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In Xenopus laevis tadpoles, we studied the static vestibuloocular reflex (rVOR) in relation to modifications of the gravitational environment to find basic mechanisms of how altered gravitational forces (AGF) affect this reflex. Animals were exposed to microgravity during space flight or hypergravity (3g) for 4 to 12 days. Basic observations were that (1)the development of the rVOR is significantly affected by altered gravitational conditions, (2) the duration of 1g-readaptation depends on the strength of the test stimulus, (3) microgravity induces malformations of the body which are related to the rVOR depression. Future studies are based on the hypotheses (1) that the vestibular nuclei play a key roll in the adaptation to AGF conditions, (2) that the stimulus transducing systems in the sense organ are affected by AGF conditions, and (3) that fertilized eggs will be converted to normal adults guided by physiological and morphological set points representing the genetic programs. Developmental retardation or acceleration, or otherwise occurring deviations from standard development during embryonic and postembryonic life will activate genes that direct the developmental processes towards normality.  相似文献   

Unusually large mitochondria are a rather scarce feature in normal biological tissue and string-like giant mitochondria have hitherto not been reported in animals. Investigating the role of inner ear ionocytes for otolith growth, large ionocytes of the saccular epithelium of the cichlid fish Oreochromis mossambicus were analyzed by imaging of thick sections with energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy. We report here that ionocytes do not contain numerous small-sized mitochondria as has been suggested earlier but rather few, extremely elongated megamitochondria. Since the particular mitochondrial structure is important for normal cell function, such megamitochondria possibly reflect a functional advantage in the context of the presumed role of teleostean ionocytes in regulating the composition of the endolymphatic fluid.  相似文献   

In Xenopus laevis tadpoles, effects of asymmetrical light conditions on the roll-induced vestibuloocular reflex (rVOR) were tested for the developmental period between stage 47 and 49. For comparison, the rVOR was tested in dim- and high-symmetrical light environments. Test parameters were the rVOR gain and rVOR amplitude. Under all light conditions, the rVOR increased from tadpole stage 47 to 49. For all stages, the asymmetrical light field induced the strongest response, the dim light field the weakest one. The response for the left and right eye was identical, even if the tadpoles were tested under asymmetrical light conditions. The experiments can be considered as hints (1) for an age-dependent light sensitivity of vestibular neurons, and (2) for the existence of control systems for coordinated eye movements that has its origin in the proprioceptors of the extraocular eye muscles.  相似文献   

Inner ear otolith growth in terms of mineralisation mainly depends on the enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CAH). CAH is located in specialised, mitochondria-rich macular cells (ionocytes), which are involved in the endolymphatic ion exchange, and the enzyme is responsible for the provision of the pH-value necessary for otolithic calcium carbonate deposition.  相似文献   

A review is being presented concerning behavioural, biochemical, histochemical and electronmicroscopical data on the influence of altered gravitational forces on the swimming performance and on the neuronal differentiation of the brain of cichlid fish larvae and adult swordtail fish that had been exposed to hyper-gravity (3g in laboratory centrifuges), hypo-gravity (>10(-2) g in a fast-rotating clinostat) and to near weightlessness (10(-4) g aboard the Spacelab D-2 mission). After long-term alterations of gravity (and parallel light deprivation), initial disturbances in the swimming behaviour followed by a stepwise regain of normal swimming modes are induced. Parallel, neuroplastic reactivities on different levels of investigation were found, such as adaptive alterations of activities of various enzymes in whole brain as well as in specific neuronal integration centers and an intraneuronal reactivity on ultrastructural level in individual brain parts and in the sensory epithelia of the inner ear. Taken together, these data reveal distinct adaptive neuroplastic reactions of fish to altered gravity conditions.  相似文献   

This document analyzes the optimality of intermediate thrust arcs (singular arcs) of spacecraft trajectories subject to multiple gravitational bodies. A series of necessary conditions for optimality are formally derived, including the generalized Legendre–Clebsch condition. As the order of singular optimality turns out to be two, an explicit formula for the singular optimal control is also presented. These analytical outcomes are validated by showing that they are identical to Lawden’s classical result if the equations of motion are reduced for a central gravity field. Practical utility is demonstrated by applying these analytical derivations to a candidate optimal trajectory near the Moon subject to solar and Earth perturbation. While the candidate optimal trajectory turns out to be bang-singular-bang, the intermediate thrust arc satisfies all the necessary conditions for optimality.  相似文献   

The orientation behavior of Paramecium changed in a similar way after transition to conditions of free-fall in a sounding rocket and after transition to conditions of simulated weightlessness on a fast rotating clinostat. After a period of residual orientation, Paramecium cells distributed themselves randomly 80 s (120 s) after onset of free-fall (simulated weightlessness). Swimming velocity increased significantly; however, the increase was transient and subsided after 3 min in the rocket experiments, while the velocity remained enhanced even during 2 h of rotation on a fast clinostat. Trichocysts were present and without morphological changes in Paramecium cells which had been exposed to a rocket flight, as well as to fast or slow rotation on a clinostat. Regeneration of the oral apparatus of Stentor and morphogenesis of Eufolliculina proceeded normally on the clinostat. The results demonstrate that the clinostat is a useful tool to simulate the conditions of weightlessness on earth and to detect gravisensitive cellular functions.  相似文献   

Inner ear otolith formation in fish is supposed to be performed by the molecular release of proteinacious precursor material from the sensory epithelia, followed by an undirected and diffuse precipitation of calcium carbonate (which is mainly responsible for the functionally important weight of otoliths). The pathway of calcium into the endolymph, however, still remains obscure. Therefore, the presence of calcium within the utricle of larval cichlid fish Oreochromis mossambicus was analyzed by means of energy filtering transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM). Electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) and electron energy loss spectra (EELS) revealed discrete calcium precipitations, which were especially numerous in the proximal endolymph as compared to the distal endolymph. A decreasing proximo-distal gradient was also present within the proximal endolymph between the sensory epithelium and the otolith. Further calcium particles covered the peripheral proteinacious layer of the otolith. They were especially pronounced at the proximal surface of the otolith. Other calcium precipitates were found to be accumulated at the macular junctions. These results strongly suggest that the apical region of the macular epithelium is involved in the release of calcium and that calcium supply of the otoliths takes place in the proximal endolymph.  相似文献   

Cichlid fish larvae were reared from hatching to active free swimming under different gravity conditions: natural environment, increased acceleration in a centrifuge, simulated weightlessness in a clinostat and near weightlessness during space flight. Cytochrome oxidase activity was analyzed semiquantitatively on the ultrastructural level as a marker of regional neuronal activity in a primary, vestibular brainstem nucleus and in gravity receptive epithelia in the inner ear. Our results show, that gravity seems to be positively correlated with cytochrome oxidase activity in the magnocellular nucleus of developing fish brain. In the inner ear the energy metabolism is decreased under microgravity concerning utricle but not saccule. Hypergravity has no effect on cytochrome oxidase activity in sensory inner ear epithelia.  相似文献   

The CELIMENE space experiment (CELulles en Impesanteur: Muscle Et Neurone Embryonnaires) was devoted to the study of the influence of gravity on the differentiation, the organisation and the maintenance of the highly specialised nervous system and muscular system. CELIMENE was carried out during the first flight of the IBIS hardware (Instrument for BIology in Space) with the fully automatic space mission PHOTON 10 in February 1995. Using the amphibian Pleurodeles waltl as a vertebrate model, in vitro experiments involved immunocytochemical detection of glial-, neuronal- and muscle-specific markers, and neurotransmitters in cells developed under conditions of microgravity compared with 1g controls, on-board and on the ground. We observed that the altered gravity did not disturb cell morphogenesis or differentiation.  相似文献   

The analytical methods have nearly been replaced by the numerical methods due to their higher accuracy and accessibility of computation facilities. The semi-analytical Lagrange method of orbit propagation using f and g series is a competitive alternative to the numerical integration technique if the Lagrange coefficients are derived in a full gravitational field. In this paper, a generalization of the Lagrange method of orbit propagation is introduced. In other words, we introduce a complete form of the Lagrange coefficients in all force fields developed in the spherical harmonics for example full gravitational field of the Earth. The method is numerically compared with the numerical integration technique. In order to show the numerical performance of the method, it has been implemented for orbit propagation of a GPS-like MEO and CHAMP-like LEO satellites. Discrepancy at centimeter level for CHAMP-like and sub-millimeter accuracy for GPS-like satellites shows relatively high performance of the developed algorithm. Compared to integration method, the proposed Lagrange method is nearly faster by a factor two for small Nmax and four for large Nmax.  相似文献   

A spacecraft, that travels at mesothermal speeds, disturbs the plasma in its surroundings. Due to the fade out of the ions an extended negative potential structure is formed behind the probe. A numerical model based on the Vlasov-Poisson system to describe the wake structure of a spacecraft under ionospheric conditions is presented. The dependence of the wake structure on the streaming velocity of the plasma and on the ratio of electron to ion temperature is discussed.  相似文献   

The temperature distribution of the hot plasma emission measure in a large but slowly developing flare has been investigated using the following data obtained from the INTERCOSMOS 4 satellite: (1) the X - ray spectra in the range 1.7 – 1.9 Å, (2) the hard X - ray fluxes in the range 10 – 40 keV. It has been found that all the data can be explained by a consistent thermal model of the emitting region.  相似文献   

Synapse counting was undertaken by conventional electron microscopy in primary vestibular integration centers (i.e., Nucleus descendens, Nd, and Nucleus magnocellularis, Nm, of the brainstem Area octavolateralis) and in the diencephalic visual Nucleus corticalis (Nc) of spaceflown neonate swordtail fish Xiphophorus helleri as well as in 1 g control siblings. Spaceflight (16 days microgravity, STS-90 Neurolab-Mission) yielded an increase in synaptic contacts only within the vestibular Nd indicating that lack of input resulted in compensation processes. No effect of microgravity, however, was observed in the visual Nc and in the vestibular Nm which is situated in the close vicinity of the Nd. In contrast to the latter, the Nm does not receive exclusively vestibular input, but inputs from the lateral line as well, possibly providing sufficient input at microgravity.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly shown earlier that some fish of a given batch reveal motion sickness (a kinetosis) at the transition from 1 g to microgravity. In the course of parabolic aircraft flight experiments, it has been demonstrated that kinetosis susceptibility is correlated with asymmetric inner ear otoliths (i.e., differently weighed statoliths on the right and the left side of the head) or with genetically predispositioned malformed cells within the sensory epithelia of the inner ear. Hitherto, the threshold of gravity perception for inducing kinetotic behavior as well as the relative importance of asymmetric otoliths versus malformed epithelia for kinetosis susceptibility has yet not been determined. The following experiment using the ZARM drop-tower facility in Bremen, Germany, is proposed to be carried out in order to answer the aforementioned questions. Larval cichlid fish (Oreochromis mossambicus) will be kept in a camcorder-equipped centrifuge during the microgravity phases of the drops and thus receive various gravity environments ranging from 0.1 to 0.9 g. Videographed controls will be housed outside of the centrifuge receiving 0 g. Based on the video-recordings, animals will be grouped into kinetotically and normally swimming samples. Subsequently, otoliths will be dissected and their size and asymmetry will be measured. Further investigations will focus on the numerical quantification of inner ear supporting and sensory cells as well as on the quantification of inner ear carbonic anhydrase reactivity. A correlation between: (1) the results to be obtained concerning the g-loads inducing kinetosis and (2) the corresponding otolith asymmetry/morphology of sensory epithelia/carbonic anhydrase reactivity will further contribute to the understanding of the origin of kinetosis susceptibility. Besides an outline of the proposed principal experiments, the present study reports on a first series of drop-tower tests, which were undertaken to elucidate the feasibility of the proposal (especially concerning the question, if some 4.7 s of microgravity are sufficient to induce kinetotic behavior in larval fish).  相似文献   

Complementary to the already well-studied microorganisms, lichens, symbiotic organisms of the mycobiont (fungi) and the photobiont (algae), were used as "model systems" in which to examine the ecological potential to resist to extreme environments of outer space. Ascospores (sexual propagules of the mycobiont) of the lichens Fulgensia bracteata, Xanthoria elegans and Xanthoria parietina were exposed to selected space-simulating conditions (up to 16 h of space vacuum at 10(-3) Pa and UV radiation at 160 nm < or = lambda < or = 400 nm), while embedded in the lichen fruiting bodies. After exposure, the ascospores were discharged and their viability was tested as germination capacity on different culture media including those containing Mars regolith simulant. It was found that (i) the germination rate on media containing Mars regolith simulant was as high as on other mineral-containing media, (ii) if enclosed in the ascocarps, the ascospores survived the vacuum exposure, the UV-irradiation as well as the combined treatment of vacuum and UV to a high degree. In general, 50 % or more viable spores were recovered, with ascospores of X. elegans showing the highest survival. It is suggested that ascospores inside the ascocarps are well protected by the anatomical structure, the gelatinous layer and the pigments (parietin and carotene) against the space parameters tested.  相似文献   

In this paper we explore the possibilities of applying satellite ocean colour (OC) observations and SST to study the changes in the conditions of hypoxia in the near-bottom water in the western part of Peter the Great Bay. Near-bottom water hypoxia occurs in water bodies with increased organic matter influx when the dissolved oxygen (DO) consumed at its oxidation is not restored. Consumption of most DO is usually attributed to the oxidation of organic matter formed as a result of increased algae growth during water eutrophication. Satellite data on indicators of phytoplankton (chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl) and fluorescence (FLH)) allow to analyze the spatial-temporal changes of this substation. Coloured dissolved organic matter (CDOM), non-algal particles (NAP) influence on satellite Chl estimates and also on near-bottom water hypoxia formation. This study analyzes daily, seasonal, and inter-annual changes in the distributions of indicators (Chl, FLH, the coefficients of light absorption by coloured detrital matter (aCDM) and light backscattering by suspended particles (bbp)), based on the instant satellite OC data from MODIS-Aqua. Data on the Chl, the sea surface temperature (SST) from the MODIS-Aqua, the precipitation from the TRMM satellite and the hydrometeorological stations (HMSs), the wind speed and direction from HMS “Vladivostok” are used to study the influence of hydrometeorological conditions on the Chl values. These distributions were compared with the literary information based on field observations of the hypoxia cases in the same area and with the changes in the vertical DO, Chl, temperature, salinity distribution obtained by coastal expeditions in October-November 2010 and February-March 2011. Significant interrelations within 95% confidence level between the satellite Chl, FLH values calculated at the MUMM atmospheric correction and in situ Chl values obtained in the autumn of 2010 were reached separately for the cases with winds of northern and southern directions with the correlation coefficients of 0.71, 0.48 and 0.49, 0.71, respectively. Significant dependences of Chl on SST and Chl on wind speed explained by the influence of continental runoff and water ventilation were obtained. Therefore, the changes of Chl reflect the changes of hypoxic conditions in the near-bottom water. In Amursky Bay the onset of hypoxia was at the Chl and SST values equal to 4 mg m?3 and 13 °C (↑ – at increasing SST); near Furugelm Island it was at 1.6 mg m?3 and 25 °C (↑), 1 mg m?3 and 21 °C (↓). The difference in the Chl values was reflected in the hypoxia onset timings that were the beginning of June (2011), August (2013), and September (2014), respectively. The water flow from the eastern coast of Amursky Bay in early August of 2013 recorded from the OC and SST satellite imagers appeared in an additional hypoxic zone. Decreased OC characteristics in the runoff of the Razdolnaya River in August-September of 2014 were a sign of hypoxia at its mouth. Near Furugelm Island the hypoxia destruction (increase in the DO level from 1 to 4.5 ml L?1) was observed at the Chl of 0.9 mg m?3 and SST = 18 °C (↓). At the autumn maximum of Chl equal to 1.7 mg m?3 and SST = 4 °C (↓) in mid-November the DO level here increased to 8 ml L?1. In Amursky Bay, short-term destructions/weakening of hypoxia manifested themselves in sharp increases of Chl. At that, the ratio between the Chl value and the approximation level was equal to 2 and higher for SST equal to 22–25 °C (↑), to 0.9 and higher for SST equal to 5–13 °C (↓). With the water stratification destruction in temperature and the noticeable weakening of the stratification in salinity (mid-November), the hypoxia destructed (the DO level increased from 2 to 6 ml L?1). In this case, Chl and SST were about 3 mg m?3 and 5 °C (↓).  相似文献   

The theoretical model for the quantitative determination of influence of a level of emotional exertion on the success of human activity is presented. The learning curves of fixed words in the groups with a different level of the emotional exertion are analyzed. The obtained magnitudes of time constant T depending on a type of the emotional exertion are a quantitative measure of the emotional exertion. Time constants could also be of use for a prediction of the characteristic of fitness to work of an astronaut in conditions of extreme factors. The inverse of the sign of influencing on efficiency of activity of the man is detected. The paper offers a mathematical model of the relation between successful activity and motivations or the emotional exertion (Yerkes-Dodson law). Proposed models can serve by the theoretical basis of the quantitative characteristics of an estimation of activity of astronauts in conditions of the emotional factors at a phase of their selection.  相似文献   

Humans taking part in parabolic aircraft flights (PAFs) may suffer from space motion sickness (SMS, a kinetosis). Since it has been repeatedly shown earlier that some fish of a given batch also reveal a kinetotic behavior during PAFs (especially so-called spinning movements and looping responses) and due to the homology of the vestibular apparatus among all vertebrates, fish can be used as model systems to investigate the origin of susceptibility to motion sickness. Therefore, we examined the utricular maculae (they are responsible for the internalization of gravity in teleosteans) of fish swimming kinetotically at microgravity in comparison with animals from the same batch who swam normally. On the histological level, it was found that the total number of both sensory and supporting cells of the utricular maculae did not differ between kinetotic animals as compared to normally swimming fish. Cell density (sensory and supporting cells/100 micrometers2), however, was reduced in kinetotic animals (p<0.0001), which seemed to be due to malformed epithelial cells (increase in cell size) of the kinetotic specimens. Susceptibility to kinetoses may therefore originate in malformed sensory epithelia.  相似文献   

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