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In this paper, we investigate data quantization effects in constant false alarm rate (CFAR) signal detection. Exponential distribution for the input data and uniform quantization are assumed for the CFAR detector analysis. Such assumptions are valid in the case of radar for a Swerling I target in Gaussian clutter plus noise and a receiver with analog square-law detection followed by analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. False alarm and detection probabilities of the cell averaging (CA) and order statistic (OS) CFAR detectors operating on quantized observations are analytically determined. In homogeneous backgrounds with 15 dB clutter power fluctuations, we show analytically that a 12-bit uniform quantizer is sufficient to achieve false alarm rate invariance. Detector performance characteristics in nonhomogeneous backgrounds, due to regions of clutter power transitions and multiple interfering targets, are also presented and detailed comparisons are given  相似文献   

The performance of distributed constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection with data fusion both in homogeneous and nonhomogeneous Gaussian backgrounds is analyzed. The ordered statistics (OS) CFAR detectors are employed as local detectors. With a Swerling type I target model, in the homogeneous background, the global probability of detection for a given fixed global probability of false alarm is maximized by optimizing both the threshold multipliers and the order numbers of the local OS-CFAR detectors. In the nonhomogeneous background with multiple targets or clutter edges, the performance of the detection system is analyzed and its performance is compared with the performance of the distributed cell-averaging (CA) CFAR detection system  相似文献   

In high-resolution imaging, weak target pixel amplifiers may not be detected in the presence of clutter containing strong nonhomogeneities, when conventional approaches are used. The authors describe a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) approach that avoids the elimination of these significant target returns. The nonhomogeneous clutter as well as the weak target components are detected with this approach. The targets could then be discriminated from the homogeneities by discrimination techniques. It is shown how the lower amplitude components of the background noise and homogeneous clutter (which have Rayleigh statistics) can be detected in the presence of strong homogeneous clutter and targets. The average level of the homogeneous component is then determined using these lower-amplitude components. This CFAR approach avoids having a CFAR on the strong nonhomogeneities as well as the homogeneous component. The avoidance is what yields the ability to detect weak target pixel amplitudes  相似文献   

This paper provides general models of radar echoes from a target. The rationale of the approach is to consider the echoes as the output of a linear dynamic system driven by white Gaussian noise (WGN). Two models can be conceived to generate N target returns: samples generated as a batch, or sequentially generated one by one. The models allow the accommodation of any correlation between pulses and nonstationary behavior of the target. The problem of deriving the optimum receiver structure is next considered. The theory of "estimator-correlator" receiver is applied to the case of a Gaussian-distributed time-correlated target embedded in clutter and thermal noise. Two equivalent detection schemes are obtained (i. e., the batch detector and the recursive detector) which are related to the above mentioned procedures of generating radar echoes. A combined analytic-numeric method has been conceived to obtain a set of original detection curves related to operational cases of interest. Finally, an adaptive implementation of the proposed processor is suggested, especially with reference to the problem of on-line estimation of the clutter covariance matrix and of the CFAR threshold. In both cases detection loss due to adaptation has been evaluated by means of a Monte Carlo simulation approach. In summary, the original contributions of the paper lie in the mathematical formulation of a powerful model for radar echoes and in the derivation of a large set of detection curves.  相似文献   

The ordered-statistics (OS) constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) is relatively immune to the presence of interfering targets among the reference cells used to determine the average background. OS CFAR performance in a multitarget environment was previously studied by simulation. The author obtains analytic expressions for the added detection loss, assuming strong interfering targets. The real target is assumed to be a Rayleigh fluctuating target. Numerical examples are included  相似文献   

The maximum-mean-level detector (MX-MLD) is a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detector designed to eliminate the excessively high false-alarm rate seen with the MLD at the edges of contiguous clutter regions. The concomitant high target suppression effect led M. Weiss (1982) to suggest a censored modification. The authors analyze the detection performance of the maximum-censored-mean-level detector (MX-CMLD). A homogeneous Swerling II target and clutter environment are assumed, and only single-pulse detection is considered. Analytic results apply equally to the MX-MLD and extend previous analysis. Simulation results are presented that demonstrate the qualitative effects of various CFAR detectors in nonhomogeneous clutter environments  相似文献   

The performance of a decentralized constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detection system with data fusion in homogeneous non-Gaussian background is analyzed in terms of ground area covered. The advantages of using a distributed radar system and the differences between the system behavior in Rayleigh clutter and in Weibull clutter are stressed. Notably, the increasing benefit of cooperative decision making when clutter becomes spikier is pointed out  相似文献   

Linearly combined order statistic (LCOS) constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detectors are examined for efficient and robust threshold estimation applied to exponentially distributed background observations for improved detection. Two optimization philosophies have been employed to determine the weighting coefficients of the order statistics. The first method optimizes the coefficients to obtain efficient estimates of clutter referred to the censored maximum likelihood (CML) and best linear unbiased (BLU) CFAR detectors. The second optimization involves maximizing the probability of detection under Swerling II targets and is referred to as the most powerful linear (MPL) CFAR detector. The BLU-CFAR detector assumes no knowledge of the target distribution in contrast to the MPL-CFAR detector which requires partial knowledge of the target distribution. The design of these CFAR detectors and the probability of detection performance are mathematically analyzed for background observations having homogeneous and heterogeneous distributions wherein the trade-offs between robustness and detection performance are illustrated  相似文献   

The greatest of constant false alarm rate processor (GO CFAR) is a useful architecture for adaptively setting a radar detection threshold in the presence of clutter edges. The GO CFAR input is often the envelope detected in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) channels of the baseband signal (xe=√(I2+Q2)). This envelope detection can also be approximated using x=a max{|I|,|Q|}+b min{|I|,|Q|} which requires less complex hardware (a and b are simple multiplying coefficients). The envelope GO CFAR processor and several envelope approximation GO CFAR processors are compared in terms of the probability of false alarm (PFA) performance. Closed-form expressions which describe the PFA performance are given and their accuracy evaluated. It is shown that for all cases, the PFA is proportional to the number of reference cells n for small threshold multiplier T and inversely proportional to n for large T. A region of intersection occurs where the PFA is the same for two different values of n. For example, at T'=1.68 in the |I|+|Q| GO CFAR (a=1, b=1) the PFA for n=1 is equal to the optimal n=∞ fixed-threshold PFA (PFA=0.112)  相似文献   

Biparametric linear estimation for CFAR against Weibull clutter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The authors deal with constant false alarm rate (CFAR) procedures against nonstationary clutter, modeled as a Weibull distributed process whose scale parameter α and shape parameter β are both variable. It is shown that conventional CFAR procedures, which compensate only for α, degrade intolerably as β deviates from β=2, namely, as the Rayleigh distributional assumption is violated. A biparametric CFAR procedure is shown to be suited to such situations. The authors introduce a logarithmic transformation to reduce the Weibull probability density function (pdf) to a Gumbel pdf, i.e., to the location-scale type, and then exploit the best linear unbiased estimation (BLUE) of location-scale parameters to adjust the detection threshold. True CFAR is thus achieved when the clutter is locally homogeneous. Resilience against local inhomogeneities can also be conferred since BLUE lends itself to censoring. Through a performance analysis, the influence of various system and distributional parameters is elicited  相似文献   

Conventional normalizing constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) circuits use the same configurations when detecting targets in interference regions and in clear regions. The CFAR penalty incurred in the clear region can be reduced by using CFAR processors that recognize the region is clear so that normalization is not necessary. An analysis of the target-detection performance for a particular modified CFAR processor, for an active-radar sensor, and for a passive infrared (IR), or sonar, sensor is given. It is shown that the decreased CFAR penalty in the clear is coupled with an increase of false-alarm rate in the clutter regions.  相似文献   

Exponential mixture probability density functions (pdfs) are shown to be useful models of radar sea clutter. The variability of certain parameters leads to estimation error and degradation in the performance of detection algorithms derived from this model. Robust implementations are introduced by assuming that parameters are known within certain intervals and selecting values to prevent an excessive number of false alarms. An empirical study demonstrates an average 6-9 dB gain in comparison with a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) processor  相似文献   

Matched subspace CFAR detection of hovering helicopters   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A constant false alarm rate (CFAR) strategy for detecting a Gaussian distributed random signal against correlated non-Gaussian clutter is developed. The proposed algorithm is based on Scharf's matched subspace detector (MSD) and has the CFAR property with respect to the clutter amplitude probability density function (apdf), provided that the clutter distribution belongs to the compound-Gaussian family and the clutter covariance matrix is known to within a scale factor. Analytical expressions of false alarm and detection probabilities are derived. An application to the problem of detecting hovering helicopters against vegetated ground clutter is reported  相似文献   

A new family of constant false alarm rate (CFAR) processors is introduced. An Ll-CFAR forms its noise power estimate by linearly filtering ranked samples from the reference set; the weights of this combination, however, depend not only on the rank, but also on the relative proximity of the sample to the cell under test. From the class of Ll-CFARs may be chosen members which effectively censor spurious targets; members which exhibit impressive control of false alarm in the presence of a clutter edge; and members which are robust against both such inhomogeneities. While the design of such schemes is involved, their implementation is not significantly more burdensome than that of plain ordered statistic CFAR (OS-CFAR). After a discussion of the stochastic training of Ll-CFAR, the performance is thoroughly assessed under the most commonly encountered instances of environmental conditions, and compared with those of classical CFAR techniques  相似文献   

OS-CFAR theory for multiple targets and nonuniform clutter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of a cell averaging constant false-alarm rate (CA-CFAR) detector degrades rapidly in nonideal conditions caused by multiple targets and nonuniform clutter. The ordered-statistic CFAR (OS-CFAR) is an alternative to the CA-CFAR. The OS-CFAR trades a small loss in detection performance relative to the CA-CFAR in ideal conditions for much less performance degradation in nonideal conditions. A formula is given for the detection probability of the OS-CFAR when there are multiple Swerling I targets in the CFAR window, and a formula is given for the probability of false alarm in nonuniform Raleigh clutter  相似文献   

It is necessary for automatic detection radars to be adaptive to variations in background clutter in order to maintain a constant false alarm rate (CFAR). A CFAR based on an ordered statistic technique (OS CFAR) has some advantages over the cell-averaging technique (CA CFAR), especially in clutter edges or multiple target environments; unfortunately the large processing time required by this technique limits its use. The authors present two new OS CFARs that require only ahlf the processing time. One is an ordered statistic greatest of CFAR (OSGO), while the other is an ordered statistic smallest of CFAR (OSSO). The OSGO CFAR has the advantages of the OS CFAR with only a negligible increment to the CFAR loss  相似文献   

Optimal CFAR detection in Weibull clutter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Optimal, in the maximum likelihood sense, constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detection for Weibull clutter statistics, is investigated. The proposed OW (optimal Weibull) estimator is proved to be an asymptotically efficient estimator of the mean power of the Weibull clutter. Theoretical analysis of the OW-CFAR detector is provided, while detection performance analysis is carried out using the Monte Carlo simulation method. The operation of the median and morphological (MEMO)-CFAR detector in Weibull clutter statistics is also explained. It performs almost optimally in uniform clutter and, simultaneously, it is robust in multitarget situations. The performance of the proposed OW-CFAR detector in uniformal Weibull clutter is used as a yardstick in the analysis of the MEMO cell-averager (CA) and ordered statistic (OS) CFAR detectors. Nonfluctuating and fluctuating (Swerling II) targets are considered in detection analysis. The performance of the detectors is also examined at clutter edges  相似文献   

Radar CFAR Thresholding in Clutter and Multiple Target Situations   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Radar detection procedures involve the comparison of the received signal amplitude to a threshold. In order to obtain a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR), an adaptive threshold must be applied reflecting the local clutter situation. The cell averaging approach, for example, is an adaptive procedure. A CFAR method is discussed using as the CFAR threshold one single value selected from the so-called ordered statistic (this method is fundamentally different from a rank statistic). This procedure has some advantages over cell averaging CFAR, especially in cases where more than one target is present within the reference window on which estimation of the local clutter situation is based, or where this reference window is crossing clutter edges.  相似文献   

介绍了3种两样本非参量CFAR检测算法的基本工作原理,利用实测未知统计概率分布海杂波数据对它们的检测性能进行了研究,并与参量CA-CFAR检测器进行了对比.研究表明:在强海杂波条件下,GS-CFAR检测器的检测性能最优;在弱海杂波条件下,Savage-CFAR检测器的检测性能最优;相比于CA-CFAR检测器,3种两样本...  相似文献   

Analysis of CFAR performance in Weibull clutter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent interest has focused on order statistic-based (OS-based) algorithms for calculating radar detection thresholds. Previous analyses of these algorithms are extended, to determine closed-form approximations for the signal-to-clutter ratio required to achieve a particular probability of detection in clutter environments whose amplitude statistics are modeled by the Weibull distribution, and where the clutter dominates receiver noise. Performance is evaluated in both homogeneous and inhomogenous clutter. The analysis shows that the OS-based algorithm is quite robust against both interference and clutter edges. A method is suggested for improving performance at clutter inhomogeneities for short-range targets  相似文献   

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