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针对传统均匀线阵中四阶累积量计算复杂度大、对快拍数敏感的问题,提出了一种快速去冗余的高分辨波达方向估计新方法。该方法首先通过构造选择矩阵对四阶累积量矩阵进行第1次降维处理,摒弃传统四阶累积量中大量冗余数据,然后对无冗余累积量矩阵进行矢量化并通过二次降维得到统计性能更优的向量观测模型,最后在相应的过完备基下建立观测模型的稀疏表示进行波达方向(Direction of Arrival,DOA)估计。同时将方法推广到L型阵列2维DOA估计,扩展了其应用范围。与传统的四阶累积量方法相比,该方法大大地减小了计算量,对快拍数要求不高,并且能够有效地抑制相关色噪声。理论分析和仿真实验验证了该方法对1维和2维DOA估计都具有较高的估计精度和分辨率。  相似文献   

DOA estimation under unknown mutual coupling and multipath   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We propose a new method for direction of arrival (DOA) estimation in the presence of multipath propagation and mutual coupling for a frequency hopping (FH) system. With the use of pilot symbols and assuming perfect time-frequency synchronization for a linear array, we take mutual coupling and multipath propagation into account, and derive a maximum likelihood (ML) estimator for both the mutual coupling matrix and DOA estimation. We then formulate an iterative alternating minimization (AM) algorithm for finding the mutual coupling and DOA parameters in an alternate manner. Simulation results illustrating the performance of the algorithm and comparison with the Cramer-Rao bound (CRB) are also presented.  相似文献   

Monopulse DOA estimation of two unresolved Rayleigh targets   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper provides for new approaches to the processing of unresolved measurements as two direction-of-arrival (DOA) measurements for tracking closely spaced targets rather than the conventional single DOA measurement of the centroid. The measurements of the two-closely spaced targets are merged when the target echoes are not resolved in angle, range, or radial velocity (i.e., Doppler processing). The conditional Cramer Rao lower bound (CRLB) is developed for the DOA estimation of two unresolved Rayleigh targets using a standard monopulse radar. Then the modified CRLB is used to give insight into the boresight pointing for monopulse DOA estimation of two unresolved targets. Monopulse processing is considered for DOA estimation of two unresolved Rayleigh targets with known or estimated relative radar cross section (RCS). The performance of the DOA estimator is studied via Monte Carlo simulations and compared with the modified CRLB  相似文献   

In order to determine an appropriate attitude of three-axis stabilized communication satellites, this paper describes a novel attitude determination method using direction of arrival (DOA) estimation of a ground signal source. It differs from optical measurement, magnetic field measurement, inertial measurement, and global positioning system (GPS) attitude determination. The proposed method is characterized by taking the ground signal source as the attitude reference and acquiring attitude information from DOA estimation. Firstly, an attitude measurement equation with DOA estimation is derived in detail. Then, the error of the measurement equation is analyzed. Finally, an attitude determination algorithm is presented using a dynamic model, the attitude measurement equation, and measurement errors. A developing low Earth orbit (LEO) satellite which tests mobile communication technology with smart antennas can be stabilized in three axes by corporately using a magnetometer, reaction wheels, and three-axis magnetorquer rods. Based on the communication satellite, simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. The method could be a backup of attitude determination to prevent a system failure on the satellite. Its precision depends on the number of snapshots and the input signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) with DOA estimation.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel algorithm is presented for direction of arrival(DOA) estimation and array self-calibration in the presence of unknown mutual coupling. In order to highlight the relationship between the array output and mutual coupling coefficients, we present a novel model of the array output with the unknown mutual coupling coefficients. Based on this model, we use the space alternating generalized expectation-maximization(SAGE) algorithm to jointly estimate the DOA parameters and the mutual coupling coefficients. Unlike many existing counterparts, our method requires neither calibration sources nor initial calibration information. At the same time,our proposed method inherits the characteristics of good convergence and high estimation precision of the SAGE algorithm. By numerical experiments we demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the existing method for DOA estimation and mutual coupling calibration.  相似文献   

Sensitivity analysis of DOA estimation algorithms to sensor errors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A unified statistical performance analysis using subspace perturbation expansions is applied to subspace-based algorithms for direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation in the presence of sensor errors. In particular, the multiple signal classification (MUSIC), min-norm, state-space realization (TAM and DDA) and estimation of signal parameters via rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT) algorithms are analyzed. This analysis assumes that only a finite amount of data is available. An analytical expression for the mean-squared error of the DOA estimates is developed for theoretical comparison in a simple and self-contained fashion. The tractable formulas provide insight into the algorithms. Simulation results verify the analysis  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of direction-of-arrival(DOA) and polarization estimation with polarization sensitive arrays(PSA), which has been a hot topic in the area of array signal processing during the past two or three decades. The sparse Bayesian learning(SBL) technique is introduced to exploit the sparsity of the incident signals in space to solve this problem and a new method is proposed by reconstructing the signals from the array outputs first and then exploiting the reconstructed signals to realize parameter estimation. Only 1-D searching and numerical calculations are contained in the proposed method, which makes the proposed method computationally much efficient. Based on a linear array consisting of identically structured sensors, the proposed method can be used with slight modifications in PSA with different polarization structures. It also performs well in the presence of coherent signals or signals with different degrees of polarization. Simulation results are given to demonstrate the parameter estimation precision of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the problem of target position estimation with a single-observer passive coherent location(PCL) system. An approach that combines angle with time difference of arrival(ATDOA) is used to estimate the location of a target. Compared with the TDOA-only method which needs two steps, the proposed method estimates the target position more directly. The constrained total least squares(CTLS) technique is applied in this approach. It achieves the Cramer–Rao lower bound(CRLB) when the parameter measurements are subject to small Gaussian-distributed errors. Performance analysis and the CRLB of this approach are also studied. Theory verifies that the ATDOA method gets a lower CRLB than the TDOA-only method with the same TDOA measuring error. It can also be seen that the position of the target affects estimating precision.At the same time, the locations of transmitters affect the precision and its gradient direction.Compared with the TDOA, the ATDOA method can obtain more precise target position estimation.Furthermore, the proposed method accomplishes target position estimation with a single transmitter,while the TDOA-only method needs at least four transmitters to get the target position. Furthermore,the transmitters' position errors also affect precision of estimation regularly.  相似文献   

We propose a beamsplitting-like approach to estimate the directions of arrival (DOA) of multiple radar targets present in the mainlobe of a rotating antenna. The proposed method is based on the maximum likelihood (ML) technique and it avoids the need for a difference channel by exploiting knowledge of the antenna main beam pattern. Two scenarios are considered: multiple targets with unknown deterministic complex amplitudes and multiple targets with Gaussian distributed random complex amplitudes. The performance of the proposed estimator is investigated through Monte Carlo simulation and it is compared with the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB).  相似文献   

Subspace based direction-of-arrival (DOA) estimation has motivated many performance studies, but limitations such as the assumption of an infinite amount of data and analysis of individual algorithms generally exist in these performance studies. The authors have previously proposed a unified performance analysis based on a finite amount of data and achieved a tractable expression for the mean-squared DOA estimation error for the multiple signal classification (MUSIC). Min-Norm, estimation of signal parameters using rotational invariance techniques (ESPRIT), and state-space realization algorithms. However, this expression uses the singular values and vectors of a data matrix, which are obtained by the highly nonlinear transformation of the singular value decomposition (SVD). Thus the effects of the original data parameters such as numbers of sensors and snapshots, source coherence and separations were not explicitly analyzed. The authors unify and simplify this previous result and derive a unified expression based on the original data parameters. They analytically observe the effects of these parameters on the estimation error  相似文献   

The author presents a new technique of steering an array antenna by introducing time-varying phase weights. It is shown that the technique is equivalent to placing a linear phase and linear frequency offset across the array when transmitting a linear frequency modulated (LFM) waveform. The technique reduces array dispersion and increases the operating bandwidth. An element level signal generator is presented as a possible way of implementing the time-varying weights. A possible array implementation is also shown.<>  相似文献   

在相干分布式非圆(CDNC)信号波达方向(DOA)估计中,针对阵列输出矩阵扩展后维数增加带来的较大运算量问题,基于降维的多级维纳滤波(MSWF)技术,引入回溯优化思想,提出了一种快速估计算法。该算法首先利用信号非圆特性扩展阵列输出矩阵,然后通过MSWF递推分解快速求出信号子空间,避免了计算阵列协方差矩阵及特征分解,并且在递推过程中引入回溯优化机制提高了各级匹配滤波器的估计性能,最后由最小二乘(LS)或者总体最小二乘(TLS)得到DOA估计。仿真分析表明,所提算法与相干分布式非圆信号旋转不变子空间算法(CDNC-ESPRIT)性能相当,但复杂度得到了大幅度降低,相比于基于MSWF的非圆信号快速子空间(NC-MSWF-FS)算法,在较小的复杂度代价下大幅度提升了低信噪比时的估计性能,并且对初始参考信号的选取具有了较强的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

An analysis of angle estimation using a single aperture, multimode spiral is presented. It is demonstrated that in addition to the classical Comparison method, modern parameter estimation techniques such as Multiple Signal Classification (MUSIC) and MLM (Maximum Likelihood Method) can be applied to multimode antenna technology for angle estimation. These techniques, coupled with the advent of digital receivers make possible the elimination of the mode-forming network. Results of computer simulations show that these new approaches give lower bias and variance, and also extend coverage toward boresight compared with the traditional Comparison method  相似文献   

A novel efficient technique based on a single slice Radon-ambiguity transform (RAT) for time-delay and time-scale estimation is proposed. The proposed approach combines the narrowband cross-ambiguity function (NBCAF), the wideband cross-ambiguity function (WBCAF), and a single slice RAT to estimate multiple target parameters in noisy environments. The square modulus of Gaussian-enveloped linear frequency modulated (GLFM) signals has high-energy centrality in the ambiguity plane. Its peaks in the NBCAF fall along nearly straight lines whose slopes depend on the Doppler rates of the moving targets. These lines could be effectively detected by computing the entire Radon transform of the NBCAF for all possible angles; however, it is a computationally intensive procedure. It is shown that without calculating the entire RAT, it is possible to estimate target parameters using only a single slice of the RAT, i.e., using an appropriate projection of the NBCAF. It is demonstrated that the proposed method can successfully separate overlapping targets efficiently. The efficiency is achieved due to fast Fourier transform (FFT)-bascd processing, use of a single slice of RAT, and the use of only one-dimensional (1-D) searches.  相似文献   

A narrowband technique based on the acoustical Doppler effect is proposed for estimating the trajectory of a turbo-prop aircraft in level flight with constant velocity as it transits over a ground-based passive acoustic sensor array. The basic principle is to measure the temporal variation of the instantaneous frequency (IF) of the acoustic signal received by each sensor and then to minimize the sum of the squared deviations of the IF estimates from their predicted values over a sufficiently long period of time for all sensors. The technique provides estimates of the propeller blade rate and the five source motion parameters that describe the aircraft trajectory. The six dimensional minimization problem is reduced to a five dimensional maximization problem, which is solved numerically using the quasi-Newton method. A simple method is described that provides the initial parameter estimates required for the numerical maximization. The effectiveness of the motion parameter estimation technique is verified using real acoustic data recorded from a wide aperture microphone array during various transits of a turbo-prop aircraft  相似文献   

The problem of optimal data fusion in multiple detection systems is studied in the case where training examples are available, but no a priori information is available about the probability distributions of errors committed by the individual detectors. Earlier solutions to this problem require some knowledge of the error distributions of the detectors, for example, either in a parametric form or in a closed analytical form. Here we show that, given a sufficiently large training sample, an optimal fusion rule can be implemented with an arbitrary level of confidence. We first consider the classical cases of Bayesian rule and Neyman-Pearson test for a system of independent detectors. Then we show a general result that any test function with a suitable Lipschitz property can be implemented with arbitrary precision, based on a training sample whose size is a function of the Lipschitz constant, number of parameters, and empirical measures. The general case subsumes the cases of nonindependent and correlated detectors.  相似文献   

A simple and elegant algorithm is presented to encode images with rich content, which allows easy access to various objects. An object-plane-based encoding method for compression of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery is developed, with different object planes for target classes and background. A variable-rate residual vector quantization (VQ) algorithm is developed to encode the background information. This algorithm is very powerful as indicated by the experimental results. The proposed coding scheme allows compression matched to the final application of the images, which in this case is target recognition and classification.  相似文献   

An image-based algorithm which provides an estimate of the current radial acceleration of a target is studied. Since the data in a single image frame provide information only on the orientation of the target, a sequence of frames must be processed to detect maneuvers. The estimation problem is parameterized in terms of natural groupings of measurement errors, and the influence of these errors on estimator fidelity is studied  相似文献   

In previous work, a matched-field estimate of aircraft altitude from multiple over-the-horizon (OTH) radar dwells was presented. This approach exploits the altitude dependence of direct and surface reflected returns off the aircraft and the relative phase changes of these micro-multipath arrivals across radar dwells. Since this previous approach assumed high dwell-to-dwell predictability, it has been found to be sensitive to mismatch between modeled versus observed micro-multipath phase and amplitude changes from dwell-to-dwell. A generalized matched-field altitude estimate is presented here based on a state-space model that accounts for random ionospheric and target-motion effects that degrade the dwell-to-dwell predictability of target returns. The new formulation results in an efficient, robust recursive maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of aircraft altitude. Simulations suggest that the proposed technique can achieve accuracy within 5,000 ft of the true aircraft altitude, even with relatively high levels of uncertainty in modeling of dwell-to-dwell changes in the target return. A real data result is also presented to illustrate the technique.  相似文献   

Two maneuvering-target tracking techniques are compared. The first, called input estimation, models the maneuver as constant unknown input, estimates its magnitude and onset time, and then corrects the state estimate accordingly. The second models the maneuver as a switching of the target state model, where the various state models can be of different dimension and driven by process noises of different intensities, and estimates the state according to the interacting multiple model (IMM) algorithm. While the first requires around twenty parallel filters, it is shown that the latter, implemented in the form of the IMM, performs equally well or better with two or three filters  相似文献   

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