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Organic residues formed in the laboratory from the ultraviolet (UV) photo-irradiation or ion bombardment of astrophysical ice analogs have been extensively studied for the last 15 years with a broad suite of techniques, including infrared (IR) and UV spectroscopies, as well as mass spectrometry. Analyses of these materials show that they consist of complex mixtures of organic compounds stable at room temperature, mostly soluble, that have not been fully characterized. However, the hydrolysis products of these residues have been partly identified using chromatography techniques, which indicate that they contain molecular precursors of prebiotic interest such as amino acids, nitrile-bearing compounds, and amphiphilic compounds. In this study, we present the first X-ray absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy measurements of three organic residues made from the UV irradiation of ices having different starting compositions. XANES spectra confirm the presence of different chemical functions in these residues, and indicate that they are rich in nitrogen- and oxygen-bearing species. These data can be compared with XANES measurements of extraterrestrial materials. Finally, this study also shows how soft X rays can alter the chemical composition of samples.  相似文献   

The redox properties of irradiated liquid and frozen H2O, NH3 and H2O/NH3 mixtures at 298 K and 77 K, resp., towards some simple organic molecules have been checked by injecting carrierfree 11C atoms and analyzing their chemical state by means of radiochromatography. The reactions and the stability of organic products versus radiation dose (in this study by MeV protons) depend on temperature, phase state, mobility of radicals, their concentration and reactivity. Especially dangerous are the reactive OH and O2H radicals which oxidize organic material to inorganic CO2. Highest stability has been found at low temperatures (solid state, reduced mobility of radicals) and for systems containing H-donors (H2O/NH3 mixtures), which reduce the concentration of oxidizing radicals. The fact that many bodies in space consist of H2O-ice with NH3 and CH4 additives at temperatures between 10 and 150 K is promising in view of the survival of organic matter under high doses of radiation.  相似文献   

为充分研究化学物质在电离层释放的扰动效应和后期发展效果,基于化学物质在电离层的扩散模型、化学反应和电离层扩展F的控制模型,通过电离层H2O的释放,研究电子e,H2O,O+和H2O+共4种粒子的分布状态,分析点源、多源和线源释放对电离层的扰动效果,比较不同高度、不同量和不同时间释放的影响结果,模拟夜间释放后期所激发的扩展F发展差异.结果表明,H2O在电离层释放后,能有效耗散背景电子形成空洞,O+和H2O+数密度呈椭圆形分布;点源、多源和运动目标线源等不同释放方式对电离层的扰动效果不同,证实了人工影响一定形态和区域电离层的可能性;H2O释放扰动幅度,低层大于高层,白天强于夜晚,释放量越多扰动越突出;夜间化学释放能激发扩展F,并且释放量越多,激发效果越好.  相似文献   

The stellar occultation technique is a clean and powerful means of detecting and quantifying minor gases in the earth's atmosphere. The results obtained are totally insensitive to knowledge of the absolute flux of the star, and are not influenced by instrument calibration problems. Pioneering observations of nocturnal mesospheric ozone and thermospheric molecular oxygen by the stellar occultation technique were made in 1970 and 1971 with the Wisconsin stellar photometers on board the Orbiting Astronomical Observatory-2. A limb crossing geometry was used. The high resolution Princeton ultraviolet spectrometer aboard Copernicus was used in the summers of 1975, 1976 and 1977 to measure altitude profiles of molecular hydrogen, atomic chlorine and nitric oxide in addition to ozone and molecular oxygen. A limb grazing geometry was employed. The ozone densities show wide variation from orbit to orbit and particularly betewen the OAO-2 and Copernicus observations. A H2 density of 1×108 cm?3 at 95 km, and a NO density less than 106 cm?3 for altitudes greater than 85 km were measured.  相似文献   

氨合成-水热改性法制备氢氧化镁阻燃剂   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
为了解决氢氧化镁和聚合物之间的不相容问题, 对氨合成法-水热改性处理2步法制备高分散氢氧化镁阻燃剂进行了研究,分析了常温合成温度、水热改性温度和水热改性时间对制备大晶型、低比表面积氢氧化镁阻燃剂的影响.结果表明,经过水热改性处理改变了氢氧化镁晶体的生长习性,生成了形貌规则、粒径分布均匀、分散性良好的氢氧化镁六方片状颗粒.另外通过提高氯化镁浓度和氨水过量1倍,探讨了常温合成反应的转化率,认为应该在反应原料等当量下寻求提高转化率的可行方法.  相似文献   

The ability to generate O2 and absorb CO2 of several co-cultured vegetable plants in an enclosed system was studied to provide theoretical reference for the future man-plant integrated tests. Four kinds of salad plants (Lactuca sativa L. var. Dasusheng, Lactuca sativa L. var. Youmaicai, Gynura bicolor and Cichorium endivia L.) were grown in the CELSS Integration Test Platform (CITP). The environmental factors including O2 and CO2 concentration were continuously monitored on-line and the plant biomass was measured at the end of the test. The changing rules of O2 and CO2 concentration in the system were basically understood and it was found that the O2 generated by the plants could satisfy the respiratory needs of 1.75 persons by calculation. It was also found that the plants could absorb the CO2 breathed out by 2 persons when the light intensity was raised to 550 mmol m−2 s−1 PPF. The results showed that the co-cultured plants hold good compatibility and excellent O2-generating and CO2-absorbing capability. They could also supply some fresh edible vegetable for a 2-person crew.  相似文献   

The effects of the factorial combination of two light intensities (200 and 800 μmol m−2 s−1) and two CO2 concentrations (360 and 800 ppm) were studied on the productivity and nutritional quality of spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) grown under controlled environment. After 6 weeks within a growth chamber, spinach plants were sampled and analyzed for productivity and quality. There were no statistically significant interactions between the effects of light and CO2 for all of the variables studied, except for the nitrate and oxalic acid content of the leaves. High light and high CO2 independently one from the other, promoted spinach productivity, and the accumulation of ascorbic acid, while their interactive effect limited the accumulation of nitrate and oxalic acid in the spinach leaves. The results highlight the importance of considering the effects of the interaction among environmental variables on maximizing production and the nutritional quality of the food when cultivating and modeling the plant response in controlled environment systems such as for bioregenerative life support.  相似文献   

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