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We consider the behavior of the proper atmosphere of space objects in interaction with a flow of incident particles and when the orientation of an object changes. An asymmetry in the behavior of a sorption film with respect to an incident flow of atmospheric particles and the flow’s angular characteristics is shown, as well as the film influence on operation of sensors of the spacecraft’s attitude control system. A recommendation concerning usage of heavy gases for technological operations onboard spacecraft is given.  相似文献   

The data of inclined sounding obtained on July 5, 1999 after explosion of the Proton carrier launcher in the upper atmosphere are discussed. A comparative analysis is performed of the detected disturbances with disturbances recorded during explosion of the Soyuz rocket in the middle atmosphere and with disturbances typical for the standard mode of the rocket flight.  相似文献   

A theoretical interpretation is given to the experimental data on the luminescence in the visible spectral region of the disturbed upper atmosphere in the conditions of injection of a high-velocity aluminum plasma jet (the “Fluxus” experiment). Mathematical models of optical effects are presented. It is demonstrated that the results of the calculations and the experimental data agree satisfactorily. The principal physical and chemical processes responsible for the observed luminescence are determined.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis of 327 sessions of radio occultation on satellite-to-satellite paths are presented. The data are taken in the nighttime polar ionosphere in the regions with latitudes of 67°–88°, and in the period of high solar activity from October 26, 2003 to November 9, 2003. Typical ionospheric changes in the amplitude and phase of decimeter radio waves on paths GPS satellites-CHAMP satellite are presented. It is demonstrated that these data make it possible to determine characteristics of the sporadic E s structures in the lower ionosphere at heights of 75–120 km. Histograms of distribution of the lower and upper boundaries, thickness, and intensity of the E s structures are presented. Dispersion and spectra of amplitude fluctuations of decimeter radio waves caused by small-scale irregularity of the ionospheric plasma are analyzed. The relation of the polar E s structures and intensity of small-scale plasma irregularity to various manifestations of solar activity is discussed. The efficiency of monitoring the ionospheric disturbances caused by shock waves of the solar wind by the radio occultation method on satellite-to-satellite paths is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A new and wider definition is given to multi-satellite systems with linear structure (SLS), and efficiency of their application to multiple continuous coverage of the Earth is substantiated. Owing to this widening, SLS have incorporated already well-recognized “polar systems” by L. Rider and W.S. Adams, “kinematically regular systems” by G.V. Mozhaev, and “delta-systems” by J.G. Walker, as well as “near-polar systems” by Yu.P. Ulybyshev, and some other satellite constellations unknown before. A universal method of SLS optimization is presented, valid for any values of coverage multiplicity and the number of satellites in a system. The method uses the criterion of minimum radius of a circle seen from a satellite on the surface of the globe. Among the best SLS found in this way there are both systems representing the well-known classes mentioned above and new orbit constellations of satellites.  相似文献   

We describe the results of determining the mass of the International Space Station using the data of MAMS accelerometer taken during correction of the station orbit on August 20, 2004. The correction was made by approach and attitude control engines (ACE) of the Progress transporting spacecraft. The engines were preliminary calibrated in an autonomous flight using the onboard device for measuring apparent velocity increment. The method of calibration is described and its results are presented. The error in station mass determination is about 1%. The same data of MAMS and similar data obtained during the orbit correction on August 26, 2004 were used for the analysis of high-frequency vibrations of the station mainframe caused by operation of the ACE of Progress. Natural frequencies of the ACE are determined. They lie in the frequency band 0.024–0.11 Hz. ACE operation is demonstrated to result in a substantial increase of microaccelerations onboard the station in the frequency range 0–1 Hz. The frequencies are indicated at which disturbances increase by more than an order of magnitude. The study described was carried out as a part of the Tensor technological experiment.  相似文献   

Injections of energetic electrons with a dispersion over energies were observed during the February 23, 2004 (at about 03:20 UT) substorm onboard the Cluster satellites in the vicinity of perigee near the midnight meridian. The delays in the particle observation caused by the energy dependence of the magnetic drift velocities made it possible to determine the position and time of the beginning of the drift, tracing the trajectories of the leading center of particles back in time in the magnetospheric model. The comparisons of the measurements of four satellites allowed us to determine the radial propagation of the injection front with a velocity of 100–150 km/s at a distance of 7–9 R E. The comparison with a few previous measurements shows a substantial slowing down of injections as they approached the Earth, and this confirms the prospects of this method for more detailed study of propagation of plasma injection into the inner magnetosphere.  相似文献   

The low-frequency component is investigated in the data of measurements performed onboard the Foton M-2 satellite with the three-component accelerometer TAS-3. Investigations consisted in comparison of this component with its calculated analog found from a reconstruction of the satellite’s attitude motion. The influence of the Earth’s magnetic field on the accelerometer readings is discovered by way of spectral analysis of the functions representing the results of determining the low-frequency microacceleration by two methods. After making correction for this influence, the results obtained by these two methods coincided within a root-mean-square error of less than 10?6 m/s2.  相似文献   

Investigations of the effect of geomagnetic activity factors on the cardiac rhythm regulation and arterial pressure of cosmonauts during the expeditions onboard the Soyuz spacecraft, and the MIR and ISS orbital space stations was carried out for various durations of flight in weightlessness and, under control. Groups of cosmonauts were inspected under flight conditions outside the geomagnetic disturbances and in ground preflight conditions, during disturbances without them. The presence of specific effect of geomagnetic disturbances on the system of vegetative regulation of blood circulation of cosmonauts during the flight was demonstrated for the first time. The response of cosmonauts’ cardiac rhythm on the magnetic storm is definitely revealed; however, it depends on the initial functional background and, in particular, on the state of mechanisms of vegetative regulation (the duration of flight and adaptation to it).  相似文献   

The results of simultaneous analysis of plasma and magnetic field characteristics measured on the INTERBALL/Tail Probe, WIND and Geotail satellites on March 2, 1996, are presented. During these observations the INTERBALL/Tail Probe crossed the low-latitude boundary layer, and the WIND and Geotail satellites measured the solar wind’s and magnetosheath’s parameters, respectively. The plasma and magnetic field characteristics in these regions have been compared. The data of the Corall, Electron, and MIF instruments on the INTERBALL/Tail Probe satellite are analyzed. Fluctuations of the magnetic field components and plasma velocity in the solar wind and magnetosheath, measured onboard the WIND and Geotail satellites, are compared. The causes resulting in appearance of plasma jet flows in the low-latitude boundary layer are analyzed. The amplitude of magnetic field fluctuations in the magnetosheath for a studied magnetosphere boundary crossing is shown to exceed the magnetic field value below the magnetopause near the cusp. The possibility of local violation of pressure balance on the magnetopause is discussed, as well as penetration of magnetosheath plasma into the magnetosphere, as a result of magnetic field and plasma flux fluctuations in the magnetosheath.  相似文献   

The relationship between proton aurora and geomagnetic pulsations Pc1, which are an indicator of development of ion-cyclotron instability in the equatorial magnetosphere, are studied on the basis of the observations of proton aurora from the IMAGE satellite, observations of particle fluxes onboard the low-orbiting NOAA satellites, and geomagnetic pulsation observations at the Lovozero observatory. A conclusion is drawn that the subauroral spots in the proton emission projected into the magnetosphere near the plasmapause are two-dimensional images at the ionospheric “screen” of the region of intense scattering of energetic protons into the loss cone at the development of an ion-cyclotron instability.  相似文献   

The problem of selecting quasi-synchronous orbits of a spacecraft around Phobos is considered. These quasi-synchronous orbits are far (with respect to the Hill’s sphere) quasi-satellite orbits with retrograde rotation in the restricted three body problem. The orbit should pass through a given point at a specified time instant. It should also possess a property of minimum distance from the Phobos surface at every passage above the region of planned landing. The equations of dynamics are represented in the form describing the orbit as a combination of motions in two drifting ellipses, inner and outer ellipses. The center of the outer ellipse is located on the inner ellipse. A formula is derived that relates averaged values of half-axes of the inner and outer ellipses. It is used for construction of the first approximation of numerically designed orbit, which makes it possible to simplify and speed up the computing process. The tables of initial conditions obtained as a result of calculations are presented.  相似文献   

Basic concepts and algorithms laid as foundations of the scheme of landing on the Martian moon Phobos (developed for the Phobos-Grunt project) are presented. The conditions ensuring the landing are discussed. Algorithms of onboard navigation and control are described. The equations of spacecraft motion with respect to Phobos are considered, as well as their use for correction of the spacecraft motion. The algorithm of estimation of the spacecraft’s state vector using measurements with a laser altimeter and Doppler meter of velocity and distance is presented. A system for modeling the landing with a firmware complex including a prototype of the onboard computer is described.  相似文献   

Based on the methods of the theory of optimum control of dynamic systems, as well as the methods of inverse problems of dynamics and the energy principle, a combined method is developed for control of the motion of a flying vehicle of the Aerospace plane type during the long flight in the atmosphere. The disturbed motion is considered under the conditions when there are constraints on the values of control actions and on functions of phase coordinates.  相似文献   

Poor quality of functioning of GPS during solar flares on December 6 and 13, 2006 is analyzed in this paper. These flares were accompanied by extremely high (unexampled) level of the solar radio emission flux. A comparison is made of these events with the solar flare on October 28, 2003. Statistically reliable experimental evidence is obtained that GPS positioning was partially paralyzed on the sunlit side of the Earth during the strongest bursts of solar radio emission. The obtained results give a serious ground to revise the role played by space weather factors in operation of modern satellite systems and to take these factors into account more carefully, when such systems are designed and exploited.  相似文献   

The problem of maintaining spacecraft attitude during the loss of information from attitude sensors and inertial sensors is considered. The problem is solved on the basis of the force gyro stabilization principle with producing an angular momentum in the plane of orbit. The redundant mode of attitude maintenance is developed for spacecraft of the Yamal series. The results of testing the mode during the in-flight tests of the Yamal-200 spacecraft are presented.  相似文献   

A brief review is given of contemporary approaches to solving the problem of medium-term forecast of the velocity of quasi-stationary solar wind (SW) and of the intensity of geomagnetic disturbances caused by it. At the present time, two promising models of calculating the velocity of quasi-stationary SW at the Earth’s orbit are realized. One model is the semi-empirical model of Wang-Sheeley-Arge (WSA) which allows one to calculate the dependence V(t) of SW velocity at the Earth’s orbit using measured values of the photospheric magnetic field. This model is based on calculation of the local divergence f S of magnetic field lines. The second model is semi-empirical model by Eselevich-Fainshtein-Rudenko (EFR). It is based on calculation in a potential approximation of the area of foot points on the solar surface of open magnetic tubes (sources of fast quasistationary SW). The new Bd-technology is used in these calculations, allowing one to calculate instantaneous distributions of the magnetic field above the entire visible surface of the Sun. Using predicted V(t) profiles, one can in EFR model calculate also the intensity of geomagnetic disturbances caused by quasi-stationary SW. This intensity is expressed through the K p index. In this paper the EFR model is discussed in detail. Some examples of epignosis and real forecast of V(t) and K p (t) are discussed. A comparison of the results of applying these two models for the SW velocity forecasting is presented.  相似文献   

Diurnal variation of cosmic ray intensity for the period of 1989 to 2000 at Kiel, Haleakakla, Rome, Hermanus, Calgary, and Goose Bay neutron monitors has been studied. Frequency histograms are generated for each year by using the daily values of amplitudes and phases. In the present analysis we have derived the yearly mean amplitude and phase of the diurnal variation of cosmic ray intensity. It has been concluded from the analysis that the diurnal amplitude is mostly concentrated in between the amplitude values of 0.1% and 0.4%, whereas the phase of diurnal anisotropy is concentrated in the belt of 100 to 225 degrees. As such, the various characteristics of long-term diurnal variation of cosmic ray intensity for the maxima of solar activity cycle 22 to the next maxima of solar activity cycle 23 have been studied. The minimum amplitudes are apparent for the minimum solar activity periods starting from 1995 and up to 1997 at Kiel, Haleakakla, Rome, Hermanus, Calgary and Goose Bay stations. The diurnal amplitude has been found to have almost recovered to its values observed during 1989 to 1990. It is also seen that the diurnal amplitudes are much larger by a factor of two at high/middle latitude stations as compared to that for low latitude stations, where the amplitudes are even ~01% or less during 1996. The phase is significantly earlier during 1996 and 1997 with some significant change starting in 1995. As such, competitive is a continuous decreasing trend in the diurnal phase with smaller change at high/middle latitude and significantly much larger change at low latitudes.  相似文献   

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