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Freddy 《航空港》2012,(9):72-76
你可曾遇到过这样的尴尬?带着一家人去旅行,经过一家高尔夫俱乐部后兴致大发,但动辄4个多小时的一场球却不得不让上你"抛妻弃子"……对于大部分家庭而言,高尔夫是一项"孤独"的运动,但好在,顾家的男士们还有高尔夫度假村可以选择,当你在阳光下沙坑里挥汗如雨地救球时,你的太太可能正在泳池里沐浴阳光高尔夫度假村让高尔夫变得不再孤单……  相似文献   

Freddy 《航空港》2012,(7):80-84
就在李娜为中国乃至亚洲赢得第一座网球大满贯单打冠军奖杯后的一年,中国女子高尔夫也迎来了历史性的突破。6月17日,年仅22岁的冯珊珊在纽约蚱蜢山乡村俱乐部进行的LPGA锦标赛上成就了中国高尔夫史上的首座大满贯。只不过,与李娜夺冠后在国内引发巨夫轰动不同,冯珊珊的登顶却并没有如预料的那样在全民中火上一把。  相似文献   

Freddy 《航空港》2012,(11):66-69
2012中信银行中国业余高尔夫球巡回赛杭州站明下旬在海宁尖山高尔夫俱乐部落下帷幕,13岁的俞俊安和12岁的关汝晴分别夺得男子和女子组冠军。业巡赛这个平台,正成为中国年轻球员成长、迈向成熟并最终通往职业道路的"跳板"。如今国内的高尔夫赛事种类繁多,既有像汇丰冠军赛、宝马大师赛这样的顶级国际比赛,也有中国女子职业高尔夫巡回赛  相似文献   

Ferddy 《航空港》2012,(10):56-63
凡是爱打高尔夫的人,想必都有过这样一种经历——每逢长假,手就会痒,自然就会寻找下一个想要去征服的球场。黄金周你找到你的"猎物"了吗?如果没有,不妨跟着我们走进爱尔兰,这里有着深厚悠久的高尔夫历史,曾培育出现任世界第一罗里·麦克罗伊;这里是浪漫的国度,除了高尔夫外,还有代表爱情的悬崖以及充满故事的城堡。这个节日,你可以玩足假期,情迷爱尔兰……  相似文献   

Freddy 《航空港》2012,(12):114
上海是一座对体育运动充满热情的城市,举办过许多大型体育比赛,比如F1大赛,上海网球大师赛等而现在,这里又有了另一场世界级的比赛——BMW大师赛。10月25-28日,首届BMW大师赛在上海美兰湖高尔夫俱乐部火爆上演,世界排名前五位的球员中有4人参与争夺,堪称今年亚洲高尔夫赛事最强大的阵容。最终,瑞典人彼得·汉森赢得了个人第六个,也是最重要的一个冠军。中国选手之中,梁文冲表现得最为出色,他最后一轮打出68杆,攀升到了并列第20位。而他的同胞吴阿顺只是落后一杆,获得并列第25名。  相似文献   

小风  Freddy 《航空港》2012,(10):64-66
有着"中国钢板材行业高尔夫盛会"之美誉的2012腾麒杯高尔夫业余精英赛9月18日在上海旭宝高尔夫俱乐部进行。即便这只是一场业余性质的赛事,但却吸引到了140名来自各行各业的精英参与其中,就连现女子世界第一曾雅妮的爸爸曾茂炘也亲临现场。"腾麒杯"是由腾麒机械制造有限公司董事长周木南于2007年创立的大型业余高尔夫赛事,今年已走入第六个年头。或许很多人不明白,为什么一场业余性质的赛事会如此受到重视?这一切皆出自于爱,一份对高尔夫的爱。  相似文献   

4月20日至23日,由中国高尔夫协会、亚巡赛和欧巡赛共同举办的2006年BMW亚洲公开赛将在汤臣上海浦东高尔夫球场举行。获得欧巡赛第一的蒙哥马利、六届大满贯冠军尼克·佛度、“冠军中的冠军”大卫·霍威尔、英国新星卢克·唐纳德、丹麦名将汤玛斯·比约恩、2004年BMW亚洲公开赛冠军希门尼斯以及中国明星张连伟等156位选手参赛。今年的赛事总奖金额至少为150万美金。已经在2006赛季UBS香港公开赛上夺冠的欧巡赛第一蒙哥马利将领衔欧洲军团与亚洲军团在汤臣高尔夫球场展开一场激烈的较量。去年是蒙哥马利辉煌的一年。10月份赢得登喜路林克…  相似文献   

Freddy 《航空港》2013,(4):26-29
<正>1月10日,耐克高尔夫在东莞观澜湖球场召开发布会,正式推出引起高尔夫业界广泛关注的最新力作一一VR_S Covert全球首创极速凹背一号开球木杆。作为高尔夫品牌的创新龙头,耐克高尔夫一直将创新这一理念根深蒂固地植入"品牌DNA"中。为此《航空港》专访了  相似文献   

梁雪玲  梁煜南 《航空港》2013,(1):110-117
<正>事实证明,传言中的"末日"并未到来,因此Jessica& Douglas决定亲身到访曾有玛雅人踪迹的墨西哥,打一场痛痛快快的"重生高尔夫"。我俩觉得"重生高尔夫"必须  相似文献   

<正>1月14日,男子高尔夫球坛现世界排名第一的北爱尔兰天才罗里·麦克罗伊(Rory Mcllroy)如人们所预料地那样加盟耐克高尔夫,成为了耐克高尔夫旗下的签约球员。但令人不可思议的是,这位当今世界头号球员将立即使用新推出的VR_S Covert开球木杆征战巡回赛。麦克罗伊能否尽快适应"新武器",成为了整  相似文献   

Freddy 《航空港》2012,(9):66-71
7月25日,英国曼彻斯特联队和上海申花队在上海体育场进行了一场名为"雪佛兰中国杯"的友谊赛。这是著名的曼彻斯特联足球俱乐部继1999年后第二次访沪。与13年前的那支"红魔"相比,如今换了老板的曼联在收入和利润方面飙升了好几倍,虽然过于注重商业化使得这支老牌劲旅在外界眼中变得愈发功利,但不可否认的是,曼联仍是这个星球上动作得最成功的足球俱乐部之一。曼联驾到,上海滩怎能不掀起一番"红魔浪潮"……  相似文献   

浅析公共娱乐场所消防安全现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,为了满足广大人民群众对精神文化生括的需求,影剧院、录像厅、歌舞厅、卡拉ok厅、音乐茶座、夜总会等各种公共娱乐场所层出不穷。但是,全国公共娱乐场所的火灾形势一直很严峻,引起了各级领导和社会各界的广泛关注。对目前公共娱乐场所的消防安全问题进行安全探讨,并就如何进一步加强公共娱乐场所消防安全工作,提出解决对策。  相似文献   

Industrial battery market segments generally fall into two major categories--traction batteries, also called motive power batteries; and stationary batteries, also referred to as standby power batteries. The major industrial battery subcategories are discussed. Industrial trucks and rail and mine vehicles represent two major subcategories of motive power batteries. Industrial trucks include forklifts, automated guided vehicles (AGVs), various types of towing vehicles, floor cleaning equipment and so forth. Battery-powered rail and mine vehicles are used in mines where gas is present that could be ignited by spark ignition engines. Locomotive starting batteries and railcar emergency power batteries are also included in the second subcategory. The distinction is beginning to blur between valve-regulated industrial batteries and golf cart or marine batteries. Both industrial and SLI(starting/lighting/ignition)-derivative batteries are competing for markets in the future. The future trends in industrial battery production in Japan, USA and Europe are discussed  相似文献   

肺癌是一种高致死率的疾病,具有高度的异质性和可塑性。基于病理学分型,肺癌可分为小细胞肺癌和非小细胞肺癌,后者又可细分为腺癌,鳞癌和大细胞癌。临床上可观察到同一个肿瘤内部混合腺癌和鳞癌(腺鳞癌),或小细胞肺癌混合腺癌或鳞癌(混合型小细胞肺癌)。其中,腺鳞癌在临床上占非小细胞肺癌的 4%~10%。近几年越来越多的临床案例报道,肺腺癌患者经过化疗、靶向治疗或免疫治疗,肿瘤类型会从腺癌转变成鳞癌,并表现出耐药性。动物模型的研究发现, 肝激酶 B1(Lkb1)缺失会促进小鼠肺腺癌向鳞癌转化,而腺鳞癌是转化过程的中间态。从细胞起源来看,Club 细胞和 AT2 (Alveolar Epithelial Type 2)来源的肺腺癌可以转化成鳞癌。从分子机制来看,肺腺癌向鳞癌转化的过程中,胞外基质重塑以及代谢重编程会导致细胞氧化应激异常,使得活性氧(Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS)水平急剧上升并诱导 p63 上调,最终导致腺鳞癌转化并伴随肿瘤耐药。本综述将总结近年来肺腺鳞癌转化领域的进展并阐述其与耐药的关系,以期为深入理解临床肺癌的可塑性奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

A model of a distributed target as a collection of independent, Poisson distributed point scatterers or scattering centers in a range-velocity target space is introduced and is characterized by a deterministic function called the ?scatterer density function.? This function is the density of the point scatterers in the range-velocity space and can be estimated in a relatively straightforward manner by any radar having adequate resolution in both range and velocity and no ambiguities in the region occupied by the distributed target. The use of the random signal radar with a correlator receiver is considered here and the statistical properties of the correlator output, when the return signal is from a distributed target, are derived. It is shown that the spectral density is simply related to the scatterer density function. The technique is illustrated by an example in which the target is a tornado modeled as a cylinder with constant angular velocity. The example suggests that is a possible to remotely estimate the radar cross section per unit volume as a function of distance from the center of the tornado.  相似文献   

The performance of an optimized aerodynamic shape is further improved by a second-step optimization using the design knowledge discovered by a data mining technique based on Proper Orthogonal Decomposition(POD) in the present study. Data generated in the first-step optimization by using evolution algorithms is saved as the source data, among which the superior data with improved objectives and maintained constraints is chosen. Only the geometry components of the superior data are picked out and used for constructing the snapshots of POD. Geometry characteristics of the superior data illustrated by POD bases are the design knowledge, by which the second-step optimization can be rapidly achieved. The optimization methods are demonstrated by redesigning a transonic compressor rotor blade, NASA Rotor 37, in the study to maximize the peak adiabatic efficiency, while maintaining the total pressure ratio and mass flow rate.Firstly, the blade is redesigned by using a particle swarm optimization method, and the adiabatic efficiency is increased by 1.29%. Then, the second-step optimization is performed by using the design knowledge, and a 0.25% gain on the adiabatic efficiency is obtained. The results are presented and addressed in detail, demonstrating that geometry variations significantly change the pattern and strength of the shock wave in the blade passage. The former reduces the separation loss,while the latter reduces the shock loss, and both favor an increase of the adiabatic efficiency.  相似文献   

宁宣熙  余晓景 《航空学报》1992,13(6):298-303
本文提出了最小成本加快法中寻找多关键路线情况下的组合压缩方案的方法,并用图论中有关割集的理论进行了论证,得到了优化组合方案定理。该定理指出:在由网络计划图中的关键路线构成的子图中,如果每项作业都允许压缩或放宽作业时间,则其最小费用率完全割集中的每个正向割弧(作业)压缩单位时间,每个反向割弧(作业)放宽单位时间,则总工期以最低成本压缩单位时间。文中详细介绍了这种算法。  相似文献   

The feasibility of operation of a new procedure to start a jet engine (JE) and to generate power by means of a single induction machine (IM) directly coupled to the turbine has been shown by means of a hardware prototype. An introduction, background, operation principle of this type of a system and software simulation portion was presented in Part I. Both in software simulation and in the experimental phase of the studies the JE is replaced by a DC machine. The DC machine is brought to an initial speed by the motoring operation of the IM. Later, the IM is taken into generating mode and the DC machine is into motoring mode of operation. This mode would correspond to the turbine catch-up initiation phase and initiate driving phase of the induction generator in the actual world. The generated power is then converted to a three-phase, 400 Hz (in software), 60 Hz (in hardware), 115 V voltage-regulated bus via a double stage power conversion utilizing a 20 kHz parallel resonant high frequency AC link and pulse density modulated converter technology. Independent of the coupled machine speed, a constant amplitude and constant frequency three-phase voltage-regulated AC bus is formed and maintained by the proper control of the power converters.  相似文献   

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