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根据SSO上两卫星搭载的三个PREM测得的空间中重离子LET谱,以及利用Weibull分布模型拟合出的不同器件的σ-LET曲线,对由空间中重离子引起的单粒子翻转的翻转率进行了预测估算.将预测值与实测值对比,分析了影响翻转率的因素.对于相同器件,翻转率与设备在卫星上的位置和朝向有关.位于卫星尾部面向后退(-x)方向的翻转率高于位于底部对地(+z)方向的器件翻转率;太阳活动水平高的时间段翻转率高于太阳活动水平低的时间段.探测器接收的重离子微分LET谱的强度和硬度决定了器件的单粒子翻转率.在高于翻转LET阈值时,LET谱的强度越高,其硬度和翻转率越大.不同器件的翻转率也不相同.  相似文献   

针对90 nm CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor)工艺,采用三维数值模拟方法,研究了反相器中NMOS(Negative channel-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)晶体管与PMOS(Positive channel-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor)晶体管的单粒子瞬变(SET,Single Event Transient)电流脉冲,深入分析了PMOSFET(Positive channel-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor)与NMOSFET(Negative channel-Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor)发生单粒子效应时电荷输运过程和电荷收集机理.研究结果表明,由于电路耦合作用,反相器中晶体管的电荷收集与单个晶体管差异显著;反相器中PMOS晶体管电荷收集过程中存在寄生双极放大效应,NMOS晶体管中不存在寄生双极放大效应;由于双极放大效应,90 nm工艺下PMOS晶体管产生的SET电压脉冲比NMOS晶体管产生的电压脉冲持续时间更长,进而导致PMOS晶体管的SET效应更加敏感.研究结果为数字电路SET的精确建模、进行大规模集成电路SET效应模拟提供了参考依据.   相似文献   

为探究先进互补金属氧化物半导体(CMOS)工艺在空间应用中的可靠性问题,研究14 nm工艺下P型沟道鳍式场效应晶体管(pFinFET)器件中的抗单粒子瞬态(SET)加固策略。通过在器件中插入平行于鳍方向的重掺杂N型沟槽(Ntie)和P型沟槽(Ptie)来减缓SET的影响。三维TCAD仿真结果表明:加固之后器件的抗SET特性和沟槽本身的偏置条件相关。当重掺杂沟槽处于零偏状态时,抗辐射加固的性能最好,SET脉冲宽度降低程度可达40%左右;然而,当处于反偏状态时,由于特殊的电荷收集过程的存在,使得SET脉冲幅度反而会明显增大,脉冲宽度减小程度并不明显。此外,还研究沟槽面积、间距及掺杂浓度对pFinFET中的SET脉冲宽度的影响,得到提高抗SET效果的加固方法。  相似文献   

针对130 nm体硅反相器链,利用脉冲激光和重离子实验研究了目标电路单粒子瞬态(SET)的脉宽特性,并分析了电路被辐射诱发的SET脉宽特性受激光能量、重离子线性能量传递(LET)值、PMOS管栅长尺寸等因素的影响机制。重离子和脉冲激光实验结果类似,均表现为随激光能量、LET值的增加,电路被辐射诱发的SET脉宽逐步增大,且表现出明显的双(多)峰分布趋势,但辐射诱发的SET脉冲个数呈先增加再减少规律。此外,实验结果表明,在不同激光能量、LET值下,PMOS管栅长尺寸影响反相器链SET脉冲的特征不同。当激光能量、LET值较低时,PMOS管栅长尺寸大的电路产生的SET脉宽较大,而当激光能量、LET值较大时,PMOS管栅长尺寸小的电路反而产生更宽的SET脉冲。分析表明,较高激光能量、LET辐照时,寄生双极放大效应被触发可能是导致PMOS管栅长尺寸影响电路SET特征差异的主要原因。   相似文献   

使用Space Radiation 7.0工具分析临近空间中子辐射环境,研究其与海拔高度、太阳活动和经纬度的关系及内在原因.在此基础上,提出了一种基于蒙特卡罗方法的大气中子实时错误率预计方法,并以航空电子系统关键集成电路FPGA为例,预计其单粒子翻转敏感模块包括配置存储器、块存储器和用户触发器,单粒子功能中断敏感模块包括上电复位电路、SelectMAP接口等的实时飞行错误率.结果表明,配置存储器中发生的单粒子翻转达到总单粒子翻转率的77%,而上电复位电路和SelectMAP接口中发生的单粒子功能中断各占总单粒子功能中断率的36%.根据RTCA DO-254对飞行系统失效等级的划分,该FPGA器件不可用于航空电子系统关键位置.  相似文献   

Modern instrument-simulation techniques offer the possibility of increasing the scientific yield from archival space datasets. In this paper, we report on a simulation of the electron response of the University of Chicago’s Cosmic Ray Nuclei Experiment (CRNE) instrument on the IMP-8 satellite. IMP-8/CRNE returned data from 1973 to 2006. The CRNE particle telescope was designed to measure the isotopic composition of Galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) nuclei and has also been used in many studies of protons and ions above 10 MeV/nucleon from solar energetic particle (SEP) events. But CRNE also functions as a highly-capable detector for solar electrons above 0.5 MeV, an energy range that has not been extensively studied. Utilization of the CRNE electron data has heretofore been limited by the fact that CRNE was never calibrated for electrons. We have therefore used the GEANT4 Monte Carlo simulation package to model the CRNE response to electrons and (separately) protons for multiple energies and incident angles. The results were used to compute the energy- and angle-dependence of the effective area and the energy-dependence of the geometric factor. The response to protons, which was already well understood, was used to verify the mass model, the simulation settings, and the post-processing software. Our simulation of the IMP-8/CRNE electron response now allows analysis of hundreds of relativistic solar electron events observed by CRNE over the years, including studies of evolution of electron energy spectra with high time resolution. We show examples of these results and briefly discuss potential applications to future scientific investigations.  相似文献   

以太阳风粒子、深空尘埃等为目标的采样返回探测任务是空间科学与深空探测研究的热点方向之一。对“星尘号”“起源号”两个典型采样返回探测器的构型进行了分析,并梳理了其主要构型特点。结合我国月地高速再入返回飞行器的构型特点,提出了一种深空粒子采样返回探测器构型的设想:总体构型由长方形主体和流线型返回器组成,主体构型适应于承载返回器和其他装器设备,返回器构型适应于样品收集和再入返回气动外形。设计方案采用了充气式采样器进行粒子收集,具有体积小、重量轻、折叠效率高、展开可靠、工程实施简单等特点,并采用了可重复收拢展开的太阳翼,能够适应收集不同类型深空粒子的需求。  相似文献   

The topic of relativistic electron dynamics in the outer radiation belt has received considerable attention for many years. Nevertheless, the problem of understanding the physical phenomenon involved is far from being resolved. In this paper, we use DEMETER observations to examine the variations of the energetic electron fluxes and ELF/VLF wave intensities in the inner magnetosphere during the intense 8 November 2004 magnetic storm. Electron flux spectra and associated wave intensity spectra are analysed throughout the magnetic storm and common characteristics or differences to other storm events are retained. The overall objective of this study is to identify and derive parameters that are relevant for particle flux modelling; the time constant characterizing the persistent decay after particle enhancement was found to be one of these important model parameters.The analysis of the 8 November 2004 event reveals that for L-shell parameter higher than 4, an electron flux dropout is observed during the storm’s main phase for electrons in the energy range 0.1–1 MeV, as has been reported from other measurements. Characteristic wave spectra accompanying this phase are analysed. They show a typical enhancement in the frequency range 0.3–10 kHz at onset for all L-shell values under consideration (2 < L < 5). During the first stage of the recovery phase, the electron fluxes are increased to a level higher than the pre-storm level, whereas the level of wave intensity in the frequency range observed below 300 Hz is at its highest. In the second stage, the particle flux decrease goes hand in hand with a global wave activity decline, the relaxation time of the latter being smaller than the former’s one. In some other cases, long-lasting electron enhancement associated with constant wave activity has been observed during this latter stage. For the above mentioned storm, while at low L values the decay time constants are higher for low energy electrons than for high energy electrons, this order is reversed at high L values. At about L = 3.6 the time constant is independent of electron energy.  相似文献   

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