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It is common to use imaging instruments such as EUV and X-ray imagers and coronagraphs to study large-scale phenomena such as coronal mass ejections and coronal waves. Although high resolution spectroscopy is generally limited to a small field of view, its importance in understanding global phenomena should not be under-estimated. I will review current spectroscopic observations of large-scale dynamic phenomena such as global coronal waves and coronal mass ejections. The aim is to determine plasma parameters such as flows, temperatures and densities to obtain a physical understanding of these phenomena.  相似文献   

X-ray observations show that at a time consistent with a coronal mass ejection onset there is a small, soft X-ray burst (precursor). Generally this is followed some 20–30m later by a more significant flare. At the onset time there is frequently simultaneous activity from widely separated points on the Sun (>105km). We present a model which accounts for the relationship between the coronal mass ejection and the precursor using 102–103 keV protons as the energy transfer agent. The protons (1) heat the high coronal loop. Inferred from the simultaneous activity, destabilizing the pressure balance to produce the ejection and (2) are guided by the magnetic field to below the transition region where they heat the chromospheric plasma to produce the precursor X-rays. High correlation between these events and a subsequent flare suggests that there may be a feedback mechanism operating from the coronal mass ejection.  相似文献   

The interplanetary manifestations of coronal mass ejections, ICMEs, have many signatures in the solar wind but none of these signatures in the velocity, density, temperature, magnetic field, plasma composition or energetic particles uniquely and unambiguously identifies the occurrence of an ICME. Different investigators identify different events when confronted with the same data. Herein, we present a single physical parameter that combines information from multiple plasma components and that holds the promise of defining a beginning and an end of the region of influence ICME and an indication of the location of the encounter with the ICME relative to its central meridian. This parameter is the total plasma pressure perpendicular to the magnetic field, consisting of the sum of the magnetic pressure and plasma kinetic or thermal pressure. It provides a vehicle for classifying the nature of the ICME encounter and, in many cases, provides an unambiguous start and stop time of the event. However, it does not provide a start and stop time for any embedded flux rope. This identification depends on examination of the magnetic field.  相似文献   

The current paradigm for the source of large, gradual solar energetic particle (SEP) events is that theyare accelerated in coronal/interplanetary shocks driven by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Early studies established that there is a rough correlation between the logs of the CME speed and the logs of the SEP intensities. Here I review two topics challenging the basic paradigm, the recent discovery that CMEs are also associated with impulsive, high-Z rich SEP events and the search for gradual SEP sources other than CME-driven shocks. I then discuss three topics of recent interest dealing with the relationship between the shock or CME properties and the resulting SEP events. These are the roles that CME accelerations, interactions between fast and preceding slow CMEs, and widths of fast CMEs may play in SEP production.  相似文献   

This work reports the investigation of two coronal mass ejections (CME) observed in white light, H, EUV and X-ray by various instruments both in space and on ground on February 18, 2003 and January 19, 2005, respectively. The white light coronal images show that the first CME began with the rarefaction of a region above the solar limb and was followed by the formation of its leading edge at the boundary of the rarefying region at altitude of 0.46 R from the solar surface. The rarefaction coincided the slow rising phase of the filament eruption, and the CME leading edge was observed to form as the filament eruption started to accelerate apparently. In the early stage of the second CME, a bright loop was first observed above the solar limb with height of 0.37 R in EUV images. We found that the more gradual CMEs initial process, the larger the timing difference between CMEs and their associated flares. The lower part of the filament brightened in H images as the filament rose to a certain height. These brightenings imply that the filament may be heated by magnetic reconnection below the filament in the early stage of the eruption. We suggest that the possible mechanism which led to the formation of the CME leading edge and cavity is magnetic reconnection which occurred under the filament when it reached a certain height.  相似文献   

Energetic particle signatures of geoeffective coronal mass ejections   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We have studied statistically associations of moderate and intense geomagnetic storms with coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and energetic particle events. The goal was to identify specific energetic particle signatures, which could be used to improve the predictions of the geoeffectiveness of full and partial halo CMEs. Protons in the range 1–110 MeV from the ERNE experiment onboard SOHO are used in the analysis. The study covers the time period from August 1996 to July 2000. We demonstrate the feasibility of energetic particle observations as an additional source of information in evaluating the geoeffectiveness of full and partial halo CMEs. Based on the observed onset times of solar energetic particle (SEP) events and energetic storm particle (ESP) events, we derive a proxy for the transit times of shocks driven by the interplanetary counterparts of coronal mass ejections from the Sun to the Earth. For a limited number of geomagnetic storms which can be associated to both SEP and ESP signatures, we found that this transit time correlates with the strength of geomagnetic storms.  相似文献   

We have selected 57 limb coronal mass ejections observed by LASCO during the period of January1997 to April 2001. We used the related EIT activity close to the limb to define these CMEs as “limbs”. We measured the radial speed of the leading edge close to the center of these CMEs and the lateral expansion speed of the structures. Comparison of both speeds revealed a high correlation between them, the radial speed being around 88% of the expansion speed of the CME. The expansion speed can also be measured for halo CMEs so that it can be used to infer their radial speed toward earth, which is otherwise inaccessible.  相似文献   

In this paper, a study of the coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed by Solar Maximum Mission satellite (SMM) during the period March – September, 1980, is presented. An attempt to identify various possible associations of the solar phenomena, for example, the location of coronal holes, the role of eruptive filaments or prominences, and current-sheets with the CMEs is carried out. It is shown that the combined associations of these three play an important role in the occurrence of geoeffective CMEs and also act as a tool to predict the associated geomagnetic activity.  相似文献   

Employing coronagraphic and EUV observations close to the solar surface made by the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) mission, we determined the heliocentric distance of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) at the starting time of associated metric type II bursts. We used the wave diameter and leading edge methods and measured the CME heights for a set of 32 metric type II bursts from solar cycle 24. We minimized the projection effects by making the measurements from a view that is roughly orthogonal to the direction of the ejection. We also chose image frames close to the onset times of the type II bursts, so no extrapolation was necessary. We found that the CMEs were located in the heliocentric distance range from 1.20 to 1.93 solar radii (Rs), with mean and median values of 1.43 and 1.38 Rs, respectively. We conclusively find that the shock formation can occur at heights substantially below 1.5 Rs. In a few cases, the CME height at type II onset was close to 2 Rs. In these cases, the starting frequency of the type II bursts was very low, in the range 25–40 MHz, which confirms that the shock can also form at larger heights. The starting frequencies of metric type II bursts have a weak correlation with the measured CME/shock heights and are consistent with the rapid decline of density with height in the inner corona.  相似文献   

Solar filament eruptions play a crucial role in triggering coronal mass ejections (CMEs). More than 80% of eruptions lead to a CME. This correlation has been studied extensively during the past solar cycles and the last long solar minimum. The statistics made on events occurring during the rising phase of the new solar cycle 24 is in agreement with this finding. Both filaments and CMEs have been related to twisted magnetic fields. Therefore, nearly all the MHD CME models include a twisted flux tube, called a flux rope. Either the flux rope is present long before the eruption, or it is built up by reconnection of a sheared arcade from the beginning of the eruption.  相似文献   

The Solwind coronagraph on the P78-1 earth-orbiting satellite has been monitoring the Sun routinely at 10-minute intervals during the 5-year interval from April, 1979 to the present. In a statistical analysis of about 1000 mass ejections observed through the end of 1981, we find an average occurrence rate of 1.8 mass ejections per day. Histograms of speed, central latitude, angular span, brightness, and other parameters have been constructed, and properties such as shape classification have been tabulated. These characteristics are summarized for these years near sunspot maximum. The average speed and mass estimate are found to be similar to those found at the declining phase of the previous sunspot cycle. The angular span and central latitude distributions are quite different than seen during the declining phase, and are very dependent upon structural class. The fluctuations in the occurrence rate of CMEs does not seem to match the fluctuations in the sunspot number. There is a tendency for high speed CMEs to occur more frequently in 1981 than in 1980, and more frequently in 1980 than in 1979.  相似文献   

Sudden disappearances of prominences/filaments were identified from the Prairie View Solar Observatory H imagesand Meudon Observatory spectroheliograms for the period January 1, 2000 to March 31, 2000. Three classes of disappearances were considered for the purpose of this study: eruptive, quasi-eruptive and vanishing filaments. The H events were compared with CME data from LASCO C2 and C3 coronographs aboard SOHO. Our study shows that the eruptive events are strongly associated with CMEs while the other types are not.  相似文献   

We have used Omniweb data in order to identify the sheath and the ejecta boundaries of 67 shock-driving interplanetary coronal mass ejections during the time period 2003–2006. We examine and compare their statistical properties (speed, magnetic field strength, proton density and temperature, proton plasma beta), with those of the typical solar wind. We also calculate their passage time and radial width. We study the correlation between the ejecta and sheath characteristics.  相似文献   

The white light coronagraphs onboard SOHO (LASCO-C2 and -C3) and most recently STEREO (SECCHI -COR1 and -COR2) have detected a myriad of coronal mass ejections (CME). They are a key component of space weather and under certain conditions they can become geo-effective, hence the importance of their kinematic characterization to help predict their effects. However, there is still a lot of debate on how to define the event boundaries for space weather purposes, which in turn makes it difficult to agree on their kinematic properties. That lack of agreement is reflected in both the manual and automated CME catalogs in existence. To contribute to a more objective definition and characterization of white-light coronagraph events, Goussies et al. (2010) introduced recently the concept of “texture of the event”. Based on that property, they developed a supervised segmentation algorithm to allow the automatic tracking of dynamic events observed in the coronagraphs field of view, which is called CORonal SEgmentation Technique (CORSET). In this work, we have enhanced the capabilities of the algorithm by adding several new functionalities, namely the automatic computation of different morphological and kinematic parameters. We tested its performance on 57 well-studied limb CME events observed with the LASCO coronagraphs between 1997 and 2001, and compared the parameters obtained with those from three existent CME lists: two of them obtained from an observer-based detection and tracking method (i.e., two manual catalogs), and the other one based on the automated detection and characterization of the CME events (i.e., a fully automated catalog). We found that 51 events could be tracked and quantified in agreement with the CME definition. In general terms, the position angle, and the radial and expansion speeds are in agreement with the manual catalogs used for comparison. On the other hand, some discrepancies between CORSET and the automated catalog were found, which can be explained by the different delimitation of the CME angular extent.  相似文献   

The main properties of 11622 coronal mass ejections (CMEs) observed by the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO) mission’s Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO-C2) from January 1996 through December 2006 are considered. Moreover, the extended database of solar proton enhancements (SPEs) with proton flux >0.1 pfu at energy >10 MeV measured at the Earth’s orbit is also studied. A comparison of these databases gives new results concerning the sources and acceleration mechanisms of solar energetic particles. Specifically, coronal mass ejections with width >180° (wide) and linear speed >800 km/s (fast) seem they have the best correlation with solar proton enhancements. The study of some specific solar parameters, such as soft X-ray flares, sunspot numbers, solar flare index etc. has showed that the soft X-ray flares with importance >M5 may provide a reasonable proxy index for the SPE production rate. From this work, it is outlined that the good relation of the fast and wide coronal mass ejections to proton enhancements seems to lead to a similar conclusion. In spite of the fact that in the case of CMEs the statistics cover only the last solar cycle, while the measurements of SXR flares are extended over three solar cycles, it is obvious for the studied period that the coronal mass ejections can also provide a good index for the solar proton production.  相似文献   

We present first results from the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) aboard the ESA/NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO). CDS is a double spectrometer operating in the 151–785 Å range. This region of the solar spectrum is rich in emission lines from trace elements in the solar atmosphere, which can be used to derive diagnostic information on coronal and transition region plasmas. Early spectra are presented and well identified lines are listed. In addition, examples of images in selected wavelength ranges are shown, for a prominence, a loop system and a bright point, demonstrating well the power of such extreme ultraviolet observations.  相似文献   

We have analysed energetic storm particle (ESP) events in 116 interplanetary (IP) shocks driven by front-side full and partial halo coronal mass ejections (CMEs) with speeds >400 km s?1during the years 1996–2015. We investigated the occurrence and relationships of ESP events with several parameters describing the IP shocks, and the associated CMEs, type II radio bursts, and solar energetic particle (SEP) events. Most of the shocks (57 %) were associated with an ESP event at proton energies >1 MeV.The shock transit speeds from the Sun to 1 AU of the shocks associated with an ESP event were significantly greater than those of the shocks without an ESP event, and best distinguished these two groups of shocks from each other. The occurrence and maximum intensity of the ESP events also had the strongest dependence on the shock transit speed compared to the other parameters investigated. The correlation coefficient between ESP peak intensities and shock transit speeds was highest (0.73 ± 0.04) at 6.2 MeV. Weaker dependences were found on the shock speed at 1 AU, Alfvénic and magnetosonic Mach numbers, shock compression ratio, and CME speed. On average all these parameters were significantly different for shocks capable to accelerate ESPs compared to shocks not associated with ESPs, while the differences in the shock normal angle and in the width and longitude of the CMEs were insignificant.The CME-driven shocks producing energetic decametric–hectometric (DH) type II radio bursts and high-intensity SEP events proved to produce also more frequently ESP events with larger particle flux enhancements than other shocks. Together with the shock transit speed, the characteristics of solar DH type II radio bursts and SEP events play an important role in the occurrence and maximum intensity of ESP events at 1 AU.  相似文献   

Using the proton intensity and X-ray flux data from the GOES, combined with the observations of the associated solar eruptions by the Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph Experiment (LASCO) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), 14 large SEP events occurring in the period 2000 January–2002 April have been studied. It is found that: (1) events with the SEPs increasing shortly after the maximum of their parent flares (<1 h; hereafter prompt events) have rapid and great (up to four orders of magnitude) SEP increments in high-energy channels (> ∼100 MeV); however, for events whose onset of the SEP injection lags the flare maximum for a long time (>3 h; hereafter delayed events), the high-energy SEPs show no obvious enhancements (within one order of magnitude); (2) peak intensity of the prompt events is distinctly larger than that of the delayed events; (3) CMEs associated with the poorly magnetically connected events (source region <W30°) in our survey are all halo CMEs. From these observational differences, we propose a special scenario of the production of the largest SEP events: both CMEs and flares are induced in the same coronal process; high-energy particles accelerated in the reconnection region can escape easily from the open field lines and/or be transported by fast CMEs into interplanetary space, indicating a direct impulsive component in large gradual SEP events. Meanwhile, the broad width of the associated CMEs implies that the CME width is more important in SEP events production than previously considered.  相似文献   

A coronal explosion is a density wave observed in X-ray images of solar flares. The wave occurs at the end of the impulsive phase, which is the time at which the flare's thermal energy content has reached its maximum value. It starts in a small area from where it spreads out, mainly into one hemisphere, with velocities that tend to rapidly decrease with time, and which are between ~ 103 and a few tens of km s?1. We interpret them as magneto-hydrodynamic waves that (mainly) move downward from the low corona into denser regions.  相似文献   

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