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Convergence results for a mean level adaptive detector (MLAD) are presented. The MLAD consists of an adaptive matched filter (for spatially correlated inputs) followed by a mean level detector (MLD). The optimal weights of the adaptive matched filter are estimated from one batch of data and applied to a statistically independent batch of nonconcurrent data. The threshold of the MLD is determined from the resultant data. Thereafter a candidate cell is compared against this threshold. Probabilities of false alarm and detection are derived as a function of the threshold factor, the order of the matched filter, the number of independent samples per channel used to calculate the adaptive matched filter weights, the number of samples used to set the MLD threshold, and the output signal-to-noise power ratio of the optimal matched filter. A number of performance curves are shown and discussed  相似文献   

均匀与非均匀进气条件下多级轴流压气机性能计算   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
均匀与非均匀进气条件下多级轴流压气机性能计算@赵勇$南京航空航天大学!南京210016 @胡骏$南京航空航天大学!南京210016~~~~~~  相似文献   

An adaptive detection algorithm with a sensibility parameter for rejecting unwanted signals is presented. This algorithm is a simple modification of the generalized likelihood ratio (GLR) detector (or test) for detecting a signal in zero mean Gaussian noise with unknown correlation matrix. Specifically, the adaptive detection algorithm is obtained by introducing an arbitrary positive scalar, which is called the sensitivity parameter, into the GLR detector as a multiplier of an already existing quadratic term. The GLR detector then becomes a special case of this detector for the unity sensitivity parameter. It is shown that the sensitivity parameter controls the degree to which unwanted signals are rejected. From numerical examples, it is demonstrated how the sensitivity parameter can be chosen such that unwanted signals, can be rejected while maintaining acceptable detection loss for slightly mismatched signals. Further insight into previous work on adaptive detection is also given  相似文献   

A multisensor tracking system with an image-based maneuver detector   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Rapid and reliable decisions about the onset and termination of maneuvers are critical for accurate tracking of maneuvering targets. Given the appropriate filter model, the use of multiple sensors of different capabilities and strengths can improve the quality and the reliability of the tracking system A multisensor tracking system where the usage of the image sensor is two fold is presented. First, if is used to perform maneuver detection using minimum computation and storage. Second, its bearing and elevation measurements are used along with 3-D radar observations to improve the tracking quality. The advantages of the proposed multisensor tracking system are discussed and demonstrated via simulations  相似文献   

介绍了一种新型的搓板阻塞探测器,其工作原理为:利用光电传感器探测搓板后边的烟支流传递是否正常,便知搓板是否被阻塞。因原来的搓板阻塞是通过探测搓板后鼓内的负压与大气压的差值来判别的,而鼓内的负压易受系统负压干扰,对气路的畅通与否影响大,所以工作不稳定。改进后系统的稳定性更可靠了,并且易于维护。  相似文献   

A low-dimensional test problem with a known solution is used to verify various computer implementations of F.C. Schweppe's likelihood detector (1965). In this case a closed-form solution is provided for a Schweppe likelihood detector in terms of an intermediate Kalman filter, as utilized in its implementation, for detecting the presence of a two-state signal model in Gaussian white noise. The associated error probabilities are also evaluated following a procedure that utilizes optimized Chernoff-like bounds for a tight approximation. A methodology is demonstrated for appropriately setting the decision threshold for this example as a tradeoff against allowable observation time. By using this or similar examples, certain qualitative and quantitative aspects of the software implementation can be checked for conformance to anticipated behavior as an intermediate benchmark, prior to modular replacement of the various high-order matrices appropriate to the particular application  相似文献   

加力式SteamJet发动机性能模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究射流预冷却涡轮发动机(SteamJet)的发动机特性,建立了喷水预冷却的热交换系统计算、物性修正计算和发动机部件特性修正计算的数学模型,建立了基于双轴混排加力式涡扇发动机的Steam-Jet发动机性能计算模型,并编制了相应的计算程序.计算分析了SteamJet发动机在不同风扇进口总温下沿飞行轨道的特性,以及喷水预冷却对发动机加力燃烧室的影响,并对SteamJet发动机风扇进口总温进行了合理的选择;对加力式SteamJet发动机进行了高度速度特性的计算和分析.结果表明,SteamJet发动机可大幅度拓宽涡轮发动机的工作范围,与非加力式SteamJet发动机相比,加力式SteamJet发动机具有更好的推力特性,能够满足高超声速飞行的需求.   相似文献   

以甲烷为冷却剂的预冷型涡轮基组合发动机以其较高的冷却性能和密度比冲等优点,成为未来宽速域飞行器动力装备问题的重要研究方向.针对该型发动机的核心部件——预冷器,建立理论计算模型对其综合性能进行了评估,并提出了一种熵函数分析法,对预冷器与压气机工作参数匹配特性开展理论分析.计算结果表明,所提出的预冷器方案换热有效度在0.5...  相似文献   

The trajectory of a maneuvering aircraft can be described by piecewise-constant-coefficient second-order polynomials which constitute a non-Gaussian process at the input of a linear fire control predictor. Consequently, the ?on- target? probability which is determined by the predictor output cannot be analytically evaluated. Using this a priori assumption for this type of target trajectory, the structure of a finite-time polynomial filter is determined. By using the ?go-no-go? characteristic of the loss function, the smoothing time of the predictor can be optimized to yield the highest possible ?on-target? probability. The results obtained constitute lower bounds whose validity is verified by digital simulation of the system. This shows that, on the average, they are 15 percent below the exact values. The simulation program is also used in a comparative study, with a conventional predictor and a Wiener-type predictor. The results demonstrate that the finite time polynomial predictor is markedly superior to both systems for a wide range of parameters and their combinations.  相似文献   

The false-alarm and detection probabilities of a receiver summing M independent outputs of a linear detector are calculated by numerical saddlepoint integration. The saddlepoint approximation is also considered. Both constant-amplitude and Rayleigh-fading signals are treated, and the relative efficiency of the quadratic and the linear detectors for these is calculated for a broad range of values of M . The numerical integration method is the more efficient, the smaller the false-alarm probability or the false-dismissal probability, that is, under just those conditions for which the terms in the Gram-Charlier series oscillate most violently and the series becomes least reliable. The simpler saddlepoint approximation yields values that in those same regions have been found close enough to the exact probabilities to be adequate for most engineering purposes. The larger the number M of samples, the more efficient methods are  相似文献   

In this paper we discuss the combined use of a priori information and adaptive signal processing techniques for the design and the analysis of a knowledge-aided (KA) radar receiver for Doppler processing. To this end, resorting to the generalized likelihood function (GLF) criterion (both one-step and two-step), we design and assess data-adaptive procedures for the selection of training data. Then we introduce a KA radar detector composed of three elements: a geographic-map-based data selector, which exploits some a priori information concerning the topography of the observed scene, a data-adaptive training selector which removes dynamic outliers from the training data, and an adaptive radar detector which performs the final decision about the target presence. The performance of the KA algorithm is analyzed both on simulated as well as on real radar data collected by the McMaster University IPIX radar. The results show that the new KA system achieves a satisfactory performance level and can outperform some previously proposed adaptive detection schemes  相似文献   

针对雷达信号源的计量,在检测方法、技术指标、综合快速的保证等方面,进行了深入细致的研究,提出了雷达信号源的自动检测方案.  相似文献   

某探测器上火箭发动机热防护仿真与设计   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张涛  孙冰 《航空动力学报》2010,25(6):1407-1411
根据某探测器的具体结构及工作条件,分析和计算探测器上火箭发动机的热环境参数.利用有限元法计算火箭发动机固壁辐射热流密度,依据热流边界条件设计热防护方案;利用有效发射率表征多层隔热材料隔热性能并进行温度场数值仿真.由于多层隔热材料性能参数的不易确定性,计算了参数在较大范围内的热防护效果.通过仿真计算验证热防护方案的有效性和可靠性,并分析影响热防护效果的主要因素;计算结果表明多层隔热材料的有效发射率是影响隔热性能最重要的因素,比热容、表面发射率、密度对热防护性能影响很小.   相似文献   

A data fusion model consisting of several levels of parallel decision fusions is considered. Global optimization of such a model is discussed to obtain the fusion rules for overall optimal performance. The reliability analysis of the proposed model is carried out to establish its superiority over the existing parallel and serial fusion models  相似文献   

The performance of planar phase-array antennas with mechanical errors is investigated. Errors in array element positions as a result of structural distortions are considered as deterministic and predictable. Detailed calculations for two assumed modes of distortion reveal that their effects on antenna performance are the loss of peak response in the scan direction and the broadening of the mainlobe, while the far-out sidelobe structure remains relatively intact. For large antennas, performance improvement can be expected by suitable phase compensation. Performance of antennas with random errors in their element positions must be treated statistically. Expressions of average directivity and sidelobe level corresponding to arbitrary error magnitudes in element position, amplitude and phase of excitation as well as finite rate of failure of element modules were derived and verified by direct numerical calculations from the antenna directivity patterns. For a planar phased-array antenna typical for space-based radars, the standard deviation of element position errors must not exceed 1% of the operating wavelength in order to maintain a -10 dBi sidelobe level  相似文献   

多载波调制是一种有效克服衰落信道频率选择性的技术,从而显著减少码间干扰(ISI)。Turbo码以其接近香农极限的工作性能受到人们的注目,它能在极低信噪比条件下提供可靠通信。把多载波调制与Turbo 编码结合起来能够对整个系统提供显著的性能增益。本文试图对采用这两种技术的通信系统给出性能上的评估。  相似文献   

随着航空飞行器的不断发展,新型非常规气动布局研究早已成为世界航空大国的关注焦点。基于TRIP 3.0软件平台通过等效盘模型应用到涵道风扇内外流一体化模拟中,完成对类BWB低速布局有无涵道风扇动力下的气动特性和流场影响分析。首先,对某单独螺旋桨验证算例进行分析;然后,对单独涵道风扇进行计算,得到设计推力下的涵道动力叶片数、安装角及转速等参数;最后,将设计推力下涵道动力参数应用到类BWB低速布局全机有无动力模拟中。结果表明:计算拉力和扭矩值与试验值吻合较好;尾部布置的涵道动力对机身后段及尾翼压力分布影响显著;涵道对前方气流抽吸作用,加速机身后段上表面气流流速,减小内侧平尾有效迎角,对机身和平尾升力以及俯仰力矩系数影响较大;在小迎角状态下,涵道动力对机身增升作用明显,会产生明显低头力矩,但对平尾作用正好相反,且两者增量大小相当,使得全机增升效果不显著,且俯仰力矩变化较小。  相似文献   

爆震管内火焰的结构非常复杂且传播速度快,需要高精度、高响应时间的测试工具.本文在单爆震试验中采用光电池测光器和离子探针测量燃烧波.研究中以高频响压力传感器为参考依据,通过测量同一截面上压力传感器、光电池测光器和离子探针之间的触发顺序,以及光电池测光器与离子探针信号的持续时间,来验证光电池测光器在爆震波测量中的可行性与精度.结果表明:光电池测光器比离子探针更适合测量爆震管内火焰传播速度.   相似文献   

Coherent signal detection in non-Gaussian interference is presently of interest in adaptive array applications. Conventional array detection algorithms inherently model the interference with a multivariate Gaussian random vector. However, non-Gaussian interference models are also under investigation for applications where the Gaussian assumption may not be appropriate. We analyze the performance of an adaptive array receiver for signal detection in interference modeled with a non-Gaussian distribution referred to as a spherically invariant random vector (SIRV). We first motivate this interference model with results from radar clutter measurements collected in the Mountain Top Program. Then we develop analytical expressions for the probability of false alarm and the probability of detection for the adaptive array receiver. Our analysis shows that the receiver has constant false alarm rate (CFAR) performance with respect to all the interference parameters. Some illustrative examples are included that compare the detection performance of this CFAR receiver with a receiver that has prior knowledge of the interference parameters  相似文献   

The US Army and Saft have developed a large lithium ion battery to replace the BE-622 silver zinc battery for application for the ITAS System. The Army discovered that using the 1M LiPF6 1EC:1EMC:1DMC electrolyte can meet ITAS low temperature requirements at -40°C and still provide 71% of the room temperature capacity. This is about 40% better than silver zinc at low temperature  相似文献   

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