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Two assay were employed to study the induction and repair of DNA double-strand breaks (dsbs) in normal human fibroblasts after exposure to particle radiation covering an LET range from 1 to 350 keV/micrometer. The hybridization assay allows measurement of absolute induction frequencies in defined regions of the genome and quantitates rejoining of correct DNA ends while the FAR assay determines all rejoining events, correct and incorrect. Assuming Poisson statistics for the number of breaks per DNA fragment investigated, and thus neglecting any clustering of breaks, we found the induction rate to decrease with increasing LET of the particles. RBE values compared to 225 kVp X-rays dropped to 0.48 for the highest LETs. Repair studies of X-ray-induced dsbs showed that almost all breaks (>95%) are rejoined after incubation times of 24 h while the frequency for correct rejoining is only 70%. Thus about 25% of the initially induced breaks are rejoined by the connection of incorrect DNA ends. Postirradiation incubation after particle irradiation showed less efficient total rejoining with increasing LET and an impaired ability for correct rejoining. The frequency for rejoining of incorrect DNA ends was found to be independent of LET. The possible biological significance of the different rejoining events is discussed.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are the crucial events ultimately leading to cell inactivation. Aimed at understanding the biological action of the charged particle component of cosmic radiation, the induction of DSBs and their repairability was evaluated in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO-K1) cells after exposure to accelerated particles. Irradiations were performed with various ion species including O, Ni and Ca, covering a LET range from 20 to 2000 keV/micrometer. DSBs were determined for plateau-phase cells using the electrophoretic elution of radiation-induced DNA fragments in a static electric field combined with fluorescence scanning of ethidium bromide stained gels. Assuming a DSB yield of 22 DSB per Gy per cell, as derived from X-irradiation, cross-sections for DSB production were calculated from the corresponding fluence-effect curves at a fraction of 0.7 of DNA retained. The same ordinate was used as a reference for the calculation of relative biological efficiency (RBE) for DSB induction. At low LETs (< or = 20 keV/micrometer) RBE values slightly above unity were obtained, but a decrease of RBE was observed with increasing LET. In the region of 100-200 keV/micrometer the RBE for initial DSB induction was clearly below unity. Rejoining of DSBs was assessed by measuring the fraction of DNA retained following post-irradiation incubation of cells under culture conditions. After exposure to Ca ions, DSB rejoining was considerably impaired compared to X-rays.  相似文献   

Induction of DNA double-strand breaks (dsb) and their distribution are dependent on the energy deposition pattern within the cell nucleus (physical structure) and the ultrastructure of the chromosomes and its variation by the cell cycle and gene activities (biological structure). For electron radiation very similar RBE-values are observed for mammalian and yeast cells (AlK, 1.5 keV, 15 keV/micrometer: 2.6 in mammalian cells and 2.2 in yeast; CK 0.278 keV, 23 keV/micrometer: approx. 2.5 in mammalian cells and 3.8 in yeast). In contrast, the RBE-values for the induction of dsb of 4He2+ and light ions in the LET range from about 100 keV/micrometer up to 1000 keV/micrometer are significantly higher for yeast cells compared to mammalian cells. For example, the RBE-value of alpha-particles (120 keV/micrometer) is about 1.2 for mammalian cells whereas for yeast the RBE-value is about 2.5. The yeast chromatin has less condensed fibres compared with mammalian cells. Since a single CK photoelectron can induce only one dsb, the different condensation of the mammalian and yeast chromatin has no influence. However, particles may induce more than one dsb when traversing a chromatin fibre. The probability for the induction of closely neighboured dsb is higher the more condensed the chromatin fibres are. Since small DNA fragments (50 bp up to several kbp) are lost by standard methods of lysis, the underestimation of dsb yields increases with fibre condensation, which is in accordance with the observes dsb yields in mammalian cells and yeast. In order to obtain relevant yields of dsb (and corresponding RBE-values) the measurement of all DNA fragments down to about 50 bp are needed.  相似文献   

Vegetative cells of E. coli differing in their radiosensitivity have been used in heavy ion irradiation experiment. Besides inactivation measurements also the induction of DNA double strand breaks (DSB) have been measured using the method of pulse-field gel electrophoresis. This method allows to separate linear DNA with length up to 8 Mio base pairs. After irradiation with heavy ions we find a higher amount of low molecular weight fragments when compared to sparsely ionizing radiation. This agrees with the idea that heavy ions as a structured radiation have a high probability to induce more than one strand break in a DNA molecule if the particle hits the DNA. The amount of intact DNA remaining in the agarose plugs decreases exponentially for increasing radiation doses or particle fluences. From these curves cross sections for the induction of DSB after heavy ion irradiation have been determined. These results will be discussed in comparison to the results for cell survival.  相似文献   

An understanding of the radiobiological effects of high LET radiation is essential for human risk estimation and radiation protection. In the present study, we show that a single, 30 cGy dose of 150 keV/micrometer 4He ions can malignantly transform human papillomavirus immortalized human bronchial epithelial [BEP2D] cells. Transformed cells produce progressively growing tumors in nude mice. The transformation frequency by the single dose of alpha particles is estimated to be approximately 4 X 10(-7). Based on the average cross-sectional area of BEP2D cells, it can be calculated that a mean traversal of 1.4 particles per cell is sufficient to induce tumorigenic conversion of these cells 3 to 4 months post-irradiation. Tumorigenic BEP2D cells overexpress mutated p53 tumor suppressor oncoproteins in addition to the cell cycle control gene cyclin D1 and D2. This model provides an opportunity to study the cellular and molecular changes at the various stages in radiation carcinogenesis involving human cells.  相似文献   

Cells of Bacillus subtilis strain TKJ 8431 in stationary phase were irradiated with X-rays (150 kV at DLR) or heavy ions (Ne, Ar, Pb with residual energies between 3 and 15 MeV/u at GSI). The action cross section for the formation of double strand breaks in the DNA of the irradiated cells follows a similar dependence on mass and energy of the ions as has been found for various biological endpoints, e.g. inactivation, mutagenesis and repair efficacy.  相似文献   

Carcinogenesis is a multi-stage process with sequence of genetic events governing the phenotypic expression of a series of transformation steps leading to the development of metastatic cancer. In the present study, immortalized human bronchial (BEP2D) and breast (MCF-10F) cells were irradiated with graded doses of either 150 keV/micrometer alpha particles or 1 GeV/nucleon 56Fe ions. Transformed cells developed through a series of successive steps before becoming tumorigenic in nude mice. Cell fusion studies indicated that radiation-induced tumorigenic phenotype in BEP2D cells could be completely suppressed by fusion with non-tumorigenic BEP2D cells. The differential expressions of known genes between tumorigenic bronchial and breast cells induced by alpha particles and their respective control cultures were compared using cDNA expression array. Among the 11 genes identified to be differentially expressed in BEP2D cells, three (DCC, DNA-PK and p21(CIP1)) were shown to be consistently down-regulated by 2 to 4 fold in all the 5 tumor cell lines examined. In contrast, their expressions in the fusion cell lines were comparable to control BEP2D cells. Similarly, expression levels of a series of genes were found to be altered in a step-wise manner among tumorigenic MCF-10F cells. The results are highly suggestive that functional alterations of these genes may be causally related to the carcinogenic process.  相似文献   

Simian virus (SV40) DNA was used to study the induction of DNA strandbreaks by heavy ions varying in LET. DNA was exposed to X-rays and to accelerated particles either in dilute solution or in the presence of different radical scavengers. Relative proportions of the intact supercoiled DNA, nicked form arising from single strand breaks (SSB) and linear molecules produced by double strandbreaks (DSB) were quantified on the base of their electrophoretic mobility in agarose gels. Cross sections for the induction of SSBs and DSBs were calculated from the slope of dose effect curves. Mercaptoethanol was found to protect more efficiently against DNA strand breakage than Tris. When the biological efficiency, i.e. the number of strand breaks per unit dose and molecule weight was evaluated as a function of LET, curves for SSB induction always showed a continuous decrease. For DSB induction, an increase in the yield of DSBs with a maximum around 500 keV/micrometer was observed in the presence of radical scavenger. This peak of biological efficiency gradually disappeared when the radiosensitivity of the system was increased, and was no longer apparent in the dilute buffer system, where DNA showed a high susceptibility to strand breakage. When the relative biological efficiency was plotted versus LET, the curve for DSB induction observed in a low radical scavenging environment paralleled the curve obtained for SSB induction.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial cell loss has been observed in rats flown on Space Lab 3, Cosmos 1887, Cosmos 2044 and in mice following irradiation with X-ray or with high energy (HZE) particle beams. Spermatogonial loss is determined by cell counting in maturation stage 6 seminiferous [correction of seminferous] tubules. With the exception of Iron, laboratory irradiation experiments (with mice) revealed a similar pattern of spermatogonial loss proportional to the radiation dose at levels less than 0.1 Gy. Helium and Argon irradiation resulted in a 5% loss of spermatogonia after only 0.01 Gy exposure. However, significant spermatogonial loss (45%) occured at this radiation level with Iron particle beams. The loss of spermatogonia during each space flight was less than 10% when compared to control (non-flight) animals. This loss, although small, was significant. Although radiation may be a contributing factor in the loss of spermatogonia during space flight, exposure levels, as determined by dosimetry, were not significant to account for the total cell loss observed.  相似文献   

Inactivation and double strand break (dsb) induction after heavy ion irradiation were studied in stationary phase cells of the highly radiation resistant bacterium Deinococcus radiodurans R1. There is evidence that the radiation sensitivity of this bacterium is nearly independent on energy in the range of up to 15 MeV/u for lighter ions (Ar). The responses to dsb induction for charged particles show direct relationship between increasing radiation dose and residual intact DNA.  相似文献   

DNA damage induced by heavy ions in bacterial cells and bacteriophages such as Bacillus subtilis, E. coli and Bacteriophage T1 were investigated by analyzing the double strand breaks in the chromosomal DNA. This kind of lesion is considered as one of the main reasons for lethal events. To analyze double strand breaks in long molecules of DNA--up to some Mbp in length--the technique of pulse field agarose gel electrophoresis has been used. This allows the detection of one double strand break per genome. Cell lysis and DNA isolation were performed in small agarose blocks directly. This procedure secured minimum DNA destruction by shearing forces. After running a gel, the DNA was stained with ethidium bromide. The light intensity of ethidium bromide fluorescence for both the outcoming (running) DNA and the remaining intact DNA were measured by scanning. The mean number of double strand breaks was calculated by determining the quotient of these intensities. Strand break induction after heavy ion and X-ray irradiation was compared.  相似文献   

The deleterious effects of accelerated heavy ions as component of the space radiation environment on living cells are of increasing importance for long duration human space flight activities. The most important aspect of such densely ionizing particle radiation is attributed to the type and quality of biological damage induced by them. This issue is addressed by investigating cell inactivation and mutation induction at the Hprt locus (coding for hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyl-transferase) of cultured V79 Chinese hamster cells exposed to densely ionizing radiation (accelerated heavy ions with different LETs from oxygen to gold, specific energies ranging from 1.9 to 69.7 MeV/u, corresponding LET values range from 62 to 13,223 keV/μm) and to sparsely ionizing radiation (200 kV X-rays). 30 spontaneous, 40 X-ray induced and 196 heavy ion induced 6-thioguanine resistant Hprt mutant colonies were characterized by Southern technique using the restriction enzymes EcoRI, PstI and BglII and a full length Hprt cDNA probe isolated from the plasmid pHPT12. Restriction patterns of the spontaneous Hprt mutants were indistinguishable from the wild type pattern, as these mutants probably contain only small deletions or even point mutations in the Hprt locus. In contrast, the overall spectrum of heavy ion induced mutations revealed a majority of partial or total deletions of the Hprt gene. With constant particle fluence (3 × 106 particles/cm2) the quality of heavy ion induced mutations in the Hprt locus depends on physical parameters of the beam (atomic number, specific energy, LET). This finding suggests a relationship between the type of DNA damage and track structure. The fraction of mutants with severe deletions in the Hprt locus after exposure to oxygen ions increases from 65% at 60 keV/μm up to a maximum (100%) at 300 keV/μm and declines with higher LET values to 75% at 750 keV/μm. With heavier ions (Ca- and Au-ions) and even higher LET-values this mutant fraction decreases to 58% at 13,200 keV/μm. Heavy ion induced DNA break points in the Hprt locus are not randomly distributed.  相似文献   

Low energy protons and other densely ionizing light ions are known to have RBE>1 for cellular end points relevant for stochastic and deterministic effects. The occurrence of a close relationship between them and induction of DNA dsb is still a matter of debate. We studied the production of DNA dsb in V79 cells irradiated with low energy protons having LET values ranging from 11 to 31 keV/micrometer, i.e. in the energy range characteristic of the Bragg peak, using the sedimentation technique. We found that the initial yield of dsb is quite insensitive to proton LET and not significantly higher than that observed with X-rays, in agreement with recent data on V79 cells irradiated with alpha particles of various LET up to 120 keV/micrometer. By contrast, RBE for cell inactivation and for mutation induction rises with the proton LET. In experiments aimed at evaluating the rejoining of dsb after proton irradiation we found that the amount of dsb left unrepaired after 120 min incubation is higher for protons than for sparsely ionizing radiation. These results indicate that dsb are not homogeneous with respect to repair and give support to the hypothesis that increasing LET leads to an increase in the complexity of DNA lesions with a consequent decrease in their repairability.  相似文献   

The present state of our knowledge of the OH radical-induced strand break (sb) formation in presence and absence of oxygen in aqueous solution is reviewed for poly(U), poly(C), poly(A) and single- and double-stranded DNA as substrates. It was shown earlier that a single OH radical can induce a double-strand break in DNA. As a key step in the mechanism an interstrand radical transfer is postulated. The OH radical reaction is part of the indirect effect of gamma-irradiation. In addition recent results are presented concerning sb formation by the direct effect of high-energy irradiation using laser-induced photoionization for the formation of radical cations.  相似文献   

Levels of adenylate metabolism have been studied in cells of Nicotiana tabacum growing in vitro, and in root apex extracts of Pisum sativum irradiated at the 95-in. isochronous cyclotron U-240, Institute for Nuclear Research, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences, Kyiv. Particle beams of accelerated helium ions with energy 9.34 keV/micrometer were used. Replacement and rapid freezing of the irradiated plants samples in liquid nitrogen were carried out with a manipulator and a remote control system. After doses of 5, 20, 50, and 100 Gy of gamma-irradiation, as well as 50 and 100 Gy 4He irradiation, the cellular ATP/ADP ratio increased during early stages of the response. This effect was absent at higher doses and after exposure to sparesly-ionizing radiation, when a rapid decline in the cellular ATP concentration and the ATP/ADP ratio occurred.  相似文献   

The induction of chromosome aberrations by heavy charged particles was studied in V79 Chinese hamster cells over a wide range of energies (3-100 MeV/u) and LET (20-16000 keV/micrometer). For comparison, X-ray experiments were performed. Our data indicate quantitative and qualitative differences in the response of cells to particle and x-ray irradiation. For the same level of cell survival the amount of damaged cells which can be observed is smaller in heavy ion (11.4 MeV/u Ar) irradiated samples. The highest yield of damaged cells is found 8 to 12 hours after particle irradiation and 4 hours after x-irradiation. Differences in the amount of damaged cells are attributed to cell cycle perturbations which interfere with the expression of damage. After heavy ion exposure the amount of cells reaching mitosis (mitotic index) decreases drastically and not all damaged cells reach mitosis within 48 hours after exposure. A portion of cells die in interphase. Cell cycle delays induced by x-ray irradiation are less pronounced and all cells reach the first post-irradiation mitosis within 24 hours after irradiation. Additionally, the damage produced by charged particles seems to be more severe. The disintegration of chromosomes was only observed after high LET radiation: an indication of the high and local energy deposition in the particle track. Only cross sections for the induction of chromosome aberrations in mitotic cells were reported in this paper because of the problems arising from the drastic cell cycle perturbations. In this case, cells were irradiated in mitosis and assayed immediately.  相似文献   

For decades, theories of cellular radiosensitivity relied upon the initial patterns of energy deposition to explain radiation lethality. Such theories are unsound: cellular (DNA) repair also underlies cellular radiosensitivity. For the charged particles encountered in deep space, both the types of DNA damage caused in cellular deoxyribonucleoproteins and the efficacies of their repair are dependent on linear energy transfer (LET infinity), and repair efficiency is also influenced by cell and tissue type, i.e., the actual recovery processes involved. Therefore, quality factors derived from radiation quality alone are inadequate parameters for assessing the radiation risks of space flight. Until recently, OH radicals formed in bulk nuclear water were believed to be the major causes of DNA damage that results in cell death, especially for sparsely ionizing radiations. That hypothesis has now been challenged, if not refuted. Lethal genomic DNA damage is determined mainly by energy deposition in deoxyribonucleoproteins, and their hydration shells, and charge (energy) transfer processes within those structures.  相似文献   

DNA double-strand breaks (DSB) are induced linearly with absorbed dose both for sparsely and densely ionizing radiations. By enzymatic repair the linear relationship between the number of DSB and absorbed dose is converted into a non linear one. Furthermore, the RBE-values of high LET radiations for residual DSB increase with increasing amount of DSB repair especially in the low dose range. Unrepaired and/or misrepaired DSB are supposed to be responsible for chromosomal aberrations, cell killing, oncogenic cell transformation and gene mutation. At low doses, for these endpoints much higher RBE-values than those for initial DSB are observed. However, with increasing doses the RBE-values for these endpoints approach those for initial DSB. These observations are likely to be interpreted using the following two parameters of the energy deposition structure: 1. The distribution of clusters with respect to their size at the nm-scale and to the number of ionizations per cluster (cluster distribution). 2. The distribution of distances between clusters of definite size and with definite number of ionizations (distance distribution of clusters). For the induction of DSB solely the ionization density in clusters of nm-dimensions (i.e. the cluster distribution) is important. For unrepaired or misrepaired DSB (responsible for chromosome aberrations, cell killing, oncogenic cell transformation and gene mutation) both the cluster distribution and the distance distribution of clusters are relevant. At low doses the distance distribution of clusters along a single particle track determines the RBE-value. However, with increasing dose the distribution of clusters produced by all particles traversing the cell nucleus becomes increasingly determinant. Here, solely the cluster distribution is important as it is the case for the induction of DSB.  相似文献   

We have observed significant differences in the response to ionizing radiation of two closely related human cells lines, and now compare the effects on these lines of both low and intermediate LET radiation. Compared to TK6, WTK1 has an enhanced X-ray survival, and is also more resistant to cell killing by alpha-particles. The hprt locus is more mutable in WTK1 than in TK6 by both X-rays and alpha-particles. WTK1 is also more mutable by alpha-particles than by X-rays at the hprt locus. X-ray-induced mutation at the heterozygous tk locus in WTK1 is about 25 fold higher than in TK6, while alpha-particle-induced mutation is nearly 50 fold higher at this locus. Also, the slowly growing tk- mutants, which comprise the majority of spontaneous and X-ray-induced tk- mutants of TK6, were not induced significantly by alpha-particles. Previously, we showed that TK6 has a reduced capacity for recombination compared with WTK1, and therefore, these results indicate that recombinational repair may contribute to both cell survival and mutation-induction following exposure to ionizing radiation. Such a mechanism may aid cell survival, but could also result in increased deleterious effects such as the unmasking of recessive mutations in cancer suppresser genes.  相似文献   

The cytogenetic effects of X-rays and Au ions were investigated in repair-proficient CHO-K1 cells and their radiosensitive mutant strain xrs5, which shows a defect in the rejoining of DNA double-strand breaks. Both cell lines were synchronized by mitotic shake off, irradiated in G1-phase with either 250 kV X-rays or 780 MeV/u Au ions (LET: 1150 keV/micrometer) and chromosome aberrations were analyzed in first post-irradiation metaphases. Isoeffective doses of X-rays for the induction of aberrant cells and aberrations per cell were about 14 times lower for xrs5 than for CHO-K1 cells. After high LET radiation the difference in the cytogenetic response of both cell lines was drastically diminished. Furthermore, the analysis of the aberration types induced by sparsely and densely ionizing radiation showed for both cell lines specific changes in the spectrum of aberration types as LET increases. The experimental results are discussed with respect to the different types of lesions induced by sparsely and densely ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

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