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In this paper, the results of studying peculiarities of longitudinal nonlinear oscillations of homogeneous gas (air) in closed tubes under shock-free wave conditions near the basic natural frequency are presented. At the resonance frequency, a continuous wave of gas pressure in time has the asymmetric form: time of compression is less than that of rarefaction. The resonance frequency being observed has in this case a lesser value than that calculated by the linear theory and coincides with the frequency determined by using the nonlinear theory (with regard to losses). Also shown is an adequate agreement between the theoretically obtained data on swing of gas pressure oscillations and the experimental results.  相似文献   

Resonance oscillations of a gas in an open-ended tube of different geometry are investigated. The calculation is made by means of a one-parametric model using the experimental data for a pointed end and flanged ends. The distributions of the absolute values for dimensionless amplitudes of gas velocity and pressure variations along the tube are presented. The theoretical calculations are compared with the experimental results.  相似文献   

闭口管内气体非线性振荡研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
刘君  郭正  瞿章华 《推进技术》2000,21(4):32-35
采用新型的计算效率较高的ENO差分模式,从一维非定常Euler方程出发,对受扰动气体在闭口管内的传播现象进行了数值模拟。计算发展小扰动情况下,当激振频率接近管内气体的固有频率时会发生非线性振荡,有激波产生;但当扰动较大时,激振频率的影响变得不明显。  相似文献   

姚慕伟  贾伯琦  杨立军  富庆飞 《航空学报》2020,41(11):123873-123873
采用线性稳定性分析研究了处于气流速度振荡场中幂律液膜时间模式的不稳定性。振荡的气流速度导致动量方程为含有时间周期系数的希尔方程,采用Floquet理论进行求解。详细研究了不同振荡幅值和振荡频率下表观雷诺数、幂律指数及无量纲速度因子对各不稳定区间的影响。结果表明:振荡幅值的增加或振荡频率的减小会使液膜不稳定区域的个数增加,且Kelvin-Helmholtz(K-H)不稳定区域的最大增长率、主导波数和截止波数随振荡幅值和振荡频率的增加而增加;表观雷诺数、幂律指数和无量纲速度因子的增加增强了K-H不稳定区域内的不稳定性,使参数不稳定区域内的增长率先减小后增加;振荡幅值的变化不改变最大增长率发生转折时对应的流变参数,而当振荡频率较小时,幂律指数和无量纲速度因子的增加却使最大增长率单调增加。  相似文献   

采用Micro—PIV技术,以边长800 μm方形截面平角齿形微灌滴头内流微通道为对象,对微通道内流体运动进行了测量。实验使用lOx显微物镜、14位灰阶PC01600相机、3μm荧光示踪粒子和仅允许610nm红光透过的滤光镜相配合、获取了清晰的粒子图像,解决了相机与PIV系统的匹配问题,提高了图像信噪比。在图像处理中使用多次测量取平均的方法消除示踪粒子的布朗运动影响,运用系综互相关算法获取流场速度分布和流线图。实验发现微通道内各齿间流动结构基本一致,即通道内流充分发展后是一种周期性流动;通道顶角和转角内侧存在低速涡旋区,其涡旋结构和尺度随时间和Re变化而变化;颗粒在低速涡旋区易发生沉积,是造成堵塞的主要原因。  相似文献   

Using the results of numerical modeling of nonstationary gas hydrodynamic working processes in the gas conduit variable section channel when removing and cooling hot gases of different purpose technical plants, an engineering technique has been developed to provide the gas conduit operation under limitations on the flow temperature in the outlet plant section. A multiparametric area of permissible gas conduit operation connecting the characteristics of technical plants, gas conduit and water feeding system is presented.  相似文献   

气动谐振管点火技术研究   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为了发展液体火箭发动机的气动谐振管非电点火新技术,提出了一种新颖的组合喷嘴混气谐振加热方案,并介绍了所研制的氦气谐振热表面点火器和同轴氢氧谐振火炬点火器,给出了气动谐振管点火器工程设计的一般原则和相关参数的选择。  相似文献   

多推力室的气动谐振点火器研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
为了满足多推力室多次同步点火的需要,通过大量的空气气动谐振加热实验和理论分析,研究了两种利用气动谐振点火技术的多推力室点火器,即多管点火器和小点火器,给出了两种点火器的系统结构、试验参数以及部分试验结果。这两种点火器都能在1秒内提供不同流量的火焰燃气,分别适用于较小推力室和较大推力室的点火。在实验室中进行的多次点火试验结果表明,这两种点火器都可以可靠地进行海平面上多推力室的多次同步点火。  相似文献   

In this paper, the nonlinear resonance characteristics of a dual-rotor system are investigated with the consideration of a local defect on the inter-shaft bearing of the system. A simplified model of the dual-rotor system is proposed by considering that there is a local defect on the inner ring of inter-shaft bearing. The local defect is modelled as an inverted isosceles trapezoidal groove, which can make great influence on the inter-shaft bearing force due to the change of radial clearance of the inter-shaft bearing. The motion equations of the dual-rotor system are formulated by using the Lagrange equation. The Runge-Kutta method is employed to solve the motion equation. The amplitude-frequency response curve of the dual-rotor system is obtained, the abnormal resonance characteristics are analyzed. In addition, the influence of defect parameters, rotors and support parameters and inter-shaft bearing parameters on the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the system are discussed. The results show that there are two main resonance peaks and four abnormal resonance peaks on the amplitude-frequency response curve of the dual-rotor with a local defect on the inner ring of the inter-shaft bearing. Through analyzing the vibration response of the abnormal resonance peaks, it is found that the first two abnormal resonances are caused by the combined resonance, which are related to the inner ring fault and the rotational speed of high or low pressure rotors, and the last two resonances are caused by the induced resonance of the inner ring fault. At the same time, when the parameters of defect, rotors and support and inter-shaft bearing change, the resonance of the system also shows the corresponding change law.  相似文献   

气动谐振管加热效应初步实验   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
为了有效地应用气动谐管加热现象的热效应,以发展液体火箭发动机的气动谐振管点火新技术,需要获得谐振管热效应的变化规律。实验测量了三种谐振管,即圆柱型、阶梯型和锥柱型谐振管间的表面加热温度。实验中主要考虑喷嘴与谐振管间的分离距离以及供气压力的变化。所获得的谐振加热特性可用于实际谐振加热装置的设计。  相似文献   

振荡燃烧是冲压发动机研制过程中面临的严峻问题,而振荡燃烧与涡运动规律密切相关,文中用大涡模拟的方法对突扩燃烧室冷态流动条件下的涡运动和低频压力振荡进行了模拟,并在此基础上得出了影响振荡频率和幅值的因素。  相似文献   

An asymptotic analysis of the two-dimensional turbulent near-wake flow behind a flat plate with sharp trailing edge has been formulated. The feature that the near-wake, which is dominated by the mixing of the oncoming turbulent boundary layers retains, to a large extent, the memory of the turbulent structure of the upstream boundary layer has been exploited to develop the analysis. This analysis leads to two regions of the near-wake flow (the inner near-wake and the outer near-wake) for which the governing equations are derived. The matching conditions among these regions lead to a logarithmic variation in the normal direction in the overlapping region surrounding the inner near-wake. These features are validated by the available experimental data. Similarity solutions for the velocity distribution (which satisfy the required matching conditions) in the inner near-wake and outer near-wake regions have been obtained by making the appropriate eddy-viscosity assumptions. Uniformly valid solutions for velocity distribution have been constructed for the near-wake. The solutions show good agreement with available experimental data.  相似文献   

作为一种新兴的气体动力学本构方程理论体系,非线性耦合本构方程(NCCR)理论的创新之处在于黏性应力和热传导中抛弃了广义牛顿定律和傅里叶热传导定律,而是考虑熵条件从Boltzmann方程直接推导出了黏性应力和热传导非线性耦合输运方程即NCCR模型。NCCR模型在连续区域与广义牛顿定律和傅里叶热传导定律一致,但是在稀薄区域其非线性关系逐渐增强,即NCCR模型大大扩展了应力-应变和热传导-温度梯度的本构关系,为稀薄气体流动模拟提供了新的途径。为解决NCCR模型强非线性难题,发展了混合模态间断伽辽金求解NCCR和流动守恒方程的数值算法,成功避免了NCCR边界条件高阶量赋值的难题。并对典型亚声速、超声速NACA0012翼型绕流、高超声速圆柱绕流、极高马赫数圆柱绕流、微尺度激波-涡干涉、连续稀薄渐变算例、方腔流动进行了数值计算和验证。结果表明,在稀薄区域,NCCR模型准确捕捉到了流场信息,吻合于蒙特卡罗直接模拟(DSMC)或实验结果,包括:压力分布、速度分布、温度分布、壁面热流等。对圆柱绕流的进一步研究发现NCCR在低努森数下与Navier-Stokes方程结果相同,随着努森数升高两者差距逐渐扩大且在高努森数下NCCR吻合于DSMC和实验结果,从侧面证明了基于NCCR理论用同一套方程解决连续稀薄耦合流动的可能性。  相似文献   

针对气膜密封研究中密封气膜动态特性分析难点问题,采用非线性数值模拟法对柱面气膜密封系统的动态特性进行研究[D].建立了柱面气膜密封系统的动力学模型,给出了基于有限元数值方法的瞬态气体雷诺方程(含时间项)与系统动力学方程的耦合求解流程和方法,数值仿真给出了柱面密封环的中心轨迹图、确定了一定转速下的临界无量纲质量、不同密封环无量纲质量时等量位移扰动下系统的响应图,分析了密封环无量纲质量对系统稳定性的影响.结果表明:光滑柱面气膜密封系统存在临界无量纲质量,临界时系统受扰后处于半频涡动状态,随着密封环无量纲质量的增加,受扰后系统收敛时间变长,稳定性变差.   相似文献   

Dynamic range improvement in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) by nonlinear amplitude compression is proposed. Quantization noise reduction by a factor of 10 to 20 is confirmed by a numerical simulation, provided an appropriate nonlinear transform is chosen. The piecewise-linear transform is the best nonlinear transform studied so far. Implementing amplitude compression requires no additional hardware in a usual MRI system if the low spatial frequency lines of the magnetic resonance (MR) signal are selectively prescanned through an attenuator. The method will be particularly effective in 3-D imaging of large objects. MR angiography, and imaging of solids  相似文献   

气动谐振管加热振荡流动过程数值研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
梁国柱  安联  张振鹏 《推进技术》2002,23(2):112-117
为了了解气动谐振管加热现象的振荡流动过程,利用显式TVD-MacCormark格式数值求解二维轴对称雷诺平均N-S方程,获得了一个谐振循环中完整的喷嘴-谐振管系统的振荡流动湍流流场,结果表明,欠膨胀声速冲击喷流固有的流场不均匀性和不稳定性是谐振管加热现象产生的内在原因,激波耗散是谐振管主要的加热机理。  相似文献   

超声速燃烧室凹槽动态特性试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为研究超声速燃烧室中凹槽火焰稳定器的流动特性,对来流马赫数2.0条件下各种构型的凹槽流场进行了试验研究。得到了不同几何构型凹槽流场的纹影结果,采用动态压力传感器研究了凹槽流场的频谱特性,计算了凹槽流场自激振荡压力的均方根,并将试验结果和Rossiter经验公式预测结果进行了对比。  相似文献   

Aeroacoustic pressure oscillation is one of the important challenges in segmented solid rocket motors with high slenderness ratio.The reason for these oscillations can be searched in vortex shedding due to grain burning surfaces, holes and slots.In this paper, a novel sub-scaled motor was used for evaluation of aeroacoustic pressure oscillations.First, the related parameters to scale down using Buckingham’s Pi-theorem were determined and then the sub-scaled motor was designed and manufactured.Af...  相似文献   

High speed photometry of the dwarf nova SS Cygni during an outburst reveals the presence of rapid oscillations detected over an interval of four days. The period of the oscillations ranged from a maximum of 9.91 s to a minimum of 8.96 s. The results are discussed from the view point of several current models.  相似文献   

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