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胡适先生在红学研究中存在失误,希望后来研究者不要重蹈覆辙。通过对一些红学研究材料的举证分析。提出胡适先生在红学研究中的十项失误,并给予纠正。勿需多言是胡适先生对红学的巨大贡献。  相似文献   

文化的民族性决定了有多少个民族就有多少种各具特色的民族文化.在全球化浪潮中,面对多元异质的民族文化,我们既要有能力采撷其他民族文化的精华,又要善于在世界文化宝库中闪耀中华民族文化的灿烂光辉.在宽容中交流互动,在宽容中理解融合,是构建和谐社会的价值取向,是文化全球化的内在要求.如费孝通先生所言:各美其美、美人之美、美美与共、和而不同.  相似文献   

本文是针对张荣明先生《儒教研究的里程碑》一文而作,是针对张先生所涉及到的相关问题而言,不妥之处,敬请各方批评指正。  相似文献   

A biography of John Alvin Pierce is given, starting with his early interest in radio. Pierce received his amateur license and operated a spark transmitter at the age of twelve. His amateur activities led to work at the Cruft Laboratory of Harvard University under the supervision of Professor H.R. Mimno. This association with the Cruft Laboratory has continued to the present day with few interruptions. Pierce's work with different groups and in various areas is sketched, focusing on his work with Loran  相似文献   

纵合  云舟  东子  三亚 《航空港》2012,(8):14-19
7月12日,全球快递物流巨头德国邮政敦豪集团(DHL)在沪宣布,其投资1.75亿美元的北亚枢纽正式投入运行。这是DHL进入中国20余年来的最大单笔投资,也是其在亚洲地区最大的物流处理中心。上海机场集团总裁李德润在启用仪式上透露,浦东机场货运量有望在2015年成为全球第一,其中转功能将大幅提升。而多家国内外知名物流航空企业早就加强了在浦东机场的物流项目建设。类似DHL北亚枢纽这种大型转运中心的建设,有助于浦东机场冲刺货邮吞吐量全球第一的目标,超越中国香港和美国孟斐斯。上海机场集团董事长吴念祖、副总裁景逸鸣一同出席了启用仪式。  相似文献   

对建国以来农业的发展道路作一简要回顾,并针对目前存在的一些问题和邓小平同志关于实现农业规模经营的第二次飞跃的设想,提出几点见解和思考。  相似文献   

方程xn 1=(a bx2n)/(c x2n-k),a,b,c∈[0,∞),a b>0,n,k∈{0,1,2…}的解有很多有意义的性质.Li证明了当a相似文献   

The author reminisces about the early days of radio. He describes the first radio sets and his entry into commercial radio in the 1920s. He discusses his work at GE, RCA, and Brunswich Balke Collender during the 1920s and military research he as involved in during the 1930s  相似文献   

The extraordinary life and scientific achievements of Johannes Geiss span an almost impossible breadth of scientific topics, from the study of rocks to tenuous plasmas, from volcanoes to meteorites. But, his impact also extends way beyond the field of science. Professor Geiss is a well-known teacher and a highly successful science leader whose impact has been felt at the University of Bern, in Switzerland, and around the globe. We present here a brief summary of this highly successful career via a pictorial overview and a movie compiled by a former student who had the good luck to work with Professor Geiss during his years at the University of Bern. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article () contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The author describes the MLS installation on runway 19L at Mid-Continent Airport, Wichita, Kansas, which has been operational since mid-1987. He describes the MLS equipment installation in his aircraft, which is one of a number of aircraft in the Wichita area that have been equipped with MLS equipment and routinely utilize the system. He summarizes his operational experience with the system. He reports complete satisfaction and increased versatility as a result of the guidance information provided  相似文献   

孙中山晚年复归儒学,根源于其坚定的民族立场,对西方“文明”的反省,以及建设革命党和从事政党政治的需要。  相似文献   

鲁迅早期诗歌解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鲁迅的早期诗歌虽然只是如他说的“为新诗打打边鼓,凑些热闹”,然而作为一个伟大的思想家和一个勇于探新的开路先锋,他的精神在诗歌里也有表现。这主要体现在思想上的“表现深切”,格式上的“特别”。这些在新诗开创初期都有功不可没的价值和意义,从而也具有了不可否认的史的价值。  相似文献   

子路是孔子3000弟子中一个比较有个性特点的人物,他年龄与孔子相差不大,与孔子关系甚密。子路擅长军事,性格豪放,相关文献中请教孔子学问的记载也较全,这可以让我们多方面客观全面地认识子路。他的为政原则与他个人性格和孔子对其教化密不可分,因此研究子路不仅对其本人有更好的了解,而且对进一步了解儒家所提倡的道义具有一定意义。  相似文献   

A longitudinal-lateral control coordination and simplification concept is considered for a tunnel/predictor display, which presents the command flight path and a specified future aircraft position in a 3-dimensional format to the pilot, for improving flight path control. A basic element of the proposed concept is the generation of common longitudinal-lateral transfer characteristics of the predictor-aircraft system for the crossover frequency region. Control coordination is supported by a dynamics similarity between the longitudinal and the lateral response characteristics of the predictor position in closed-loop pilot control actions. The control coordination and simplification concept is considered to support the pilot in manual flight path control, directed at an enhancement of his control performance and at a reduction of his workload. Results from pilot-in-the-loop simulation experiments support the theoretical findings and show the effectiveness of the proposed predictor concept with control coordination.  相似文献   

杜甫一生创作了大量诗歌,今存一千四百余首。仅漂泊西南十一年间所创作的诗篇即占其作品总数的百分之七十以上。其西南诗不仅数量多,而且所表现出的深邃思想内涵和炉火纯青的艺术技巧,为我们展现了一位老而弥坚、不断追求的"诗圣"形象。在杜甫研究的领域内,本文第一次较为全面、深入地探讨了西南漂泊生涯与客寓意识对杜甫人生追求的影响,推动其后期乡国君民诗登上一个新的高度。  相似文献   

文化批判是老舍小说创作一直坚持的母题,试图分析老舍小说中的文化批判意识,寻求老舍自立于中国现代文坛的独立价值。通过老舍创作的三个阶段来阐述其文化批判意识的形成及历程演变,并逐步建立起自己的一套文化价值观念。  相似文献   

王保国  黄伟光  徐燕骥 《航空学报》2019,40(10):23355-023355
2019年8月6日是中国著名工程热物理学家陈乃兴先生逝世一周年的纪念日。从6个方面详细阐述了陈乃兴先生的主要学术成就和对科技发展的重要贡献。他一生献身祖国、献身科学研究的拼搏精神,将鼓舞大家砥砺奋进。  相似文献   

对梁漱溟的学术思想、社会实践与人格特质进行宏观审视与全面评价。从他的学术思想、社会实践与人格特质,他的是非、得失与成败,他在中国现代史上的地位等角度,进行全面的、客观的、实事求是的评价。梁漱溟一生始终徘徊在"学术"和"政治"之间,使他对民族与文化"数千年未有之变局"有深刻的体认。通过全面评价梁漱溟,可以透视与反观那一代知识分子对民族与文化双重困境下中国的忧患之思。  相似文献   

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