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Error Analysis of Space-Stable Inertial Navigation Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The error equations for a space-stable inertial navigation system are derived. This is done by directly perturbing the mechanization equations in the inertial frame and then transforming in open-loop fashion to the local-level frame. A rotating inertial platform and velocity and altitude damping are considered. The relations between errors in space-stable and local-level systems are noted. Numerical results are presented for certain random error sources.  相似文献   

Techniques for reducing bearing errors in vertical loop HF direction finders for ionospherically propagated signals were evaluated in a dual-channel system. A main channel provides a bearing display from the output of a rotating loop; an auxiliary channel unblanks the bearing ng display when propagation conditions are favorable for minimum bearing error. Circuitry to provide optimum unblanking for a wide variety of signal and fade conditions is described. The results of an operational evaluation are presented and show that a large majority of the unblanked bearings can be restricted to ±15° of the great-circle bearing with average bearing errors of 10° or less. Operational comparison with a contemporary system shows that the dual-channel system performance is superior with a 2 to 1 reduction ion in bearing spreads, standard deviations, and RMS error.  相似文献   

Error performance in optical communication, where the information is transmitted by means of the differential pulse-position modulated optical carrier, is discussed. Additive independent background radiation and thermal noise are taken into account. Both threshold type and maximum value type of decision schemes are also considered. The effects of several parameters, such as the number of time slots, the duty ratio, the extinction ratio, the count dimension, the signal-to-background radiation power ratio, and the signal-to-thermal noise power ratio are discussed in detail. The detection characteristic of this system are made clear by comparison with a pulse-position modulation system.  相似文献   

The worst error performance of estimation filters is investigated for continuous systems in this paper. The pathological performance study, without assuming any dynamical model such as Markov processes for perturbations, except for its bounded amplitude, will give practical and dependable criteria in establishing the navigation and maneuver strategy in deep space missions.  相似文献   

Sidelobe blanking systems are useful in preventing acquisition of strong targets in the antenna sidelobes and also in rejecting pulsed interference originating in the sidelobes. The analysis of a common two-channel system is presented in which the relationship between the probability of main-lobe detection and the probability of sidelobe detection are given in terms of false-alarm probability, signal-to-noise ratio, and the ratio of sidelobe levels of the two channels. The numerical results given provide a basis for the selection of the sidelobe blanking channel antenna gain and threshold levels.  相似文献   

Two hybrid schemes of time-frequency resource sharing to increase the rain margin of Ku-and Ka-band satellite systems are proposed. Scheme 1 requires sharing a small pool of bandwidth for adaptive forward error control coding, sharing a small pool of time frame for rate reduction, and sharing a portion of low frequency time-division multiple access (TDMA) back-up frame for downlink transmission to the rain affected stations. Scheme 2 utilizes variable rate modulation and forward error correction, shares a small pool of time frame for rate reduction, and shares a portion of low frequency TDMA back-up frame. Effective usable capacities of the system using these schemes are calculated. Distribution of resources in order to maximize the effective usable capacity is also analyzed. The results obtained are compared with other adaptive schemes. Preliminary analysis shows that the utilized capacity of scheme 1 exceeds 99 percent of the effective usable capacity possible if it never rains for an outage of 0.05 percent and fade margin of 2.5 dB. For scheme 2 similar performance is achievable at a fade margin of 1.5 dB. For higher outage objectives the loss of effective utilized capacity is higher for scheme 2.  相似文献   

Correlation guidance systems are being developed and implemented as a means of improving the performance of tactical and strategic missiles. Performance predictions for these systems often neglect the actual correlator structure due to the mathematical difficulties associated with analyzing practical operating correlation systems. In this paper accuracy predictions and error sensitivities to systematic error sources are presented for a circular scan correlation system using the tracking form of the modified difference squared correlation algorithm. In addition, the sine/cosine modulation required to generate the X and Y tracking commands is considered, as well as unequal range and azimuth resolution. The techniques developed to perform this analysis can be easily applied in a simplified fashion to noncircular scan systems and to correlators using a product correlation algorithm.  相似文献   

A detailed development is presented of the psi-angle vector differential equation as applied to the error analysis of strapdown inertial navigation systems. The coordinate systems involved and the psi misalignment vector are clearly defined. It is proven that apart from a sign change the psi-angle differential equation in the error analysis of strapdown inertial navigation systems is identical to the one used in conventional gimbaled inertial navigation systems.  相似文献   

ARGOS and SARSAT are two satellite Doppler navigation systems in which low cost ground beacons transmit bursts of stable frequency signals. The Doppler shifted signals received by the satellite provide the positions of the beacons. The positioning error is dominated by a random component, due mainly to the short-term frequency stability of the beacon oscillator. Theoretical analysis and explicit expressions of the random errors are given.  相似文献   

A comparison of the error propagation in a local-level reference frame is derived for two inertial navigation systems; one has a local-level configuration, and the other has a space-stable configuration. The error propagation is shown to be equivalent for the two cases considered. This equivalence is demonstrated by starting with the error propagation equations for the space-stable system and transforming them to a local-level reference frame. The transformed equations are then compared with the classical local-level error equations, and the equivalence is noted. The specific implementation used in each case considers velocity damping but not altitude damping.  相似文献   

旋转调制技术能够抑制陀螺和加速度计的误差,提高惯性导航系统的导航精度。从捷联惯导系统的误差方程出发,推到出了单轴旋转惯导系统的误差传播方程,在此基础上分析了旋转调制的基本原理。分别对陀螺和加速度计常值偏差、标度因数误差、安装误差和转台安装误差等在旋转调制下的影响进行了研究,仿真分析了旋转调制提高系统导航精度的作用,最后在实验室条件下做静止导航实验进行了验证。研究的结果能为单轴旋转惯导系统的研究和开发提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

An analysis is made of the errors in the determination of the position of an emergency transmitter in a satellite-aided search and rescue system. The satellite is assumed to be at a height of 820 km in a near-circular near polar orbit. Short data spans of four minutes or less are used. The error sources considered are measurement noise, transmitter frequency drift, ionospheric effects, and error in the assumed height of the transmitter. The errors are calculated for several different transmitter positions, data rates, and data spans. The only transmitter frequency used was 406 MHz, but the result can be scaled to different frequencies.  相似文献   

高性能涡轮发动机润滑系统设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简述了润滑剂对发动机设计的影响。阐明了使用酯类润滑油的设计问题及润滑系统通用的设计要求。  相似文献   

为提高航空发动机压气机叶片的加工质量,对其铣削加工中的质量影响因素进行了分析,包括加工前工艺规划及几何造型等因素、加工过程中变形与稳定性等问题以及加工后的残余应力变形等。针对必然存在的加工误差,提出了一种概率统计方法,并在此基础上对于影响气动性能的叶型关键几何区域,建立了有关轮廓误差和叶型参数误差的统计分析方法。借助于气动性能试验,获得了稳定工况下关键参数的误差分布,从而为指导叶片的实际铣削加工提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

By the term "m-distributed optical signal" we mean a noise-like optical signal whose envelope (or intensity) fluctuation probability is modeled by Nakagami's "m-distribution." Using the m-distribution which has been widely used as an analytical model of the fading envelope in radio communications, it is shown that one can generally analyze the statistical properties such as the photoelectron count probabilities and error probabilities for the wider class of noise-like optical signals; some numerical results are also given.  相似文献   

对液浮陀螺仪的工作原理、数学模型及相关性能指标测试方法进行了简单介绍,针对目前的测试方法,对其中存在的测量误差进行了理论分析,建立了误差数学模型,为提高陀螺仪的测量精度提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

叶片加工误差对压气机叶栅气动性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
压气机叶片在加工过程中会造成加工成型的叶片与设计者的初衷有一定的偏差。为了获知偏差对叶片气动性能的影响,结合我国现有的叶片检测方法,采用单因素法数值研究了叶片扭转、轮廓度、前后缘半径、前后缘形状及弦长误差对叶片气动性能的影响规律。研究结果表明,不同位置、不同大小的误差对性能影响不一,其中叶型扭转、轮廓度及前缘(半径、形状)误差是影响性能的主要参数,而尾缘(半径、形状)误差对性能影响不明显。其中0.5°的扭转误差会恶化性能高达46.56%,0.1mm的轮廓误差最高恶化性能达20.40%。所获得的误差影响规律可以用于提供合理的加工技术要求及制定叶片质量评判标准。  相似文献   

Optimal Detection and Performance of Distributed Sensor Systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Global optimization of a distributed sensor detection system withfusion is considered, where the fusion rule and local detectors aresolved to obtain overall optimal performance. This yields coupledequations for the local detectors and the fusion center.The detection performance of the distributed system with fusionis developed. The globally optimal system performance is comparedwith two suboptimal systems. Receiver operating characteristics(ROCs) are computed numerically for the problem of detecting aknown signal embedded in non-Gaussian noise.  相似文献   

分析所需通信性能对飞机定位误差的影响,使得各个飞行阶段所需的业务通信系统中有明确的通信性能要求。据此可以有效地减轻管制员工作负荷。选取时间作为衡量误差的参数,研究在通信过程中各系统性能参数对飞机定位误差影响。最后通过对所需通信技术性能的分析,得到所需通信性能概念下的另一重要因素一人员绩效的反应时间。  相似文献   

加工误差对压气机叶片气动性能影响试验研究   总被引:7,自引:5,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
压气机叶片在加工过程中不可避免的会产生一定的加工误差。为了研究加工误差对压气机叶片气动性能的影响,设计并加工了4套平面叶栅用于模拟加工中常见的前缘及轮廓误差,并通过平面叶栅吹风试验获取误差影响规律。研究结果表明,前缘形状误差及正轮廓误差使得性能下降,前者使得叶型损失最高增加了23.4%而后者使得叶型损失最高增加了40.1%;此外负轮廓误差使得叶型性能有所提高,最高使得叶型损失降低16.6%。对应的影响规律可以用于提供合理的加工技术要求及制定合理的叶片检测标准。  相似文献   

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