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Magnetic reconnection is a fundamental process for changing the magnetic topology and converting magnetic energy into other forms on the Sun, such as heat, flow energy and fast particle energy. In two dimensions it is fairly well understood, although some aspects still need to be developed. In three dimensions, it behaves very differently and a substantial body of theory and numerical experiment has now been built up, including reconnection at null points, separators and quasi-separators.Some aspects of solar flares can be understood with 2D reconnection models, but other aspects such as the shapes of flare ribbons, the acceleration of particles and the creation of twist in erupting flux ropes need a 3D understanding. A paradigm shift in our understanding of coronal heating by reconnection has been stimulated by dramatic new observations of photospheric flux cancellation from SUNRISE and from SST together with the realisation that it may well be driving nanoflare heating events and possibly campfires.  相似文献   

It remains an open question how magnetic energy is rapidly released in the solar corona so as to create solar explosions such as solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Recent studies have confirmed that a system consisting of a flux rope embedded in a background field exhibits a catastrophic behavior, and the energy threshold at the catastrophic point may exceed the associated open field energy. The accumulated free energy in the corona is abruptly released when the catastrophe takes place, and it probably serves as the main means of energy release for CMEs at least in the initial phase. Such a release proceeds via an ideal MHD process in contrast with nonideal ones such as magnetic reconnection. The catastrophe results in a sudden formation of electric current sheets, which naturally provide proper sites for fast magnetic reconnection. The reconnection may be identified with a solar flare associated with the CME on one hand, and produces a further acceleration of the CME on the other. On this basis, several preliminary suggestions are made for future observational investigations, especially with the proposed Kuafa satellites, on the roles of the MHD catastrophe and magnetic reconnection in the magnetic energy release associated with CMEs and flares.  相似文献   

The third-order accurate upwind compact difference scheme has been applied for the numerical study of the magnetic reconnection driven by a plasma blob impacting the heliospheric current sheet, under the framework of the two-dimensional compressible magnetohydrodynamics. The results show that the driven reconnection near the current sheet could occur in about 10–30 min for the interplanetary high magnetic Reynolds number, RM = 2000–10,000, a stable magnetic reconnection structure can be formed in hour order of magnitude, and there appear some basic properties such as the multiple X-line reconnections, vortex structures, filament current systems, splitting and collapse of the high-density plasma blob. These results are helpful in understanding and identifying the magnetic reconnection phenomena possibly occurring near the heliospheric current sheets.  相似文献   

We revisit an example of “quasi-steady” magnetic reconnection at the dayside magnetopause on February 11, 1998, observed by Equator-S and Geotail at the dawnside magnetopause. Phan et al. [Phan, T.D. et al., 2000. Extended magnetic reconnection at the Earth’s magnetopause from detection of bi-directional jets. Nature 404, 848–850.] reported oppositely directed jets at these spacecrafts and inferred a length of the reconnection line of about 38RE. Pinnock et al. [Pinnock, M., Chisham, G., Coleman, I.J., Freeman, M.P., Hairston, M., Villain, J.-P., 2003. The location and rate of dayside reconnection during an interval of southward interplanetary magnetic field. Ann. Geophys. 21, 1467–1482.] used measurements from SuperDARN radars to show that the reconnection electric field was variable. Here we complement this work by obtaining snapshots of the reconnection electric field from the in situ observations. To do this, we apply a reconstruction method based on a model of compressible Petschek-type magnetic reconnection. This independent method uses magnetic field observations as input data to calculate the reconnection electric field. We obtain average values of Erec in the range of 0.4–2.4 mV/m. Further we infer a distance perpendicular to the reconnection line of 0.4–0.6RE. The model results are compared with the two studies mentioned above. It thus appears that while the transfer of momentum for this event is indeed large-scale, the actual rate depends on the time it is measured.  相似文献   

The problem of steady-state magnetic reconnection in an infinite current layer in collisionless, incompressible, nonresistive plasma, except of the electron diffusion region, is examined analytically using the electron Hall magnetohydrodynamics approach. It is found that this approach allows reducing the problem to the magnetic field potential finding, while last one has to satisfy the Grad–Shafranov equation. The obtained solution demonstrates all essential Hall reconnection features, namely proton acceleration up to Alfvén velocities, the forming of Hall current systems and the magnetic field structure expected. It turns out that the necessary condition of steady-state reconnection to exist is an electric field potential jump across the electron diffusion region and the separatrices. Besides, the powerful mechanism of electron acceleration in X-line direction is required. It must accelerate electrons up to the electron Alfvén velocity inside the diffusion region and on the separatrixes. This is a necessary condition for steady-state reconnection as well.  相似文献   

Srivastava et al. (2010) have observed a highly twisted coronal loop, which was anchored in AR10960 during the period 04:43 UT-04:52 UT on 4 June 2007. The loop length and radius are approximately 80 Mm and 4 Mm, with a twist of 11.5 ππ. These observations are used as initial conditions in a three dimensional nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic simulation with parallel thermal conduction included. The initial unstable equilibrium evolves into the kink instability, from which synthetic observables are generated for various high-temperature filters of SDO/AIA. These observables include temporal and spatial averaging to account for the resolution and exposure times of SDO/AIA images. Using the simulation results, we describe the implications of coronal kink instability as observables in SDO/AIA filters.  相似文献   

One- and two-dimensional models of magnetic field fluctuations and turbulence are widely used in space-, astrophysical, and laboratory contexts. In the present article we use a generalized form of the turbulence wave spectrum to calculate field line diffusion coefficients analytically and numerically. General conditions are derived for which field line wandering behaves subdiffusively, diffusively, and superdiffusively.  相似文献   

采用可压缩电阻性磁流体力学模型,研究了初始电流片的长宽比${L_x}$对非对称多重X线磁场重联的影响。研究结果发现,当${L_x}$超过一定的阈值时,非对称磁场重联的演化过程中将伴有多重X线重联发生。进一步地研究结果表明,当${L_x}$越大,多重X线重联就越容易出现,相同时间间隔内所诱发的次级磁岛的尺寸也随之相应变大,不仅如此,次级磁岛的尺寸占整个模拟尺寸的比例也有所增大。对于${L_x}$比较大的情形,当非对称多重X线磁场重联发展到一定程度后,非对称多重X线磁场重联的重联点基本不随时间变化,并且所诱发的大尺度次级磁岛的大小也基本稳定,该结论与Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) 观测现象一致。因此这些结果可以用来解释一些卫星观测现象,尤其对空间物理中有关次级磁重联产生的多重X重联的观测有一定指导作用。  相似文献   

We have performed the analysis of the magnetic topology of active region NOAA 10486 before two large flares occurring on October 26 and 28, 2003. The 3D extrapolation of the photospheric magnetic field shows the existence of magnetic null points when using two different methods. We use TRACE 1600 Å and 195 Å brightenings as tracers of the energy release due to magnetic reconnections. We conclude on the three following points:
1. The small events observed before the flares are related to low lying null points. They are long lasting and associated with low energy release. They are not triggering the large flares.

2. On October 26, a high altitude null point is found. We look for bright patches that could correspond to the signatures of coronal reconnection at the null point in TRACE 1600 Å images. However, such bright patches are not observed before the main flare, they are only observed after it.

3. On October 28, four ribbons are observed in TRACE images before the X17 flare. We interpret them as due to a magnetic breakout reconnection in a quadrupolar configuration. There is no magnetic null point related to these four ribbons, and this reconnection rather occurs at quasi-separatrix layers (QSLs).

We conclude that the existence of a null point in the corona is neither a sufficient nor a necessary condition to give rise to large flares.  相似文献   

Magnetic clouds are the interplanetary manifestation of coronal mass ejections, which are transient expulsions of major quantities of magnetized plasma, from the Sun toward the heliosphere. The magnetic flux and helicity are two key physical magnitudes to track solar structures from the photosphere-corona to the interplanetary medium. To determine the content of flux and helicity in magnetic clouds, we have to know their 3D structure. However, since spacecrafts register data along a unique direction, several aspects of their global configuration cannot be observed. We present a method to estimate the magnetic flux and the magnetic helicity per unit length in magnetic clouds, directly from in situ magnetic observations, assuming only a cylindrical symmetry for the magnetic field configuration in the observed cross-section of the cloud. We select a set of 20 magnetic clouds observed by the spacecraft Wind and estimate their magnetic flux and their helicity per unit length. We compare the results obtained from our direct method with those obtained under the assumption of a helical linear force-free field. This direct method improves previous estimations of helicity in clouds.  相似文献   

本文基于可压缩磁流体动力学模型,数值研究了尾瓣巾具有超Alfven速流动的等离子体彗尾的动力学特征。结果表明,等离子体片和尾瓣之间的剪切等离子体流动将会激发流动撕裂模不稳定性,引起彗尾等离子体片中发生磁场重联,形成磁岛和高密度的等离子体团。进而模拟了太阳风引起的局部驱动力对等离子体彗尾中磁场重联的影响,其特征时间远大于流动撕裂模。我们认为一些观测到的等离子体彗尾中的四块和彗尾截断事件可能主要与彗尾中剪切等离子体流动所引起的流动撕裂模不稳定性有关。  相似文献   

The role of waves in the dynamics of the magnetotail has long been a topic of interest in magnetospheric physics. The characteristics of Electrostatic Solitary Waves (ESWs) associated with reconnection have been studied statistically in the magnetotail by surveying the large amounts data obtained from Waveform Capture (WFC) which is an important component of Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) on the Geotail spacecraft. About 150 reconnection events with WFC data available are selected, and approximately 10 thousands of ESW waveforms are picked up by hands for statistical study. The ESWs are observed near diffusion region and near the plasma sheet boundary layer (PSBL). Two kinds of waveforms of ESWs are observed: bi-polar and tri-polar pulses. It is found that the pulse width of the ESWs is in the order of 1–5 ms and the peak-to-peak amplitude is in the order of 0.1–5 mV/m. The amplitudes of ESWs are larger in the near-earth tail region than that in deep tail region. ESWs have been observed with or without guide magnetic field 〈By〉. The characteristics of ESWs in different reconnection region and under different strength of guild magnetic field, their possible generation mechanism will be discussed.  相似文献   

An uniform out-of-plane magnetic field component By0 is added to the equilibrium Harris sheet with plasma β = 0.5 and Lc = 0.5di (where Lc is the half-width of the equilibrium current layer and di is the ion inertial length). Driven by the continuous boundary inflows, the magnetic reconnections with the guide field By0/B0 ranging from 0 to 4.0 are investigated using a 2.5D Hall magnetohydro-dynamic (MHD) code developed from a multi-step implicit scheme. The features of the reconnection field are substantially altered in the presence of the guide field. The openness of the magnetic separatrix angle is slightly reduced and the anti-symmetric quadrupolar structure of By field and the symmetric distribution of plasma pressure P are replaced by an asymmetric By four-wing structure and an asymmetric P plot as a non-zero By0 is added. The decoupling of electrons and ions also occurs near the X line in the case with a finite By0, but the effect of initial By0 on the electron flow is greater than that on the ion flow. The reconnection rates at the X-line drops from 0.151 to 0.06, namely, ∂A/∂t is reduced by a factor of 2.5 as By0/B0 increases from 0 to 4.0. The reduction of reconnection rate might be related to the reducing openness of reconnection layer with the increasing By0.  相似文献   

Mounting observational evidence of the emergence of twisted magnetic flux tubes through the photosphere have now been published. Such flux tubes, formed by the solar dynamo and transported through the convection zone, eventually reach the solar atmosphere. Their accumulation in the solar corona leads to flares and coronal mass ejections. Since reconnections occur during the evolution of the flux tubes, the concepts of twist and magnetic stress become inappropriate. Magnetic helicity, as a well preserved quantity, in particular in plasma with high magnetic Reynolds number, is a more suitable physical quantity to use, even if reconnection is involved.  相似文献   

太阳风中的磁场重联通常与行星际日冕物质抛射有关.本文分析了1995年10月18日WIND飞船观测到的一例磁云前边界层中的复合重联喷流事件.该复合排空区由相邻两个不同方向的喷流构成,这两个喷流分别经过Walén关系的证认,符合行星际磁场重联排空区等离子体喷流的特征.结果表明,在磁云前端可能存在众多重联点,从而将磁云本体的磁场剥离,形成比单一重联喷流区更复杂的三维边界层结构.磁云边界层中可能发生多点多次重联,从而不表现出单点重联的排空区特征,这可能是行星际磁场重联排空区较少在ICME前端被观测到的原因之一.  相似文献   

行星际磁场北向时磁层顶区磁场重联的全球模式   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在对背阳面磁层顶区局域磁场重联模拟的基础上提出了一个行星际磁场北向时磁层顶磁场重联的全球模式。行星际磁场北向时碰层顶磁场重联导致近地尾瓣的能量被输送到远磁尾,太阳风能量不在磁尾储存,向阳面磁层顶变厚,磁层受到一系列扰动。  相似文献   

在Petschek模型中,排空区边界处的一对慢激波是能量耗散的重要机制.已有大量行星际空间的Petschek型磁场重联排空区观测事件被报道,但是只有少量的排空区边界处观测到了慢激波.针对一例位于磁云边界层中的Petschek型磁场重联排空区观测事件,在排空区靠近磁云一侧边界处证认了一例慢激波.激波跃变层两侧的磁场和等离子体参数满足Rankine-Hugoniot关系,且激波上下游的中间马赫数均小于1,上游的慢马赫数为2.94(>1),下游的慢马赫数为0.65(<1),符合慢激波的观测特征.磁云内部的等离子体β值很低,局地阿尔芬速度高,同时磁云边界层中可能发生丰富的磁场重联活动,这可能是磁云前边界处慢激波形成的原因.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection is one of the most important, dynamic phenomena in the magnetotail in terms of magnetic field line configuration change and energy release. It is believed to occur in the distant magnetotail mainly during southward interplanetary magnetic field periods and in the near-Earth magnetotail in association with substorms. In the present paper, we discuss several important issues concerning magnetic reconnection in the magnetotail associated with substorms, such as reconnection signatures, location, timing, spatial scale, and behavior, from the macroscopic, observational point of view.  相似文献   

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