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外星探测器依赖于探测装备完成探测任务,国际上常采用着陆器和巡视器设计外星探测器。外星探测器重量直接影响着探测成本,如果能把着陆器和巡视器融为一体,设计出可在月面反复着陆和行走的飞跃器,则能显著降低外星探测器的重量,大幅减少外星探测的成本。由于人类还没有实现利用腿式机器人探测月球,腿式月球探测飞跃器的开发可体现我国航天领域自主创新能力。依托北京空间飞行器总体设计部(航天五院总体部)与上海交通大学的合作项目“反复着陆器设计”,开展了月面低空飞跃着陆行走四足和六足飞跃探测器初探。飞跃探测器方案采用并联式主动腿式机构,具有在多种复杂地形上主动缓冲着陆和行走的适应能力;设计并采用了一种新型高功率密度力控驱动单元;进行了飞跃探测器的结构优化设计,实现了轻量化;针对着陆和行走过程中的控制问题,提出了主被动复合缓冲设计思路和控制方法,实现了飞跃器着陆过程的缓冲和身体稳定性,具备多次缓冲、自主移动、可收拢展开、着陆姿态调整、复杂地形适应等多种功能。  相似文献   

火星尘埃与探测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
火星表面尘埃与太阳辐射、热辐射的相互作用直接影响火星大气的结构、热平衡和动力学过程,并会产生改变火星表面反照率和火星地貌的长期效应.火星尘埃环境还对登陆于火星表面的着陆器能源系统和光学载荷等系统构成影响.为此需开展火星大气尘埃的直接就位探测.在介绍了火星的尘埃特性与主要探测方法基础上,提出了采用微质量计技术开展火星表面尘埃就位探测的综合探测器方案.探测器包含3种传感器.尘埃累积传感器通过设置其敏感晶体表面朝上,可以探测火星表面尘埃的沉积质量与速率;荷电尘埃传感器通过加置不同极性的偏置电压,可以探测荷正电尘埃和荷负电尘埃的累积特性;磁尘传感器通过在敏感晶体后加设小型永久磁铁,可以探测磁性尘埃的累积特性.传感器感测质量范围为10-11~10-4g.火星尘埃综合探测器可应用于未来的火星着陆探测计划.  相似文献   

全向式气囊着陆装置缓冲过程的仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索火星着陆器缓冲着陆技术,以"火星探路者"登陆系统的全向式气囊缓冲装置为对象,采用大型有限元仿真分析技术,实现气囊结构和着陆过程的数学和力学建模,获得全向式缓冲气囊着陆的动态过程仿真;同时得到重要结构部位的过载、重点部位的位移和速度、气囊内部的压力和温度以及气囊结构的动态应力分布等重要指标性参数和变化曲线,确定了"火星探路者"登陆系统的缓冲特性及其仿真分析方法的工程应用。  相似文献   

“天问一号”任务是我国行星探测的首次任务,在国际上首次通过一次任务实现了火星“环绕、着陆、巡视”的三步跨越.“天问一号”探测器由中国空间技术研究院负责抓总研制,包括环绕器和着陆巡视器两个组成部分.对“天问一号”探测器的任务特点和概貌进行了介绍,对包括飞行过程、远距离深空通信、火星捕获过程、火星进入下降及着陆过程、火星车解锁驶离和火面工作等关键环节的设计方案进行了描述,对“天问一号”所取得的技术成果与创新进行了总结.  相似文献   

我国首次火星探测任务将于2020年实施,一步实现"绕""着""巡"的目标。着陆器在火星表面软着陆后,火星车能否沿转移坡道安全转移至火星表面,关系着本次任务的成败。从火星车转移坡道功能要求出发,提出了一种双向抽展式转移坡道方案,解决了大展出比、驱动共用、可靠展开等关键问题,对其展开原理及力学特性进行分析,并开展了模拟火星重力环境的展开试验,为我国火星车转移坡道设计提供参考。  相似文献   

火星是与地球最相似的行星,因此是目前除地球以外人类研究程度最高的行星。截止到2007年8月8日,人类共发射了38个火星探测器,其中美国18个、苏联17个、俄罗斯1个、日本1个、欧洲1个。总共有18个探测器成功对火星进行了探测,其中5个飞越火星,7个进入火星轨道探测,6个在火星着陆。目前,在火星轨道上有3个探测器在工作,在火星表面有2辆火星车在工作,还有1个火星着陆器正飞往火星。  相似文献   

正北京时间3月14日17点31分,欧洲空间局和俄罗斯航天国家集团联合研制的"火星生命"(ExoMars)2016火星探测器,搭乘俄"质子"-M号运载火箭从哈萨克斯坦拜科努尔航天发射场升空,预计于2016年10月抵达火星,拟在着陆火星后对其大气环境进行探测。此次发射的火星探测器由"痕量气体轨道探测器"(TGO)和名为"斯基亚帕雷利"的着陆器组成。其中TGO可检测火星大气中的甲  相似文献   

6月11日,国家航天局在京举行天问一号探测器着陆火星首批科学影像图揭幕仪式,公布了由祝融号火星车拍摄的着陆点全景、火星地形地貌、"中国印迹"和"着巡合影"等影像图.首批科学影像图的发布,标志着我国首次火星探测任务取得圆满成功.  相似文献   

正1引言2020年7月23日,我国天问一号火星探测任务实施,目标是实现火星环绕和着陆巡视探测,对火星开展全球性、综合性的环绕探测,在火星表面开展区域巡视探测。火星探测器由环绕器和着陆巡视器组成,着陆巡视器到达火星表面后释放火星车。  相似文献   

浴火重生的"凤凰" 2007年8月4日发射的凤凰号火星着陆器将是第一个在火星北极地区着陆的探测器.近年来,科学家发现火星北极地区覆盖有大量的冰,所以美国制定了以寻找水为核心的火星探测战略,凤凰号就是这个战略的执行者.  相似文献   

火星探测的微波遥感技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从微波遥感的角度出发,综述目前国际上对火星的探测现状,列出对微波遥感探测有影响的火星表层土壤、岩层的结构、分布及其介电特性等参数的已有研究结果,分析对火星地壳表层水(或冰)存在可能性及其分布状态的研究动向.结合地球表面微波遥感技术的最新进展,提出用主动与被动微波遥感探测火星表面浅层土壤物质状态和分层结构的可行性分析,初步研讨了火星表层是否有水(或冰)存在的探测方案.   相似文献   

China plans to implement the first Mars exploration mission in 2020. It will conduct global and comprehensive exploration of Mars and high precision and fine resolution detection of key areas on Mars through orbiting, landing and roving. The scientific objectives include studying the Martian morphology and geological structure characteristics, studying the soil characteristics and the water-ice distribution on the Martian surface, studying the material composition on the Martian surface, studying the atmosphere ionosphere and surface climate and environmental characteristics of Mars, studying the physical field and internal structure of Mars and the Martian magnetic field characteristics. The mission equips 12 scientific payloads to achieve these scientific objectives. This paper mainly introduces the scientific objectives, exploration task, and scientific payloads.   相似文献   

The two primary requirements for a Martian habitat structure include effective radiation shielding against the Galactic Cosmic Ray (GCR) environment and sufficient structural and thermal integrity. To significantly reduce the cost associated with transportation of such materials and structures from earth, it is imperative that such building materials should be synthesized primarily from Martian in situ resources. This paper illustrates the feasibility of such an approach. Experimental results are discussed to demonstrate the synthesis of polyethylene (PE) from a simulated Martian atmosphere and the fabrication of a composite material using simulated Martian regolith with PE as the binding material. The radiation shielding effectiveness of the proposed composites is analyzed using results from radiation transport codes and exposure of the samples to high-energy beams that serve as a terrestrial proxy for the GCR environment. Mechanical and ballistic impact resistance properties of the proposed composite as a function of composition, processing parameters, and thermal variations are also discussed to evaluate the multifunctionality of such in situ synthesized composite materials.  相似文献   

Multiplanetary life has been studied by scientists as a way to supply energy or sustain human life in the future. Mars is likely to be man’s first destination, colonization using onsite structural construction would be one of the main options. The first step to designing a reliable building is to know the applied structural loads and to have an accurate design load combination. Due to lack of complete knowledge, short span of recorded data, Martian environment, and hazardous environment that Martian structures face, constructed Martian structures should behave appropriately under the highest likely live, dead and environmental loads either simultaneously or as a worst-case scenario. The present study evaluated and calculated probable Martian structural loads, including live, internal pressure, snow, gravity (dead), dust accumulation, thermal stress, wind, marsquake, asteroid, and meteoroid impact loads and their effects. Information was gathered from previous studies and valid data from Martian landers, rovers and orbiters. Wind loads were calculated based on the over 6.5 years of data recorded by Vikings 1 and 2, temperature and winds for InSight (TWINS) sensor. A wind shear exponent and wind profile have been proposed for a Martian flat terrain construction site. Marsquake lateral loads, frequency content and seismicity were assessed using data from the seismic experiment for interior structure (SEIS) and the Viking 2 seismometer. Considering the high influx of micrometeoroids, their penetration distance, impact loads and their effects on structures were calculated. The annual probability of an asteroid impact on a settlement was assessed for a 30-year mission. A load map for Martian residential buildings that considers the worst-case scenario in which a Martian structure should be designed based on them has been proposed.  相似文献   

波动是无碰撞等离子体中能量重新分配的重要途径。对波动的研究有助于更准确地认识太阳风与火星的相互作用,认识火星空间环境的特征。介绍了火星空间中常见的几种磁场低频波动,包括离子回旋波(Ion-CyclotronWave,ICW)、磁流体动力学(MagnetoHydro Dynamic,MHD)波、镜像模波、哨声波以及磁场锯齿状波动,总结了这几类波动的特征和可能的形成机制,说明不同种类的波动所反映的不同的物理过程。由于波粒相互作用在火星离子逃逸的过程中起到了重要作用,波动可影响火星环境的演化。  相似文献   

我国首次火星探测任务   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
我国首次火星探测任务于2016年立项实施。综合介绍了国际火星探测的历史和现状,我国首次火星探测任务的工程目标和科学目标、总体技术方案、关键技术难点、预期创新成果。我国首次火星探测任务将通过一次发射,实现火星环绕和着陆巡视,对火星开展全球性普查和局部的精细探测,推进火星地形地貌与地质构造、土壤特征与水冰分布、表明物质组成、大气电离层和气候环境、物理场与内部构造等方面的研究。实现火星探测任务目标,针对火星探测面临的各种特殊环境,需突破长期自主管理与控制等8类关键技术,取得的一系列创新成果,将为我国建立独立自主的深空探测基础工程体系,掌握深空探测基础共性技术,形成开展深空探测的基础工程能力。  相似文献   

物质成分探测是深空探测领域非常重要的技术领域,激光诱导击穿光谱技术是一种可以非接触式快速获得物质元素成分信息的手段,论文针对2020年我国首次火星探测任务提出的火星表面成分探测仪,阐述了激光诱导击穿光谱技术基本原理,国内外的技术发展现状和趋势,重点围绕火星环境、有效载荷生存性进行了分析,最后论文详细探讨了激光诱导击穿光谱技术中的数据反演和定量化技术。  相似文献   

The rheological properties of mixtures of water and the Martian soil simulant JSC-Mars-1A are investigated by preparing and testing samples at various solids concentrations. The results indicate that the dispersion is viscoelastic and, at small timescales (~0.1?s), reacts to sudden strain as an elastic solid. At longer timescales the dispersion behaves like a Bingham fluid and exhibits a yield stress. Hysteresis loops show that rapid step-changes (2?s duration) of shear-rate result in thixotropic behaviour, but slower changes (>10?s duration) can result in rheopexy. These observations are explained with the breakdown and recovery of the packing structure under stress. The rheological information is used to generate practical tools, such as the system curve and the Moody chart that can be used for designing piping systems, and calculating pump sizes and pressure requirements.  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief introduction of YingHuo-1 (YH-1), a Chinese Martian Space Environment Exploration Orbiter. YH-1 is a micro-satellite developed by Chinese Aerospace Industry,and will be launched together with Russian spacecraft, Phobos-Grunt, to orbit Mars in September,2009. Four payloads are selected for the mission, plasma package, including of electron analyzer, ion energy and mass analyzer; sat-sat occultation receiver; flux-gate magnetometer; and optical monitor.YH-1 mission focus on the investigation of the characteristics and its evolution of the Martian space Environment, and identifying major plasma processes, which provide channels for Martian volatiles escaping.  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief introduction of YingHuo-1 (YH-1), a Chinese Martian Space Environment Exploration Orbiter. YH-1 is a micro-satellite developed by Chinese Aerospace Industry,and will be launched together with Russian spacecraft, Phobos-Grunt, to orbit Mars in September,2009. Four payloads are selected for the mission, plasma package, including of electron analyzer, ion energy and mass analyzer; sat-sat occultation receiver; flux-gate magnetometer; and optical monitor.YH-1 mission focus on the investigation of the characteristics and its evolution of the Martian space Environment, and identifying major plasma processes, which provide channels for Martian volatiles escaping.   相似文献   

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