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二氧化碳(CO2)是大气中最典型的温室气体,大气中CO2浓度持续增加是全球气温升高的主要原因。温度升高导致自然环境恶劣,各类自然灾害频发,极端天气数量增加,对人类生活环境造成巨大的影响,因此推动绿色低碳发展势在必行。准确监测CO2的排放,了解CO2源和汇的分布,是遏制大气CO2浓度升高、减缓全球变暖的前提条件。因此,准确获取全球范围内高精度时空分辨率的CO2观测数据十分必要。卫星遥感可以有效观测CO2的全球分布,获取大范围高精度数据。本文旨在对目前用于大气CO2探测的卫星载荷发展状况进行综述,包括基于被动遥感CO2的卫星现状和数据产品、基于主动遥感CO2的卫星的研制情况和目前的主要工作进展。  相似文献   

文键  李超龙  王悠悠  赵欣  王斯民  厉彦忠 《宇航学报》2021,42(10):1335-1342
针对传统气动弹射介质空气做功能力不足的问题,提出采用CO_2作为新型气动弹射介质。基于质量守恒和能量守恒定律建立了以CO_2为弹射介质的弹射热力模型,并使用该模型对比分析了CO_2和空气作为弹射介质对于弹射性能的影响。得到了弹射过程中高低压室内介质状态以及飞行器运动参数的动态变化过程。与空气相比,CO_2具有更大的做功能力。相同的热力状态下弹射相同质量的飞行器,使用CO_2可获得更大的出筒速度。CO_2作为弹射工质对于大质量的飞行器优势明显,在不减小出筒速度的情况下,使用CO_2可使负载质量提升50%以上,验证了CO_2作为弹射工质的可行性。  相似文献   

何志桥  裘建平  宋爽  陈建孟 《宇航学报》2007,28(6):1774-1778
为有效转化航天器座舱内宇航员产生的CO2为燃料CO,研究了KOH/甲醇电解液中Pb-Ag合金电极上CO2电化学还原的循环伏安及电解行为。在常温且压力为0.7MPa时,生成CO的最大法拉第效率为47.3%,而常压且温度为263K时的CO最大生成法拉第效率为24.6%,此外,表观反应动力学可被很好地拟合为j0=0.125PC0 O.2299T-2155.6exp(-2000/T)。该电化学还原过程为长期载人航天飞行时减少舱内CO2提供了一项潜在的应用技术。  相似文献   

In the driest parts of the Atacama Desert there are no visible life forms on soil or rock surfaces. The soil in this region contains only minute traces of bacteria distributed in patches, and conditions are too dry for cyanobacteria that live under translucent stones. Here we show that halite evaporite rocks from the driest part of the Atacama Desert are colonized by cyanobacteria. This colonization takes place just a few millimeters beneath the rock surface, occupying spaces among salt crystals. Our work reveals that these communities are composed of extremely resistant Chroococcidiopsis morphospecies of cyanobacteria and associated heterotrophic bacteria. This newly discovered endolithic environment is an extremely dry and, at the same time, saline microbial habitat. Photosynthetic microorganisms within dry evaporite rocks could be an important and previously unrecognized target for the search for life within our Solar System.  相似文献   

从粉末火箭发动机工作性能、影响因素等方面出发,对其性能进行了理论计算。通过分析发现,粉末发动机较传统推进系统的有效比冲高;通过对Mg粉和CO2燃烧性能的计算研究,得到了其受压强、初温、氧燃比等参数的影响规律,为进一步研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

利用自行设计的氙灯点火燃烧试验装置,采用高分辨率高速成像系统,开展了单个镁颗粒在CO2气体氛围中的点火燃烧试验研究,直接观察到了镁颗粒点火燃烧过程中颗粒和火焰形态。试验结果表明,镁颗粒在CO2中的点火燃烧经历了颗粒熔化、表面化学反应、氧化层破裂、镁蒸气喷射、气相燃烧等物理化学过程,颗粒燃烧过程伴有脉动燃烧现象;环境压强对颗粒表面氧化层疏松度有一定影响,进而会影响到颗粒的点火温度,压强越大,颗粒点火温度越高;燃烧产物是中空的多孔球壳状物质,且外层为白色氧化镁,内层为黑色碳。  相似文献   

通过工艺试验证实,药芯焊丝CO2气体保护焊焊接工艺性能好、易操作、飞溅小、焊缝成型光滑美观;熔敷效率高,一般可达75%~85%;焊接接头的力学性能、晶间腐蚀性能及低温冲击性能均较理想;生产率是焊条电弧焊的3~4倍。  相似文献   

Mg粉/CO2点火燃烧性能实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用自行设计的点火实验装置对Mg粉/CO2的点火燃烧性能开展了实验研究.通过记录的实验现象验证了Mg 粉/CO2组合作为推进剂的可行性的同时,由测量到的不同粒径的Mg粉在CO2中的点火温度,对点火燃烧性能作出详细的分析和评估,得到了中等粒径的Mg粒子在CO2中的点火温度约为960 K,且随着粒径的增大,点火温度会逐渐升...  相似文献   

Lithified coniform structures are common within cyanobacterial mats in Yellowstone National Park hot springs. It is unknown whether these structures and the mats from which they develop are inhabited by the same cyanobacterial populations. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of 16S rDNA was used to determine whether (1) three different morphological types of lithified coniform structures are inhabited by different cyanobacterial species, (2) these species are partitioned along a vertical gradient of these structures, and (3) lithified and non-lithified sections of mat are inhabited by different cyanobacterial species. Our results, based on multiple samplings, indicate that the cyanobacterial community compositions in the three lithified morphological types were identical and lacked any vertical differentiation. However, lithified and non-lithified portions of the same mat were inhabited by distinct and different populations of cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria inhabiting lithified structures included at least one undefined Oscillatorialean taxon, which may represent the dominant cyanobacteria genus in lithified coniform stromatolites, Phormidium, three Synechococcus-like species, and two unknown cyanobacterial taxa. In contrast, the surrounding mats contained four closely related Synechococcus-like species. Our results indicate that the distribution of lithified coniform stromatolites may be dependent on the presence of one or more microorganisms, which are phylogenetically different from those inhabiting surrounding non-lithified mats.  相似文献   

The buildup of CO2 by fossil-fuel burning and associated climatic changes have become the subject of intensive investigations. Although the time scale on which significant climatic changes (e.g. mean temperature changes of several degrees, appreciable changes in global and regional rainfalls and winds, etc.) are expected to occur is long, it has been noted that the magnitude of the energy system is so vast that modifications in the primary resource mix should preferably be initiated within a decade or sooner. The notion that the most economical energy source will be replaced globally in response to longterm climate model predictions is probably false. Before policy matters of this type can be discussed reasonably, careful assessments must be made of alternative global measures that do not require curtailments of fossil-fuel applications. This study on active measures for reducing climate changes caused by escalating CO2 concentrations deals with potentially important areas of research. We find: (a) reductions in the solar input to the Earth by reflecting sunlight directly are prohibitively costly; (b) desired changes in Earth albedo through judicious introduction of small particles can probably be accomplished at acceptable cost through the use of modified combustors on high-flying aircraft.  相似文献   

为了测试高能CO2激光光强分布,提出利用半导体制冷片作为靶屏,用热像仪测量屏表面温度,通过热像仪的图像回推屏上光强分布.从理论上分析了工作中的制冷片在CO2高能连续激光辐照下热面温度的时空分布,给出回推光强的重构算法.  相似文献   

对三类抽奖活动本文利用排列组合与数理统计等知识,进行了分析、揭露,以此告诫人们不要上当受骗。  相似文献   

根据液体火箭推进剂腐蚀性强、毒性大等特点,提出了液体火箭推进剂运输过程中应注意的事项,以各类常见事故的处理和人员中毒的防护与急救措施,以最大程度地保障液体火箭推进剂的运输安全。  相似文献   

对三类抽奖活动本文利用排列组合与数理统计等知识,进行了分析、揭露,以此告诫人们不要上当受骗.  相似文献   

Atmospheric gaseous constituents play an important role in determining the surface temperatures and habitability of a planet. Using a global climate model and a parameterization of the carbonate-silicate cycle, we explored the effect of the location of the substellar point on the atmospheric CO(2) concentration and temperatures of a tidally locked terrestrial planet, using the present Earth continental distribution as an example. We found that the substellar point's location relative to the continents is an important factor in determining weathering and the equilibrium atmospheric CO(2) level. Placing the substellar point over the Atlantic Ocean results in an atmospheric CO(2) concentration of 7 ppmv and a global mean surface air temperature of 247 K, making ~30% of the planet's surface habitable, whereas placing it over the Pacific Ocean results in a CO(2) concentration of 60,311 ppmv and a global temperature of 282 K, making ~55% of the surface habitable.  相似文献   

火星原位资源利用指利用火星当地资源生产火星探测所需原料和能源,减少任务载荷,降低发射成本,是火星探测不可或缺的关键技术。金属和二氧化碳是火星重要的原位资源,部分金属可以在二氧化碳气氛中燃烧,使得金属/CO_2燃烧体系在火星上扮演地球上化石燃料/空气燃烧体系的角色成为可能。从拓展金属/CO_2燃烧技术在火星探测中应用的角度出发,梳理了火星二氧化碳收集方式、火星矿物分布和冶炼、金属/CO_2燃烧技术的主要应用方式(Mg/CO_2火箭发动机和Mg/CO_2金属燃烧器)的研究进展,并对今后的研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

对海洋下垫面的大气CO2卫星载荷观测模式进行了研究。分析了海洋耀斑观测原理以及耀斑分布区域与方位,建立了在轨耀斑点计算模型并给出耀斑点寻找方式。STK软件模拟了在轨耀斑参数获取及扫描镜寻找耀斑控制流程。  相似文献   

A method for determination of the vibrational distributions and populations of individual vibrational levels of vibrationally-nonequilibrated carbon dioxide in bend-stretch manifold and asymmetric stretching mode was developed and substantiated. The method is based on the measurements of integrated radiation intensity in the wide spectral intervals of the 15 μm CO2 band and total emissivities of its appropriate Q-branches. Computations of radiation intensities and emissivities in P and R-branches were performed by using vibrational-rotational band models and in Q-branches by the direct “line-by-line” integration.It was shown that vibrational temperature of CO2 asymmetric stretching mode may be determined from the measurements of integrated radiation intensity of the 15 μm band. The populations of individual levels of the bend-stretch manifold may be obtained from the measurements of total emissivities of some Q-branches of the 15 μm band.The procedure of the CO2 lower vibrational levels populations determination under the conditions typical of 18 μm and 9–11 μm CO2 laser cavities is described.  相似文献   

何勤 《空中交通管理》2007,(10):24-25,31
随着成都空域逐步对外开放,越来越多的国外航班飞越、起降成都机场,航空管制用语将逐步向英语过渡,这样我们使用管制英语的机会将越来越多。所以,运用好管制英语是我们管制工作好坏的基本  相似文献   

翻译是大学英语教学的重要部分,英译汉是高等学校英语应用能力B级考试的考核内容之一,可是由于学生翻译能力较差,丢分严重.论文结合教学实践,针对学生考试中的常见翻译错误进行具体分析,并简要提出了相应的教学策略,以提高学生的英汉翻译能力和B级考试成绩.  相似文献   

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