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随着国内外企业社会责任实践的不断推进和深化,行业性社会责任备受关注,企业必须兼顾一般社会责任和行业特色责任。电梯等特种设备行业作为我国重要的制造产业,其社会责任的履行事关企业持续发展与社会和谐稳定。通过对电梯企业社会责任建设情况的评估,提出了未来电梯企业社会责任建设的思路。  相似文献   

It is argued that educators possess the potential for having the greatest impact on developing a knowledge worker's professional identity and that because of this they must also bear the greatest responsibility for this development. They can impact the students directly by presenting seminars with professionally related content, by incorporating such topics into their classroom lectures, and by serving as appropriate role models. Educators can also assist, indirectly, by supporting an encouraging membership and active participation in the local IEEE Student Branch  相似文献   

论现代企业的社会责任   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
企业是构成现代社会经济的细胞,在企业发展过程中,它既为社会提供有用的产品和服务,同时也会产生废弃物及各种污染物,对社会发展构成极大的威胁。企业的发展必须重视这些负面影响,树立社会责任感,才能保持旺盛的生命力。  相似文献   

由于我国土地、资本以及劳动力要素价格本身较低,而企业承担的社会责任也较少,导致生产成本低廉,这是中国出口商品价格低廉的首要因素。同时,国内市场上产能过剩、进入壁垒较低等因素导致产业竞争加剧,企业被动寻求外销渠道。中国企业在研发能力、品牌以及国际化经营能力等核心竞争力方面的弱势,使得产品处在全球价值链末端,附加值较低,面对国际市场上同质产品的激烈竞争只能采用低价竞争策略。低价出口造成中国贸易条件的不断恶化及贫困化增长的不正常现象,因此,今后中国应加快经济增长方式的转变,实现对外贸易的持续发展。  相似文献   

A key feature of the NASA discovery programs is the strategy of allowing a single scientist with a "good idea" to form his/her own team of scientists and engineers to generate a concept which is credible and attractive to a complete body of independent peers. The principle investigator (PI) must accept responsibility for all aspects of the mission. A wide variety of mission types have been found to fit the discovery mold, including fly-bys, orbiters, landers and even sample return missions. To enhance this fit, it has been necessary for scientists and engineers to work closely in: evaluating spacecraft risks, setting data throughput requirements and methods of their amelioration, focusing on key objectives, and deriving strict instrument and experiment requirements from overall goals and engineering realities. Discovery is loaded with challenges, but likewise, represents the most promising opportunities for affordable, frequent scientific advances in planetary exploration.  相似文献   

There can be no doubt that engineers and scientists have a vital role to play in the developmental processes by which the na tions of the Third World will bring greater health, safety, pro sperity and self-reliance to their peoples, but the role that the professionalengineering and scientific societies must play re mains undefined. In this paper the roles these societies perform for themselves and their members are defined, how they have been and are becoming effective in the international sphere at large is examined, and how they are and can become effective in that most difficult area of international relations, the mutual support of the developed and the developing nations is described. Only the particular set of professional societies whose members practice engineering, the applications of natural science, and social science are discussed. These three groups are involved with the special needs of the developing countries only on a limited scale. They have a much larger role to play than they presently undertake, a heavier responsibility, in fact, than many of them understand is demanded of them.  相似文献   

China,whose management system is left behind its fast developing higher education,must strengthen macro-management and adjustment through the legislation in this aspect.Moreover,local governments' management responsibility should be enhanced,and the management structure of institutions of higher learning should be optimized for better teaching benefits.  相似文献   

企业和谐劳动关系构建的博弈——基于社会责任的视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于目前社会责任运动的发展以及我国构建和谐劳动关系的需要,文章运用博弈论的分析框架分析了我国企业劳动关系的现状,揭示了在政府与企业的博弈中政府处于主导地位,而在企业与员工的博弈中企业处于主导地位。基于社会责任的视角,提出了政府、企业、劳动者三方通过合作来达到“共赢共生”的主张,这不仅要求政府在对企业不履行社会责任时加大对企业的处罚力度,还需要企业主动承担对劳动者的责任并加大对劳动者的激励,从而充分调动他们的积极性,更需要劳动者本身提高维权意识,不断提升自身素质。  相似文献   

The building of great steam power plants with utmost consideration for public safety has created today's American miracle of abundant electricity. Behind this great achievement stand the mechanical engineers who have designed and built these power plants under their ethical responsibilities for public safety, in full compliance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler Code and under the strict disciplines imposed by a specialist insurance company willing to write 100 percent insurance coverage against boiler explosions. The historical origin of this great achievement dates back to the days of the Civil War and a small group of men with exceptional vision and a profound concern for public safety. They saw the opportunity to apply their talents and sense of responsibility to solving the problem of steam boiler explosions and the terrible losses of human lives. These early leaders have earned the esteem and honor of our present and future generations, but who remembers them? Today, in the scientific revolution of this century, there is a critical need for similar new leaders of exceptional integrity, responsibility, and initiative, both in engineering and in industry.  相似文献   

在工业化进程中,农民工的权益保护正成为日益突出的社会问题。企业作为社会经济活动的主体,它们在追求自身经济利益的同时,必须承担起对社会尤其是对农民工的法律义务和道德责任。因此,加强企业伦理建设,自觉用企业伦理来规范企业行为,用人道、诚信、公平、关爱的态度来对待农民工,切实解决农民工面临的种种问题,建立和谐的劳动关系,是当今我国各类企业尤其是私营企业的紧迫任务,也是今后相当长的一段时间里必须解决的道德课题。  相似文献   

构建和谐劳资关系必须坚持以科学发展观所倡导的“以人为本、可持续发展和统筹兼顾”作为指导思想,需要资本所有者与经营者、劳动者、政府三方的共同努力。资本所有者与经营者要充分意识到劳动和劳动力持续供给的重要性,在追求自身全面发展的同时,充分重视劳动者的各项权益,使劳动者不仅忠于职守而且在感情上与企业融为一体,通过劳资双方的合作共同为社会创造更多的物质财富。劳动者在维护企业发展大局的同时,要通过参加培训等各种方式不断提高自身的素质和在谈判中的竞争能力,并借助工会组织的力量,通过集体谈判等方式积极主动地维护自身的权益。国家要坚持统筹兼顾的原则,既不能为了维护劳动者的权益而消灭资本,也不能为了鼓励资本的发展而漠视劳动者的权益,而是通过制度建设、通过德治与法治的治国方略等来维护劳资双方的权益,化解劳资双方的矛盾和冲突。  相似文献   

通过介绍NASA针对航天飞机、国际空间站等航天器上有效载荷安全性认证方面的组织机构及其职责、需开展认证的有效栽荷及其分类、典型有效载荷的安全性技术要求、有效载荷安全性认证工作流程等方面的内容,提出我国空间站工程在有效载荷安全性认证方面开展相关工作的启示和建议,为后续空间站载荷开展上站认证、确保载荷在轨安全及空间站平台安全提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解环火星探测器的运动规律,就要构造环火星探测器的轨道分析解,这会涉及2个火星自然卫星的分析历表,因而需要首先构造它们的轨道分析解。由于火星与地球类似,参照建立人造地球卫星轨道摄动解的方法,构造火星自然卫星轨道的摄动分析解,分离出短周期项,即可给出所需要的历表计算公式。将其与JPL网站上提供的历表进行比对,结果表明,所采用的数学模型以及构造轨道摄动解的方法均有效,能够达到期望的精度。  相似文献   

人力资源管理视角下的员工责任   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
知识经济时代,知识型员工是企业的核心资源。知识型员工正在成为员工主体,主动参与人力资源管理过程是他们诉求自我发展的一种方式。同时,由于人力资源管理职能向战略管理职能的转变,员工被视为企业的利益相关者和合作伙伴,客观上也要求员工承担起人力资源管理的责任。员工在人力资源管理过程中要承担的责任主要是合作、自我管理、适应变革、学习与发展、沟通与反馈。员工责任行使的效果受组织权力结构、信息和个人素质能力等因素的影响,只有建立支持型的组织机构、通畅的信息传递和反馈机制以及制定提高员工能力的培训和发展计划,才能有效保证员工责任的行使。  相似文献   

企业社会责任:一种新的企业观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业社会责任的实质是对企业在现代社会中的角色进行定位。它成为一种新企业观的原因、背景、理论依据等只能从企业与社会相互作用的关系中寻找。笔者对企业社会责任的概念、内容以及作为新的企业观形成的历史背景和理论依据及企业承担社会责任的界限等进行了探讨。  相似文献   

My message is my title: Because the Human Brain Does Not Change, Technology Must. That is, technology must change, must improve, to accommodate billions more people and to lift the standard of living. Engineers, receiving feedback from the market and regulated wisely in the public interest, do much of the improving. Thus, the chance for improving Earth's environment hinges on engineers, and therefore their social context and technical vision. First, I will explain what I mean by the unchanging human brain. Then I will exemplify technical change in energy and agriculture in the cardinal directions it must go  相似文献   

当前任期经济责任审计已成为审计部门的一项重要职责,如何开展院校任期经济责任审计,是摆在我们内审工作面前的重大课题。本从经济责任审计的重要性入手,对搞好经济责任审计的途径与方法作了探讨。  相似文献   

安全是民航飞行永恒的主题。作为安全最直接的保障者和消灭事故的最后防线是飞行员,他们肩负着巨大的压力。保证安全不只是某个飞行员的责任,而是整个机组的责任。只有在科学高效的机组配合条件下,才能充分发挥整个机组的潜力,最大限度地保障飞行安全。飞行员一直是男性占主体,随着民航、军航女性飞行员的加入和成长,飞行机组的配合方式有所改变,这里主要探讨飞机飞行过程中女性飞行员加入以后机组配合的特点,及如何在实际中提高异性机组配合能力。  相似文献   

债权人在公司治理中的作用及其作用机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用融资结构理论和利益相关者理论分析了债权人在公司治理中的作用及其作用机制.从融资结构理论方面来说,债权人能起到降低股东与经营管理者之间的代理成本的作用;从利益相关者理论方面来说,债权人特别是当其对公司的融资额足够大时,它就有足够的介入公司治理的优势和动力.债权人之所以能在公司治理中发挥作用,是因为债权融资也会产生代理成本,债权人为保护自身利益,必须采取措施尽可能地减少代理成本,从而形成一套作用于公司治理的机制.  相似文献   

In July 1970 the United States Department of Justice accused the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) of violating the Sherman Antitrust Act and of acting in restraint of trade by restricting the ASME Certificate of Authorization and the use of the Code Symbol Stamps to boilers and pressure vessels manufactured in the United States and Canada. During the succeeding two years attorneys for the parties in the case formulated a Consent Decree without a public confrontation in the Court. Furthermore, the membership of ASME was kept uninformed until October of 1972, after the Consent and Final Judgment had become effective and new procedures had been developed for allowing foreign manufacturers to apply the ASME Code Symbol Stamps to their products. As a consequence, a breakdown in engineered safety standards has been sanctioned and this is undermining the engineering profession's overriding responsibility to protect the public health and safety. This breakdown of professional responsibility is especially serious in the new technology of atomic power. American insurance companies, which have traditionally written 100% insurance coverage for property damage and third party liability against explosions of high pressure steam boilers bearing the ASME Code Stamp, have refused to write such insurance coverage on nuclear reactors. In the author's opinion there is evidence that the Consent was formulated under collusive proceedings and he calls on the members and the Council of ASME to appeal for dismissal of the Consent Decree.  相似文献   

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