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The second part of the work is devoted to studying the motion of fragmenting meteor bodies with ablation by fragments in a planet’s atmosphere, taking into account its non-isothermal character in altitude. The mechanical fragmentation of a meteoroid under the action of aerodynamic drag is considered in the context of statistical strength theory. An analytical solution for ballistics of a fragmenting body is obtained at a constant parameter of ablation. A theoretical analysis of the derived regularities is made and an example of their usage in the problem of a comet-asteroid hazard is presented.  相似文献   

Angular motion at atmospheric entry is studied in the paper for a spacecraft with a bi-harmonic moment characteristic. Special attention is given to the case when the spacecraft possesses two stable balanced positions, and, hence, it can oscillate in dense atmospheric layers in the ranges of small or large angles of attack. The averaged equations of spacecraft motion are derived, which allow one to increase the speed of calculations by several orders of magnitude. A real example is presented, which concerns a spacecraft specially designed for descending in the Martian atmosphere.  相似文献   

We consider the problems of control of the angular and trajectory motion of the Kliper re-entry vehicle. This spacecraft with a moderate hypersonic lift-to-drag ratio is designed according to the load-carrying frame scheme. Gas-dynamic engines, a split balancing flap, and an air brake are used as mounting devices of control.  相似文献   

Basic concepts and algorithms laid as foundations of the scheme of landing on the Martian moon Phobos (developed for the Phobos-Grunt project) are presented. The conditions ensuring the landing are discussed. Algorithms of onboard navigation and control are described. The equations of spacecraft motion with respect to Phobos are considered, as well as their use for correction of the spacecraft motion. The algorithm of estimation of the spacecraft’s state vector using measurements with a laser altimeter and Doppler meter of velocity and distance is presented. A system for modeling the landing with a firmware complex including a prototype of the onboard computer is described.  相似文献   

When inserting a satellite into an orbit around Mars with the use of aerodynamic drag, it is required to apply a robust algorithm which is capable of being adapted to the actual conditions of the planet’s atmosphere. We suggest a method of adaptation taking into account the specific features of the maneuver including descending and ascending legs of the trajectory. It is demonstrated that the algorithm is efficient when disturbances of the density of the Martian atmosphere increase by a factor of 2–3.  相似文献   

The problem of attitude oscillations of a satellite with a small dynamic asymmetry in the plane of the orbit leads to a system degenerate to the fifth order from the point of view of the method of averaging. An explicit expression for the dominant term is obtained by integration in the complex plane. The recurrence procedure of calculating the higher approximations of the method of averaging is considered, as well as an approach to the analysis of the structure of derived expressions.  相似文献   

A method of calculating the optimal trajectories of a spacecraft re-entry into the atmosphere is considered under the condition of minimization of a re-orbit burn at the apocenter of the segment of escape from the atmosphere and taking into account a constraint on the maximum overload.  相似文献   

A positive correlation is shown to exist between the angular sizes (in the sky plane) of eruptive prominences and/or post-eruptive arcades and coronal mass ejections (CMEs) associated with them. New regularities are found that characterize the relationship between the latitude of eruptive prominences (post-eruptive arcades) and the latitude position of CMEs associated with them in the field of view of a coronagraph. An interpretation of these regularities is given.  相似文献   

A theoretical interpretation is given to the experimental data on the luminescence in the visible spectral region of the disturbed upper atmosphere in the conditions of injection of a high-velocity aluminum plasma jet (the “Fluxus” experiment). Mathematical models of optical effects are presented. It is demonstrated that the results of the calculations and the experimental data agree satisfactorily. The principal physical and chemical processes responsible for the observed luminescence are determined.  相似文献   

The tensor of permittivity for the system “electron beam - plasma of the interplanetary space” is derived in the approximation of geometrical optics. The problem is one-dimensional; all parameters such as density of the beam and of the solar wind plasma, and the induction of the interplanetary magnetic field are assumed to be dependent only on the distance to the Sun. The beam is generated by an active region during a solar flare, and it is a source of radio bursts of type III in the interplanetary space. The tensor of permittivity was obtained to close field equations by a material equation. On the basis of these equations it becomes possible to study theoretically the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the radio bursts as disturbances of the above-described beam-plasma system.  相似文献   

火星的低气压环境为飞机可能应用于火星探测创造了条件。四旋翼飞机具有结构简单、可靠性高、可空中悬停、可重复起降等众多优势,成为火星探测应用的研究方向之一。文章针对火星四旋翼无人机关键的动力系统,用二维CFD仿真软件建立了螺旋桨模型,仿真分析了桨叶倾角、转速和半径等因素对桨叶升力的影响,并进行了螺旋桨初步方案设计。针对方案还开展了稀薄大气环境下的试验,测试了螺旋桨的升力,获得了与仿真分析一致的结果。文章研究可为火星四旋翼无人机动力系统进一步细化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

Low mass M- and K-type stars are much more numerous in the solar neighborhood than solar-like G-type stars. Therefore, some of them may appear as interesting candidates for the target star lists of terrestrial exoplanet (i.e., planets with mass, radius, and internal parameters identical to Earth) search programs like Darwin (ESA) or the Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronagraph/Inferometer (NASA). The higher level of stellar activity of low mass M stars, as compared to solar-like G stars, as well as the closer orbital distances of their habitable zones (HZs), means that terrestrial-type exoplanets within HZs of these stars are more influenced by stellar activity than one would expect for a planet in an HZ of a solar-like star. Here we examine the influences of stellar coronal mass ejection (CME) activity on planetary environments and the role CMEs may play in the definition of habitability criterion for the terrestrial type exoplanets near M stars. We pay attention to the fact that exoplanets within HZs that are in close proximity to low mass M stars may become tidally locked, which, in turn, can result in relatively weak intrinsic planetary magnetic moments. Taking into account existing observational data and models that involve the Sun and related hypothetical parameters of extrasolar CMEs (density, velocity, size, and occurrence rate), we show that Earth-like exoplanets within close-in HZs should experience a continuous CME exposure over long periods of time. This fact, together with small magnetic moments of tidally locked exoplanets, may result in little or no magnetospheric protection of planetary atmospheres from a dense flow of CME plasma. Magnetospheric standoff distances of weakly magnetized Earth-like exoplanets at orbital distances 相似文献   

A systematic perturbation scheme is used to study the propagation of a weak shock wave attached to a slender body in a supersonic flow of plasma with thermal radiation and investigate as to how the coupling between the radiative transfer and magneto-hydrodynamic phenomena affects the flow field. The analytical solution of the flow field has been presented up to the second order of ε. The shape of the shock wave attached to the slender body of revolution is obtained, which however can be expressed explicitly in terms of known functions when the radiative decay length is of the same order as the typical body length. Also, the shock angle at the tip of the projectile is obtained.  相似文献   

The paper presents the first part of results of basic research for development of a combined system of high-precision stabilization of the optical telescope for the international observatory Speckr UF (currently under design) planned to study emission of stars in the UV waveband. A new direct method used in these studies for calculating program controls is described. The results of numerical experiments are presented.  相似文献   

Dynamics of a gyrostat satellite moving along a circular orbit in a central Newtonian field of force is investigated. In a particular case, when the gyrostatic moment vector lies in one of the satellite’s principal central planes of inertia, all positions of equilibrium are determined, and the conditions of their existence are analyzed. Also determined are bifurcation values of dimensionless parameters, at which the number of equilibrium positions changes. As a result of analysis of the generalized energy integral, for each equilibrium orientation the sufficient conditions of stability are derived. Evolution of the regions where the sufficient conditions of stability are valid is investigated under variation of the system’s dimensionless parameters.  相似文献   

Frequency characteristics of disturbances of a one-dimensionally inhomogeneous electron beam-solar wind plasma system are studied in the geometrical optics approximation on the basis of the Maxwell equations closed by the material equation obtained earlier. The corresponding dispersion equation is derived and solved. It is found that resonance interaction of a wave with an electron beam can occur only at two spatial points. Perhaps, such a short-time (point-like) mechanism of the resonance clarifies one of the main problems of physics of electron beams generated by solar flares: their time of existence is much longer than the time following from the previous theoretical estimates of the beam energy loss rate due to radiation.  相似文献   

The stability of resonance oscillations and rotations of a satellite in the plane of its orbit in the case when the difference of the moments of inertia with respect to the principal axes lying in the orbit plane is small is determined at a given rotation number m by the sign of function Φm(e), introduced by F.L. Chernous’ko in 1963. In this paper, convenient analytical representations of functions Φm(e) are described in the form of integrals and series of Bessel functions regular at e → 1?. Values of Φm(1) are calculated in explicit form. A theorem about the double asymptotic form of functions Φm(e) at m → ∞ and e → 1? is proved by the saddlepoint method.  相似文献   

A method for determination of internal gravity wave (IGW) parameters from a single vertical temperature or density profile measurement in the Earth’s atmosphere has been developed. This method may be used for the analysis of profiles measured by any techniques in which the accuracy is enough to measure small (∼1%) amplitudes of the temperature or density fluctuations in the atmosphere. The criterion for the IGW identification has been formulated and argued. In the case when this criterion is satisfied then analyzed fluctuations can be considered as wave-induced. The method is based upon the analysis of relative amplitude thresholds of the temperature or density wave field and upon linear IGW saturation theory in which amplitude thresholds are restricted by dynamical instability processes in the atmosphere. In order to approbate the method we have used data of simultaneous radiosonde measurements of the temperature and wind velocity in the Earth’s stratosphere where the saturated IGW propagation has been detected. It is shown that the application of the method to radio occultation temperature data gives the possibility to identify IGWs in the Earth’s lower stratosphere and to determine values of key wave parameters.  相似文献   

In this first part of our paper, it is suggested to use solutions to boundary value problems in the optimization problems (in impulse formulation) for spacecraft trajectories in order to obtain the initial approximation, when boundary value problems of the maximum principle are solved numerically by the shooting method. The technique suggested is applied to the problems of optimal control over motion of the center of mass of a spacecraft controlled by the thrust vector of jet engine with limited thrust in an arbitrary gravitational field in a vacuum. The method is based on a modified (in comparison to the classic scheme) shooting method computation together with the method of continuation along a parameter (maximum reactive acceleration, initial thrust-to-weight ratio, or any other parameter equivalent to them). This technique allows one to obtain the initial approximation with a high precision, and it is applicable to a wide range of optimal control problems solved using the maximum principle, if the impulse formulation makes sense for these problems.  相似文献   

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