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1 欧洲有关空间碎片减缓政策的产生与发展20世纪90年代初,空间碎片问题开始引起各国的重视。尽管从竞争力和成本效益的角度出发,欧洲产业界并不太愿意束缚自己的手脚,但政治意愿推动了减缓空间碎片工作的进程。1993年,欧州航天局(ESA)与美国航空航天局(NASA)、 相似文献
空间碎片减缓措施及其研究对策 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
罗刚桥 《中国空间科学技术》2001,21(6):33-42
随着人类空间技术的进步和发展 ,每年发射进入太空的人造天体越来越多。当这些人造天体失效后 ,由于目前人类对其缺乏及时有效的回收手段 ,随着时间的推移 ,堆积在太空中的废弃物将越来越多 ,总有一天人类再也不能向太空中发射任何人造天体。因此为了合理利用和保护有限的太空资源 ,则必须减少或清除太空垃圾。文章正是基于上述目的 ,在人类尚无有效回收手段的情况下 ,考虑利用现有的技术提出一些空间碎片的减缓措施 ,并在此基础上提出中国对空间碎片减缓应采取的对策 相似文献
空间碎片是人类航天活动对空间环境的污染物,俗称“太空垃圾”,也是人类须共同面临的环境问题。人类有责任找出有效的治理方法,给后人留下洁净的空间,而且解决空间碎片问题需要各航天国家的共同努力。2014年5月12日,第32届机构间空间碎片协调委员会(IADC)会议在北京召开,与会各成员国和机构的专家们就空间碎片问题进行了广泛而深入的探讨。为此,本刊记者专访了空间碎片研究专家韩增尧研究员。 相似文献
<正>当下,空间碎片领域面临着空间环境恶化、减缓战略停滞和主动清除计划饱受争议等现实问题。在现有外层空间法律规范不足以应对碎片问题的前提下,通过适用在地球环境治理中表现卓有成效的国际环境法基本原则,能有效补充与深化外空空间碎片治理理念。国际环境法基本原则对空间碎片治理有着重要的借鉴价值,能填补空间碎片治理法律原则的缺位,有力应对治理困境。将国际环境法基本原则延伸适用至外空环境、推动碎片治理软法的出台,坚持适用共同但有区别的责任原则、预防原则、无害原则以及国际合作原则,能为空间碎片问题提供不同的解决方案。 相似文献
Claudio Portelli Fernand Alby Richard Crowther Uwe Wirt 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2010
The Space systems today provide growing benefits to enhance the quality of humankind. However, as a by-product, the orbiting objects inevitably leaves some debris which after 50 years of space activities represent a concern for all space agencies and manufacturers and operators. Since last year no international agreement was in place to mitigate the growing population of space debris objects. The successful result obtained at UN-COPUOS in 2007 and available in the OOSA web site, now gives to the public, a set of voluntary international guidelines that could, if adopted by each space fairing Country, help in maintaining the present space environment. More further steps are necessary in the future to define a legal and normative framework. The paper will present the seven established UN Space Debris guidelines as well as examples of the minimum steps to be carried out at national level to enable the UN-COPUOS to start the discussion of the legal aspect associated with the space debris issue. 相似文献
地球轨道上日益增长的碎片云已引起各个航天国家的担忧,地球轨道上可编目的空间物体数量30多年内增长了2倍多,若不实施主动清除,碎片的数量将在未来200年内快速增长,给空间系统的安全带来极大的威胁。自然椭圆绕飞轨道可在目标附近长时间绕飞,可保证碎片捕获系统具有长时间的观测、捕获时间。文章提出通过设计绕飞轨道来实现捕获碎片的方案,介绍并分别推导了基于C-W方程和轨道根数两种方式绕飞轨道设计的方法。针对假想的捕获目标,基于轨道根数方法设计了5种脉冲变轨的轨道方案,并进行了相应的轨道算例仿真。仿真结果表明:该方案可适用于任意的初始相位差,具备一定的工程实现意义。 相似文献
During recent years, A de-orbit disposal of SinoSat 2 satellite and the depletion of the residual propellant after SC/LV separation for all LM-4 series launch vehicles were carried out. Stuffed Whipple Shields based on hypervelocity impact particles were developed. Routine observation and collision avoidance were performed. The main progress in space debris research will be introduced from three aspects: mitigation, spacecraft protection, observation and collision avoidance. 相似文献
Waldemar Bauer O. Romberg C. Wiedemann G. Drolshagen P. Vörsmann 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2014
Due to high relative velocities, collisions of spacecraft in orbit with Space Debris (SD) or Micrometeoroids (MM) can lead to payload degradation, anomalies as well as failures in spacecraft operation, or even loss of mission. Flux models and impact risk assessment tools, such as MASTER (Meteoroid and Space Debris Terrestrial Environment Reference) or ORDEM (Orbital Debris Engineering Model), and ESABASE2 or BUMPER II are used to analyse mission risk associated with these hazards. Validation of flux models is based on measured data. Currently, as most of the SD and MM objects are too small (millimeter down to micron sized) for ground-based observations (e.g. radar, optical), the only available data for model validation is based upon retrieved hardware investigations e.g. Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF), Hubble Space Telescope (HST), European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA). Since existing data sets are insufficient, further in-situ experimental investigation of the SD and MM populations are required. This paper provides an overview and assessment of existing and planned SD and MM impact detectors. The detection area of the described detectors is too small to adequately provide the missing data sets. Therefore an innovative detection concept is proposed that utilises existing spacecraft components for detection purposes. In general, solar panels of a spacecraft provide a large area that can be utilised for in-situ impact detection. By using this method on several spacecraft in different orbits the detection area can be increased significantly and allow the detection of SD and MM objects with diameters as low as 100 μm. The design of the detector is based on damage equations from HST and EURECA solar panels. An extensive investigation of those panels was performed by ESA and is summarized within this paper. Furthermore, an estimate of the expected sensitivity of the patented detector concept as well as examples for its implementation into large and small spacecraft are presented. 相似文献
The rapid increase of space debris population has posed serious threaten to the safety of human space activities and became a global issue. How to enhance the technical capabilities of space debris threat coping ability is of great significance to the sustainable development of space activities, the further development, and utilization of outer space. In this paper, we describe space debris research progress of China on observation, collision avoidance, protection, mitigation, regulation, and standard during the last twenty years, and look forward to the future development direction of space debris. 相似文献
空间碎片天基光学监测可以有效弥补地基监测的时空覆盖缺陷.目前天基观测数据不足甚至没有数据,这给监测系统研制、数据处理算法研究及软件系统研发和验证造成了一定困难.因此,研发能够为相关研究提供空间监测图像的空间碎片天基监测图像仿真软件系统具有重要意义.本文根据天基监测图像的特点,研究基本算法,设计仿真流程,给出仿真图像并对结果进行分析.为得到符合实际观测场景的高精度仿真图像,软件系统采用瞬时惯性坐标系;基于Tycho2星表提出了采用基于索引文件的快速星表查询方法来生成背景星图;利用两行根数(Two-Line Element,TLE)数据集仿真空间碎片观测值;并对结果图像中目标的运行轨迹进行分析,得出天基监测空间目标的成像特性.仿真结果表明,该仿真系统能够针对不同观测条件和观测平台,在兼顾精度与时效性的情况下,获得较为真实的空间碎片天基光学系列观测图像. 相似文献