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In this paper, the shortwave and longwave anisotropy for clear sky Indian desert scene has been estimated using long-term surface data, radiative transfer calculations and Helmholtz reciprocity for missing values. This study is important in the perspective of the low inclination satellites like Megha–Tropiques (MT) mission, carrying Scanner for Radiation Budget (ScaRaB) payload, which will provide broadband radiative fluxes at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). Due to low inclination angle, the angular models for clear sky land scenes for the MT-ScaRaB orbits will be dominated by desert points.The Angular Distribution Models (ADMs) determined in this study were compared with existing desert models. It is observed that for longwave radiation, the largest disagreement is observed for higher values of viewing zenith angle, especially for the summer season, where the difference in flux can reach up to 13 W/m2. For the shortwave radiation, higher values of both solar zenith angle and viewing zenith angle cause largest incongruity in the computed albedo from the different models, suggesting the need of caution in interpretation of the flux computations from these bins. In fact at the higher solar zenith angle bin, the disparity in albedo can go up to 6.4%.  相似文献   

The concept to estimate space averages of the reflected solar exitance at the top of the atmosphere (TOA) from narrow field of view satellite instruments is presented. The largest errors, of about 2–25 %, in the estimated exitance are induced by the bidirectional function to convert radiances to exitances.  相似文献   

The Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget (GERB) instrument is the first to measure the earth radiation budget from a geostationary orbit. This allows a full sampling of the diurnal cycle of radiation and clouds – which is important for climate studies, as well as detailed process studies, e.g. the lifecycle of clouds or particular aerosol events such as desert storms. GERB data is now for the first time released as Edition 1 data for public scientific use. In this paper we summarise the algorithms used for the Edition 1 GERB data processing and the main validation results. Based on the comparison with the independent CERES instrument, the Edition 1 GERB accuracy is 5% for the reflected solar radiances and 2% for the emitted thermal radiances.  相似文献   

A semigray (shortwave and longwave) surface temperature model is developed from conditions on Venus, Earth and Mars, where the greenhouse effect is mostly due to carbon dioxide and water vapor. In addition to estimating longwave optical depths, parameterizations are developed for surface cooling due to shortwave absorption in the atmosphere, and for convective (sensible and latent) heat transfer. An approximation to the Clausius–Clapeyron relation provides water–vapor feedback. The resulting iterative algorithm is applied to three “super-Earths” in the Gliese 581 system, including the “Goldilocks” planet g (Vogt et al., 2010). Surprisingly, none of the three appear habitable. One cannot accurately locate a star’s habitable zone without data or assumptions about a planet’s atmosphere.  相似文献   

METEOSAT observations in the thermal infrared “window” and “water vapor” channels, as well as in the visible channel, reveal diurnal variations over large areas which remain significant in the monthly means. The variations in the infrared correspond to diurnal cycles in the surface skin temperature (over land) and in cloud cover (over both land and sea) at various levels, and they must appear as a more or less significant diurnal variation in the integrated longwave emission to space of the Earth-atmosphere system. The diurnal cycle in the reflected shortwave radiation is influenced by these meteorological variations as well as by the astronomical cycle and the anisotropic reflectance. These must be taken into account in studies of Earth Radiation Budget variations. Using nearly simultaneous and spatially coincident pixel data from the ERBE scanner on ERBS and from METEOSAT in November 1984, we construct provisional transfer functions relating the narrow-band METEOSAT infrared observations to the longwave radiant exitance at the top of the atmosphere. We apply these transfer functions to the METEOSAT ISCCP B2 data sets for the summers of 1983–1985, and compare the resulting longwave radiant exitance estimates, with particular attention to the diurnal variation, which should be relatively insensitive to the inaccuracy inherent in applying the provisional (November 1984) transfer functions to the 1983–1985 data.  相似文献   

Errors in the determination of the shortwave radiation budget from broadband satellite measurements at the top and at the bottom of a cloudless atmosphere due to uncertainties of the actual parameters of the atmosphere and the surface are derived by computer modelling. The model uses measured bidirectional reflectance functions and realistic values of the optical parameters of the atmosphere. Examples are presented which show the range of such uncertainties. Neglecting the anisotropy of the reflection function of land surfaces results in high uncertainties of the shortwave radiation budget, both at the top and the bottom of the atmosphere. The uncertainties caused by actual uncertain atmospheric parameters are low if data of the meteorological network are properly used.  相似文献   

Increases in CO2 and trace gases in the earth's atmosphere can lead to changes in the radiative balance of the earth's atmosphere in two ways. Changes in the amount of these constituents leads directly to changes in outgoing longwave radiation. This change in outgoing longwave radiation causes the thermal structure of the atmosphere to change. These changes in thermal structure can then alter the distribution of outgoing longwave radiation. Changes in the distribution and amount of outgoing radiation due to various increases in CO2 and trace gases are presented from a model with a spectral resolution of 5 cm−1. The effects of stratospheric aerosols, and the use of general circulation models for detecting changes in the radiative balance are discussed.  相似文献   

The planetary outgoing longwave radiation has been estimated since 1974 from two different series of NOAA operational polar spacecraft. The first series provided data from June 1974 through February 1978 and was designated “SR” for the scaning radiometers used at that time. This data set has been used in a variety of radiation budget and climate studies, such as that by Ohring and Gruber, 1983. The second satellite system is the currently operational TIROS-N series of satellites. Data from this series began in January 1979 and are continuing. In both systems, estimates of the outgoing longwave radiation are obtained from narrow spectral interval (10–12 μm) window radiances. A comparison is made of the estimates from the two different series of satellites in order to arrive at an assessment of their compatibility. This is important since the SR observations were taken at approximately 0900 and 2100 local times, while the TIROS-N data alternate between 0730-1930 and 0300-1500 local times. In addition, there is a period of overlap between the TIROS-N data and the broad band (5–50 μm) Nimbus 7 EArth radiation budget data. A comparison of those two data sets indiciate excellent agreement generally within about 1–2 Wm?2 on the monthly means on global and hemispherical scales. Comparisons of zonal averages indicate maximum differences as large as 9 Wm?2.Evidence is presented to suggest that observations taken at different local observing times may be biased by the diurnal variation of emitted flux, even on global scales.  相似文献   

Remote sensing of aerosol and radiation from geostationary satellites   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The paper presents a high-level overview of current and future remote sensing of aerosol and shortwave radiation budget carried out at the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) from the US Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) series. The retrievals from the current GOES imagers are based on physical principles. Aerosol and radiation are estimated in separate processing from the comparison of satellite-observed reflectances derived from a single visible channel with those calculated from detailed radiative transfer. The radiative transfer calculation accounts for multiple scattering by molecules, aerosol and cloud and absorption by the major atmospheric gases. The retrievals are performed operationally every 30 min for aerosol and every hour for radiation for pixel sizes of 4-km (aerosol) and 15- to 50-km (radiation). Both retrievals estimate the surface reflectance as a byproduct from the time composite of clear visible reflectances assuming fixed values of the aerosol optical depth. With the launch of GOES-R NOAA will begin a new era of geostationary remote sensing. The Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) onboard GOES-R will offer capabilities for aerosol remote sensing similar to those currently provided by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) flown on the NASA Earth Observing System (EOS) satellites. The ABI aerosol algorithm currently under development uses a multi-channel approach to estimate the aerosol optical depth and aerosol model simultaneously, both over water and land. Its design is strongly inspired by the MODIS aerosol algorithm. The ABI shortwave radiation budget algorithm is based on the successful GOES Surface and Insolation Product system of NOAA and the NASA Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System (CERES), Surface and Atmospheric Radiation Budget (SARB) algorithm. In all phases of the development, the algorithms are tested with proxy data generated from existing satellite observations and forward simulations. Final assessment of the performance will be made after the launch of GOES-R scheduled in 2012.  相似文献   

The existence of significant fluxes of antiparticles in the Earth magnetosphere has been predicted on theoretical considerations in this article. These antiparticles (positrons or antiprotons) at several hundred kilometers of altitudes, we believe are not of direct extraterrestrial origin, but are the natural products of nuclear reactions of the high energy primary cosmic rays (CR) and trapped protons (TP) confined in the terrestrial radiation belt, with the constituents of terrestrial atmosphere. Extraterrestrial positrons and antiprotons born in nuclear reactions of the same CR particles passing through only 5-7 g/cm2 of interstellar matter, exhibit lower fluxes compared to the antiprotons born at hundreds of g/cm2 in the atmosphere, which when confined in the magnetic field of the Earth (in any other planet), get accumulated. We present the results of the computations of the antiproton fluxes at 10 MeV to several GeV energies due to CR particle interactions with the matter in the interstellar space, and also with the residual atmosphere at altitudes of approximately 1000 km over the Earth's surface. The estimates show that the magnetospheric antiproton fluxes are greater by two orders of magnitude compared to the extraterrestrial fluxes measured at energies <1-2 GeV.  相似文献   

Climate being the result of many interconnected processes, it can hardly be understood without models which describe these various processes as quantitatively as possible and define the parameters which are relevant for climate studies. Among those, surface processes and therefore surface parameters are now recognized to be of great importance. Some examples are discussed in the first part, showing the great interest to measure the relevant parameters on a multi-year basis, over large areas with sufficiently dense array and on a stable basis, in order to monitor climate changes or to study the impact on climate of the modifications of some relevant parameters which are analysed. Since space observations from satellites fulfil these requirements, it is clear that they will become very soon a fundamental tool for climate studies. Unfortunately, as it is discussed in the second part, satellites do measure only spectral radiances at the top of the atmosphere and the determination of the relevant surface parameters (or fluxes) from these radiances still raises many problems which have to be solved, although many progresses have already been made.The aim of this paper is therefore to review and discuss these problems and the various ways they have been tackled until now. The first part is devoted to an overview of what needs to be measured and why, while the existing methods for determining the most important surface parameters from space observations are presented in the second part where a particular attention is given to the theoretical and experimental validations of these methods, their limits and the problems still to be solved.  相似文献   

High-energy solar particles, produced in association with solar flares and coronal mass ejections, occasionally bombard the earth's atmosphere. resulting in radiation intensities additional to the background cosmic radiation. Access of these particles to the earth's vicinity during times of geomagnetic disturbances are not adequately described by using static geomagnetic field models. These solar fluxes are also often distributed non uniformly in space, so that fluxes measured by satellites obtained at great distances from the earth and which sample large volumes of space around the earth cannot be used to predict fluxes locally at the earth's surface. We present here a method which uses the ground-level neutron monitor counting rates as adjoint sources of the flux in the atmosphere immediately above them to obtain solar-particle effective dose rates as a function of position over the earth's surface. We have applied this approach to the large September 29-30, 1989 ground-level event (designated GLE 42) to obtain the magnitude and distribution of the solar-particle effective dose rate from an atypically large event. The results of these calculations clearly show the effect of the softer particle spectra associated with solar particle events, as compared with galactic cosmic rays, results in a greater sensitivity to the geomagnetic field, and, unlike cosmic rays, the near-absence of a "knee" near 60 degrees geomagnetic latitude.  相似文献   

以太阳为光源的卫星遥感器,可以采用6S或MODTRAN等辐射传输计算软件对其入瞳处的辐亮度进行计算。而在微光或月光条件下,遥感器是对观测目标反射的月亮辐射进行遥感观测,因此在进行辐射传输计算时需要代入月球的辐照度数据。可以利用已公布的月球表面反射率和已知的大气层外太阳辐照度来计算月球辐照度,并对6S辐射传输计算进行适当的修改进行计算。通过对月球辐照度计算原理进行了详细的描述并计算得到了波长在0.250μm~1.500μm范围内的月球表面辐照度,并给出了一个宽波段遥感器的微光动态范围。  相似文献   

Cloudiness modulates the radiation budget at the top of the Earth-atmosphere system. For radiation balance studies, for climate diagnostic studies, and for climate modeling studies, it is important to know the sensitivity of both the outgoing longwave radiation and the net (absorbed solar minus outgoing longwave) radiation of the system to changes in cloudiness on a global basis. Based on a 45 month series of NOAA satellite scanning radiometer observations, estimates of the global distribution of these sensitivity parameters are obtained.  相似文献   

Measurements of the spectral radiance of the earth's atmosphere from satellites can be related to the vertical structures of temperature and humidity. Derived profiles of these quantities are compared with radiosonde and rocketsonde observations, as well as with horizontal and vertical cross-sections of the atmosphere. In some regions of the atmosphere, particularly where large gradients are found, significant differences occur. A method for overcoming these by use of Typical Shape Functions is discussed. Transmittances computed from theory require modifications which are not well defined, and radiances measured from some satellite instruments disagree with computed values in ways which suggest calibration or instrument problems.  相似文献   

The paper considers the importance of trace gases in modulating the fluxes of solar and terrestrial radiation in the Earth's atmosphere, and the influence of these effects on the long-term climate. Present and future capabilities for observing and monitoring trace gases from spacecraft are surveyed.  相似文献   

The mission of the Huygens Probe is to enter into the Titan atmosphere and to descend in a controlled manner to the surface such that scientific measurements can be taken and transmitted to earth via the Orbiter. The entry is the most challenging phase of the mission. The deceleration is achieved by an aeroshell. Thermal protection against entry heat fluxes is achieved by an ablator rejecting heat mainly by radiation. The descent profile in terms of descent velocity, spin rate and attitude stability is designed to allow imaging, sampling and measurements at the various atmospheric layers within the overall time and energy constraints. The Huygens system has to operate in an autonomous and fault tolerant manner, as no ground control and failure recovery during the descent phase is feasible. This autonomy and fault tolerance is the main driver for the chosen architecture of the on-board system.  相似文献   

Components of the earth radiation budget have been calculated on a regular basis since June 1974 (except for a 10 month gap in data in 1978) based on measurements by the scanning radiometers and the advanced very high resolution radiometers on the operational NOAA polar orbiting satellites. A new base set of monthly and seasonal averages of outgoing longwave radiation has been prepared by NOAA's Climate Analysis Center (CAC) for the entire period of record through November 1983. Anomalies relative to these new normals have now been constructed for each month and season in the entire record.In this presentation, some of the more prominent anomalies of outgoing longwave radiation over the past decade are discussed. A major concentration is on the tropics and subtropics where there have been very substantial radiation variations associated with major shifts in convective cloudiness accompanying El Niño/Southern Oscillation events.  相似文献   

平流层臭氧和辐射场的季节分布特征   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用美国NCAR化学气候耦合模式WACCM3对平流层温度场、风场、臭氧及辐射场进行了模拟.结果表明,在适宜飞艇长期驻留的准零风层高度20~22km(对应大气压强范围为50~30hPa,以下均采用气压值表征对应大气高度),7-8月风速小于5m·s-1的风带可长期稳定在40°N以北.臭氧空间分布显示,在30hPa气压高度处中国地区臭氧浓度出现了带状分布,30hPa高度以下低纬度地区臭氧浓度低于中纬度地区.平流层太阳加热率的时空变化表明,在平流层上层,太阳加热率可达100×10-6K·s-1,而在平流层下层,只有10×10-6K·s-1.6-8月中国区域的太阳加热率大于9月;在100~30hPa高度内,中纬度地区太阳加热率高于低纬度地区,在30hPa高度以上,低纬度地区太阳加热率高于中纬度地区;8-9月30~40hPa高度处,太阳加热率的空间变化较小.在30hPa高度上,太阳加热率在40°N昼夜变化最大;50hPa高度处,太阳加热率的昼夜变化小于30hPa高度处,而且白天太阳加热率出现极大值的纬度明显靠北.平流层低纬度地区的长波加热率小于中纬度地区.青藏高原由于地形特殊,其6-7月的臭氧浓度、太阳加热率和长波加热率均小于同纬度其他地区.   相似文献   

The TIROS-N operational meteorological satellite observing system will have the capability of determining global ozone amounts from two instruments by 1985. The TIROS Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) yields total ozone amounts through measurements of atmospheric infrared radiances. The Solar Backscatter Ultraviolet (SBUV/2) spectrometer yields total ozone amounts and vertical ozone profiles through measurements of the solar ultraviolet radiation backscattered by the atmosphere. The current operations plan calls for single satellites containing both instruments system with local afternoon equator crossing times. They will be launched at approximately 18 month intervals.The satellite ozone products will require verification using commonly accepted references. For total ozone, Dobson spectrophotometer determinations are to be used. For vertical profiles, no clear choice now exists among balloon-launched chemical sondes, rocket-launched optical sondes or Dobson Umkehr measurements. The applicability and use of these measurement systems are discussed with emphasis on the need for the verification data consistent with the operational satellite lifetimes.Another major source of data for verification is other satellite systems. Comparisons of vertical ozone profiles from several concurrent satellites is discussed. This includes results from SAGE, LIMS and SBUV.  相似文献   

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