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Egg rotation and centrifugation experiments strongly suggest a role for gravity in the determination of the spatial structure of amphibian embryos. Decisive experiments can only be made in Space. Eggs of Xenopus laevis, the South African clawed toad, were the first vertebrate eggs which were successfully fertilized on Sounding Rockets in Space. Unfixed, newly fertilized eggs survived reentry, and a reasonable number showed a seemingly normal gastrulation but died between gastrulation and neurulation. Only a few reached the larval stage, but these developed abnormally. In the future, we intend to test whether this abnormal morphogenesis is due to reentry perturbations, or due to a real microgravity effect, through perturbation of the reinitiation of meiosis and other processes, or started by later sperm penetration.  相似文献   

To test whether gravity is required for normal amphibian development, Xenopus laevis females were induced to ovulate aboard the orbiting Space Shuttle. Eggs were fertilized in vitro, and although early embryonic stages showed some abnormalities, the embryos were able to regulate and produce nearly normal larvae. These results demonstrate for the first time that a vertebrate can ovulate in the virtual absence of gravity, and that the eggs can develop to a free-living stage.  相似文献   

In most ectotherms, environmental temperature has differential effects on growth and differentiation. For example, amphibian size at maturity decreases with increasing temperature. To address how radiant heat in the form of far-infrared radiation (FIR) may affect development of the aquatic ectotherm Xenopus laevis, we continuously irradiated swimming larvae as they developed into young adults. Here we report evidence that FIR promotes growth of these organisms in an aqueous environment.  相似文献   

Transient effects of microgravity on early embryos of Xenopus laevis.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In order to study the role of gravity on the early development of the clawed toad Xenopus laevis, we performed an experiment on the Maser-6 sounding rocket launched from Kiruna (Sweden) on 4 Nov 1993. The aim was to find out whether a short period of microgravity during fertilization and the first few minutes of development does indeed result in abnormal axis formation as was suggested by a pilot experiment on the Maser 3 in 1989. On the Maser 6 we used two new technical additions in the Fokker CIS unit, viz. a 1-g control centrifuge and a video recording unit which both worked successfully. The 1-g control centrifuge was used to discriminate between the influences of flight perturbations and microgravity. After fertilization shortly before launch, one of the first indications of successful egg activation, the cortical contraction, was registered in microgravity and on earth. Analysis of the video tapes revealed that the cortical contraction in microgravity starts earlier than at 1 g on earth. After recovery of the eggs fertilized in microgravity and culture of the embryos on earth, the morphology of the blastocoel has some consistent differences from blastulae from eggs fertilized in the 1-g centrifuge of the rocket. However from the gastrula stage onward, the microgravity embryos apparently recover and resume normal development: the XBra gene is normally expressed, and histological examination shows normal axis formation.  相似文献   

In Xenopus laevis tadpoles, we studied the static vestibuloocular reflex (rVOR) in relation to modifications of the gravitational environment to find basic mechanisms of how altered gravitational forces (AGF) affect this reflex. Animals were exposed to microgravity during space flight or hypergravity (3g) for 4 to 12 days. Basic observations were that (1)the development of the rVOR is significantly affected by altered gravitational conditions, (2) the duration of 1g-readaptation depends on the strength of the test stimulus, (3) microgravity induces malformations of the body which are related to the rVOR depression. Future studies are based on the hypotheses (1) that the vestibular nuclei play a key roll in the adaptation to AGF conditions, (2) that the stimulus transducing systems in the sense organ are affected by AGF conditions, and (3) that fertilized eggs will be converted to normal adults guided by physiological and morphological set points representing the genetic programs. Developmental retardation or acceleration, or otherwise occurring deviations from standard development during embryonic and postembryonic life will activate genes that direct the developmental processes towards normality.  相似文献   

The propagation of radio signals in the Earth’s atmosphere is dominantly affected by the ionosphere due to its dispersive nature. Global Positioning System (GPS) data provides relevant information that leads to the derivation of total electron content (TEC) which can be considered as the ionosphere’s measure of ionisation. This paper presents part of a feasibility study for the development of a Neural Network (NN) based model for the prediction of South African GPS derived TEC. The South African GPS receiver network is operated and maintained by the Chief Directorate Surveys and Mapping (CDSM) in Cape Town, South Africa. Vertical total electron content (VTEC) was calculated for four GPS receiver stations using the Adjusted Spherical Harmonic (ASHA) model. Factors that influence TEC were then identified and used to derive input parameters for the NN. The well established factors used are seasonal variation, diurnal variation, solar activity and magnetic activity. Comparison of diurnal predicted TEC values from both the NN model and the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2001) with GPS TEC revealed that the IRI provides more accurate predictions than the NN model during the spring equinoxes. However, on average the NN model predicts GPS TEC more accurately than the IRI model over the GPS locations considered within South Africa.  相似文献   

Here, we report changes gene expression and morphology of the renal epithelial cell line, A6, which was derived from Xenopus laevis adult kidney that had been induced by long-term culturing with a three-dimensional clinostat. An oligo microarray analysis on the A6 cells showed that mRNA levels for 52 out of 8091 genes were significantly altered in response to clinorotation. On day 5, there was no dramatic change in expression level, but by day 8 and day 10, either upregulation or downregulation of gene expression became evident. By day 15, the expression levels of 18 out of 52 genes had returned to the original levels, while the remaining 34 genes maintained the altered levels of expression. Quantitative analyses of gene expression by real-time PCR confirmed that changes in the mRNA levels of selected genes were found only under clinorotation and not under hypergravity (7 g) or ground control. Morphological changes including loss of dome-like structures and disorganization of both E-cadherin adherence junctions and cortical actin were also observed after 10 days of culturing with clinorotation. These results revealed that the expression of selected genes was altered specifically in A6 cells cultured under clinorotation.  相似文献   

This study investigates the morphology of the GPS TEC responses in the African Equatorial Ionization Anomaly (EIA) region to intense geomagnetic storms during the ascending and maximum phases of solar cycle 24 (2012–2014). Specifically, eight intense geomagnetic storms with Dst ≤ ?100 nT were considered in this investigation using TEC data obtained from 13 GNSS receivers in the East African region within 36–42°E geographic longitude; 29°N–10°S geographic latitude; ± 20°N magnetic latitude. The storm-time behavior of TEC shows clear positive and negative phases relative to the non-storm (median) behavior, with amplitudes being dependent on the time of sudden commencement of the storm and location. When a storm starts in the morning period, total electron content increases for all stations while a decrease in total electron content is manifested for a storm that had its sudden commencement in the afternoon period. The TEC and the EIA crest during the main phase of the storm is significantly impacted by the geomagnetic storm, which experiences an increase in the intensity of TEC while the location and spread of the crest usually manifest a poleward expansion.  相似文献   

Trompsburg Complex, South Africa, is obscured by the Karoo sediments, and it is not observed on the surface. Knowledge of the boundaries of the subsurface geological bodies in the region is of main interest in many applications of the Earth Sciences. There are many methods developed to delineate boundaries of subsurface geological sources such as the curvature-based method and parabola-based methods. In this study, we applied an improved approach based on parabolic curve fitting to the gradient amplitudes of gravity and magnetic data for extracting geological structures of the Trompsburg Complex. The results showed ring structures with a diameter of about 50 km, that include granitic rocks in the central part of the Trompsburg Complex. The results also demonstrated the existence of boundaries of the other structures in the south-eastern region of the Complex, which were not determined in previous studies. The result provides new information for a better understanding of the structural and tectonic features of the Trompsburg Complex. The success of this study suggests that the improved technique based on parabolic curve, is helpful in outlining the edge locations of subsurface geologic structures.  相似文献   

This study examines the response of the African equatorial ionospheric foF2 to different levels of geomagnetic storms, using the foF2 hourly data for the year 1989 from Ouagadougou (12.4°N, 1.5°W, dip: 2.8°N). The study also compares the observed data for the selected storm periods with the latest IRI model (IRI-2007). The foF2 values (both observed and predicted) show typical features of daytime peak and post-midnight minimum peak. The response of the ionospheric foF2 over Ouagadougou to storms events, during the night-time and post-midnight hours indicates negative responses of the ionospheric foF2, while that of the daytime hours indicates positive responses. For the investigation on the variability of the observed foF2 with respect to IRI-2007 model, with the exception of the analysis of the 20–22, October, 1989 data, where a midday peak was also observed on the first day, this study reveals two characteristic daily foF2 variability peaks: post-midnight and evening peaks. In addition, for all the geomagnetic storms considered, the URSI and CCIR coefficients of the IRI-2007 model show reasonable correspondence with each other, except for some few discrepancies. For instance, the event of 28–30 August, 1989 shows comparatively higher variability for the URSI coefficient, and at the foF2 peak values, the event of 20–22 October, 1989 shows that the CCIR coefficient is more susceptible to foF2 variability than the URSI coefficient. This study is aimed at providing African inputs for the future improvement of the IRI model.  相似文献   

The pserformance of the GMS (HIMAWARI) during the three years since it was launched in the middle of 1977 has been described with emphasis in the measurements of meteorological parameters such as sea surface temperature, cloud vectors and center position of typhoons alluding to their accuracy.  相似文献   

Early difficulties with the light source in the study of vacuum-UV effects on biological materials were overcome largely by the introduction of the synchrotron radiation source in 1977. Highly monochromatic vacuum-UV radiation has been used to obtain action spectra of various biological targets in the range 50-190 nm. Bacillus subtilis spores were particularly suitable because of their inherent tolerance to vacuum, and action spectra for inactivation were measured down to 50 nm. Action spectra for DNA strand breaks were also measured in the same range with isolated plasmid DNA. Studies are in progress of vacuum-UV induced molecular changes in nucleic acids and their model compounds, especially of chain scission and base modification.  相似文献   

RS (Reed-Solomon)码是差错控制领域中一种性能优异的非二进制分组循环码,由于它具有很强的随机错误和突发错误的纠错能力,被CCSDS,NASA,ESA等空间组织接受,广泛应用于深空探测中.本文采用改进的Berlekamp算法,用FPGA实现了符合CCSDS标准的RS (255,223)码译码器;介绍了该译码器的实现流程、性能测试方法和基于PCI总线接口的测试平台;给出了测试结果,并且对理论上RS (255,223)译码器的误码性能与实际测试的误码率结果进行了比较和分析.验证结果证明该译码器能工作在400Mbps以上的码率,使用FPGA资源180000门,译码效果与理论上译码效果一致.  相似文献   

The region between Southern Peru and Northern Chile is one of the most seismically and volcanically active regions in South America. This is caused by a constant subduction of the South American Plate, converging with the Nazca Plate in the extreme North of Chile. We used the 15 and 30 m resolution satellite images, provided by the ASTER (VNIR and SWIR) instrument onboard the Terra satellite to study changes in the geological faults close to earthquake epicenters in southern Peru. Visible and infrared spectral bands were analysed using “The Lineament Extraction and Stripes Statistic Analysis” (LESSA) software package to examine changes in the lineament features and stripe density fields caused by seismic activity. We used the satellite images 128 and 48 days before and 73 days after a 5.2 Richter scale magnitude earthquake. The fact that the seasonal variations in the South of Peru and North of Chile are very small, and the vegetation is very limited, allowed us to establish substantial changes in the lineament and the stripe density field features. We develop a methodology that allows to evaluate the seismic risk in this region for the future.  相似文献   

At the Millstone Hill station the Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) and a Digisonde 256 are simultaneously operating. Some characteristic true heights determined by both instruments are compared with each other, possible reasons for observed difference are indicated.  相似文献   

Space flight factors resulted in the accumulation of genetic damage in embryonic meristem cells of seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana and Crepis capillaris in flights of different duration (49, 226, 408 and 827 days) aboard the orbital station Salyut 6. As a result, the viability of seeds and seedlings was reduced, and the sterility of plants grown from seeds exposed on Salyut 6 was increased. The effect depended upon the flight duration. The data obtained suggest an acceleration of seed aging under flight conditions.  相似文献   

In cooperation with Russia, the Brazilian deep space mission ASTER plans to send a small spacecraft to investigate the triple asteroid 2001-SN263. The nearest launch opportunities for this project include June 2022 and June 2025. One main exploration campaign is being planned with focus on the largest asteroid (Alpha). Among the instruments under development, a laser altimeter (named ALR) was preliminarily designed and presented in 2010–2011. Many studies to define mission and instruments requirements were performed aiming at the characterization of important issues for the successful realization of the mission. Among them, the identification of a suitable trajectory that could be followed by the ASTER spacecraft in the encounter phase, when the main campaign will take place. This paper describes the effort undertaken with focus on the laser altimeter operation. Possible encounter trajectories were modelled and simulated to identify suitable approach parameters and conditions allowing the accomplishment of the intended investigation. The simulation also involves the instrument operation, considering approach geometry, attitude, relative motion, time/date, and the dynamics of the main asteroid. From the laser altimeter point of view, keeping in mind the desired coverage results (50% minimum surface coverage of asteroid Alpha, complying with horizontal and vertical resolution requirements), results point out crucial features for the encounter trajectory, like the need for a small inclination (10-6 degrees; with respect to the asteroid's orbit), the most favourable spacecraft positioning (between the Sun and the asteroid) and pointing condition (back to the Sun), the minimum amount of achievable surface coverage (58%, focused on central areas), and the most proper time to conduct the main campaign (January 2025). Concerning the instrument, results offer refined values for divergence angle (500 to 650 μrad, half-cone), pulse repetition frequencies (from 1/20 to 1 Hz), and consequent data generation rates. A simulation tool that can use any 3D generated trajectories as input data was created for the analyses presented here. Although created for the ALR in this mission, this simple analysis tool can be adapted to other instruments in this or other missions.  相似文献   

A flight experiment, ASTROCULTURE(TM)-1 (ASC-1), to evaluate the operational characteristics and hardware performance of a porous tube nutrient delivery system (PTNDS) was flown on STS-50 as part of the U.S. Microgravity Laboratory-1 mission, 25 June to 9 July, 1992. This experiment is the first in a series of planned ASTROCULTURE(TM) flights to validate the performance of subsystems required to grow plants in microgravity environments. Results indicated that the PTNDS was capable of supplying water and nutrients to plants in microgravity and that its performance was similar in microgravity to that in 1g on Earth. The data demonstrated that water transfer rates through a rooting matrix are a function of pore size of the tubes, the degree of negative pressure on the 'supply' fluid, and the pressure differential between the 'supply' and 'recovery' fluid loops. A slightly greater transfer rate was seen in microgravity than in 1g, but differences were likely related to the presence of hydrostatic pressure effects at 1g. Thus, this system can be used to support plant growth in microgravity or in partial gravity as on a lunar or Mars base. Additional subsystems to be evaluated in the ASTROCULTURE(TM) flight series of experiments include lighting, humidity control and condensate recovery, temperature control, nutrient composition control, CO2 and O2 control, and gaseous contaminant control.  相似文献   

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