dispersed members of simulated spaceflight crews communicating and problem-solving effectively over extended time intervals without the benefit of one another's physical presence.  相似文献   

Joseph N. Pelton   《Space Policy》2005,21(3):221-225
The 2003 Columbia accident demonstrated that spaceflight remains a risky and dangerous human endeavor, yet there have been few ‘unofficial’ investigations into astronaut safety. This report summarizes the findings of one such study by George Washington University's Space & Advanced Communications Research Institute—e.g. that simplicity of design may be better than complexity, that cargo missions would be better carried out robotically and that all new space transportation systems should be developed to common international standards—before examining ways that international cooperation can advance the cause of space safety. In establishing future space safety standards input from a wider range of participants (industry, universities and private research institutes, as well as space agencies, etc.) will need to be sought.  相似文献   

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