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<正>美国副总统彭斯和五角大楼官员在国家空间委员会会议上宣布,美国太空司令部于2019年8月29日正式建立,为2020年太空军的建立做好铺垫。这是自1947年以来美国军方首次筹建新武装部队,太空军将成为继空军、陆军、海军陆战队、海军和海岸警卫队之外的第六军种。一时间,"天军热"开始在世界范围内盛行,让太空被和平利用的前景更加渺茫。  相似文献   

正"太空军旗"演习是美国继"施里弗"演习后开展的新型太空战演习,反映出美军加强太空战实战化训练的新动向,进一步提升了美军太空战能力。2017年4月,美空军首次进行"太空军旗"训练演习,空军太空司令部赞誉其开创了历史新纪元;同年8月,空军进行了第二次"太空军旗"训练演习。  相似文献   

正美国空军主管航天的官员称,尽管在一年多的时间里两次失败,太空探索公司的"猎鹰"9火箭并不会马上失去承担空军国家安全发射任务的资质。空军正在参与该火箭9月1日在发射台上爆炸事故的调查工作,将密切跟踪调查进展情况。2015年5月,太空探索公司通过了空军对"猎鹰"9的资质认证,这使其有资格通过空军"渐进一次性运载器"(EELV)计划竞争相关发射任  相似文献   

正印度空间研究组织和俄罗斯航天国家集团近日签署了在载人航天领域开展合作的一项谅解备忘录。俄方将在2022年把一位印度航天员送上太空。俄印航天合作已有40年历史。1984年4月印度一位空军飞行员乘苏联联盟11号飞船飞天,成为第一位进入太空的印度人。  相似文献   

美空军正加紧寻求保护美航天器的方法,在高层领导的心中,那不再是所谓“太空控制”任务是否有必要的问题,而是多快能实现的问题。美空军领导已制定了一个提高美空军在任何时候对太空所发生一切的感知能力的近期目标,那将使美空军知道航天器是否真正遭到攻击。与此同时,美空军计划部署太空攻防系统来保护美卫星不受敌攻击,同时又能摧毁敌方卫星。  相似文献   

据美国国防部负责空间研究和发展的高级官员透露,苏联从西方获取空间技术使其军用卫星性能明显有所提高。1986年2月主管国防研究和工程的副部长唐纳德·希克斯在向众议院装备工作研究和发展小组委员会提供证词时,列举了苏联从美国转让技术中使它的军用卫星有显著改进的事例。  相似文献   

<正> 联合国外空委员会第三十三届会议于1990年6月4日至15日在纽约联合国总部举行.委员会各成员国及观察员和有关国际组织出席了会议.本届会议议程主要包括维持外空用于和平目的的方式和方法;科技小组委员会报告;法律小组委员会报告;空间技术的附带利益问题等.此外,根据法律小组委员会的建议,还就核动力源原则草案进行了非正式磋商.现将参加会议的工作简述如下.  相似文献   

正美国众议院科学委员会主席拉马尔·史密斯(Lamar Smith)认为本法案是改进商业航天器监管现状的一种"常识性方法"2017年6月8日,美国众议院科学委员会批准了《美国航天商业自由企业法案》,对商业遥感卫星和其他商业航天器的监管进行改革。法案由众议院科学委员会主席拉马尔·史密斯和8个共同提案人正式提出。本文将对法案的提出背景和主要内容进行介绍,并提出几点结论。1法案提出背景现行商业航天监管制度美国的商业航天与管理制度发展较早并根据实  相似文献   

吴勤 《太空探索》2008,(4):17-20
2008年2月12日,中国和俄罗斯共同在联合国裁军会议上再次提交了"防止外空军备竞赛条约草案",要求禁止任何国家在外太空部署任何武器.美国方面公开拒绝这一建议,并表示确保遵守这一条约将是"不可能的".美国白宫发言人达娜·佩里诺12日表示,"美国反对针对禁止或者限制进入或使用太空发展新的法律体系或者施加其他限制."  相似文献   

<正>1941年12月7日清晨,日军突然袭击美国海军太平洋舰队的珍珠港基地,使美军损失惨重,成为了美军历史上最大的一次挫败。2001年1月,由国会授权成立、美国前国防部长拉姆斯菲尔德领导的"美国国家安全太空管理和组织评估委员会"向国会提交报告指出:"如果美国要避免‘太空珍珠港事件’的话,就需要仔细考虑攻击美国太空系统的可能性。"2007年,中国发射了一枚地基反卫星导弹,炸毁了一枚旧气象卫星。2008年美国用一枚"标准"-3导弹击  相似文献   

Life Support is a basic issue since manned space flight began. Not only to support astronauts and cosmonauts with the essential things to live, however, also animals which were carried for research to space etc. together with men need support systems to survive under space conditions. Most of the animals transported to space participate at the life support system of the spacecraft. However, aquatic species live in water as environment and thus need special developments. Research with aquatic animals has a long tradition in manned space flight resulting in numerous life support systems for them starting with simple plastic bags up to complex support hardware. Most of the recent developments have to be identified as part of a technological oriented system and can be described as small technospheres. As the importance arose to study our Earth as the extraordinary Biosphere we live in, the modeling of small ecosystems began as part of ecophysiological research. In parallel the investigations of Bioregenerative Life Support Systems were launched and identified as necessity for long-term space missions or traveling to Moon and Mars and beyond. This paper focus on previous developments of Life Support Systems for aquatic animals and will show future potential developments towards Bioregenerative Life Support which additionally strongly benefits to our Earth's basic understanding.  相似文献   

The “Vega” Soviet flyby probes to comet Halley will carry a French infrared sounder, called “I.K.S.”. In order to assess its observing capabilities, a theoretical model of the comet infrared emission was constructed. We show how the experiment results will be used to derive the nucleus size and radiative properties, and to study the distribution of gas and dust in the inner coma and circumnuclear area. A preliminary discussion is made of the relevance of the data in instances where the cometary phenomena would be more complex than assumed in the model.  相似文献   

Protein isolate obtained from green algae (Scenedesmus obliquus) cultivated under controlled conditions was characterized. Molecular weight determination of fractionated algal proteins using SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed a wide spectrum of molecular weights ranging from 15,000 to 220,000. Isoelectric points of dissociated proteins were in the range of 3.95 to 6.20. Amino acid composition of protein isolate compared favorably with FAO standards. High content of essential amino acids leucine, valine, phenylalanine and lysine makes algal protein isolate a high quality component of CELSS diets. To optimize the removal of algal lipids and pigments supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (with and without ethanol as a co-solvent) was used. Addition of ethanol to supercritical CO2 resulted in more efficient removal of algal lipids and produced protein isolate with a good yield and protein recovery. The protein isolate extracted by the above mixture had an improved water solubility.  相似文献   

This paper first describes briefly some of the forefront global simulations of Titan’s atmosphere that have been carried out up to now. In these experiments, an initial gaseous mixture of N2/CH4 is submitted to a single energy source and the retrieved gas and/or solid phase(s) is/are analyzed by different techniques.  相似文献   

正美国东部时间2016年11月9日凌晨1:40,美国总统选举结果揭晓,唐纳德·特朗普将成为美国史上首位毫无从政经验的总统。与美国大选的另一名候选人希拉里·克林顿在选前多次表态支持奥巴马的航天政策有所不同,特朗普本人在竞选中很少谈及自己的航天政策,因此其航天政策存在不确定性。从特朗普本人的少量讲话  相似文献   

In this paper an analysis of data coordinate systems from selenographic catalogues and space missions was carried out. The lunar macrorelief models were made on basis of the software package ASNI USTU using method of the spherical harmonic expansion. These models accurately describe the global features of the lunar figure. To construct these models the following sources of topographic information were used: “Clementine” and “KАGUYА” (Selena, Japan mission) missions, “KSC-1162” (Kazan selenocentric catalogue), “Kiev” (selenodesic catalogue), “SAI” (Chuikova (1975)), “Bills, Ferrari”, “ULCN” (The Unified Lunar Control Network 2005). Direct comparison hypsometric information “KSС-1162” catalogue data with “Clementine” mission was carried out. These researches confirmed a good agreement of the hypsometric information of compared systems. The normalized coefficients were obtained on basis of the hypsometric information expansion for eight sources. The displacement of the lunar center of mass (LCM) relatively to the lunar center of figure (LCF) was obtained by using topographic data selenodetical catalogues and space missions.  相似文献   

Life span is the most interesting and also the most important biologically relevant time to be investigated on the space station. As a model experiment, we proposed an investigation to assess the life span of clone generation of the ciliate Paramecium. In space, clone generation will be artificially started by conjugation or autogamy, and the life span of the cell populations in different gravitational fields (microgravity and onboard 1 x g control) will be precisely assessed in terms of fission age as compared with the clock time. In order to perform the space experiment including long-lasting culture and continuous measurement of cell division, we tested the methods of cell culture and of cell-density measurement, which will be available in closed environments under microgravity. The basic design of experimental hardware and a preliminary result of the cultivation procedure are described.  相似文献   

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