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反义词是同一语言、同一历史时期,在一定的语境中具有对举关系,在一个或几个义位上相对或相反而词性相同的词。《盐铁论》中不仅反义词数量丰富,而且在语法类型、词汇意义和对应关系方面也显示出一些独具的特征。其语法特征表现为词类简单,形容词最多;词义方面涉及范围广,有时间、空间、动作以及性质状态等多种关系的对立;对应关系方面主要是音节上的对称性和数量上的不平衡性。  相似文献   

指示语涉及语言结构与其所使用语境之间的关系。探讨其五种类型之一的空间指示语向其他领域延伸现象及其背后的语义认知原因,并提出指示现象最终依靠语境分析来理解话语。  相似文献   

张莉 《成飞科技》2002,(1):46-48
电路知识的学习是电子与计算机两个专业必备的专业基础,《模拟电路》与《教学电路》的学习有着截然不同的方法,如何搞好这两门课程的教与学,是本文要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

《莎乐美》是爱尔兰剧作家及诗人奥斯卡.王尔德所创作的一部戏剧,该剧讲述了圣经中希律王之继女莎乐美的故事。剧中王尔德成功地向观众展示了他所创造的独特且令人惊异的美感。研究了与古典美学概念截然不同的王尔德美感的表达方式及其王尔德美感的根源所在。  相似文献   

白先勇的《孽子》《台北人》呈现出与英美哥特小说的若干共性.《孽子》中有象征牢笼与深渊的恐怖空间,它们压制了生命热情与人物的精神意志,但该小说的整体恐怖程度不及哥特小说;《孽子》《台北人》部分篇目与哥特小说都表现出怪诞,前者创造出怪诞的人物、异境,后者的怪诞与恐怖联系更甚,也没有明晰怪诞产生的原因.在哥特小说中,杀人、强...  相似文献   

飞机在运行过程中,舱门指示系统的正常工作是保障飞机安全和平稳运行的重要因素之一。本文通过对一起空客A320系列飞机客舱门指示故障的介绍,从故障现象、系统原理、排故过程等方面进行了分析和总结。  相似文献   

针对某次工作中遇到的TB飞机右燃油油量表指示超出上限的故障,分析该油量指示系统各组成部分的结构、原理、功能和走线,并根据故障现象进行逐步判断并查找出故障原因.  相似文献   

对一起波音737飞机起落架指示故障进行深入分析,并结合实际运行情况提出了相关的预防性措施。  相似文献   

吝啬鬼是文学世界里别致的一个形象系列,而鉴于吝啬是顽固而强烈的人性特质,很多吝啬鬼因此被塑造的形象单薄,甚至概念化,使人多读便致厌烦,古典小说中这种情况尤其突出,但是《儒林外史》却成功地突破了这种局面,其中的严氏兄弟等四位突出的吝啬鬼完全拥有各个不同的面貌,既清晰又丰满,集中体现了作者高超的艺术技巧,以及更深层的人道主义的写作关怀。  相似文献   

针对某型飞机偏流系统出现的两种指示故障,介绍了GPS输出偏流信号的模式、转换器与指示器偏流指示的传输机理、偏流“回中”的工作原理,分析了偏流指示误差大的原因。  相似文献   

The off-axis angle indicated by a conventional monopulse radar is only the real part of a "complex indicated angle." The presence of unresolved targets or multipath distorts the real part (causing an erroneous angle indication) and also produces an imaginary part, which can easily be measured by processing the normally unused quadrature-phase component of the difference signal. Under certain conditions the angles, amplitude ratio, and relative phase of two unresolved targets can theoretically be determined by meas urements of the complex indicated angle on two pulses separated by a short interval. In the special case of multipath, known relationships between the unresolved target and image theoretically permit determination of target elevation with a single pulse.  相似文献   

The complex indicated angle technique, applicable to monopulse radars, is being investigated as a means of overcoming the serious degradation of elevation measurement caused by multipath when the target is within a beamwidth or so of the horizon. This technique makes use of the quadrature-phase component of the normalized difference signal, as well as the in-phase component. Results of analysis and computer simulation have been published previously. This paper reports results of a test program using a slightly modified AN/FPS-16 monopulse tracking radar and a simulated target. The results to date indicate a potential for high accuracy, though there are limitations as to the applications for which the technique appears feasible. A computer program has been developed to perform the elevation estimate and to resolve ambiguities.  相似文献   

3月5日起,中国民航空管系统实施无线电通信指挥的管制人员必须具备国际民航组织管制英语四级及以上水平,开始全面推行使用英语进行无线电通话工作。  相似文献   

介绍了半实物仿真中三轴转台的设备参数修正方法,根据此结果对影响转台精度的频率特性进行测试,并从理论上给出转台框架误差的分析结果。  相似文献   

美国波音公司实施精益企业的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了美国波音公司实施精益企业的历史、所取得的成绩及今后的发展 ,论述了精益原理、精益生产系统的组成要素及其实施。  相似文献   

Studies of element abundances in stars are of fundamental interest for their impact in a wide astrophysical context, from our understanding of galactic chemistry and its evolution, to their effect on models of stellar interiors, to the influence of the composition of material in young stellar environments on the planet formation process. We review recent results of studies of abundance properties of X-ray emitting plasmas in stars, ranging from the corona of the Sun and other solar-like stars, to pre-main sequence low-mass stars, and to early-type stars. We discuss the status of our understanding of abundance patterns in stellar X-ray plasmas, and recent advances made possible by accurate diagnostics now accessible thanks to the high resolution X-ray spectroscopy with Chandra and XMM-Newton.  相似文献   

介绍了美国波音公司实施精益企业的历史、所取得的成绩及今后的发展,论述了精益原理、精益生产系统的组成要素及其实施.  相似文献   

Recent satellite observations of close binary systems show that practically all binaries exhibit evidence of mass flow and that, where the observations are sufficiently detailed, a fraction of the matter flowing out of the mass-losing component is accreted by the companion and the remainder is lost from the binary system. The mass flow is not conservative. During the phase of dynamic mass flow, the companion star becomes immersed in optically-thick plasma and the physical properties of that star elude close scrutiny.  相似文献   

A substantial fraction (typically 10%) of Galactic B stars consists of Be stars. While Galactic Be stars have been fairly well investigated, very little is known about the Be star content of the Magellanic Clouds (MCs). We present a refined method of Be star identification by CCD photometry and apply it to four young clusters and associations in the MCs. We find NGC 330 in the SMC to be exceptionally rich in Be stars, while the fraction is clearly lower in the similarly aged LMC clusters NGC 2004 and NGC 1818. NGC 2044, a very young region in the LMC, contains almost no Be stars. Among very early-type B stars in the investigated MC clusters we find the largest number of Be stars, while in the Milky Way this is shifted to somewhat later types. In the LMC, there may be a second frequency peak around B6.Based on observations obtained at the 2.2m MPIA telescope at ESO, La Silla, Chile, partly on time granted by the MPIA, Heidelberg.  相似文献   

Recent satellite observations of close binary systems show that practically all binaries exhibit evidence of mass flow and that, where the observations are sufficiently detailed, a fraction of the matter flowing out of the mass-losing component is accreted by the companion and the remainder is lost from the binary system. The mass flow is not conservative. During the phase of dynamic mass flow, the companion star becomes immersed in optically-thick plasma and the physical properties of that star elude close scrutiny.  相似文献   

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