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I recently joined AESS, in part, out of selfish self-interest and for career development reasons. Aerospace systems, the technology of packaging, applications design, development, and testing, have unique and demonstrable use in other areas of systems engineering and scientific research.  相似文献   

The purpose of homeland security is to protect a nation from harm. A specific government agency called the Department of Homeland Security was established in the United States just after the September 11, 2001, attacks. The scope of this department is varied with emphasis on efforts to prevent terrorist attacks, reduce vulnerability, and maximize response capabilities. It also handles preparedness and responsiveness for natural disasters. Border security, both land and maritime, is clearly an important and interesting area of focus for homeland security.  相似文献   

The letter refers to the Toby Grotz's paper “Novel Means of Hydrogen Production Using Dual Polarity Control” and Waiter Russell's “Experiments with Zero Point Energy” presented at the 27th IECEC in San Diego in 1992. Commercial air to air heat pumps typically exhibit a COP, coefficient of performance, of 1.5, which means they deliver 1.5 units of thermal energy for each 1.0 units of electrical energy input. It is more likely that these 'Zero Point' effects are the electrical analogue of a mechanically powered vapor compression refrigeration cycle. The electrolyzer phenomenon reported by Grotz and others, if true, is a heat pump. Another commercial example of an all electrical, non-mechanical, refrigeration cycle heat pump are the in-room refrigerators in Japanese hotels, which utilize the reverse thermoelectric effect. Readers are reminded that the so-called “Zero Point Effect” is not producing more energy than is supplied to the systems, just that the COP mechanism is not yet understood in this case. The editor's response to the unexplained heat release during electrolysis is presented. He describes the experiment which was carried out with electrolysis currents ranging up to 75 amperes. For each temperature rise the resistance heating required more power than did the electrolysis process. The electrolysis had even delivered additional power in the fuel value of the released hydrogen, which was dissipated into the air. The authors calculated that making a gallon of such water would release the energy equivalent of 30 gallons of gasoline  相似文献   

《与山巨源绝交书》是嵇康研究的重要作品。其写作时间学界多持魏景元二年,即公元261年。笔从本、史料出发辨析出此作品写作时间应为景元四年,即公元263年。  相似文献   

Presents the summary of a PhD thesis on letter position in word recognition, which was written in 1976. The thesis was the source of the text used on the cover of the October 2006 issue of the IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine.  相似文献   

本分析了当前形势下加强心理健康对促进学生全面成才的重要性、必要性。开展心理健康教育必须抓住关键环节,重视发展性咨询,通过团体辅导、劳动教育等多形式、多渠道进行。评价了我校开展心理健康教育的实效。  相似文献   

《Space Science Reviews》1987,45(1-2):204-208

网络新闻是重整合还是重原创,这实际体现了网络传播过程中不同的新闻理念。通过试从受众需要、网络媒体所面临的信誉危机、目前网站编辑制作新闻的主要方式以及整合可以实现媒体间的多赢四个层次来阐述,从而论证了重整合是提高网络新闻传播效果的根本。  相似文献   

MINI不仅仅是一款汽车,它是一个世界,一个充满热情、激情和乐趣的世界。喜欢事事同一,千篇一律?那你肯定不是一个MINI迷。从诞生以来,MINI不只代表着时尚,更代表着一种自我表达的精神和与众不同的生活方式。如今,MINI COUNTRYMAN的正式上市宣布了MINI家族走进新的纪元。其"从原创到原创"的设计语言带领着MINI不断超越自我,  相似文献   

本文阐述了在电工测量中误差产生的原因,提出了消除电工实验误差的方法,并以实验数据加以分析。对于提高测量精度有一定意义。  相似文献   

如何贯彻落实高职教育的培养目标   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本重点论述了高职院校人才培养目标,并对如何体现、落实培养目标及按照培养目标组织教学等方面做了详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

<正>节前,一位朋友来电相约,春节偕家小一同去桂林泛舟漓江。朋友那头的一通热情邀请,勾起了我对二十多年前在桂林欢度春节的回忆……漓江氤氲烟波中的竹排、鱼鹰,重重叠叠似云似画的山峰,在我记忆的芯片上一一复原。不仅如此,更有积极促成我桂林之旅的杜宣先生的音容笑貌,也即刻活灵活现在我追忆的视频。说起那趟春节里游桂林的往事颇有意思。记得上世纪90年代初的一个冬目上午,我去杜宣先生家里做客聊  相似文献   

<正>人们赞美流星,是因为它燃烧着走完自己的全部路程。故而我赞美你,是因为,你守护着上海机场。我是机场迎宾路上的一朵蝴蝶花,扑闪着五光十色。我在你的手里被栽种、生根然后开花,春夏秋冬,四季变化,成了你最得意的作品。你拿着图纸,走在迎宾二路、空港一路、空港三路还有航站楼里,  相似文献   

徐世杰 《国际航空》2003,(10):50-52
人类在40多年火星探测中,经历了无数次失败.但为了进一步探测这颗红色星球的奥秘,美国于今年6、7月又分别发射了"勇气"号和"机遇"号探测器,这两个探测器上安装了许多用于科研的测试仪器和设备,并采用了许多关键技术  相似文献   

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