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正1引言2020年7月23日,我国天问一号火星探测任务实施,目标是实现火星环绕和着陆巡视探测,对火星开展全球性、综合性的环绕探测,在火星表面开展区域巡视探测。火星探测器由环绕器和着陆巡视器组成,着陆巡视器到达火星表面后释放火星车。  相似文献   

1 项目背景 "火星生物学"是ESA寻找现在或过去生命痕迹的火星探测项目,也是"曙光"(Aurora)计划的旗舰级项目.它不仅将探测火星环境,还将验证ESA未来火星采样返回任务所需的新型技术.该项目共包括两次火星探测任务,都将通过与俄罗斯的合作实施,其中"火星生物学-2016"包括1个轨道器和1个"进入、下降和着陆演示模块"(EDM);2018年发射的任务简称为"火星生物学-2018",包括1辆火星车和1个火星表面平台.  相似文献   

本文所阐述的是 NASA 按照美国科学院行星探测委员会(COMPLEX)提出的关于火星探测任务所制定的一项核心计划(Core Pro Lram)中的基本内容。着重介绍火星游走和采样返回任务的要求与实现这种设想的两种方案。一、火星探测的科学目标美国科学院行星探测委员会提出的火星探测优先目标包括:1.对火星星表局部地区进行深入的考察,①确定星表物质中如矿物、岩石等各种  相似文献   

正"火星2020"(Mars2020)是美国国家航空航天局(NASA)的一项火星巡视探测任务,于北京时间2020年7月30日19:50由宇宙神-5-541(Atlas-5-541)运载火箭从卡纳维拉尔角空军基地发射。该任务的科学探测目的为探寻火星过去的宜居条件,探索火星表面远古的生命痕迹,并采集火星岩石和土壤样品,将其存储在容器中,供未来的火星采样返回任务带回地球。"火星2020"探测器携带毅力号(Perseverance)火星车,将于2021年2月18日着陆火星表面,工作时间为至少1个火星年(687个地球日)。  相似文献   

火星采样返回对于认知类地行星起源和生命宜居性、奠定未来载人登火基础具有重大意义,是下一代火星探测任务的重点目标。目前美、日、中均已公布火星采样返回任务的计划或相关设想。美国火星采样返回任务预计时间跨度逾10年,将与欧洲空间局合作研制发射样品返回着陆器、样品收集火星车和返回地球轨道器等,将毅力号火星车采集的样品带回地球。日本计划开展火卫一采样返回任务。分析国际采样返回任务方案,有助于中国火星任务的科学目标凝练和工程方案设计。  相似文献   

中国未来将实施四次重大深空探测任务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>中国的深空探测正由月球挺进更深远的宇宙。新华社记者从国家航天局获悉,我国未来深空探测工程将实施四次重大任务。这四次任务分别是:2020年发射首个火星探测器,一次实现火星环绕和着陆巡视探测;实施第二次火星探测任务,进行火星表面采样返回,开展火星构造、物质成分、火星环境等科学分析  相似文献   

<正>截至2022年6月29日,天问一号任务环绕器状态正常,已飞行706天,环绕火星1344圈,实现了全球覆盖,获取了覆盖火星全球的中分辨率影像数据,各科学载荷均实现火星全球探测。天问一号任务环绕器和火星车均完成既定科学探测任务。2021年8月15日,祝融号火星车顺利完成90个火星日既定科学探测任务,继续实施拓展探测任务,已累计在火星表面行驶1921.5m。受着陆区冬季严寒和沙尘天气影响,火星车按设计状态已于2022年5月18日进入冬季休眠模式,2022年12月前后,祝融号着陆区将进入初春季节,  相似文献   

陈颖  周璐  王立 《深空探测学报》2014,1(2):156-160
针对火星探测科学发现及任务创新需求,探索更先进的探测模式,提出了一种火星多模式组合探测任务设想。该任务设想的特点在于结合了轨道环绕、表面着陆、多点穿透和浮空探测,获取立体多层多源信息,一次任务实现深度科学探测。对火星开展多模式组合探测,不仅会开拓更加具有优势的火星探测新方式,发展新的探测能力和技术,也会加深对火星的全面了解,提高探测活动的综合效果。多模式探测设想不仅适用于火星,对金星、土星等地外天体探测也有很好的支撑作用。  相似文献   

钻取采样作为一种获取深层月壤的有效方式被应用于地外天体采样任务。不同于地面钻探,无人月面钻取采样面临诸多技术难点,例如遥操作信号延迟、探测器传感资源有限、缺乏采样点地质信息以及月壤力学特性复杂等。为保证采样任务高效可靠地执行,采样装置需充分利用有限的探测器硬件资源,依据钻进工况实时调整钻进工艺参数,对未知的钻进环境具有适应能力。提出一种基于可钻性在线辨识的月面钻进控制方法。利用可钻性指标综合评价当前对象的钻进难易程度,采用模式识别方法辨识钻进对象的可钻性等级并实时匹配最优的钻进工艺参数,从而实现钻进过程的智能控制。为验证所提出控制方法的有效性,开展了模拟月壤月岩交替布置的钻进试验研究。试验结果表明:该方法能够有效控制钻进负载。  相似文献   

性能优异的美国"火星科学实验室"   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张扬眉 《国际太空》2011,(11):17-23
美国“火星科学实验室”(MSL)将于2011年11月25日-12月18日发射,于2012年8月6—20日在火星的盖尔环形山(Gale Crater)着陆,计划工作时间为1个火星年(687个地球日)。在此期间,它所携带的好奇号火星车将挖掘火星土壤,钻取火星岩石粉末,对岩石样本进行分析,探测火星过去或现在是否具有支持微生物生存的环境,从而确定火星是否具有可居住性。“火星科学实验室”项目的主承包商为波音公司和洛马公司,  相似文献   

Ultrasonic drills, which can sample rocks using a lower weight on bit and lower power, are more suitable for sampling on a minor planet than conventional drills. To remove cutting chips and improve drilling efficiency, rotary-percussive ultrasonic drills (RPUD) drive drill tools for rotary-percussive motion. This paper proposes a novel longitudinal & longitudinal-torsional (L-LT) actuator, which is composed of a stepped horn, a piezoelectric stack, and a longitudinal-torsional (LT) coupler, for the RPUD. The horn magnifies the longitudinal vibration on the front surface of the piezoelectric stack, which is clamped between the horn and the LT coupler, and impacts the drill tool. The LT coupler transforms the longitudinal vibration on the back surface into longitudinal-torsional vibration, which generates elliptical movements that drive the rotor to rotate. Then, the rotor drives the drill tool to rotate. A method of adjusting the displacement amplitudes of the horn and the driving tips is discussed. The prototype achieved a maximum speed and torque of 193?r/min and 0.065?N·m, respectively. The maximum drilling speed through sandstone under a weight on bit of 5?N was 13?mm/min.  相似文献   

火星探测发展历程与未来展望   总被引:11,自引:6,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
火星作为距地球最近的类地行星之一,火星探测是继月球探测之后深空探测的最大热点。在简要总结人类火星探测历程与未来发展趋势的基础上,对未来的火星探测规划任务及其面临的主要关键技术进行了重点论述,并给出了相应启示和发展展望;结合我国深空探测能力,并对中国后续开展火星探测活动提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

The search for traces of extinct and extant life on Mars will be extended to beneath the surface of the planet. Current data from Mars missions suggesting the presence of liquid water early in Mars' history and mathematical modeling of the fate of water on Mars imply that liquid water may exist deep beneath the surface of Mars. This leads to the hypothesis that life may exist deep beneath the Martian surface. One possible scenario to look for life on Mars involves a series of unmanned missions culminating with a manned mission drilling deep into the Martian subsurface (approximately 3Km), collecting samples, and conducting preliminary analyses to select samples for return to earth. This mission must address both forward and back contamination issues, and falls under planetary protection category V. Planetary protection issues to be addressed include provisions stating that the inevitable deposition of earth microbes by humans should be minimized and localized, and that earth microbes and organic material must not contaminate the Martian subsurface. This requires that the drilling equipment be sterilized prior to use. Further, the collection, containment and retrieval of the sample must be conducted such that the crew is protected and that any materials returning to earth are contained (i.e., physically and biologically isolated) and the chain of connection with Mars is broken.  相似文献   

本文建立了用于群钻切削刃切削角度分析、计算的数学模型。这些切削角度是逐点变化的而且对群钻的切削性能有很大的影响。文中借助于钻头的CAD程序、分析了群钻的设计和刃磨参数对钻尖几何形状以及切削角度的影响,并可在设计过程中直观地显示出群钻各切削刃切削角度的变化规律。通过计算机对群钻切削角度的分析计算,可以有助于精确分析群钻的钻削机理并实现群钻钻尖几何形状的优化设计。  相似文献   

载人火星探测的行星保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
行星保护是影响载人火星探索任务的重要问题之一。载人探测的行星保护包括3个方面,即防止来源于地球的微生物污染目标星球的正向污染防护、防止外来生物对地球的潜在危害的逆向污染防护,以及确保航天员的健康和安全。国际宇航界已经开始针对载人火星探测的行星保护制定政策法规和开展技术研讨。本文介绍了行星保护的定义和法理依据,简要回顾了美国国家航空航天局在“阿波罗登月”中的行星保护措施,并对未来载人火星探测中的主要污染物、污染途径以及污染防护策略进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

Societal and non-scientific factors represent potentially significant impediments for future Mars missions, especially in areas involving planetary protection. This paper analyzes public concerns about forward contamination to Mars and back contamination to Earth, evaluates major areas where lack of information may lead to uncontrollable impacts on future missions, and concludes that NASA should adopt a strategy that actively plans both the generation and subsequent management of planetary protection information to ensure that key audiences obtain needed information in a timely manner. Delay or avoidance in dealing with societal issues early in mission planning will increase the likelihood of public opposition, cost increases and missed launch windows. While this analysis of social and non-scientific considerations focuses on future Mars missions, the findings are also relevant for RTG launches, nuclear propulsion and other NASA activities perceived to have health, safety or environmental implications.  相似文献   

Radio beacons/IMU integrated navigation for Mars entry   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
High precision entry navigation capability is essential for future Mars pinpoint landing missions, together with the entry guidance and aerodynamic lift control. This paper addresses the issue of Mars entry navigation using inertial measurement unit (IMU) and orbiting or surface radiometric beacons. The range and Doppler information sensed from orbiting or surface radio beacons and the entry vehicle state information derived from IMU are integrated in Unscented Kalman filter to correct the inertial constant bias and suppress the navigation measurement noise. Computer simulations show that the integrated navigation algorithm proposed in this paper can achieve 50 m position error and 2 m/s velocity error, which satisfies the need of future pinpoint Mars landing missions.  相似文献   

Over the last several years, the nature of the surface conditions on the planet Mars, our knowledge of the growth capabilities of Earth organisms under extreme conditions, and future opportunities for Mars exploration have been under extensive review in the United States and elsewhere. As part of these examinations, in 1992 the US Space Studies Board made a series of recommendations to NASA on the requirements that should be implemented on future missions that will explore Mars. In particular, significant changes were recommended in the requirements for Mars landers, changes that significantly alleviated the burden of planetary protection implementation for these missions. In this paper we propose a resolution implementing this new set of recommendations, for adoption by COSPAR at its 30th meeting in Hamburg. We also discuss future directions and study areas for planetary protection, in light of changing plans for Mars exploration.  相似文献   

为提高冲击式超声波钻的排屑效率,基于压电驱动原理提出了一种单压电叠堆驱动的回转冲击超声波钻(RPUD)。RPUD仅利用单一压电叠堆两侧的振动实现了钻具的回转冲击运动,将一侧振动转变为回转运动,另一侧振动转变为冲击运动,且回转运动和冲击运动可单独调节。为实现超声波钻回转运动和冲击运动的同步谐振,借助有限元方法,对超声波钻换能器进行模态分析和瞬态分析。基于优选的结构设计参数,研制了RPUD样机并开展了钻进实验研究。实验结果验证了RPUD的钻进功能,并利用响应面方法分析了钻压力等各钻进参数对钻进效率的影响。  相似文献   

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