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The Boeing Company has several research and development efforts focused on improving interoperability of the test station with other external systems as well as the interoperability within the test station itself. This includes integrating UUT data, test set-up, test execution, test results, repair and replace actions with other systems to provide a "closed-loop" system. One example of the "closed-loop" system is a non-intrusive tool referred to as Smart TPS (Test Program Set). Smart TPS will provide informational services to the user that reduce diagnostic test times and provide an ordered list of replacement actions based on historical data. Where possible, data are exchanged via the automatic test markup language (ATML).  相似文献   

Continual improvement of avionic built-in test (BIT) is critical to mission readiness and capability. This paper discusses how test program set (TPS) and relational database (RDB) technologies can be used for this purpose. Important aspects for continually improving avionic BIT and TPS operation are discussed  相似文献   

While superior-quality functional board test has been a goal for most high reliability electronics manufacturers, the time and effort for generating such test programs using today's tools and processes makes this difficult to achieve in a cost effective manner. This paper will introduce a revolutionary approach to functional board test program development that combines the comprehensiveness of software-based simulation with the speed and simplicity of hardware emulation. The result is a functional Test Program Set development system that can produce high fault coverage, diagnostic test programs in a fraction of the time it takes using traditional techniques, and at a lower unit cost. In this paper we will first provide a brief background on the strengths and weaknesses of current software and hardware TPS development techniques-simulation hot mock-up. Next, the new approach is described in detail and contrasted against the existing techniques. Finally, actual experience to date using a prototyped system is presented  相似文献   

This paper describes the current effort to develop a standardized data set, or suite of digital video sequences, that can be used for test and evaluation of digital video motion detectors (VMDs) for exterior applications. We have drawn from an extensive video database of typical application scenarios to assemble a comprehensive data set. These data, some existing for many years on analog videotape, have been converted to a reproducible digital format and edited to generate test sequences several minutes long for many scenarios. Sequences include non-alarm video, intrusions and nuisance alarm sources, taken with a variety of imaging sensors including monochrome CCD cameras and infrared (thermal) imaging cameras, under a variety of daytime and nighttime conditions. The paper presents an analysis of the variables and estimates the complexity of a thorough data set. Some of this video data test has been digitized for CD-ROM storage and playback. We are considering developing a DVD disk for possible use in screening and testing VMDs prior to government testing and deployment. In addition, this digital video data may be used by VMD developers for further refinement or customization of their product to meet specific requirements. These application scenarios may also be used to define the testing parameters for future procurement qualification. A personal computer may be used to play back either the CD-ROM or the DVD video data. A consumer electronics-style DVD player may be used to replay the DVD disk. This paper also discusses various aspects of digital video storage including formats, resolution, CD-ROM and DVD storage capacity, formats, editing and playback  相似文献   

Under contract of different German Ministries a test program investigating the combinations of GPS, GLONASS, and Inertial Navigation has been carried out since 1991. Besides other goals, the aim of the project is to investigate the capabilities of GLONASS in comparison to GPS, to realize a combined GLONASS/INS solution and to perform joint processing of GPS and GLONASS raw data. The paper describes the test procedures and presents some of the results. This includes the comparison of DGPS with stand-alone GLONASS and GLONASS/INS under different dynamic situations, e.g., driving tests, flight tests, and also the presentation of results of combined GPS/GLONASS data processing, which was successfully achieved in March '93 for the first time. The results show the potential of the non-SA-degraded GLONASS and the advantage of using both, GPS and GLONASS for combined solutions  相似文献   

This paper studies a nonlinear robust control algorithm of the electro-hydraulic load simulator (EHLS). The tracking performance of the EHLS is mainly limited by the actuator's motion disturbance, flow nonlinearity, and friction, etc. The developed controller is developed based on the nonlinear motion loading model. The problems of the actuator's disturbance and flow nonlinearity are considered. To address the friction problem, the friction model of the loading motor is identified experimentally. The friction disturbance is compensated using the obtained friction model. Therefore, this paper considers the main three factors comprehensively. The developed algorithm is easy to apply since the controller can be obtained just with one step back-stepping design. The stability of the developed algorithm is proven via Lyapunov analysis. Both co-simulation and experiments are performed to verify the effectiveness of this method.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new approach in the development of avionics at AEROSPATIALE. The approach is based on a selective use of specification languages. Its aim is to compose partial avionics specifications in a unified format which is used for later concurrent hardware/software design steps. A demonstrator of the approach is currently in progress. It deals with the re-design of an avionics on-board system that belongs to the family of AIRBUS A340. The multi-languages specification is achieved through three graphical specification languages: Harel's StateCharts, SDL and SAO. The status of work and future perspectives are outlined  相似文献   

Network management is one of the most discussed topics in the networking fraternity. The efficiency of the network management suit is measured by the number of parameters/components handled by the application while making decisions. In the case of internet-enabled aircrafts, along with network security, even aircraft safety needs to be considered as a factor while designing the Network Management suit. This requires the Network Management suit to monitor/analyze the aircraft-related data (avionics data, physical security parameters, etc.) while determining the proper functioning of the overall system. Herein, these authors present a framework for Network Management suit that, along with network health, monitors inputs from avionics, video surveillance system, weather monitoring system, and manual pilot alarms, and based on the situation, reconfigures the on-board networking devices to stream appropriate flight-critical data to the ground station. The proposed framework attempts to provide a comprehensive user interface for the flight health monitoring crew with all relevant data.  相似文献   

The increasing need for a continuous communications link with U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) spacecraft during test missions in low Earth orbit (LEG) has resulted in greater interest in geosynchronous data relay services. This may be a more economical alternative to building additional remote tracking stations for the Air Force Satellite Control Network (AFSCN), and avoids tying up operational assets for a test mission. A low-cost near-term approach for such a space-based data relay system would utilize two existing Defense Satellite Communication System III spacecraft, two existing ground terminals, and a small, standardized terminal using autonomous antenna pointing for the space vehicle under test. Such a system design is presented  相似文献   

王悦斌  蒋景飞  张建秋 《航空学报》2019,40(6):322600-322600
动态出现和消失多分量信号的时频分析问题一直是非平稳信号处理的难点之一。为此,提出了一种分析、探测和跟踪多分量信号的随机有限集法。该算法利用时频变换,如短时傅里叶变换或自适应谱估计法,以及多项式预测模型,将多分量信号的时频分析问题归纳成可利用随机有限集进行多目标追踪的问题。分析表明:借助于提出的初始权重赋值算法,以及谱分量幅度和频率的联合似然函数,就可利用高斯混合概率假设密度滤波器来实现对动态时频谱的分析、探测和跟踪。在仿真实验中,所提算法有效提升了动态时频谱的跟踪精度,其对微弱时频谱分量的探测能力,以及对载频差异的分析能力均优于文献报道的算法。  相似文献   

ASAP (Analysis System for Astrophysical Plasmas), developed at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Palermo, is a package of procedures based on IDL. It is aimed at the detailed presentation of theoretical models of astrophysical plasmas and the accurate comparison with observational data, up to fittings of specific observations. It is also useful for the prediction of specific observations, and for the simulation of the expected performances of forthcoming instruments, for instance those on board SOHO.  相似文献   

为了从现有的CRM系统中发现潜在的车辆保险客户,提出了一种基于粗糙集理论的数据挖掘方法.利用粗糙集在知识系统中特有的分类特性,经对数据的预处理,较好地解决了样本数据中存在的属性不均衡及反向样本给数据挖掘带来的负面影响.以著名的The Insurance Company Benchmark(COIL 2000)作为测试数据集,经编程构建了数据挖掘模型,对客户社会背景和保单数据进行了综合挖掘测试.结果表明利用粗糙集理论对知识的分类能力,可以挖掘出数据集中潜在的对车辆保险感兴趣的客户,并给出样本分类的包含度.  相似文献   

提供了一种工程设计中常见的弹性体间接触问题的线性规划解法。该解法将弹性接触问题转化为线性规划法的标准形式,用带有接触条件的规范化单纯形法直接求解出接触力、间距、刚体位移量等全部接触参数,避免了因几何非线性引起的迭代,为解决该类问题提供了一种简捷有效的分析方法。  相似文献   

The detection of a target in correlated clutter, thermal noise, and extraneous interference is considered. The amplitude, phase and Doppler frequency of the signal are not known a priori. A general criterion is presented which measures the performance of a suboptimal test relative to an optimal test. The criterion is encompassed into a design procedure used to design Doppler filters. The procedure allows many design considerations to be taken into account, and results in a design which attempts to minimize the number of filters required. For low dimensionality the procedure results in single filter designs; for higher dimensionality multiple filters are designed. The performances of these systems are compared with the results obtained by Emerson (1978) and Andrews (1974). It is found that the procedure yields good filter designs under general conditions and may reduce the number of filters required compared with classical designs  相似文献   

Presented here is the development of a time stepping coupled finite-element state-space (CFE-SS) modeling environment, totally within the natural time domain ABC flux-linkage frame of reference, to predict the steady-state machine parameters and performance characteristics, including laminated iron core losses, of salient-pole synchronous machines. The time stepping CFE-SS model allows one to rigorously account for the full synergistic impact of space harmonics and time harmonics on the machine parameters and performance characteristics  相似文献   

The primary contribution of this paper is the introduction of a new preprocessing method to eliminate unlikely observation-to-track pairs with medium size target-measurement spacings before filter gating is carried out. The proposed method follows a track-oriented approach, with the different track hypotheses being contained in target trees. A mean track is computed for each target tree to capture as much variability as possible from the track hypotheses which are in the tree. Each newly received measurement is first gated with the mean track; only if the outcome of the test is positive, the measurement is gated with all the track hypotheses in the tree. The experimental results support the theoretical claims in the paper and show that a significant reduction in the number of observation-to-tracking pairing tests is achieved.  相似文献   

A unified approach to the design of decentralized detection networks with arbitrary topologies is proposed and analyzed. In this approach, a decentralized detection system of arbitrary topology is represented by a communication matrix that specifies the interconnection structure of the detection network. This matrix is used to derive the general decision rule using the person-by-person-optimal (PBPO) solution methodology. It is shown that the PBPO decision rule is a likelihood ratio test for statistically independent observations. The threshold of the test is shown to be a function of the decision input vector of the detector under consideration. This unified approach is used to obtain the PBPO decision rules of decentralized detection systems with various topologies. Various results in the literature are verified. In addition, the PBPO decision rules for a decentralized detection system with peer communication are presented. Numerical examples are presented for illustration  相似文献   

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