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强磁场结构在行星际空间膨胀的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文研究了强磁场结构在18—240Rs的行星际空间的膨胀效应。模拟结果表明, 强磁场结构的膨胀能够形成典型的磁云剖面结构;膨胀速度明显依赖于磁场强度的大小;强磁场结构运动的速度直接影响到它的动力学特性。  相似文献   

激波在行星际介质中的能量耗散   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
导出激波下游介质相对上游介质能流通量增量公式,并由HeliosA,B飞船太阳风观测资料得出不同流速太阳风流中各参量随日心距的幂律变化。以此作为背景值分别计算出磁能、内能、动能和总能在不同日心距离处的能量耗散率。结果指出激波后介质以动能增加为主,内能次之,磁能最少;总能耗率在近日处较大,但下降较快。从0.3-1.0AU,不同强度激波总能耗随初始Alfvén激波数A10增大而增大,对A10从2.0-10.0的计算结果与观测值一致。  相似文献   

本文研究能量高达1012eV以上宇宙线电子在星际介质中的传播特征, 得到了一些有趣的结果。作为一种自然的猜测, 宇宙线电子高能成份的区域性特征, 可能是导致银河系γ射线辐射的非均匀成团状分布结构的直接原因。  相似文献   

X射线脉冲星导航在行星际轨道上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
X射线脉冲星导航技术被认为是新一代导航技术,非常适合于行星际探测.深入分析了利用搜索空间方法求解飞行器真实位置和估计位置相位差的脉冲整周期模糊数,解决了相位导航方法存在的周期模糊数问题.利用轨道动力学模型估计飞行器的位置,并以真实位置和估计位置上的脉冲相位之差作为反馈进行偏差校正.仿真表明,X射线脉冲星导航方法在行星际轨道上是可行和高效的.  相似文献   

采用二维理想MHD模型,分别在日球赤道面(二维二分量模型)和日球子午面(二维三分量模型)内研究太阳风中慢激波的传播和演化规律。结果表明,慢激波在向外传播的过程中逐渐演化为由原慢激波和新产生的快激波构成的激波系统。该激波系统在子午面内相对慢激波源中心法线基本对称,而在赤道面内则是不对称的:快激波阵面和慢激波阵面之间存在一个切触点,该处两个激波合并,蜕化为气体激波。上述切触点相对激波源中心法线东偏,且东偏角度在激波系统向外传播过程中不断增加。初步分析表明,行星际磁场的螺旋结构是产生日球赤道面内慢激波传播和演化的东西不对称性的主要原因。  相似文献   

为便于太阳风暴行星际传播数值模型结果可视化分析,提出一种针对时变模拟数据体绘制的传输函数设计算法(Transfer Function for Time-varying Volume data,TFTV)。该算法首先基于KNN(K-Nearest Neighbors,KNN)背景差分法提取运动区域;然后,利用频率调谐(Frequency Tuned,FT)显著性算法检测日冕物质抛射(Coronal Mass Ejection,CME),并设计颜色反映射算法查找CME与背景的分界阈值;最后,基于阈值自适应调整传输函数实现各时间步上运动区域中CME的快速三维可视化。实验结果表明,该算法能够适应静态及动态背景下CME的数值模型结果,相对于线性传输函数有效避免了视线方向的遮挡,直观自动地展示了相对动量的变化,示踪行星际空间中CME的演化过程,局部区域的提取降低了数据冗余,借助算法自动分析数据自适应调整传输函数避免了人工调整的低效性。  相似文献   

本文采用二维MHD模型对具有不同间隔时间的2个耀斑先后爆发,模拟研究它们所对应的行星际激波间的追赶效应,并和单个耀斑所产生的行星际激波相比较。研究结果表明,间隔时间一天以内的2个耀斑激波在行星际空间向外传播时,激波之间有明显的相互作用发生,间隔时间的长短决定了激波传播过程中追赶效应的强弱。根据数值试验结果,追赶效应可归纳为4类,(1)强追赶效应,(2)中等追赶效应,(3)弱追赶效应,(4)无追赶效应。属于强追赶效应的2个耀斑激波传播至1AU处,产生的行星际扰动非常相似于单个耀斑激波的扰动。  相似文献   

阿容 《飞碟探索》2003,(3):14-14
在20世纪70年代末期,科学家从“旅行者”号太空飞船传回的资料发现,木星有两个光环。后来,他们又发现了木星的第三个光环。由于这个光环比较透明,被科学家称为薄纱光环。美国康奈尔大学的天文学教授根据“伽利略”太空飞船搜集的资料发现,木星的光环,是由于流星撞击木星四个小卫星所产生的尘埃产生的。因为木星的卫星体积不大,没有足够的引力,所以不能阻止流星的尘埃飞离卫星表面。木星的直径约为14.3万千米,而尘埃形成的光环分布在离木星核心9万千米~25万千米的上空。红色的光环约16千米宽,是由流星撞击离木星最近的两个卫星所产生的尘埃…  相似文献   

木星也有旋转环 2008年5月3日,美国和德国科学家共同研究发现,太阳系中不仅土星存在围绕自身旋转的由尘埃粒子组成的环,木星也存在相应旋转的环,其直径约64万千米.他们在研究报告中介绍了木卫十四(距木星第5远的卫星)的轨道外围出现的暗淡轻薄环状结构,以及背离可接受环状结构形成的观测数据.阐明了这种环状结构是由于阴影和太阳光在灰尘粒子上的交互作用产生的.  相似文献   

文中通过对行星际激波传播的动力学效应的考虑,根据日本的IPS观测资料,对太阳活动高年期间85个耀斑-IPS激波事件进行了统计研究.结果表明:(1)激波的传播相对耀斑法线方向是非对称传播.传播最快的方向,就经度而言趋向行星际螺旋形磁场方向;就纬度而言很接近在此事件期间日球电流片的平均纬度.(2)传播的纬度范围(-60°— +40°)远比传播的经度范围(<—90°—+90°)小.(3)激波的能量分布有明显的东-西、南-北不对称性,它决定了激波传播的非对称特性.所研究的85个耀斑-激波的平均能量~2.7×1031尔格(单位立体角).上述结果与我们分析美国圣地亚哥IPS观测所得结果基本一致[3].  相似文献   

During the past two years (2016-2018), great achievements have been made in the Chinese research of interplanetary physics, with nearly 100 papers published in the academic journals. The achievements are including but not limited to the following topics:solar corona; solar wind and turbulence; filament/prominence and jets; solar flare; radio bursts; particle acceleration at coronal shocks; magnetic flux ropes; instability; instrument; Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) and their interplanetary counterparts; Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical modeling; solar energetic particles and cosmic rays. The progress further improves our understanding of the eruptions of solar activities, their evolutions and propagations in the heliosphere, and final geoeffects on our Earth. These results were achieved by the Chinese solar and space scientists independently or via international collaborations. This paper will give a brief review of these achievements.  相似文献   

时间尺度为分钟数量级的太阳风速度和行星际磁场大幅度扰动实际上始终存在于行星际空间的。这些扰动一直传输到紧贴磁层边界面外侧的区域。它们在磁鞘等离子体和磁层顶的相互作用过程中可能起很重要的作用。行星际起伏中的磁场分量在通过地球弓激波时首先经历一次跳跃,然后一部分扰动被带到磁层边界面处。在边界面附近磁场扰动幅度被大大地放大了。弓激波上游的太阳风条件控制了放大因子。本文所作的数值模拟研究结果表明,如果上游有大幅度的扰动,在边界面附近就有大幅度的Alfven起伏的磁场分量。当上游磁场接近垂直于日地联线时,放大因子变得相当大,而且放大因子随上游的等离子体β值和/或Alfven马赫数的增加而增加。上游各向异性对放大因子的影响不大。在磁层边界附近存在大幅度起伏表明这里不存在稳定的片流。  相似文献   

针对飞行器再入和以高超声速在临近空间飞行时出现的通信黑障问题,依据RAM C提供的飞行试验数据建立等离子体鞘套模型,通过数值计算分析了等离子体厚度及等离子体碰撞频率和等离子体电子密度等参数对毫米波大气窗口传输的反射和衰减特性.综合分析表明,可以采用大气窗口35 GHz所在的Ka波段作为临近空间主通信平台,辅以大气窗口0.22 THz所在的太赫兹波段天基中继平台,以期实现飞行器在临近空间飞行时的实时测控.  相似文献   

Long-term variations of total Jovian synchrotron emission are well known to vary slowly in time. Several hypotheses have been proposed to explain these variations, they can be solar wind driven and/or induced by the geometrical effect of the declination of the Earth in the jovicentric coordinates, DE. However, until now, not any of them have been definitely proved. We propose here to investigate, this long-term dynamics based on appropriate simulation from a 3D model, Salammbô-3D. This model has been developed to study spatial distribution of electrons in the inner Jovian radiation belts. We will carry out two different approaches, the first one being based on synchrotron simulation from the Salammbô code and the second one being based on GALILEO EPD measurements. Two-dimensional images of Jupiter synchrotron emission can be obtained from our model, for any geometrical configuration (λIII(CML), DE). Comparisons show a good agreement between modeling results and VLA observations. With Salammbô-3D, we can also study long-term variations of total Jovian synchrotron emission. The role of the two geometrical factors, λIII(CML) and DE, will be analyzed. First, we will present beaming curves (evolution of Jovian synchrotron emission in terms of λIII(CML)), resulting from the simulation to validate the geometry of the system in the code. Then, the evolution of the non-thermal flux density of synchrotron emission, in terms of DE, joviographic declination of the Earth, will be studied. With the help of simulations resulting from Salammbô-3D, we will try to discriminate between geometrical induced variations and natural dynamics. On the other hand we will investigate on GALILEO EPD measurements from 1995 until now, restricted to 5–10 Rj, to find out any similarity with the long-term variations of non-thermal flux density of synchrotron emission.  相似文献   

PAMELA is a satellite-borne experiment that has been launched on June 15th, 2006. It is designed to make long duration measurements of cosmic radiation over an extended energy range. Specifically, PAMELA is able to measure the cosmic ray antiproton and positron spectra over the largest energy range ever achieved and will search for antinuclei with unprecedented sensitivity. Furthermore, it will measure the light nuclear component of cosmic rays and investigate phenomena connected with solar and earth physics. The apparatus consists of: a time of flight system, a magnetic spectrometer, an electromagnetic imaging calorimeter, a shower tail catcher scintillator, a neutron detector and an anticoincidence system. In this work a study of the PAMELA capabilities to detect electrons is presented. The Jovian magnetosphere is a powerful accelerator of electrons up to several tens of MeV as observed at first by Pioneer 10 spacecraft (1973). The propagation of Jovian electrons to Earth is affected by modulation due to Corotating Interaction Regions (CIR). Their flux at Earth is, moreover, modulated because every 13 months Earth and Jupiter are aligned along the average direction of the Parker spiral of the Interplanetary Magnetic Field.PAMELA will be able to measure the high energy tail of the Jovian electrons in the energy range from 50 up to 130 MeV. Moreover, it will be possible to extract the Jovian component reaccelerated at the solar wind termination shock (above 130 MeV up to 2 GeV) from the galactic flux.  相似文献   

CMEs (Coronal Mass Ejections) are an important means of energy release in the solar corona. Solar Polar Orbit Radio Telescope (SPORT) is a mission being proposed for observing the propagation of interplanetary CMEs from solar polar orbit. The main payload onboard SPORT is a synthetic aperture interferometric radiometer, which receives radio emission of interplanetary CMEs. It is identified that there are mainly three radio emission mechanisms of CMEs, i.e., bremsstrahlung, gyrosynchrotron emission and plasma emission. Among these emission types, bremsstrahlung emission is the main emission mechanism of the high-density plasma clouds of interplanetary CMEs. Gyrosynchrotron emission is the continuous emission generated by high-energy electrons from CMEs, while plasma emission is the main mechanism of transient radio bursts from CMEs. In this paper, the gyrosynchrotron emission of interplanetary CMEs is focused on. Firstly, the mechanism of gyrosynchrotron emission is reviewed. Secondly, a review of the physical parameter models of background solar wind and interplanetary CMEs is presented. After these, the brightness temperature and polarization of gyrosynchrotron emission of interplanetary CMEs are calculated and analyzed. Finally, the detectability of gyrosynchrotron emission of interplanetary CMEs by radio meters is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

磁暴急始(SSC)是强烈太阳风动压或行星际激波与磁层相互作用的结果.通常SSC事件的上升时间在4~10 min,我们把上升时间超过15 min的SSC事件称为异常SSC事件.本文利用地磁SYM-H指数鉴别出了5个有地磁观测历史以来发生的上升时间大于15 min的异常SSC事件,并利用Wind,ACE,IMP 8,Goes,Geotail多点卫星太阳风观测数据和地磁观测数据,分析了异常SSC事件的行星际原因.结果表明,异常SSC事件通常都是强烈行星际扰动引起的,5个异常SSC事件有4个对应于行星际激波,有3个对应于多步太阳风动压跃变,有1个对应于行星际电场大幅度变化;由行星际激波产生的异常SSC事件,其上升时间依赖于行星际激波的方向,方向相对于日地连线越偏,上升时间越长;异常SSC事件上升时间与行星际磁场方向关系不明显.  相似文献   

We used the TEC (Total electron content) data of 5 min resolution obtained from the Madrigal database during solar-maximum winter (Nov. 6, 2000–Feb. 4, 2001) to study statistically the polar ionospheric plasma distribution response to different intensity and orientation of IMF By/Bz components. The sunlit high-density plasma extension from dayside to nightside is favored in negative IMF By and Bz conditions. With the magnitude of the negative Bz increasing, the time range corresponding to the distinct high-density extension feature expands, and the plasma density along the extension path enhances, which can be attributed to the interaction between dayside solar-produced ionization whose poleward limit is decided by terminator and convection extent mainly modulated by IMF Bz component. As for IMF By component influence on the sunlit plasma extension, the combination effect of convection and corotation electric fields is necessary to be considered.  相似文献   

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