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浅谈积雨云和雷暴对飞行的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积雨云和雷暴都是影响飞行安全的危险天气。积雨云属于强对流云,它伴随大风、龙卷、雷暴、冰雹、阵雨等天气现象,雷暴是积雨云发展旺盛的产物。在积雨云中有强电场,当电压达到一定的范围,就形成放电,即闪电。由于电场的作用,积雨云中产生强磁场。飞机误入积雨云中时,容易遭雷击,或在强磁场的作用下,指针摇摆不定或一直指向磁场方向,  相似文献   

雷暴天气是夏季常见的天气现象,它是由对流旺盛的积雨云所产生的,伴有闪电雷鸣的局地风暴,是积雨云强烈发展的标志。在雷暴区,除雷电现象外,还有强烈的湍流积冰、阵雨和大风,有时还会出现冰雹、龙卷风和下击暴流等灾害性天气,这些都会严重威胁飞行安全。1988年8月31日,一架三叉戟B2218飞机在香港启德机场,遇到雷雨天气,着陆不正常,冲入海中。1990年3月,  相似文献   

雷暴是由发展旺盛的积雨云引起并伴有闪电雷鸣的天气现象.常伴有阵雨、大风、低能见度、下击暴流、风切变和降雹天气,是危及飞行安全、破坏地面设施最主要的天气现象。由于雷暴云中存在有强烈的湍流和阵性垂直气流等危险因素,对进、离港航班及管制指挥工作有较大的影响。对于从事空中交通管制的人员来说.了解和掌握雷暴的形成机制及本场雷暴天气特征。  相似文献   

大连机场雷暴统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言雷暴是产生在积雨云中的伴有闪电、雷鸣、阵雨、大风,有时还伴有冰雹、龙卷的中小尺度对流天气系统,对航空飞行安全有严重威胁。据统计:近20年来,国内外飞行事故中,有近六分之一是因飞机进入雷暴导致的。大连机场的雷暴常导致飞机返航、备降和延误,如2006年7月31日的雷暴就造成19  相似文献   

雷暴是航空飞行的主要天敌,它不仅使飞机起降困难和危险,而且在雷雨云中或其附近飞行,会引起飞机强烈颠簸、积冰等,有时还会遇到下击暴流、低空风切变和龙卷风。据近二十年来国外民航运输机的飞行事故统计,因飞机进入雷暴区导致飞机失事占气象事故的六分之一。每年春季,雷暴是影响贵阳机场的重要天气之一,并常伴有冰雹等强对流天气,严重影响飞行安全、正常和效益。所以,寻找贵阳机场春季雷暴的规律显然极为重要。  相似文献   

雷暴是积雨云强烈发展时形成的一种中尺度局地强对流性天气。飞机在雷暴区飞行,除了会遇到云中飞行的一般困难外,还会遇到强烈的颠簸、积冰、电击、阵雨和恶劣能见度,有时还会遇到冰雹、下击暴流、低空风切变和龙卷,这些  相似文献   

每年5、6月份是南宁机场一年中较复杂的天气月份之一,主要表现为雷暴天气日益频繁,常常给飞行安全保障带来极为不利的影响。该文主要对1987~1996年10月来5、6月份雷雨天气的历史资料进行分析,以期对飞行安全保障提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

大连机场20年(1986~2005)初雷分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王爽 《空中交通管理》2006,(10):26-28,19
雷暴是伴随着闪电、雷鸣的强对流性风暴。出现雷暴时,常伴有强烈的阵风和阵雨,有时伴有冰雹等灾害性天气。雷暴的发生、发展时常严重威胁飞行安全,是航空飞行的天敌。据统计,近20年来,国内外民航飞行事故中,有近六分之一是因飞机进入雷暴导致的。因此,做好雷暴的预报是航空气象  相似文献   

引言影响大连机场航空飞行的复杂天气主要包括低云、低能见度、强降水、大风、雷暴和冰雹等强对流天气。当机场处在一定的天气形势和气象条件下时,这些复杂天气会在同一天甚至同一时段内同时出现,形成特殊的复杂天气,严重威胁飞机正常安全起降,影响航班运营正常。降水是指雨、雪、雹等从云中  相似文献   

雷暴是电闪、雷鸣的强对流性风暴,雷暴的发生发展,时常伴随着大风、冰雹、暴雨等危险天气,严重威胁飞行安全。近20年来,国内外民航飞行事故中,有近1/6是因飞机进入雷暴中导致。2008年8月8—24日,第29届奥运会将在北京举行,届时将有近700万各国运动员及旅游者即将进入北京及周边地区,其中相当一部分途经首都机场,而在奥运期间,北京地区的气候正处于全年雷雨的多发期,8月份雷雨出现频率高达22.26%。  相似文献   

Estimates of the cost of human space flight continue to generate controversy in the effort to set US space policy. Estimates vary widely, depending upon the position of the observer. This article identifies the real cost of major space flight programs and traces the heterofore unsuccessful efforts to cut the expense of space operations.  相似文献   

Dunn CD  Lange RD 《Acta Astronautica》1979,6(5-6):725-732
Various factors which are important in the regulation of erythropoiesis have been studied in dehydrated mice in the belief that some information would be gained relevant to the erythropoietic effects of space flight. Dehydration reduced the plasma volume and, because changes in red cell volume were minimal, the hematocrit was elevated. Thus a state of relative erythrocytosis was produced. Our understanding of the mechanism whereby these changes decreased red cell production is uncertain and appears to differ somewhat from the erythroid suppression seen following elevation of the hematocrit in animals with an absolute erythrocytosis. It is suggested that factors outside of the normal erythropoietic control pathway (such as energy balance) may play an important role in the decrease in red cell volume seen in man following space flight.  相似文献   

This paper presents a status of the ARIANE 5 launch vehicle dynamic environments after the 5 first flights. It concerns mainly the low frequency vibrations, the acoustic and the shocks that the payloads experience and the related external excitations. The flight measurement plan is described. The results show that the frequencies are well characterized and the levels are low pointing out margins with regard to the specifications Furthermore, one describe the efficiency of attenuation solutions implemented to reduce the payload environments.  相似文献   

From the point of view of radiation safety, interstellar space is not an empty void. Interstellar gas and cosmic rays, which consist of hydrogen and helium nucleons, present a severe radiation hazard to crew and electronics aboard a relativistic interstellar ship. Of the two, the oncoming relativistic flow of interstellar gas produces the most intense radiation. A protection shield will be needed to block relativistic interstellar gas that can also absorb most of the cosmic rays which, as a result of relativistic aberration, forms into a beamed flow propagating toward the front of the spaceship.  相似文献   

L Xu 《Acta Astronautica》1985,12(3):177-185
In this paper, based on the scenes of stars seen by astronauts in their orbital flights, we have studied the mathematical model which must be constructed for CGI system to realize the space flight visual simulation. Considering such factors as the revolution and rotation of the Earth, exact date, time and site of orbital injection of the spacecraft, as well as its orbital flight and attitude motion, etc., we first defined all the instantaneous lines of sight and visual fields of astronauts in space. Then, through a series of coordinate transforms, the pictures of the scenes of stars changing with time-space were photographed one by one mathematically. In the procedure, we have designed a method of three-times "mathematical cutting." Finally, we obtained each instantaneous picture of the scenes of stars observed by astronauts through the window of the cockpit. Also, the dynamic conditions shaded by the Earth in the varying pictures of scenes of stars could be displayed.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2007,60(4-7):247-253
Of all of the environmental conditions of space flight that might have an adverse effect upon human immunity and the incidence of infection, space radiation stands out as the single-most important threat. As important as this would be on humans engaged in long and deep space flight, it obviously is not possible to plan Earth-bound radiation and infection studies in humans. Therefore, we propose to develop a murine model that could predict the adverse effects of space flight radiation and reactivation of latent virus infection for humans. Recent observations on the effects of gamma and latent virus infection demonstrate latent virus reactivation and loss of T cell mediated immune responses in a murine model. We conclude that using this small animal method of quantitating the amounts of radiation and latent virus infection and resulting alterations in immune responses, it may be possible to predict the degree of immunosuppression in interplanetary space travel for humans. Moreover, this model could be extended to include other space flight conditions, such as microgravity, sleep deprivation, and isolation, to obtain a more complete assessment of space flight risks for humans.  相似文献   

To assess the effects of prolonged space flight on the electrophysiological properties of the heart, vectorcardiograms (VCG) were obtained on the Skylab crews at regular intervals during flight and the pre- and postflight periods. The VCG signals were telemetered from Skylab and analyzed by digital computer. Conventional 12-lead electrocardiograms were derived from the VCG signals by a lead transformation program. Standardized exercise loads were incorporated into the experiment protocol to increase the sensitivity of the VCG for effects of deconditioning and to detect susceptibility for arrhythmias. In Skylab II, 24 preflight, 21 inflight, and 19 postflight experiments were analyzed. Statistically significant inflight changes observed in two or more crew members included: decreased resting heart rate, increased QRS duration, anterior shift QRS vector, increased QRS vector magnitude, anterior shift T vector, and increased T vector magnitude. One astronaut had occasional premature ventricular contractions (PVC) during the pre- and postflight phases. He had a single episode of multiple PVC's during heavy-load exercise testing in flight. A second astronaut had no arrhythmia during pre- or inflight testing. On postflight day 21 he had multiple PVC's and salvos of ectopic ventricular beats. He has had no recurrence of the arrhythmia. With the exception of the cardiac arrhythmias, no deleterious electrophysiological changes were observed during Skylab II.  相似文献   

Synchronized Position Hold Engage Reorient Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) is a formation flight testing facility consisting of three satellites operating inside the International Space Station (ISS). The goal is to use the long term microgravity environment of the ISS to mature formation flight and docking algorithms. The operations processes of SPHERES have also matured over the course of the first seven test sessions. This paper describes the evolution of the SPHERES program operations processes from conception to implementation to refinement through flight experience. Modifications to the operations processes were based on experience and feedback from Marshall Space Flight Center Payload Operations Center, USAF Space Test Program office at Johnson Space Center, and the crew of Expedition 13 (first to operate SPHERES on station). Important lessons learned were on aspects such as test session frequency, determination of session success, and contingency operations. This paper describes the tests sessions; then it details the lessons learned, the change in processes, and the impact on the outcome of later test sessions. SPHERES had very successful initial test sessions which allowed for modification and tailoring of the operations processes to streamline the code delivery and to tailor responses based on flight experiences.  相似文献   

Hormones are important effectors of the body's response to microgravity in the areas of fluid and electrolyte metabolism, erythropoiesis, and calcium metabolism. For many years antidiuretic hormone, cortisol and aldosterone have been considered the hormones most important for regulation of body fluid volume and blood levels of electrolytes, but they cannot account totally for losses of fluid and electrolytes during space flight. We have now measured atrial natriuretic factor (ANF), a hormone recently shown to regulate sodium and water excretion, in blood specimens obtained during flight. After 30 or 42 h of weightlessness, mean ANF was elevated. After 175 or 180 h, ANF had decreased by 59%, and it changed little between that time and soon after landing. There is probably an increase in ANF early inflight associated with the fluid shift, followed by a compensatory decrease in blood volume. Increased renal blood flow may cause the later ANF decrease. Erythropoietin (Ep), a hormone involved in the control of red blood cell production, was measured in blood samples taken during the first Spacelab mission and was significantly decreased on the second day of flight, suggesting also an increase in renal blood flow. Spacelab-2 investigators report that the active vitamin D metabolite 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 increased early in the flight, indicating that a stimulus for increased bone resorption occurs by 30 h after launch.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1987,3(1):5-9
This article presents four assessments prepared by a panel of US scientists and space authorities, on post-Challenger use of the Space Shuttle.  相似文献   

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