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We present an analysis of the ionosphere and thermosphere response to Solar Proton Events (SPE) and magnetospheric proton precipitation in January 2005, which was carried out using the model of the entire atmosphere EAGLE. The ionization rates for the considered period were acquired from the AIMOS (Atmospheric Ionization Module Osnabrück) dataset. For numerical experiments, we applied only the proton-induced ionization rates of that period, while all the other model input parameters, including the electron precipitations, corresponded to the quiet conditions. In January 2005, two major solar proton events with different energy spectra and proton fluxes occurred on January 17 and January 20. Since two geomagnetic storms and several sub-storms took place during the considered period, not only solar protons but also less energetic magnetospheric protons contributed to the calculated ionization rates. Despite the relative transparency of the thermosphere for high-energy protons, an ionospheric response to the SPE and proton precipitation from the magnetotail was obtained in numerical experiments. In the ionospheric E layer, the maximum increase in the electron concentration is localized at high latitudes, and at heights of the ionospheric F2 layer, the positive perturbations were formed in the near-equatorial region. An analysis of the model-derived results showed that changes in the ionospheric F2 layer were caused by a change in the neutral composition of the thermosphere. We found that in the recovery phase after both solar proton events and the enhancement of magnetospheric proton precipitations associated with geomagnetic disturbances, the TEC and electron density in the F region and in topside ionosphere/plasmasphere increase at low- and mid-latitudes due to an enhancement of atomic oxygen concentration. Our results demonstrate an important role of magnetospheric protons in the formation of negative F-region ionospheric storms. According to our results, the topside ionosphere/plasmasphere and bottom-side ionosphere can react to solar and magnetospheric protons both with the same sign of disturbances or in different way. The same statement is true for TEC and foF2 disturbances. Different disturbances of foF2 and TEC at high and low latitudes can be explained by topside electron temperature disturbances.  相似文献   

Near-Earth object (NEO) in-situ exploration can provide invaluable information for science, possible future deflection actions and resource utilisation. This is only possible with space missions which approach the asteroid from its vicinity, i.e. rendezvous. This paper explores the use of solar sailing as means of propulsion for NEO rendezvous missions. Given the current state of sail technology, we search for multiple rendezvous missions of up to ten years and characteristic acceleration of up to 0.10 mm/s2. Using a tree-search technique and subsequent trajectory optimisation, we find numerous options of up to three NEO encounters in the launch window 2019–2027. In addition, we explore steerable and throttleable low-thrust (e.g. solar-electric) rendezvous to a particular group of NEOs, the Taurid swarm. We show that an acceleration of 0.23 mm/s2 would suffice for a rendezvous in approximately 2000 days, while shorter transfers are available as the acceleration increases. Finally, we show low-thrust options (0.3 mm/s2) to the fictitious asteroid 2019 PDC, as part of an asteroid deflection exercise.  相似文献   

The solar flare of January 20, 2005 (X7.1, 06:36–07:26 UT, maximum at 07:01 UT by the GOES soft X-ray data) was the most powerful one in January 2005 series. The AVS-F apparatus onboard CORONAS-F registered γ-emission during soft X-ray rising phase of this flare in two energy ranges of 0.1–20 MeV and 2–140 MeV. The highest γ-ray energy registered during this flare was ∼140 MeV. Six spectral features were registered in energy spectrum of this solar flare: annihilation + αα (0.4–0.6 MeV), 24Mg + 20Ne + 28Si + neutron capture (1.7–2.3 MeV), 21Ne + 22Ne + 16O + 12С (3.2–5.0 MeV), 16O (5.3–6.9 MeV), one from neutral pions decay (25–110 MeV) and one in energy band 15–21 MeV. Four of them contain typical for solar flares lines – annihilation, nuclear de-excitation and neutron capture at 1H. Spectral feature caused by neutral pions decay was registered during several flares too. Some spectral peculiarities in the region of 15–21 MeV were first observed in solar flare energy spectrum.  相似文献   

We present an investigation of the influence of the 27-day solar flux variations, caused by solar rotation, on the ionosphere parameters such as the F2 layer critical frequency (foF2) and the total electron content (TEC). Our observational data were obtained with the Irkutsk Digisonde (DPS-4) located at 52.3 North and 104.3 East during the period from 2003 to 2005. In addition, we use TEC data from the Global Ionosphere Maps (GIM) based on Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites. The solar radiation flux at a wavelength of 10.7 cm (F10.7 index) is used as an index characterizing the solar activity level. A good correlation between observed ionosphere parameters and solar activity variations is found especially in autumn-to-winter season. We estimate the impact of the 27-day solar flux variations on the day-to-day variability and determine the time delay of the ionosphere response.  相似文献   

We have used the radio occultation (RO) satellite data CHAMP/GPS (Challenging Minisatellite Payload/Global Positioning System) for studying the ionosphere of the Earth. A method for deriving the parameters of ionospheric structures is based upon an analysis of the RO signal variations in the phase path and intensity. This method allows one to estimate the spatial displacement of a plasma layer with respect to the ray perigee, and to determine the layer inclination and height correction values. In this paper, we focus on the case study of inclined sporadic E (Es) layers in the high-latitude ionosphere based on available CHAMP RO data. Assuming that the internal gravity waves (IGWs) with the phase-fronts parallel to the ionization layer surfaces are responsible for the tilt angles of sporadic plasma layers, we have developed a new technique for determining the parameters of IGWs linked with the inclined Es structures. A small-scale internal wave may be modulating initially horizontal Es layer in height and causing a direction of the plasma density gradient to be rotated and aligned with that of the wave propagation vector k. The results of determination of the intrinsic wave frequency and period, vertical and horizontal wavelengths, intrinsic vertical and horizontal phase speeds, and other characteristics of IGWs under study are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Solar and space radiation have been monitored using the R3D-B2 radiation risks radiometer-dosimeter on board a recent space flight on the Russian satellite Foton M2 within the ESA Biopan 5 facility mounted on the outside of the satellite exposed to space conditions. The solar radiation has been assayed in four wavelength bands (UV-C, 170–280 nm, UV-B, 280–315 nm), UV-A (315–400 nm) and PAR (photosynthetic active radiation, 400–700 nm). The data show an increasing tumbling rotation of the satellite during the mission. The photodiodes do not show a cosine response to the incident light which has been corrected. After calibration of the signals using the extraterrestrial spectrum, doses have been calculated for each orbit, for each day and for the total mission as basic data for the biological material which has been exposed in parallel in the Biopan facility. Cosmic ionizing radiation has been monitored and separated in 256 deposited energy spectra, which were further used for determination of the absorbed dose rate and flux. Basic data tables were prepared to be used by other Biopan 5 experiments. The paper summarizes the results for the Earth radiation environment at the altitude (262–304 km) of the Foton M2 spacecraft. Comparisons with the predictions of NASA Earth radiation environment experimental models AE-8 and AP-8, and the PSB97 model are also presented, which calculate the fluxes of ionizing radiation from a simulation. AP-8 is a model for trapped radiation.  相似文献   

Following Tanna et al. (2013), we computed the percentage of occurrence of S4 index for the period of 2012–2015 using the data of the dual frequency GPS receiver at the Tripura University, Agartala station (23.76°N, 91.26°E) situated at the northern crest of the equatorial ionization anomaly (EIA) region of the Indian Subcontinent. We have observed discrepancy in the results contradicting the actual scintillation occurrence. The distinctly noticeable discrepancy is that the maximum occurrence month is shifted to April 2013 instead of March 2014. The problem arises due to the denominator term used in the percentage of occurrence ratio i.e. the total number of days of observed scintillation activity during the complete period under consideration. But the conventional percentage of occurrence methodology uses the number of days of observation (the total number of days for which data is available) during each month in the denominator. It correctly assigns the maximum occurrence to March 2014 instead of April 2013 and the obtained monthly statistics follow the solar activity during this period.  相似文献   

The ionospheric Nighttime Winter Anomaly (NWA) is a feature observed in the Northern Hemisphere at the American and in the Southern Hemisphere at the Asian longitude sector under low solar activity conditions. Jakowski et al. (2015) analyzed ground-based GPS derived TEC and peak electron density data from radio occultation measurements on Formosat-3/COSMIC satellites and confirmed the persistence of the phenomenon. Further, they assumed that Mid-latitude Summer Nighttime Anomaly (MSNA) and related special anomalies such as the Weddell Sea Anomaly (WSA) and the Okhotsk Sea Anomaly (OSA) are closely related to the NWA via enhanced wind-induced uplifting of the ionosphere. The aim of this paper is to study the factors causing these anomalies and also to investigate if these anomalies are re-produced by IRI. The results show that IRI model does include the NWA effect, though at a different longitude and could be improved for better predictions. The IRI-2016 model does show WSA in TEC but not in NmF2. Further, the IRI-2016 model could clearly predict the OSA both in NmF2 and TEC.  相似文献   

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