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用户测距误差(URE)与用户设备误差(UEE)是影响定位精度的主要因素.民航是北斗系统的高端用户,监测其对民航机场的覆盖性和服务性能十分必要.本文根据华东、华南、华北、西北地区4个民航机场观测站的北斗实测数据,分析了各机场卫星的可见性.根据URE的解算方法、电离层修正模型、对流层修正模型以及定位精度的评估方法,给出了对应的性能评估结果.研究发现:可见星数均在6~14颗,满足定位要求; 95%置信度下,电离层延迟优于7.50m,对流层延迟优于13.28m,地球静止轨道卫星(GEO)、倾斜地球同步轨道卫星(IGSO)、中圆轨道卫星(MEO)卫星的URE值分别优于2.36m,1.72m,2.59m,满足北斗规范的要求;95%置信度下,定位精度水平方向优于3.63m,垂直方向优于6.98m.结果表明北斗系统在民航机场监测站的覆盖性及服务性能良好.  相似文献   

Doppler Orbitography Radiopositionning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) is one of the four fundamental techniques contributing to the ITRF. The optimal coverage over the globe of the DORIS observing sites and sites co-located with GPS, allow a strong embedding of DORIS within the ITRF network. DORIS contributes to the access to ITRF through precise orbit determination of altimetric satellites with onboard DORIS receivers. The DORIS contribution to the ITRF2008 is enhanced by the fact that the solutions of seven analysis centers were included in the submitted combined time series of weekly station positions and daily polar motion. We evaluate the quality of the DORIS combined solution in terms of its agreement with the other techniques (VLBI, SLR, GPS) contributing to the ITRF2008 combination. We show in particular that the precisions of the current IDS products range between 1.5 to 2.6 mm for station positions (at the epochs of minimum variances); better than 1 mm/yr in velocities and between 170 and 260 micro-arc-seconds for polar motion, a significant improvement by a factor of three to five, compared to past data used in the ITRF2005 combination. This improvement is certainly due to improved analysis strategies employed by the seven IDS analysis centers that contributed to the combined weekly submitted solutions of station positions and polar motion. A spectral analysis of DORIS station height time series indicates that annual and semi-annual signals are dominant. However, TOPEX draconitic period of about 118 days is still detected in about 20% of the station position power spectra. DORIS height annual signals correlate well with GPS annual signal estimated at some co-located stations, which show that DORIS technique is able to detect loading signals.  相似文献   

The single epoch GPS compass is an important field of study, since it is a valuable technique for the orientation estimation of vehicles and it can guarantee a total independence from carrier phase slips in practical applications. To achieve highly accurate angular estimates, the unknown integer ambiguities of the carrier phase observables need to be resolved. Past researches focus on the ambiguity resolution for single epoch; however, accuracy is another significant problem for many challenging applications. In this contribution, the accuracy is evaluated for the non-common clock scheme of the receivers and the common clock scheme of the receivers, respectively. We focus on three scenarios for either scheme: single difference model vs. double difference model, single frequency model vs. multiple frequency model and optimal linear combinations vs. traditional triple-frequency least squares. We deduce the short baseline precision for a number of different available models and analyze the difference in accuracy for those models. Compared with the single or double difference model of the non-common clock scheme, the single difference model of the common clock scheme can greatly reduce the vertical component error of baseline vector, which results in higher elevation accuracy. The least squares estimator can also reduce the error of fixed baseline vector with the aid of the multi-frequency observation, thereby improving the attitude accuracy. In essence, the “accuracy improvement” is attributed to the difference in accuracy for different models, not a real improvement for any specific model. If all noise levels of GPS triple frequency carrier phase are assumed the same in unit of cycles, it can be proved that the optimal linear combination approach is equivalent to the traditional triple-frequency least squares, no matter which scheme is utilized. Both simulations and actual experiments have been performed to verify the correctness of theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

The differential code and phase biases induced by the receiver hardware (including receiver, antenna, firmware, etc.) of the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) have significant effects on precise timing and ionosphere sensing, thus deserve careful treatment. In this contribution, we propose an approach to fast fix the single-difference ambiguity to finally obtain the unbiased estimates of between-receiver differential phase bias (BR-DPB) and between-receiver differential code-phase bias (BR-DCPB) based on the short baseline mode. The key to this method is that the error sources can be significantly eliminated due to the length of the baseline is very short. At the same time, the empirical constraints and random characteristics of BR-DPB/BR-DCPB were considered, which is conducive to the resolution of single-difference ambiguity. Several sets of GNSS data (GPS L1/L2, Galileo E1/E5b, and BDS B1/B3), recorded by the short baselines in an interval of 30 s and covered a broad range of receiver/antenna types (JAVA, SEPT, LEIC, and TRIM), were used to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. The numerical tests show that the proposed method is capable of fast fixing the single-difference ambiguity successfully within a few epochs and then providing the unbiased estimates of BR-DPB and BR-DCPB in an epoch-by-epoch manner. Experiments show that the estimated BR-DPB is in millimeter accuracy, which is of great significance for the millimeter-accuracy phase time transfer and ionospheric delay estimation. Furthermore, the calibrated BR-DPB/BR-DCPB can be treated as the known products for long-distance precise timing and ionosphere sensing based on the inter-station single-difference model.  相似文献   

基于PC/104的GPS定位定向仪设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将PC/10 4嵌入式计算机应用到GPS定位定向系统中 ,设计了一套完整的软硬件系统 ,完成了小型化、实时性、高可靠的样机设计和调试。解决了GPS定向系统研制工作中的软硬件设计问题 ,为进一步提高GPS定向或定姿准确度提供了保障。  相似文献   

Considering the limitations related to the landslide monitoring by Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) technique, the method of integration of Globe Positioning System (GPS) with Corner Reflector Interferometric SAR (CR-InSAR) techniques is proposed in this paper. Firstly, deformation in radar line-of-slight (LOS) direction is optimized by introducing the GPS-measured height and atmospheric delay products into the CR-InSAR model. Then, GPS-measured horizontal deformation and CR-InSAR measured LOS deformation are combined to produce the more accurate vertical deformation. Finally, high precision three-dimensional deformation (N, E, U) is projected to the along-slope direction to monitor the actual movement of landslide. In order to test this method, four X-band stripmap-mode TerraSAR images, eight Trihedral Corner Reflectors (TCR) data and eight GPS observed data are collected to monitor the deformation of three potential landslide fields located at the north of Shaanxi province, China. The detailed analysis demonstrates that the estimated precision of along-slope direction is about two times better for proposed method (±1.1 mm) versus GPS (±2.1 mm) in this case. Meanwhile, our result indicates that almost all of the monitoring points present the trends of sliding down along the slope at the different levels from April 9 2011 to August 30 2011, showing the certain instability. Further investigation of the relationship between the magnitudes of displacement at CR points and the implementation of early control reflects the rationality of our result. Our proposed method could provide of the strong support in the high precision landslide deformation monitoring.  相似文献   

基于GPS技术实时监测电离层变化原理, 利用载波平滑伪距观测值建立区域电离层模型的方法, 计算了电离层延迟量和硬件延迟, 根据硬件延迟值相对稳定的特点, 采取一定时段求解出硬件延迟量, 对实时硬件延迟量进行预报, 进而实时分离GPS信号传播路径上的垂直总电子含量VTEC. 利用上海区域内的GPS网的观测数据, 建立实时上海区域电离层延迟模型, 监测上海区域的电离层变化. 数据分析结果表明, 这种方法的内符合精度优于3 TECU.  相似文献   

北斗系统作为我国自行研制的导航系统,具有独特的混合星座特性,其反射事件在海洋上的空间分布和覆盖性能的研究成果较少。针对上述问题,模拟了北斗三号(Beidou System 3,BDS3)以及全球定位系统(Global Positioning System,GPS)空间星座,模拟不同性能参数的低轨接收卫星,在此仿真系统的基础上,计算反射事件在各仿真场景下的海洋覆盖率以及同时发生反射事件的卫星数量。结果表明:BDS3与GPS相比具有更大的反射事件海洋覆盖率,覆盖性能更优;仿真周期7天与1天相比,前者卫星产生的反射事件海洋覆盖率约为后者5倍;低轨道卫星(Low Earth Orbit,LEO)轨道高度越高,天线波束角度越大,反射事件海洋覆盖率越大; 3颗LEO卫星下同时发生反射事件卫星数的平均值约为单颗LEO卫星的3倍。可通过设计多星组网来提高反射事件海洋覆盖率。研究结果对星载反射技术海洋遥感应用方面有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

In this study, we have proposed and implemented a design for the tracking mount and controller of the ARGO-M (Accurate Ranging system for Geodetic Observation - Mobile) which is a mobile satellite laser ranging (SLR) system developed by the Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute (KASI) and Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials (KIMM). The tracking mount comprises a few core components such as bearings, driving motors and encoders. These components were selected as per the technical specifications for the tracking mount of the ARGO-M. A three-dimensional model of the tracking mount was designed. The frequency analysis of the model predicted that the first natural frequency of the designed tracking mount was high enough. The tracking controller is simulated using MATLAB/xPC Target to achieve the required pointing and tracking accuracy. In order to evaluate the system repeatability and tracking accuracy of the tracking mount, a prototype of the ARGO-M was fabricated, and repeatability tests were carried out using a laser interferometer. Tracking tests were conducted using the trajectories of low earth orbit (LEO) and high earth orbit (HEO) satellites. Based on the test results, it was confirmed that the prototype of the tracking mount and controller of the ARGO-M could achieve the required repeatability along with a tracking accuracy of less than 1 arcsec.  相似文献   

The ionosphere induces a time delay in transionospheric radio signals such as the Global Positioning System (GPS) signal. The Total Electron Content (TEC) is a key parameter in the mitigation of ionospheric effects on transionospheric signals. The delay in GPS signal induced by the ionosphere is proportional to TEC along the path from the GPS satellite to a receiver. The diurnal monthly and seasonal variations of ionospheric electron content were studied during the year 2010, a year of extreme solar minimum (F10.7 = 81 solar flux unit), with data from the GPS receiver and the Digisonde Portable Sounder (DPS) collocated at Ilorin (Geog. Lat. 8.50°N, Long. 4.50°E, dip −7.9°). The diurnal monthly variation shows steady increases in TEC and F2-layer critical frequency (foF2) from pre-dawn minimum to afternoon maximum and then decreases after sunset. TEC show significant seasonal variation during the daytime between 0900 and 1900 UT (LT = UT + 1 h) with a maximum during the March equinox (about 35 TECU) and minimum during the June solstice (about 24 TECU). The GPS-TEC and foF2 values reveal a weak seasonal anomaly and equinoctial asymmetry during the daytime. The variations observed find their explanations in the amount of solar radiation and neutral gas composition. The measured TEC and foF2 values were compared with last two versions of the International Reference Ionosphere (IRI-2007 and IRI-2012) model predictions using the NeQuick and CCIR (International Radio Consultative Committee) options respectively in the model. In general, the two models give foF2 close to the experimental values, whereas significant discrepancies are found in the predictions of TEC from the models especially during the daytime. The error in height dependent thickness parameter, daytime underestimation of equatorial drift and contributions of electrons from altitudes above 2000 km have been suggested as the possible causes.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the dates and times of astrophysical phenomena seen in the night time hours in Korea between 1625 and 1787. This is a period when two different calendars were used and it is important to know which calendar was used to record events such as lunar eclipses. It is known that the Joseon court adopted Shixianli (a Chinese calendar of Adam Schall) in 1654, the fifth reign of King Hyojong. However, the year when the court introduced the calendar into the system of night hours has not yet been determined. To know the enforcement year is very important for studies on astronomical events that are presented in Korean historical documents. From Seungjeongwon Ilgi (Daily Records of the Royal Secretariat), we compile a total of 90 lunar eclipse records referring to the observation time of the eclipses and calculate the times of occurrence of the eclipses with respect to the calendrical methods: Chiljeongsan Naepyeon (a Korean calendar) and Shixianli. As a result, we find that the system of night hours by the former calendrical method was used in the Joseon dynasty until as late as 1710. We also verify that the times of sunrise and sunset were considered as the moments when the center of the Sun reached the horizon according to Chiljeongsan Naepyeon at least. Therefore, we think that this study will contribute to the studies on astronomical phenomena of the Joseon dynasty, particularly on the estimate of the observation time.  相似文献   

Signals from Global Positioning System (GPS) satellites at the horizon or at low elevations are often excluded from a GPS solution because they experience considerable ionospheric delays and multipath effects. Their exclusion can degrade the overall satellite geometry for the calculations, resulting in greater errors; an effect known as the Dilution of Precision (DOP). In contrast, signals from high elevation satellites experience less ionospheric delays and multipath effects. The aim is to find a balance in the choice of elevation mask, to reduce the propagation delays and multipath whilst maintaining good satellite geometry, and to use tomography to correct for the ionosphere and thus improve single-frequency GPS timing accuracy. GPS data, collected from a global network of dual-frequency GPS receivers, have been used to produce four GPS timing solutions, each with a different ionospheric compensation technique. One solution uses a 4D tomographic algorithm, Multi-Instrument Data Analysis System (MIDAS), to compensate for the ionospheric delay. Maps of ionospheric electron density are produced and used to correct the single-frequency pseudorange observations. This method is compared to a dual-frequency solution and two other single-frequency solutions: one does not include any ionospheric compensation and the other uses the broadcast Klobuchar model. Data from the solar maximum year 2002 and October 2003 have been investigated to display results when the ionospheric delays are large and variable. The study focuses on Europe and results are produced for the chosen test site, VILL (Villafranca, Spain). The effects of excluding all of the GPS satellites below various elevation masks, ranging from 5° to 40°, on timing solutions for fixed (static) and mobile (moving) situations are presented. The greatest timing accuracies when using the fixed GPS receiver technique are obtained by using a 40° mask, rather than a 5° mask. The mobile GPS timing solutions are most accurate when satellites at lower elevations continue to be included: using a mask between 10° and 20°. MIDAS offers the most accurate and least variable single-frequency timing solution and accuracies to within 10 ns are achieved for fixed GPS receiver situations. Future improvements are anticipated by combining both GPS and Galileo data towards computing a timing solution.  相似文献   

一种无人机视觉导航方法及其滤波算法改进   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
设计了一种无人机视觉/惯性组合导航系统,将无人机和地标点的运动模型作为状态方程,视觉信息作为观测量构建了与之对应的滤波模型.在滤波处理上,采用了复杂加性噪声模型对系统噪声进行建模处理;将小波分析引入到UKF(Unscented Kalman Filter)滤波中得到小波-UKF滤波算法,以此克服视觉观测噪声对滤波的影响;采用最大后验概率准则(MAP,Maximum A Posterior)自适应估计观测噪声协方差阵,并将其反馈到滤波过程中克服了小波处理后观测噪声方差阵不易确定的不足.仿真结果证明:对滤波算法的改进可以有效地提高滤波估计的精度.  相似文献   

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