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4小时头低位卧床期间脑阻抗图的变化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为了检查被试者对失重的适应能力,本实验采用了4h 头低位15°卧床方法模拟失重,观察了38名被试者在卧床中的耐受时间和脑阻抗图(REG)的变化,结果是短时间的头低位卧床期间REG 发生了规律性的变化,此变化反映了被试者脑循环系统状态,并与被试者卧床耐力一致。结果提示,短期头低位卧床可作为检查被试者失重适应能力的一种方法,而REG 是一个有用的评定指标。  相似文献   

模拟失重兔脑波超慢涨落图的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
兔在头低位悬吊的15天中,脑电的超慢涨落发生明显的改变,表现为16谱段、S_1~S_8谱结构、S 谱谐振及功率比的变化,这些变化反映了悬吊对脑功能的影响。结果表明脑电超慢涨落技术可应用到航天脑功能的研究中去。  相似文献   

空间失重引起的骨代谢调节失衡是航天员遭受的最严重的危害之一.骨代谢失衡还有可能影响机体的糖脂代谢平衡.本研究利用恒河猴头低位卧床模拟失重效应实验方法,分析头低位卧床过程中恒河猴血清中骨代谢、糖脂代谢指标变化情况及其相关性.卧床组恒河猴血清中BAP在头低位卧床实验开始7天便出现了显著下降(P<0.05),血清胰岛素、高密度脂肪酸含量在7天显著下降并一直维持在较低水平,血糖含量在7天时显著下降,但在21天时明显回升.分析发现,骨钙素与血糖、皮质醇、高密度脂肪酸含量间均存在相关性,这表明头低位卧床模拟失重效应实验中骨与糖脂代谢之间存在相互调控.   相似文献   

载人航天或模拟失重后,航天员会出现运动能力与立位耐力降低,其发生机理与多种因素的改变有关.为进一步验证这种变化与中枢神经系统调节功能障碍的可能相关,本文研究模拟失重过程中心脏与外周血管自主神经调节功能的动态变化及与卧床后立位耐力降低的关系.结果表明,6名被试者的HRV谱的总功率(TP)及低频(LF)、高频(HF)成份均减少,而LF:HF比值在卧床后期有增大趋势.卧床后HUT初始6min所有被试者心率明显快于卧床前的相应值.说明模拟失重后心脏迷走神经反应与外周血管交感神经活动水平降低,心脏交感神经活动水平逐渐升高.但卧床后HUT时心血管自主神经调节反应基本正常.  相似文献   

本文报道在横向16G超重作用下10只猕猴(Macaco mulatta)的实验,连续记录呼吸、心电和脑电活动.猕猴在超重作用过程中,开始呼吸频率反射性升高,然后下降,直至几乎完全被抑制;心率的变化是初始增加(70%的猴),接着逐渐下降,有时出现心率不齐,心传导阻滞等;记录的EEG主要为高幅δ波,接着波幅下降,同时伴有Q波或β波,直至脑电波消失.  相似文献   

中药在改善模拟失重兔主要脏器形态学变化中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实验探讨中药作为一种新的防护措施的可能性。实验动物为53只白兔, 用头低位悬吊方法模拟失重, 时间7天。实验前将兔分为四组:对照组, 悬吊组, 川芎组, 丹黄组, 实验中分别喂水或喂中药。实验后取脑、心、肺、肾、腹主动脉、比目鱼肌等6个脏器制片, 进行组织学观察。结果是两种中药均有改善模拟失重兔主要脏器血循环和组织结构的作用, 丹黄合剂的作用优于川芎。这说明中药作为一种新的防护措施是有希望的。   相似文献   

人体对三级起飞加速度的反应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航天员在飞船起飞时,常会遇到二级或三级加速度作用.为了解这种类型加速度对人体的影响,在人体离心机上,在背角为15°情况下,十名健康的青年被试者承受了峰值分别为+4Gx、+6Gx和+5Gx、每级作用时间为150秒的三级加速度作用.实验中记录了被试者的心电、血压、心振动图、脑阻抗图和呼吸情况,分析和讨论了某些重要的生理指标的变化.结果表明,被试者的主观感觉是良好的,生理指标变化处于正常代偿范围之内,较好地耐受了上述三级起飞加速度的作用.   相似文献   

为评价失重时心血管系统对运动负荷的反应能力,本文以心率为指标,研究在运动负荷反应过程中心率的变化,并用数学形式进行表述。 实验设计三种跑台负荷(亚最大、中、小),两种体能状态(20天模拟失重卧床前、后)和两组人员(6名青年体力工作者,5名中年脑力工作者)的跑台运动实验,以观察负荷量从小到大及卧床前、后心率动态曲线的变化过程,揭示各参数随体能状态和负荷量变化的规律。 采用最小二乘原理,用泰勒级数展开法解非线性方程组,得到跑台运动期和恢复期的心率反应曲线的最佳拟合表达式,并通过不同负荷量和不同体能状态确定了表达式中各参数的生理意义。选用五个独立参量评定运动负荷时心血管系统反应能力,它们在三种负荷、模拟失重卧床前、后及不同组别之间有明显差异。 本文为失重心血管系统选训、医监和研究其对运动负荷的反应能力等方面,提供科学依据。   相似文献   

模拟失重时家兔耳廓微循环的变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解失重时体液头向分布这一因素对微循环的影响,比较了两组兔(平卧组和头低位20°悬吊组)在实验7天中耳廓微循环和血液流变学指标的变化。结果证明体液头向分布可引起一定的微循环障碍,表现为毛细血管和细静脉管径变粗、流速减慢、血液在静脉中潴留、红细胞聚集、耳廓出血及立位时微血管调节功能发生改变,血液流变学指标也出现相应变化。本文分析了其中一些变化的起因,提出一些新的看法。   相似文献   

为提高宽谱光纤光源温度稳定性,对平均波长温度稳定性进行了分析;对不同泵浦功率下输出光的平均波长与输出功率的变化进行了仿真和实验研究,揭示了宽谱光纤光源平均波长与输出功率的相关性;提出并实现了一种基于数学模型的平均波长控制技术.从光源输出取出小部分功率作为反馈信号,通过调整泵浦激光器电流实现了中心波长的精确控制.对研制的样机进行了实际测试,结果表明控制方案是可行的,在-45~70℃的温度范围内,宽谱光纤光源的平均波长稳定性达到0.3×10-6℃-1.  相似文献   

本研究模拟航天飞行中可能出现的低压缺氧、氧分压降低、吸纯氧和体力负荷几种应急条件,记录了16名男性青年的R-R间期,计算了谱质量并作频谱图。R-R间期的频谱分析可反映心脏节律的特点,而心律的变化与机体各系统机能密切相关。因此,通过它的研究对判断航天员飞行时机能状态有应用价值。  相似文献   

Mammals have evolved under the influence of many selective pressures. Two of these pressures have been the static force of gravity and the daily variations in the environment due to the rotation of the earth. It is now clear that each of these pressures has led to specific adaptations which influence how organisms respond to changes in either gravity or daily time cues. However, several unpredicted responses to altered gravitational environments occur within the homeostatic and circadian control systems. These results may be particularly relevant to biological and medical issues related to spaceflight. This paper demonstrates that the homeostatic regulation of rat body temperature, heart rate, and activity become depressed following exposure to a 2 G hyperdynamic field, and recovers within 5-6 days. In addition, the circadian rhythms of these same variables exhibit a depression of rhythm amplitude; however, recovery required a minimum of 7 days.  相似文献   

The circadian rhythm of conidiation in Neurospora crassa is thought to be an endogenously derived circadian oscillation; however, several investigators have suggested that circadian rhythms may, instead, be driven by some geophysical time cue(s). An experiment was conducted on space shuttle flight STS-9 in order to test this hypothesis; during the first 7-8 cycles in space, there were several minor alterations observed in the conidiation rhythm, including an increase in the period of the oscillation, an increase in the variability of the growth rate and a diminished rhythm amplitude, which eventually damped out in 25% of the flight tubes. On day seven of flight, the tubes were exposed to light while their growth fronts were marked. Some aspect of the marking process reinstated a robust rhythm in all the tubes which continued throughout the remainder of the flight. These results from the last 86 hours of flight demonstrated that the rhythm can persist in space. Since the aberrant rhythmicity occurred prior to the marking procedure, but not after, it was hypothesized that the damping on STS-9 may have resulted from the hypergravity pulse of launch. To test this hypothesis, we conducted investigations into the effects of altered gravitational forces on conidiation. Exposure to hypergravity (via centrifugation), simulated microgravity (via the use of a clinostat) and altered orientations (via alterations in the vector of a 1 g force) were used to examine the effects of gravity upon the circadian rhythm of conidiation.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the function of the circadian timing system in space, the circadian rhythm of conidiation of the fungus Neurospora crassa was monitored in constant darkness on the STS 9 flight of the Space Shuttle Columbia. During the first 7 days of spaceflight many tubes showed a marked reduction in the apparent amplitude of the conidiation rhythm, and some cultures appeared arrhythmic. There was more variability in the growth rate and circadian rhythms of individual cultures in space than is usually seen on earth. The results of this experiment indicate that while the circadian rhythm of Neurospora conidiation can persist outside of the Earth's environment, either the timekeeping process or its expression is altered in space.  相似文献   

Space flight, microgravity, stress, and immune responses.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Exposure of animals and humans to space flight conditions has resulted in numerous alterations in immunological parameters. Decreases in lymphocyte blastogenesis, cytokine production, and natural killer cell activity have all been reported after space flight. Alterations in leukocyte subset distribution have also been reported after flight of humans and animals in space. The relative contribution of microgravity conditions and stress to the observed results has not been established. Antiorthostatic, hypokinetic, hypodynamic, suspension of rodents and chronic head-down tilt bed-rest of humans have been used to model effects of microgravity on immune responses. After use of these models, some effects of space flight on immune responses, such as decreases in cytokine function, were observed, but others, such as alterations in leukocyte subset distribution, were not observed. These results suggest that stresses that occur during space flight could combine with microgravity conditions in inducing the changes seen in immune responses after space flight. The biological/biomedical significance of space flight induced changes in immune parameters remains to be established. Grant Numbers: NCC2-859, NAG2-933.  相似文献   

采用扫描俄歇微探针、扫描电子显微镜、电子探针微区分析仪和X射线透射仪等多种分析手段分析了一种C波段砷化镓功率场效应管早期烧毁失效的现象。初步建立了烧毁失效的模式,给出了相应的失效频数分布及其表面形貌状态。分析结果指出,烧毁失效模式中源一漏烧毁占较大的比例;其次是由于材料及器件制备工艺过程不完善而引起的空气桥烧毁,热斑烧毁,源或漏极条边缘毛刺、芯片表面缺陷、沾污和不可动多余物引起的烧毁失效。文章就烧毁失效的机理进行了分析和讨论。  相似文献   

本文研究了-6°卧床模拟失重对T淋巴细胞受到有丝分裂原刺激后增殖能力和外周血总T淋巴细胞亚群(CD3+T细胞)、辅助/炎性T细胞亚群(CD4+T细胞)、杀伤T细胞亚群(CD8+T细胞)、及表达CD25分子细胞数的影响,同时观察生长激素、促肾上腺皮质激素、皮质激素的改变,来探讨免疫功能的变化与内分泌系统改变的关系.结果表明,模拟失重造成的免疫功能下降与内分泌系统紊乱有关.   相似文献   

用立位加下身负压作为负荷,被试者心血管反应可分成四种不同特征,即血管型、混合型、心脏型和欠调型。它们主要特征分别表现为:血管型以增加外周阻力为主;混合型心率和外周阻力都明显增加;心脏型心率增加非常明显;欠调型心率和外周阻力都调节不上去。负荷耐力以血管型最佳,混合型第二,心脏璎第三,欠调型较差。在卧床期间,被试者主观感觉和客观检查也表现为血管型和混合型较其它两种反应类型为好。卧床前后负荷试验的反应特征基本相似。用模糊数学的概念处理这些数据,可以定量地比较出心血管反应特征的差异。   相似文献   

本文处理分析了EXOSAT卫星对4U1538-524次中能观测资料,并结合其他观测结果对4U1538-52的时间和能谱特性作了分析和解释:中子星自转仍在减慢;能谱为幂律谱,Tenma卫星以后的观测未见Fe发射线;X射线dip现象可解释为一前景星对中子星的遮掩而形成;X射线爆发在不同的轨道位相出现,持续近1小时;在1keV附近似有一发射线。   相似文献   

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