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为提高单点金刚石车削单晶硅的表面质量,以表面粗糙度为优化目标,设计正交切削实验,过方差分析、响应曲面分析和极差分析研究主轴转速、进给速度和切削深度对表面粗糙度的影响。结果表明:主轴转速对表面粗糙度影响显著,其贡献率最大,主轴转速越大,表面粗糙度值越小;建立表面粗糙度回归模型,主轴转速和进给速度的交互作用对表面粗糙度的影响最大;获得最优切削参数组合,即主轴转速3 300 r/min,进给速度2 mm/min,切削深度5 µm。在此切削条件下,获得了表面粗糙度Ra 2.7 nm的高质量单晶硅元件,在扫描电镜下观察其表面相对光滑,切屑呈带状,材料在延性域内去除。 相似文献
单晶硅超精密切削表面质量各向异性的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了单晶硅超精密切削时被加工晶面和滑移面间的相对关系以及单晶硅的力学特性,基于单晶硅超精密切削加工脆塑转变机理,模拟了分别以单晶硅(111)(、110)(、100)晶面为被加工面时的表面质量的各向异性特性。模拟结果表明这些晶面在不同晶向方向上表面质量呈现明显的各向异性特性,而以单晶硅(111)晶面作为被加工面时可以得到最好的加工表面质量。 相似文献
文摘以PCD刀具车削加工短切碳纤维/酚醛复合材料的表观质量为研究对象,通过开展正交试验,采用三维测量技术,研究切削三要素和刀尖圆弧半径对工件加工质量的影响;通过Design Expert软件,对加工因素的显著性进行分析。结果表明,随着切削速度v和进给量f的增大,表面粗糙度Ra逐渐增大,随着切削深度ap和刀尖圆弧半径r的增大,Ra逐渐变小;试验显著因素为刀尖圆弧和进给量;最佳加工参数为:v=160 r/min、f=0.15 mm/r、ap=0.6 mm、r=0.6 mm;通过加工试验和建模分析验证,结论可靠。 相似文献
SiC单晶片表面质量对其后续半导体器件的制造有很大影响,但其材料的高硬度和高脆性,使切片过程变得非常困难。本文在往复式电镀金刚石线切割装置上采用单因素和正交法进行了SiC单晶切割实验,研究了工件转速、线锯速率、工件进给速率、线锯磨损对晶片表面粗糙度的影响规律以及三维形貌特点。结果表明:附加工件旋转运动,晶片表面质量提高,划痕减少、深度变浅;线速增大、工件旋转速率增大或工件进给速率减小,表面粗糙度值减小;线锯磨损晶片表面粗糙度值增大。相对线速和线锯磨损,工件转速和工件进给速率对晶片表面质量及粗糙度的影响更大。应在综合考虑效率和线锯损耗的基础上合理确定切割参数,尤其是工件进给速率。 相似文献
机匣件作为航空发动机的重要零部件,是一种典型的薄壁件,其尺寸大、壁薄以及刚性低等特点使得在加工过程中容易发生工件变形、刀具震颤,造成加工精度不达标,以及加工表面质量差等问题。本文建立高温合金常规车削与激光加热辅助车削模型,并通过试验验证了模型的准确性。模型最大误差为10.1%,最小误差为5.5%,平均误差为7.8%,处于可接受范围。然后建立常规车削与激光加热辅助车削薄壁件模型,研究激光加热辅助车削对薄壁件变形的影响。研究结果表明,与常规车削相比,当激光照射温度达到650℃以上时,激光加热辅助车削切削力分别下降了20.2%、19.8%和15.2%。激光加热辅助车削能够降低车削薄壁件过程中的加工变形。与常规车削相比,激光加热辅助车削薄壁件时,加工变形量分别降低了15.6%、12.7%和13.3%。 相似文献
为减少TC4钛合金激光成形连接件连接区缺陷,提高连接件连接质量,采用正交试验法对TC4钛合金激光成形连接工艺参数进行优化,以抗拉强度、屈服强度、断后伸长率和内部缺陷等为综合评定指标,根据数理统计原理分析各工艺参数对连接质量的影响程度,为后续成形连接试验件力学性能研究提供近优工艺参数。优化结果表明,线能量密度0.5W·min/mm~2、坡口角度70°、扫描路径+60°~–30°为近优工艺参数,且各参数中线能量密度对连接试验件的拉伸性能影响显著。利用优化后的工艺参数进行试验,可获得满足国家标准的连接件,研究表明该方法可为合理选择成形连接工艺参数和保证连接质量提供参考依据。 相似文献
利用超精密机床进行切削加工时,对于操作者来说,首先面临的问题是最优切削用量组合的确定,这也是最让操作者感到棘手的问题.单晶硅成功的切削过程取决于优化工艺参数,比如进给量、背吃刀量、切削速度等.为了建立精确可靠的表面粗糙度预测模型,本文将遗传基因算法应用于回归分析,同时在超精密机床上对该预测模型进行了试验验证. 相似文献
Ultrasonic cavitation modification (UCM) employs cavitation effect to induce strong plastic deformation on the material surface and improve surface properties. To explore the surface strengthening and grain refinement of materials by UCM, the UCM orthogonal experiments of AZ31B magnesium alloy were carried out in water and kerosene, respectively. The effects of ultrasonic amplitude, distance from the sample, and processing time on Vickers hardness and grain size of the material were studied. The results showed that the Vickers hardness of samples increased to 1.5–3 times after UCM in water, which was 23.77–48.19% higher than that in kerosene. The metallographic observation indicated the grains on the surface of AZ31B were refined after UCM. The maximum fluctuation of grain size on the material surface was not more than 10 μm after UCM in water, and most of them were concentrated between 1.5 μm and 2.5 μm, while the former was more than 40 μm and the latter were concentrated between 2 μm and 10 μm in kerosene. This reflected that the grain refinement effect of UCM in water was better than that in kerosene. Ultrasonic cavitation can be used as a benign means to improve the surface properties of materials. 相似文献
Electrochemical machining (ECM) has emerged as an important option for manufacturing the blisk. The inter-electrode gap (IEG) distribution is an essential parameter for the blisk precise shaping process in ECM, as it affects the process stability, profile accuracy and surface quality. Larger IEG leads to a poor localization effect and has an adverse influence on the machining accuracy and surface quality of blisk. To achieve micro-IEG (<50 μm) blisk finishing machining, this work puts forward a novel variable-parameters blisk ECM strategy based on the synchronous coupling mode of micro-vibration amplitude and small pulse duration. The modelling and simulation of the blisk micro-IEG machining have been carried out. Exploratory experiments of variable-parameters blisk ECM were carried out. The results illustrated that the IEG width reduced with the progress of variable parameter process. The IEG width of the blade’s concave part and convex part could be successfully controlled to within 30 μm and 21 μm, respectively. The profile deviation for the blade’s concave surface and convex surface are 49 μm and 35 μm, while the surface roughness reaches Ra = 0.149 μm and Ra = 0.196 μm, respectively. The profile accuracy of the blisk leading/trailing edges was limited to within 91 μm. Compared with the currently-established process, the profile accuracy of the blade’s concave and convex profiles was improved by 50.5 % and 53.3 %, respectively. The surface quality was improved by 53.2 % and 50.9 %, respectively. Additionally, the machined surface was covered with small corrosion pits and weak attacks of the grain boundary due to selective dissolution. Some electrolytic products were dispersed on the machined surface, and their components were mainly composed of the carbide and oxide products of Ti and Nb elements. The results indicate that the variable-parameters strategy is effective for achieving a tiny IEG in blisk ECM, which can be used in engineering practice. 相似文献
针对重结晶法硼包覆工艺的不足,采用了双溶剂法对硼颗粒进行包覆.应用pH法对包覆效果进行验证.设计正交实验研究了超声波混合时间、蒸发温度和搅拌速度这三种因素对双溶剂法包覆效果的影响.试验结果表明:双溶剂法的包覆效果要优于重结晶法;超声波混合时间的最优水平为10min,使用超声波混合可以有效地提高双溶剂法包覆效果;蒸发温度的最优水平为350℃,提高蒸发温度有利于促进包覆效果,但温度越高时,提高温度对包覆效果的促进作用将减弱;搅拌速度的最优水平为200r/min,一定的搅拌速度可以维持硼在溶液中的均匀分散,有利于硼颗粒的包覆,但搅拌速度过快又会使已经包覆在硼颗粒表面的LiF在剪切力的作用下重新从硼表面脱落,降低了包覆效果. 相似文献
Creep feed profile grinding of the fir-tree blade root forms of single crystal nickel-based superalloy was conducted using microcrystalline alumina abrasive wheels in the present study. The grinding force and the surface quality in terms of surface topography, subsurface microstructure, microhardness and residual stress obtained under different grinding conditions were evaluated comparatively. Experimental results indicated that the grinding force was influenced significantly by the competing predominance between the grinding parameters and the cross-sectional root workpiece profile. In addition, the root workpiece surface, including the root peak and valley regions, was produced with the large difference in surface quality due to the nonuniform grinding loads along the root workpiece profile in normal section. Detailed results showed that the surface roughness, subsurface plastic deformation and work hardening level of the root valley region were higher by up to 25%, 20% and 7% in average than those obtained in the root peak region, respectively, in the current investigation. Finally, the superior parameters were recommended in the creep feed profile grinding of the fir-tree blade root forms. This study is helpful to provide industry guidance to optimize the machining process for the high-valued parts with complicated profiles. 相似文献
芳纶纤维复合材料在传统车削加工中易出现严重起毛和高温烧蚀等缺陷。为了提高其切削性能,采用液氮作为低温冷却媒介进行车削加工试验,并对材料的干车削及低温车削试验结果进行了分析,对液氮低温车削机理进行了探讨。结果表明,随着主轴转速的增加,材料表面质量得到一定改善,特别是在1 340r/min时得到了最佳表面;在低温车削中,在各种转速条件下,材料表面质量都较好;在相同的主轴转速下,低温车削表面质量都好于干车削,且纤维起毛、高温烧蚀被有效抑制。说明降低切削温度对芳纶纤维材料车削缺陷的改善有积极作用。 相似文献