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改进了月面中低纬度地区光照分析算法,以Aristarchus高原(AP)为例,使用LRO卫星获得的高分辨率、高精度的LOLA数据和DE/LE430月球行星历表,同时基于月球天平动模型,定量计算和分析了AP地区的光照特性。结果表明:AP地区的光照率都在0.35以上,平坦地区的光照条件较好,受到地形的影响不同位置的光照率相差很大。光照率最大值点(B)要比最小值点(A)高出30%以上。考虑典型的长周期天平动效应,18.6年光照数据的分析结果表明,每个位置的光照率变化较小且趋于稳定,这对月球表面演化研究是一个重要的参考。  相似文献   

着重于寻找月核证据并将月核模型引入月球天平动理论中,探讨如何将多种空间探测技术应用于毫角秒精度的月球天平动观测,进而测定液态和固态月核参量。通过讨论多层月球的月球物理参数、流体核的几何与动力学椭率、松散黏滞的月幔,可获得月球相关详细信息与参量,这些参量对评估多层结构的月球自由天平动很重要。物理天平动的解析理论还可应用于未来多种月球工作中,期望在近代月球科学研究基础上能有进一步发展。  相似文献   

铰矩天平固定方式及预紧力矩对其测量影响的研究CSCD   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铰矩天平在静态校准和风洞试验两种状态下的支撑、连接不一致导致铰矩天平使用公式变化。通过对铰矩天平带模型静态校准,对铰矩天平公式进行修正,提高铰链力矩天平测量准确度,减小气动载荷计算误差。利用天平静态校准和有限元分析相结合的方法,研究铰链力矩天平在不同的固定端几何尺寸和紧固螺栓预紧力下,铰链力矩天平接触应力的变化和分布规律,并分析其对铰链力矩天平测量元主系数的影响,得出改善天平性能的两个重要结论,为今后设计铰链力矩天平提供决策性依据。  相似文献   

俄罗斯航天局正在规划和推进新的月球探测计划,包括月球-资源和月球-全球探测任务,它们搭载了3个无线电科学载荷:2个无线电信标机分别安装在2个着陆器上,1个Ka波段接收机安装在月球-全球轨道器上。信标机发射频率为8.4GHz和32GHz。8.4GHz的微波信号将被发回地球,利用地面VLBI监测网对信号进行测量,其结果可用于精密的天体力学观测及导航,还能用于月球天平动研究;32GHz信号将用于定轨和月球重力场研究。Ka波段信号天线轴指向着陆区天顶方向,信号由轨道器接收。本文基于对Ka波段信号多普勒频移的精确测量,通过研究着陆区附近重力场的微小变化(约3~5mGal精度),探讨月球重力场的不均匀性,其测量数据的空间分辨率约为20km。  相似文献   

本文阐述了天平的自动称量与快速称量原理,提出了实现天平自动快速称量的切实可行的办法.同时对实践中遇到的某些问题进行了理论上的分析。文中还提出了调整天平横梁重心的位置手中刀刃,便横梁处于随遇平衡,以克服电气参数的飘移和天平再位性误差等见解。最后还对已研制的50公斤、200公斤自动快速称量天平作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

NASA正加紧评估在月球背面附近建设一个“有人照料航路点”的方案,且可能会考虑国际合作及让商业和学术界参与。该局正组建一个研究小组来制订一项能合理衔接的计划,在称为第二地月天平动点(EML-2)的一个点开展探测。  相似文献   

对杠杆式电磁天平在称量过程中存在的主要干扰来源进行了探讨,对来源的主要形式做了理论分析,并通过实验进行了验证。同时,提出了抗干扰的解决方案,提高了天平称量的重复性和稳定性。  相似文献   

利用不同版本的数值历表,对我国正在进行的探月工程以及后续的金星、火星和木星等深空探测中的导航问题进行分析和讨论。对DE405、DE421和DE430的动力学模型及其使用的观测数据进行了分析比较,考察了历表的精度和稳定性。并根据DE430历表简单讨论了木星在我国深空探测站的可视问题,为以后深空导航提供参考。简单讨论了中科院国家天文台行星无线电研究团组基于月球无线电测距(LRR)发展我国自己的历表以及开展基于月球深空导航计划的可行性。  相似文献   

介绍了一种专用于质量量传,具有示值漂移自动消除能力的天平。对采用示值漂移自动消除方法前后的天平测量重复性进行了对比。  相似文献   

依据压电敏感方程和压电致动方程 ,给出了粘贴有若干压电片的挠性梁的数学模型 ;基于结构模态在可控可观性子空间上的正交投影 ,提出了压电敏感器 /致动器位置的优化设计方法 ,并将可控和可观格莱姆矩阵作为加权矩阵反映可控可观的测度。仿真计算结果表明 ,采用优化的压电敏感器 /致动器能够有效抑制悬臂梁的振动  相似文献   

The measurement of the rotation of the Moon is one of the key techniques to get the information of the internal structure. For this purpose, we proposed a small telescope experiment on the surface of the Moon in which motion of stars are utilized for the estimation of the rotation parameter. This paper describes results of simulation of observation, in which star trajectories observed are decomposed to librations, polar motion, and the precession and the amplitude and phase of each component are estimated. The standard deviation of the parameter estimation becomes nearly 1 ms of arc, which will be better than the Lunar Laser Ranging observation. From the viewpoints of accuracy of observation, thermal condition, and electric power generation, the instrument should be placed where the much sunshine is achieved on the lunar polar region.  相似文献   

Targets and problems of the future Japanese project ILOM (In situ Lunar Orientation Measurement), which is planned to be realized as one kind of observations of lunar rotation at the second stage of SELENE-2 mission, are briefly described in the article. Inverse problem of lunar physical libration is formulated and solved. Accuracy of libration angles depending on accuracy of measuring selenographic coordinates is estimated. It is shown that selenographic coordinates of polar stars are insensitive to longitudinal librations τ(t). Comparing coordinates calculated for two models of a rigid and deformable Moon is carried out and components sensitive to Love number k2 and to anelastic time delay are revealed.  相似文献   

The lunar gravity field is a foundation to study the lunar interior structure, and to recover the evolution history of the Moon. It is still an open and key topic for lunar science. For above mentioned reasons, it becomes one of the important scientific objectives of recent lunar missions, such as KAGUYA (SELENE) the Japanese lunar mission and Chang’E-1, the Chinese lunar mission. The Chang’E-1 and the SELENE were successfully launched in 2007. It is estimated that these two missions can fly around the Moon longer than 6 months simultaneously. In these two missions, the Chinese new VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) network will be applied for precise orbit determination (POD) by using a differential VLBI (D-VLBI) method during the mission period. The same-beam D-VLBI technique will contribute to recover the lunar gravity field together with other conventional observables, i.e. R&RR (Range and Range Rate) and multi-way Doppler. Taking VLBI tracking conditions into consideration and using the GEODYNII/SOVLE software of GSFC/NASA/USA [8 and 10], we simulated the lunar gravity field recovering ability with and without D-VLBI between the Chang’E-1 and SELENE main satellite. The cases of overlapped flying and tracking period of 30 days, 60 days and 90 days have been analyzed, respectively. The results show that D-VLBI tracking between two lunar satellites can improve the gravity field recovery remarkably. The results and methods introduced in this paper will benefit the actual missions.  相似文献   

The final great impacts, creating the multi-ring basins on the Moon, must have altered its principal axes of inertia and, assuming solid state creep in its interior, caused successive reorientation relative to its pole of rotation. Lunar palaeomagnetism has been explained by an early lunar magnetic field generated by a core dynamo. The palaeomagnetic directions of the lunar crust determined from the Apollo 15 and 16 subsatellite magnetometer surveys, by L.L. Hood and colleagues, challenges interpretation on this idea. The palaeoequators so determined for Imbrium, Nectarian and pre-Nectarian times place impacts of the same age in low latitude: there must have been small moons in the Earth-Moon system, which impacted the Moon in its retreat from the Earth. Sources of presumed Imbrium age are magnetized in agreement with the dipole formula: proving the existence of an early lunar core-dynamo field.  相似文献   

Lunar laser ranging (LLR) measurements are crucial for advanced exploration of the laws of fundamental gravitational physics and geophysics as well as for future human and robotic missions to the Moon. The corner-cube reflectors (CCR) currently on the Moon require no power and still work perfectly since their installation during the project Apollo era. Current LLR technology allows us to measure distances to the Moon with a precision approaching 1 mm. As NASA pursues the vision of taking humans back to the Moon, new, more precise laser ranging applications will be demanded, including continuous tracking from more sites on Earth, placing new CCR arrays on the Moon, and possibly installing other devices such as transponders, etc. for multiple scientific and technical purposes. Since this effort involves humans in space, then in all situations the accuracy, fidelity, and robustness of the measurements, their adequate interpretation, and any products based on them, are of utmost importance. Successful achievement of this goal strongly demands further significant improvement of the theoretical model of the orbital and rotational dynamics of the Earth–Moon system. This model should inevitably be based on the theory of general relativity, fully incorporate the relevant geophysical processes, lunar librations, tides, and should rely upon the most recent standards and recommendations of the IAU for data analysis. This paper discusses methods and problems in developing such a mathematical model. The model will take into account all the classical and relativistic effects in the orbital and rotational motion of the Moon and Earth at the sub-centimeter level. The model is supposed to be implemented as a part of the computer code underlying NASA Goddard’s orbital analysis and geophysical parameter estimation package GEODYN and the ephemeris package PMOE 2003 of the Purple Mountain Observatory. The new model will allow us to navigate a spacecraft precisely to a location on the Moon. It will also greatly improve our understanding of the structure of the lunar interior and the nature of the physical interaction at the core–mantle interface layer. The new theory and upcoming millimeter LLR will give us the means to perform one of the most precise fundamental tests of general relativity in the solar system.  相似文献   

A hybrid method, combining the radiative transfer theory and the method of moments (MoM), is proposed to study the potential effect of the lunar surface roughness on the microwave brightness temperature. The total upward emission reaching the lunar surface from below media is calculated by the radiative transfer theory, and then the brightness temperature is obtained by weighting the bidirectional transmission coefficients which is computed using the MoM. The method is validated by both flat and rough surface models with analytic solutions. With the hybrid method, brightness temperatures from simulated lunar model are calculated and compared to those from a flat layered model. The comparisons show that the effect of rough surface on brightness temperature cannot be ignored and also depends on many other factors, such as observation angle and polarizations. For vertical polarization, an optimal observation angle may exist to reduce the effect of surface roughness. These results indicate that the knowledge of lunar surface roughness is important in microwave remote sensing to the Moon and may probably provide a guide to lunar projects in future.  相似文献   

Influence of lunar topography on simulated surface temperature   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The surface temperature of the Moon is one of the essential parameters for the lunar exploration, especially to evaluate the Moon thermophysical features. The distribution of the temperature is heavily influenced by the Moon topography, which, however, is rarely studied in the state-of-art surface temperature models. Therefore, this paper takes the Moon topography into account to improve the surface temperature model, Racca model. The main parameters, such as slopes along the longitude and latitude directions, are estimated with the topography data from Chang’E-1 satellite and the Horn algorithm. Then the effective solar illumination model is then constructed with the slopes and the relative position to the subsolar point. Finally, the temperature distribution over the Moon surface is obtained with the effective illumination model and the improved Racca model. The results indicate that the distribution of the temperature is very sensitive to the fluctuation of the Moon surface. The change of the surface temperature is up to 150 K in some places compared to the result without considering the topography. In addition, the variation of the surface temperature increases with the distance from the subsolar point and the elevation, along both latitude and longitude directions. Furthermore, the simulated surface temperature coincides well with the brightness temperature in 37 GHz observed by the microwave sounder onboard Chang’E-2 satellite. The corresponded emissivity map not only eliminates the influence of the topography, but also hints the inherent properties of the lunar regolith just below the surface. Last but not the least, the distribution of the permanently shadowed regions (PSRs) in the lunar pole area is also evaluated with the simulated surface temperature result.  相似文献   

We report on the results of a continuing study of the photon luminescence of the Moon induced by Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) and space radiation from the Sun, using the Monte Carlo program FLUKA. Understanding the space radiation environment is critical to future exploration of the Moon, and this includes photons. The model of the lunar surface is taken to be the chemical composition of soils found at various landing sites during the Apollo and Luna programs, averaged over all such sites to define a generic regolith for the present analysis. This surface model then becomes the target that is bombarded by Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCRs) and Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) or Solar Particle Events (SPEs) above 1 keV in FLUKA to determine the photon fluence albedo produced by the Moon’s surface when there is no sunlight and Earthshine. The result is to be distinguished from the gamma-ray spectrum produced by the radioactive decay of radiogenic constituents lying in the surface and interior of the Moon. From the photon fluence we derive the spectrum which can be utilized to examine existing lunar spectral data and to aid future orbiting instrumentation in the measurement of various components of the space-radiation-induced photon luminescence present on the Moon.  相似文献   

月表磁异常区的分布是月球探测工程的重要内容. 但是由于月表电磁环境错综复 杂, 通常认为月球表面在特殊的空间天气条件下会带有数千伏电压. 以往的空间研究已经证实, 表面的带电与放电容易造成卫星仪器的异常或失联. 月表电场对电子 反射法有重要影响, 研究分析不同电磁条件下太阳风电子的运动轨迹,对月表环境 (电磁环境, 太阳风条件, 等离子体参数等)的研究可以更加深入细致. 通过模拟向月表运动的太阳风电子的运动轨迹, 分析了月表电磁环境的改变对太阳风电子反射 的影响, 并着重研究了月表电场对电子反射法遥感探测月表磁异常的影响, 为探测 月表电磁环境提供了重要的信息.   相似文献   

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