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松堂 《太空探索》2022,(3):23-25
所谓空间交通管理,当然就是管理飞行在地球轨道上的各种物品.然而在太空环境中,什么叫物体,这不是一个很容易就能说清楚的问题.在不同的文献和法律法规当中,对于什么叫太空物体,做了不同的描述.虽然大体上是相同的,但多少也有那么一点差异.  相似文献   

正空间包括地球空间、日地空间、行星际空间。人类探索的足迹遍布陆地、海洋之后,又开始向着茫茫太空进军。空间探测针对的目标可以说是包罗万象,总体上可以分为三个部分:一是监测地球上的地理和气象活动,二是监测近地空间环境,三是宇宙深空天体的天文观测。  相似文献   

充分利用空间环境资源 传统意义上的资源是上地、矿藏、水利等.人类进入地球轨道和外层空间后发现,太空的特殊环境和条件也是人类可以利用的重要资源,浩瀚无垠的太空具有高运的位置高真空、高洁净、无污染、微重力、强宇宙粒子射线辐射,是地面所不县备的及其宝贵的资源,这种得天独厚的太空环境对发展空间工业有着远大的潜在开发前景,其中空间微重力环境的开发和利用尤其重要。开发和利用空间环境资源必须有人的参与才行,因此需要发展载人航天。  相似文献   

人类在保护地球环境的同时,又如何保护太空家园?随着空间技术的进步,人类进入和利用太空的活动不断加强的同时,也产生了越来越多的空间碎片,这些"空间垃圾"已经严重威胁着航天器的安全。本刊特编撰"清洁太空"专题,介绍世界各国的对策。  相似文献   

赵雁 《国际太空》2004,(5):27-28
人类在进化过程中,身体结构已经完全适应了地球环境的特点。在太空中,失去了地球引力,航天员的生理必然会受到环境带来的严峻挑战。在神舟—5飞船成功将中国航天员杨利伟送上太空后,毋庸质疑,中国人造访太空的机会会越来越多,时间也会越  相似文献   

第三节太空工厂到21世纪末,在神秘的太空中将会出现一座座新型的工厂——太空工厂。这并不是什么天方夜谭,科学家们早已把宇宙空间看成是未来新技术革命的摇篮。科学家们打算把地球上的大批化工厂和炼钢厂搬迁到太空中去,这样,地球上污染环境的因素将越来越少,而花园、树木、草  相似文献   

在太空这个全新的生活环境中,宇航员的生活方式自然与在地球上时迥然不同,在太空的衣食住行既有不少惊险,又有许多奇趣。 太空中如何穿衣 ? 宇航员在密封的座舱中穿的服装与在地面上穿的没什么区别。只是在太空失重环境中,衣服失去了重量,将衣服展开,它可以在空间中保持原状,只要将手臂伸进袖筒就穿上了。 宇宙空间几乎是一个真空的环境,若宇航员要走出座舱,进入宇宙空间,就必须穿上特制的宇航服才能生存和工作。宇航服实际上是宇航员个人的独立生命保障系统,每件造价高达上百万美元,重约一百多千克,真可称得上是世界上最“…  相似文献   

正距离地球几百公里外的太空,酷热和极寒相互交替,我们的"太空之家"——空间飞行器里却温度宜人,航天员能舒适地透过舷窗看到那颗蓝色星球的风云变幻。与此同时,地球上的人们在地铁站里穿梭,在写字楼里忙碌,在商场里购物放松,外面四季变化,但是建筑物内冬暖夏凉。一个是太空,一个是地球,截然不同的环境,却可同样享受着航天技术带来的舒适。  相似文献   

<正>欧空局正在其"清洁太空"计划下开展论证称为e.DeOrbit的空间碎片清除任务,目的是要减小航天业对地球和空间环境的影响。人类几十年的航天发射在地球周围留下了一圈太空垃圾。目前地球轨道上可跟踪到的比咖啡杯大的空间物体有超过1.7万件,存在着同工作中的航天器发生灾难性碰撞的危险。即便是1厘米直径的螺母撞击时也会有手榴弹般的威力。控制关键性低地轨道上碎片数量的唯一办法便是将废弃卫星和火箭上面级等大型物体清除掉。e.DeOrbit任务针对的是已很拥挤、高度在800千米~1000千米之间的极轨道。所用航天器重约1600千克,将由欧空局的"维加"火箭发射。  相似文献   

正往古来今谓之宙,四方上下谓之宇。浩瀚的宇宙是神秘的,自人类诞生至今,从未停止过仰望头顶璀璨的星空,思考深邃宇宙的奥秘。今天人类终于研制出运载火箭,实现了"飞天"的美好愿望。但是,由于太空的特殊环境,人类在太空的生活和在地球上还是有很大的差别。那么,航天员在太空中的生活究竟是什么样的?与在地球上比起来,航天员在太空中有哪些奇妙的经历?  相似文献   

CME会影响近地空间环境,带来地磁扰动,预报其能否到达地球及何时到达地球具有重要的应用意义.受观测能力限制,通常根据CME在太阳附近的日冕仪投影观测信息,利用锥模型拟合得到三维参数,进而以经验预报或代入行星际传播过程模拟,预报CME的对地有效性.在拟合过程中,可以采取不同时刻日冕仪观测数据作为输入,也可以选择是否限定CME发生在耀斑附近进行拟合,这有可能得到截然不同的CME三维参数,从而严重影响CME的传播预报结果.本文选取一个全晕CME事件和一个偏晕CME事件,分析了不同的数据输入和拟合方式带来的CME三维参数拟合结果的变化,评估其对CME传播预报的影响.研究发现,不同的数据源和拟合方式得到的CME三维参数有较大差异,影响了CME对地有效性的预报.后续有必要通过统计分析,评估采用哪些输入数据、哪种拟合方式,对CME对地有效性的预报更准确.   相似文献   

光学手段在天基空间碎片探测中被广泛应用,但容易受到杂光等因素影响。结合在轨试验数据,从探测器和碎片两方面分析了影响天基空间碎片光学探测的因素。影响探测器探测效果的因素包括太阳光、月光、地气光、大气辉光等杂光及南大西洋异常区辐射等;影响碎片可见性的因素包括地球遮挡、地影及反射的太阳光等。分别给出了上述影响因素涉及的特征量及规避影响的计算方法。基于某天基探测设备的仿真结果表明,上述影响在自然交会及姿态机动模式下均可能发生,在试验设计时需被充分考虑。最后,针对某天基空间碎片探测任务进行了规划。文章对天基光学探测试验设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

分析对比了空间目标与可控飞行器轨道确定的不同,论述了太阳翼定向模式的不同对轨道运动特性的影响。通过地面站的测距与测角数据,推算出测量数据的地心距频谱。假定一种太阳翼定向模式,利用测量数据进行轨道确定,利用定轨数据计算地心距频谱并与测量数据的频谱比对,由此可确定太阳翼定向模式。利用数值仿真对近地太阳同步轨道和地球静止轨道两种情况进行了验证,仿真结果表明该思路和方法是有效的。  相似文献   

The full potential for making remote observations from space free from atmospheric attenuations and distortions may not be realized due to the residual environment surrounding orbital experiments: particulates could overwhelm or severely complicate remote astronomical or atmospheric sounding observations. Small particles are lifted into space by the observatory and its carrier and take considerable time to evolve from surfaces. Single near-field particles have been observed which produce irradiance levels larger than the brightest stars and brighter than the emission from the entire earth limb airglow layer.The existing data bases are reviewed including: 1) the low light level camera videotape data of STS-3 in which large persistent particles were observed; 2) the data from the stereo cameras which were part of the Induced Environmental Contamination Monitor pallet assembled by NASA Marshall - which is being analyzed to obtain particle number densities, trajectories, and decay times; and 3) data from the Particle Analysis Camera for Shuttle which was part of the HITCHHIKER pallet on a January 1986 Mission is current being analyzed to obtain decay rates and correlations with orbital activities. The implications for several other data bases such as the Infrared Telescope is also described.The analysis of these spectrally broad band observations is further complicated by the nature of the particle's scattering of light. Depending on wavelength and particle size, the scattering of solar radiation or earth radiation, or particle self emission will dominate the optical signature. The scattering and emission from particulates will likely be highly structured as a function of wavelength. We present Mie scattering calculations for particle size distributions observed on-orbit. Finally, we assess the consequences of the observations and calculations on future space-based observations.  相似文献   

The first microgravity protein crystal growth experiments were performed on Spacelab I by Littke and John. These experiments indicated that the space grown crystals, which were obtained using a liquid-liquid diffusion system, were larger than crystals obtained by the same experimental system on earth. Subsequent experiments were performed by other investigators on a series of space shuttle missions from 1985 through 1990. The results from two of these shuttle flights (STS-26 and STS-29) have been described previously. The results from these missions indicated that the microgravity grown crystals for a number of different proteins were larger, displayed more uniform morphologies, and yielded diffraction data to significantly higher resolutions than the best crystals of these proteins grown on earth. This paper presents the results obtained from shuttle flight STS-32 (flown in January, 1990) and preliminary results from the most recent shuttle flight, STS-31 (flown in April, 1990).  相似文献   

温场可编程控制的小型空间晶体炉设计与测试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细介绍了一台温场可编程控制的小型空间晶体炉。其工作原理是,在计算机控制下,炉膛温场发生有序地变化,完成晶体生长过程。由于没有机械运动部件,从而彻底消除了机械振动对微重力环境的干扰。此炉是为返回式卫星搭载试验而设计,配备以Intel80c31为核心的计算机温度控制及数据采集系统。该系统采用数字PID方式独立调节加热器中7个结构相同的加热单元的温度,可以编程实现多种温场变化模式。  相似文献   

给出了基于轨道根数的跟踪与数据中继卫星(TDRS)对月球探测器的可视算法,分析和比较了地面站和TDRS对月球探测器的测控跟踪能力.结果表明,与依靠地面站相比,使用TDRS后,在不考虑月球遮挡情况下,对环月探测器的测控覆盖率可由50%提高到99%.存在最大月球遮挡时也能达到60%,大大提高了对环月探测器的测控能力.最后讨论了TDRS跟踪环月探测器对TDRS卫星平台的要求,提出了地面站与TDRS相结合的测控方案.在当前TDRS天线运动范围受限情况下,仍能实现对月球探测器的大范围测控覆盖率.   相似文献   

 设计了红外地球敏感器的地面模拟卫星静电放电试验方法。对卫星的空间环境以及结构特点的分析结果表明,地球同步静止轨道卫星表面存在静电放电的可能性。通过静电放电试验找到了红外地球敏感器易受干扰的部位并提出了解决措施。  相似文献   

针对红外地球敏感器受其寿命影响未能进行寿命验证,通过进行可靠性分析,确定了薄弱环节,设计了寿命试验,开展了地面试验验证.寿命试验采取实时寿命试验和进程加速寿命试验相结合的方法,模拟在轨工作环境,考核产品的实际工作寿命,对极端工况下(寿命末期产品密封功能失效)试验件的运转性能及失效模式进行摸底.分析了寿命试验关键参数和极端工况下试验件轴系运转测试数据,数据表明试验件工作正常,已运行在稳定工作期.由可靠性分析和寿命试验数据可以得出:目标飞行器红外地球敏感器实际寿命相对3年寿命要求有较大的裕量,寿命试验的开展可以进一步验证产品实际寿命.  相似文献   

The evidence that living organisms were already extant on the earth almost 4 Gyr ago and that early bombardment by comets and asteroids created a hostile environment up to about this time has revived the question of how it was possible for prebiotic chemical evolution to have provided the necessary ingredients for life to have developed in the short intervening time. The actual bracketed available temporal space is no more than 0.5 Gyr and probably much less. Was this sufficient time for an earth-based source of the first simple organic precursor molecules to have led to the level of the prokaryotic cell? If not, then the difficulty would be resolved if the ancient earth was impregnated by organic molecular seed from outer space. Curiously, it seems that the most likely source of such seeds was the same a one of the sources of the hostile enviroment, namely the comets which bombarded the earth. With the knowledge of comets gained by the space missions it has become clear that a very large fraction of the chemical composition of comet nuclei consists of quite complex organic molecules. Furthermore it has been demonstrated that comets consist of very fluffy aggregates of interstellar dust whose chemistry derives from photoprocessing of simple ice mixtures in space. Thus, the ultimate source of organics in comets comes from the chemical evolution of interstellar dust. An important and critical justification for assuming that interstellar dust is the ultimate source of prebiotic molecular insertion on the earth is the proof that comets are extremely fluffy aggregates, which have the possibility of breaking up into finely divided fragments when the comet impacts the earth's atmosphere. In the following we will summarize the properties of interstellar dust and the chemical and morphological structure of comets indicated by the most recent interpretations of comet observations. It will be shown that the suitable condition for comets having provided abundant prebiotic molecules as well as the water in which they could have further evolved are consistent with theories of the early earth environment.  相似文献   

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