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There are many geometric calibration methods for “standard” cameras. These methods, however, cannot be used for the calibration of telescopes with large focal lengths and complex off-axis optics. Moreover, specialized calibration methods for the telescopes are scarce in literature. We describe the calibration method that we developed for the Colour and Stereo Surface Imaging System (CaSSIS) telescope, on board of the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO). Although our method is described in the context of CaSSIS, with camera-specific experiments, it is general and can be applied to other telescopes. We further encourage re-use of the proposed method by making our calibration code and data available on-line.  相似文献   

In the past three years, a new era of study of globular clusters has begun with multiwavelength observations from the current generation of astronomical telescopes in space. We review the recent results obtained from our studies of compact binaries and x-ray sources in globulars with ROSAT and HST as well as our balloon-borne hard x-ray telescope EXITE and ground-based observations (CTIO). With ROSAT, we have obtained the most sensitive high resolution soft x-ray images of clusters which show multiple low luminosity sources in cluster cores that are likely indicative of the long-sought population of cataclysmic variables (CVs). We have obtained deep H images of two clusters with HST and found CV candidates for 3 of the ROSAT sources in the core of NGC 6397. New CTIO imaging and spectroscopy of two ‘dim source’ fields in ω-Cen are also described. With EXITE we carried out the first hard x-ray imaging observations of the cluster 47 Tuc; such studies can ultimately limit the populations of millisecond pulsars and pulsar emission mechanisms. A long ROSAT exposure on 47 Tuc also shows probable cluster diffuse emission, possibly due to hot gas from ablating millisecond pulsars. Multiwavelength studies of globular clusters may provide new constraints on problems as diverse as the origin of CVs and LMXBs and the origin of hot gas in globulars.  相似文献   

Modelization of solar energetic particle (SEP) events aims at revealing the general scenario of SEP injection and interplanetary propagation and relies on in situ measurements of SEP distributions. In this paper, we study to what extent the LEFS60 and LEMS30 electron telescopes of the Electron Proton Alpha Monitor (EPAM) on board the Advanced Composition Explorer are able to scan pitch-angle distributions during near-relativistic electron events. We estimate the percentage of the pitch-angle cosine range scanned by both telescopes for a given magnetic field configuration. We obtain that the pitch-angle coverage is always higher for LEFS60 than for LEMS30. Therefore, LEFS60 provides more information of the directional distribution of the observed particles. The aim of the paper is to study the relevance of the coverage when fitting LEFS60 particle measurements in order to infer the solar injection and the interplanetary transport conditions. By studying synthetic electron events, we obtain that at least 70% of the pitch-angle cosine range needs to be scanned by the telescope. Otherwise, multiple scenarios can explain the data.  相似文献   

The observation, characterization, and understanding of planetary atmospheres are key components of Solar System exploration. Their study requires, among other observations, the use of image data acquired from spacecrafts. The basic tasks that are generally used to work with planetary image data are: image navigation, projection, image processing, limb-darkening correction, composition of multiwavelength images and mosaicing. We illustrate the mathematical techniques required for the study of planetary images obtained from spacecrafts using as an example our own software package (PLIA). We present examples of analysis of Galileo SSI, Cassini ISS and Venus Express VIRTIS observations covering a large range of image peculiarities. The paper is organized as a guide for anyone willing to replicate one or several of the capabilities incorporated in the PLIA software. An open source version of PLIA for astronomical image processing is available.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that some radio-loud narrow-line Seyfert 1 contain relativistic jets, on the basis of their flat-spectrum radio nuclei and studies on variability. We present preliminary results of an ongoing investigation of the X-ray and multiwavelength properties of 5 radio-loud NLS1 based on archival data from Swift and XMM-Newton. Some sources present interesting characteristics, very uncharacteristic for a radio-quiet narrow-line Seyfert 1, such as very hard X-ray spectra, and correlated optical and ultraviolet variability. However, none of the studied sources show conclusive evidence for relativistic jets. γ-Ray observations with Fermi are strongly recommended to definitely decide on the presence or not of relativistic jets.  相似文献   

Following the Hubble Space Telescope (HST), the next generation James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) is being developed to be launched in a few years. JWST will be a segmented mirror telescope with a design much like that developed for ground-based telescopes over the past 20 years. Several segmented mirror telescopes are currently in operation, and next generation ground-based telescopes of the 30-m class are also being designed using segmented primary mirrors. Regardless of size, segmented primary mirror telescopes often require the use of aspheric segment mirrors. One of the key factors in fabrication of aspheric segment mirrors is feasibility of testing off-axis surfaces with high accuracy. A couple of test methods have been investigated for aspheric off-axis segments. As a case study, we apply these test methods to secondary segmented mirror models of the Giant Magellan Telescope. We derive required dimensions of test set-ups and assess sensitivity of optical alignment. Characteristics of the test methods are also discussed.  相似文献   

Space Very Long Baseline Interferometry (S-VLBI) is an aperture synthesis technique utilizing an array of radio telescopes including ground telescopes and space orbiting telescopes. It can achieve much higher spatial resolution than that from the ground-only VLBI. In this paper, a new concept of twin spacecraft S-VLBI has been proposed, which utilizes the space-space baselines formed by two satellites to obtain larger and uniform uv coverage without atmospheric influence and hence achieve high quality images with higher angular resolution. The orbit selections of the two satellites are investigated. The imaging performance and actual launch conditions are all taken into account in orbit designing of the twin spacecraft S-VLBI. Three schemes of orbit design using traditional elliptical orbits and circular orbits are presented. These design results can be used for different scientific goals. Furthermore, these designing ideas can provide useful references for the future Chinese millimeter-wave S-VLBI mission.   相似文献   

The first lunar-based telescope for a test of NEO observations is discussed within a scenario of NASDA's sequence of lunar missions. There have been no real telescopes on the moon as yet, and therefore we have to step up from a primitive level of telescope to real NEO telescopes. The first telescope with an aperture of 30 cm is expected to be launched around 2005.  相似文献   

The wealth of observational material provided by the COS-B and SAS-2 telescopes has provided a great incentive to develop new and better techniques for high energy gamma-ray astronomy. The prospects of achieving a greater sensitivity and a much improved angular resolution in future gamma-ray telescopes are reviewed in the light of the predicted performance of payloads already approved and new techniques being developed in the laboratory.  相似文献   

天文暂现源携带了关于天体本质及演化过程的丰富信息,对暂现源进行探测与研究具有极为重要的科学价值。天文暂现源的辐射峰值大多在X射线或伽马射线,天基望远镜对这些高能波段的观测优势是地基望远镜无法比拟的,更适合于暂现源观测。但由于星载计算机的性能约束,很难实现依托于地面强大算力的复杂检测算法。针对以上问题,提出了基于轻量化卷积神经网络(CNN)模型的天基暂现源检测算法,并在嵌入式ARM平台上实现了模型部署。实验结果表明,本文提出的轻量化CNN暂现源检测算法的模型复杂度和计算量不及Deep Hits算法的1/4,准确率达到96.52%,可应用于星载有限算力平台,实现未来的天基暂现源实时检测。  相似文献   

Following the successful Yohkoh satellite which is continuously operating since August 1991, the solar physics community in Japan is now preparing for a Japan's next solar physics mission, Solar-B, whose primary objective is to study the connection of the dynamics and heating in the solar corona with the magnetic field at the solar surface. Solar-B will carry a medium-sized optical telescope with capability of measuring vector magnetic fields at the solar surface, together with two X-ray/EUV imaging telescopes capable of measuring the dynamics and physical conditions of hot plasma in the solar corona. These telescopes are prepared under the international collaborations with U.S.A. (NASA) and U.K. (PPARC). ISAS schedules to launch Solar-B as its 22nd science satellite in summer 2005. The Solar-B program is now in the proto-model manifacture/test phase and the baseline design of the satellite as well as the three telescopes is defined.  相似文献   

The Pinhole/Occulter Facility concept uses a remote occulting mask to provide high resolution observations of the solar corona and of astronomical X-ray sources. With coded-aperture and Fourier-transform techniques, the Pinhole/Occulter makes images at a resolution of 0.2 arc sec for 2 - 120 keV X-rays, using a 50-m boom erected from the payload bay of the Space Shuttle or mounted on a free-flying platform. The remote occulter also creates a large shadow area for solar coronal observations; the Pinhole/Occulter concept includes separate optical and ultraviolet telescopes with 50-cm apertures. These large telescopes will provide a new order of resolution and sensitivity for diagnostic observations of faint structures in the solar corona. The Pinhole/Occulter is a powerful and versatile tool for general-purpose X-ray astronomy, with excellent performance in a broad spectral band complementary to that accessible with AXAF. The large collecting area of 1.5 m2 results in a 5σ detection threshold of about 0.02 μJy for the 2 - 10 keV band, or about 10?5 ph(cm2sec keV)?1 at 20 keV.  相似文献   

Recent multiwavelength monitoring of active galactic nuclei (AGN), particularly with the IUE satellite, has produced extraordinary advances in our understanding of the energy-generation mechanism(s) in the central engine and of the structure of the surrounding material. Examples discussed here include both ordinary AGN and blazars (the collective name for highly variable, radio-loud AGN like BL Lac objects and Optically Violently Variable quasars). In the last decade, efforts to obtain single-epoch multiwavelength spectra led to fundamentally new models for the structure of AGN, involving accretion disks for AGN and relativistic jets for blazars. Recent extensions of multiwavelength spectroscopy into the temporal domain have shown that while these general pictures may be correct, the details were probably wrong. Campaigns to monitor Seyfert 1 galaxies like NGC 4151, NGC 5548 and Fairall 9 at infrared, optical, ultraviolet and X-ray wavelengths indicate that broad-emission line regions are stratified by ionization, density, and velocity; argue against a standard thin accretion disk model; and suggest that X-rays represent primary rather than reprocessed radiation. For blazars, years of radio monitoring indicated emission from an inhomogeneous synchrotron-emitting plasma, which could also produce at least some of the shorter-wavelength emission. The recent month-long campaign to observe the BL Lac object PKS 2155-304 has revealed remarkably rapid variability that extends from the infrared through the X-ray with similar amplitude and little or no discernible lag. This lends strong support to relativistic jet models and rules out the proposed accretion disk model for the ultraviolet-X-ray continuum.  相似文献   

近地小行星与地球碰撞虽然罕见但可能会造成灾难性后果。近年来,各国加强了对近地小行星的监控、跟踪力度,并且实施了几次卓有成效的探测任务,如何防御近地小行星威胁的研究越来越多。总结了目前近地小行星的主要观测监视设施和现状,讨论了国际上对小行星威胁的评估情况,分析和评估了目前提出的防御手段的研究现状及其可行性。  相似文献   

A space-based Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) program, named as the Cosmic Microscope, is proposed to involve dual VLBI telescopes in the space working together with giant ground-based telescopes (e.g., Square Kilometre Array, FAST, Arecibo) to image the low radio frequency Universe with the purpose of unraveling the compact structure of cosmic constituents including supermassive black holes and binaries, pulsars, astronomical masers and the underlying source, and exoplanets amongst others. The operational frequency bands are 30, 74, 330 and 1670 MHz, supporting broad science areas. The mission plans to launch two 30-m-diameter radio telescopes into 2 000 km×90 000 km elliptical orbits. The two telescopes can work in flexibly diverse modes. (i) Space-ground VLBI. The maximum space-ground baseline length is about 100 000 km; it provides a high-dynamic-range imaging capacity with unprecedented high resolutions at low frequencies (0.3 mas at 1.67 GHz and 20 mas at 30 MHz) enabling studies of exoplanets and supermassive black hole binaries (which emit nanoHz gravitational waves). (ii) Space-space single-baseline VLBI. This unique baseline enables the detection of flaring hydroxyl masers, and more precise position measurement of pulsars and radio transients at mas level. (iii) Single dish mode, where each telescope can be used to monitor transient bursts and rapidly trigger follow-up VLBI observations. The large space telescope will also contribute in measuring and constraining the total angular power spectrum from the Epoch of Reionization. In short, the Cosmic Microscope offers astronomers the opportunity to conduct novel, frontier science.   相似文献   

In some space missions especially in the field of space gravitational wave detection, the telescope needs to point to a certain target through attitude movement and pointing control. In several mainstream gravitational wave detection missions, the detector usually consists of a cluster of three identical satellites, flying in a quasi-equilateral triangular formation with a big edge length, so every satellite needs two telescopes to point each other and constitute three giant Michelson-Type interferometers. Therefore, a satellite platform system with two telescopes is researched in this paper. This research helps to characterize the attitude motion of a telescope for space astronomical observation or space gravitational wave detection, provides new method on the telescope’s high-precision pointing control. For this purpose, we derive a satellite-telescope coupling attitude model, design the sliding mode controller for satellite and the stacked recurrent neural network adaptive controller for telescope. In the stacked recurrent neural network adaptive controller design, a sliding mode control technology is adopted. In addition, we propose a combinatorial optimization method for network weights in the stacked recurrent neural network training process, that is, the output layer is corrected by the adaptive law, and the correction of other layers adopt the error backpropagation method. Finally, a numerical simulation method verifies the effectiveness of the controller design.  相似文献   

UVSTAR is an EUV spectral imager intended as a facility instrument devoted to solar system astronomy and to astronomy. It covers the wavelength range of 500 to 1250 Å, with sufficient spectral resolution to separate atomic emission lines and to form spectrally resolved images of extended plasma sources. Targets include the Io plasma torus at Jupiter, hot stars, planetary nebulae and extragalactic sources. UVSTAR will make useful measurements of emissions from the Earth's atmosphere as well. UVSTAR consists of a pair of telescopes and concave-grating spectrographs that cover the overlapping spectral ranges of 500–900 Å and 850–1250 Å. The telescopes use two 30 cm diameter off-axis paraboloids having a focal length of 1.4 m. An image of the target is formed at the entrance slits of two concave grating spectrographs. The gratings provide dispersion and re-image the slits at the detectors, intensified CCDs. The readout format of the detectors can be chosen by computer, and three slit widths are selectable to adapt the instrument to specific tasks. The spectrograph package has internal gimbals which allow rotation of ±3° about each of two axes. Dedicated finding and tracking telescopes will acquire and track the target after rough pointing is achieved by orienting the Orbiter. Responsibilities for the implementation and utilization of UVSTAR are shared by groups the U.S. and Italy. UVSTAR is scheduled for flight in early 1994.  相似文献   

One of the main guidelines for future X-ray astronomy projects like, e.g., XEUS (ESA) and Generation-X (NASA) is to utilize grazing-incidence focusing optics with extremely large telescopes (several tens of m2 at 1 keV), with a dramatic increase in collecting area of about two order of magnitude compared to the current X-ray telescopes. In order to avoid the problem of the source's confusion limit at low fluxes, the angular resolution required for these optics should be superb (a few arcsec at most). The enormous mirror dimensions together with the high imaging performances give rise to a number of manufacturing problems. It is basically impossible to realize so large mirrors from closed Wolter I shells which benefit from high mechanical stiffness. Instead the mirrors need to be formed as rectangular segments and a series of them will be assembled in a petal. Taking into account the realistic load capabilities of space launchers, to be able to put in orbit so large mirror modules the mass/geometric-area ratio of the optics should be very small. Finally, with a so large optics mass it would be very difficult to provide the electric power for an optics thermal active control, able to maintain the mirrors at the usual temperature of 20 °C. Therefore, very likely, the optics will instead operate in extreme thermal conditions, with the mirror temperature oscillating between −30 and −40 °C, that tends to exclude the epoxy replication approach (the mismatch between the CTE of the substrate and that of the resin would cause prohibitively large deformations of the mirror surface profiles). From these considerations light weight materials with high thermal–mechanical properties such as glass or ceramics become attractive to realize the mirrors of future Xray telescopes. In this paper, we will discuss a segments manufacturing method based on BorofloatTM glass. A series of finite element analysis concerning different aspects of the production, testing and integration of the optics are also presented as well.  相似文献   

We report on some of the most recent results from a multiwavelength study of a volume-limited sample of galaxies. This paper will concentrate on the detection of variability in NGC 4395, the least luminous known Seyfert galaxy, and the high resolution X-ray imaging of the sample.  相似文献   

Large space telescopes cannot be made diffraction-limited at least for short wavelengths. Methods for reconstructing diffraction-limited images are reviewed including active optics, Michelson stellar interferometry, non-redundant aperture arrays, deconvolution and shearing interferometry. Expressions are given for the signal-to-noise ratio in each case and the result of laboratory simulations are presented. It is concluded that diffraction-limited images could be obtained in the visible up to magnitude 21 with large deployable reflectors planned to be used in the far I.R. or millimetric range.  相似文献   

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