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X-ray synchrotron emission tells us of the highest energy reached by accelerated electrons. In a few supernova remnants (SN 1006, G347.3-0.5) this is the dominant form of X-ray radiation, but in most it is superposed to the dominant thermal emission. Thanks to the spectro-imaging capability of Chandra and XMM-Newton, X-ray synchrotron emission has now been unambiguously detected in most young supernova remnants (Cas A, Tycho, Kepler). It arises in a very thin shell (a few arcsecs) at the blast wave. The thinness of that shell (much broader in the radio domain) implies that the high energy electrons cool down very fast behind the shock. The magnetic field that one deduces from that constraint is more than 100 μG behind the shock.  相似文献   

Spectrally resolved X-ray images of galactic supernova remnants have been obtained both from the ROSAT all-sky survey and a number of pointed observations. There is substantial evidence for significant spatial variation in temperature, density and pressure across the older, thermal remnants like the Vela SNR, the Cygnus Loop and the North Polar Spur. Both the brightness distribution and the pressure variations observed point towards recently shocked interstellar clouds and filaments, which dominate the X-ray emission pattern. Across the Puppis-A SNR an arc-shaped absorption structure has been detected, which is demonstrated to be produced by cold gas located close to the shock front of the Vela SNR. Across IC443 a similar absorption pattern has been observed, which is created by a cold shell associated with a previously unknown, ROSAT discovered SNR, which lies in front of IC443. Finally, a statistically overview of the SNRs detected in the ROSAT all-sky survey is presented. About half of the catalogued radio remnants have been observed in the survey and another 90 sources have been found which are considered to be candidates of new SNRs.  相似文献   

The difference in morphology between filled and shell type supernova remnants is attributed to differences in the activity of the neutron stars left by the supernovae. Pulsar activity leads to centrally concentrated remnants similar to the Crab. Non-activity as a pulsar results in all of the rotational energy loss going into dipole radiation. The pressure of this radiation creates shell-like objects with hollow interiors such as Cas A.  相似文献   

We present the first public database of high-energy observations of all known Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs). In Section 1 we introduce the rationale for this work motivated primarily by studying particle acceleration in SNRs, and which aims at bridging the already existing census of Galactic SNRs (primarily made at radio wavelengths) with the ever-growing but diverse observations of these objects at high-energies (in the X-ray and γγ-ray regimes). In Section 2 we show how users can browse the database using a dedicated web front–end (http://www.physics.umanitoba.ca/snr/SNRcat). In Section 3 we give some basic statistics about the records we have collected so far, which provides a summary of our current view of Galactic SNRs. Finally, in Section 4, we discuss some possible extensions of this work. We believe that this catalogue will be useful to both observers and theorists, and timely with the synergy in radio/high-energy SNR studies as well as the upcoming new high-energy missions. A feedback form provided on the website will allow users to provide comments or input, thus helping us keep the database up-to-date with the latest observations.  相似文献   

In the framework of the study of supernova remnants and their complex interaction with the interstellar medium and the circumstellar material, we focus on the galactic supernova remnant W49B. Its morphology exhibits an X-ray bright elongated nebula, terminated on its eastern end by a sharp perpendicular structure aligned with the radio shell. The X-ray spectrum of W49B is characterized by strong K emission lines from Si, S, Ar, Ca, and Fe. There is a variation of the temperature in the remnant with the highest temperature found in the eastern side and the lowest one in the western side. The analysis of the recent observations of W49B indicates that the remnant may be the result of an asymmetric bipolar explosion where the ejecta are collimated along a jet-like structure and the eastern jet is hotter and more Fe-rich than the western one. Another possible scenario associates the X-ray emission with a spherical explosion where parts of the ejecta are interacting with a dense belt of ambient material. To overcome this ambiguity we present new results of the analysis of an XMM-Newton observation and we perform estimates of the mass and energy of the remnant. We conclude that the scenario of an anisotropic jet-like explosion explains quite naturally our observation results, but the association of W49B with a hypernova and a γ-ray burst, although still possible, is not directly supported by any evidence.  相似文献   

The detection of a soft thermal X-ray component in the spectrum of a bright knot in the halo of the plerion G21.5-0.9 is reported. Using a collisional ionization equilibrium model for an hot optically thin plasma, a temperature of kT 0.12–0.24 keV, a mass of 0.3–1.0 M and a density of 1.6–6 cm−3 is derived. The spectral analysis suggests a possible overabundance of Silicon with respect to the solar value in the knot; if this will be confirmed this object may be a clump of shocked ejecta.  相似文献   

Observations show that the magnetic field in young supernova remnants (SNRs) is significantly stronger than can be expected from the compression of the circumstellar medium (CSM) by a factor of four expected for strong blast waves. Additionally, the polarization is mainly radial, which is also contrary to expectation from compression of the CSM magnetic field. Cosmic rays (CRs) may help to explain these two observed features. They can increase the compression ratio to factors well over those of regular strong shocks by adding a relativistic plasma component to the pressure, and by draining the shock of energy when CRs escape from the region. The higher compression ratio will also allow for the contact discontinuity, which is subject to the Rayleigh–Taylor (R–T) instability, to reach much further out to the forward shock. This could create a preferred radial polarization of the magnetic field. With an Adaptive Mesh Refinement MHD code (AMRVAC), we simulate the evolution of SNRs with three different configurations of the initial CSM magnetic field, and look at two different equations of state in order to look at the possible influence of a CR plasma component. The spectrum of CRs can be simulated using test particles, of which we also show some preliminary results that agree well with available analytical solutions.  相似文献   

PSR J0537−6910 is a young, energetic, rotation-powered X-ray pulsar with a spin period of 16 ms located in the Large Magellanic Cloud. We have searched for previously undetected radio pulsations (both giant and standard) from this pulsar in a 12-h observation taken at 1400 MHz with the Parkes 64-m radio telescope. The very large value of the magnetic field at the light cylinder radius suggests that this pulsar might be emitting giant radio pulses like those seen in other pulsars with similar field strengths. No radio emission of either kind was detected from the pulsar, and we have established an upper limit of ∼25 mJy kpc2 for the average 1400-MHz radio luminosity of PSR J0537−6910. The 5σ single-pulse detection threshold was ∼750 mJy for a single 80-μs sample. These limits are likely to be the best obtainable until searches with greatly improved sensitivity can be made with next-generation radio instruments.  相似文献   

We present the preliminary results of a Chandra X-ray study of N132D, a young shell-like supernova remnant (SNR) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. The equivalent width maps of emissions from O, Ne, Mg, Si, and S are provided. Spatially resolved spectral analysis for the small-scale regions were tentatively performed. X-ray spectra of the interior can be described with a single-thermal model. The faint interior regions have lower density, higher temperature above 1 keV than that of bright interior regions. The X-ray spectra along the shell can be phenomenally fitted with either a double-vpshock model or a vpshock + powerlaw model. If the non-thermal component is true, N132D would be listed as another X-ray synchrotron SNR.  相似文献   

XY-SAS(Xu & Yan Scale Adaptive Simulation)模型通过在SA(Spalart-Allmaras)模型耗散项的湍流尺度中引入基于平均涡量的冯卡门长度尺度,在不稳定流动区域具有类似LES(Large Eddy Simulation)的计算性能,且不存在DES(Detached Eddy Simulation)方法中RANS(Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes)与LES的交界面问题.由于SAS类模型预测的湍流能谱存在高波数衰减不足的缺陷,需要进一步在湍流尺度中引入网格尺度作为限制器.采用不同形式的网格尺度限制器构造了3种XY-SAS模型,对Re=3 900的圆柱绕流进行数值模拟,并与DES及实验数据进行比较.结果表明网格尺度限制器对XY-SAS模型的计算性能有较大影响,以最小网格间距作为高波数衰减限制器是较为合理的选择,此时模型对于大分离流动能够达到DES的模拟能力.  相似文献   

For the future Japanese exploration mission of the Jupiter’s magnetosphere (JMO: Jupiter Magnetospheric Orbiter), a unique instrument named JUXTA (Jupiter X-ray Telescope Array) is being developed. It aims at the first in-situ measurement of X-ray emission associated with Jupiter and its neighborhood. Recent observations with Earth-orbiting satellites have revealed various X-ray emission from the Jupiter system. X-ray sources include Jupiter’s aurorae, disk emission, inner radiation belts, the Galilean satellites and the Io plasma torus. X-ray imaging spectroscopy can be a new probe to reveal rotationally driven activities, particle acceleration and Jupiter–satellite binary system. JUXTA is composed of an ultra-light weight X-ray telescope based on micromachining technology and a radiation-hard semiconductor pixel detector. It covers 0.3–2 keV with the energy resolution of <100 eV at 0.6 keV. Because of proximity to Jupiter (∼30 Jovian radii at periapsis), the image resolution of <5 arcmin and the on-axis effective area of >3 cm2 at 0.6 keV allow extremely high photon statistics and high resolution observations.  相似文献   

A model of the galactic center containing magnetic monopoles has been suggested. We have estimated the number of monopoles preserved in the formation process of the galactic nuclei. The catalytic reaction between magnetic monopoles and baryons can produce positrons and release the energy as well. According to our model, the galactic center cannot collapse into a black, even in the case where the contents of magnetic monopoles are much less than the Parker limit. This model may account for the intensity of the positron-electron pair annihilation line and the high energy photons continuum (>500 keV) observed at the galactic center direction.  相似文献   

We have investigated differential emission measure (DEM) distribution of hot flare plasma (T>10 MK) using SMM X-ray data from Bent Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) and Hard X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (HXIS). We have found that the analysis provide a very sensitive test of consistency of observational data coming from different instruments or different channels of the same instrument. This has allowed to eliminate some systematic differences contained in the analysed data.Typical examples of the DEM distribution are discussed. It is stressed that these improvements in the multitemperature flare diagnostics are very important for the discussion of flare energetics.  相似文献   

We report the XMM-Newton detection of narrow Fe xxv and Fe xxvi X-ray absorption lines at 7 keV in the persistent emission of the dipping low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB) 4U 1323−62. Such features have now been reported in a growing number of LMXBs seen almost edge-on, indicating that the highly-ionized plasma probably originates in an accretion disk atmosphere or wind. During dipping intervals of 4U 1323−62, the strength of the Fe xxv feature increases while that of the Fe xxvi feature decreases, consistent with the presence of less strongly ionized material in the line-of-sight. As observed previously, the changes in the X-ray spectrum during dips are inconsistent with a simple increase in absorption by cool material. However, we show that the changes in both the narrow absorption features and the continuum can be modeled self-consistently by variations in the properties of an ionized absorber. From persistent to deep dipping the photo-ionization parameter decreases while the equivalent hydrogen column density of the ionized absorber increases. No partial covering of any component of the spectrum, and hence no extended corona, are required. Since highly-ionized absorption features are seen from many other dip sources, this mechanism may also explain the overall changes in X-ray spectrum observed during dipping intervals from these systems.  相似文献   

Current literature suggests that several lines in the soft X-ray portion of the coronal spectrum may not be optically thin. Here, we confirm the results of Schmelz et al. (1996) who find no significant opacity effects for three of the brightest non-iron resonance lines in this part of the spectrum — O VIII at 18.97Å, Ne IX at 13.45Å, and Mg XI at 9.17Å. A comparison is made between each of these lines and an optically thin “reference” line produced by the same element in the same ionization state — O VIII at 15.18Å, Ne IX at 13.55Å, and Mg XI at 9.23Å. In the latter two cases, the comparison line is the intersystem line of the He-like triplet. 33 spectra from the Solar Maximum Mission Flat Crystal Spectrometer are analyzed, all of which were obtained from non-flaring, quasi-stable active regions.  相似文献   

Most, but not all, theoretical models of X-ray bursters require a binary system consisting of a mass donating star and a neutron star. The observational evidence in support of this model, however, is both indirect and meager. We have detected absorption dips in the X-ray spectrum of the Burster MXB 1916-05 with the IPC and the MPC on the Einstein Observatory which occur with a binary period of 2985 seconds. These dips are shown to be the result of a gas stream emanating from a companion star and hence this data represents the first direct evidence of the binary nature of X-ray bursters. Detailed models of the interaction of the gas stream with the accretion disk are presented. A 22nd mag. optical candidate for the system has been found.  相似文献   

Foreground emission, mainly airglow and zodiacal light, is a significant contributor in an ultraviolet observation especially from low earth orbit. Its careful estimation and removal are tedious yet unavoidable processes in the study of diffuse UV radiation and by extension interstellar dust studies. Our analysis of deep GALEX observations show that airglow is not only a function of Sun angle but also a strong function of Solar activity at the time of observation. We present here an empirical model of airglow emission, derived from GALEX deep observations, as a function of 10.7 cm Solar flux and Sun angle. We obtained the model by training machine learning models on the data using a variant of the regression algorithm that is both resilient toward outlier data and sensitive to the complexities of the provided data. Our model predictions across various observations show no loss in generalization as well as good agreement with the observed values. We find that the total airglow in an observation is the sum of a baseline part (AGc) that depends on the Solar flux and Sun angle, and a variable part (AGv) that depends on the Sun angle and the time of observation with respect to local midnight. We also find that the total airglow can vary between 85 – 390 photon units in FUV and 80 – 465 photon units in NUV.  相似文献   

There have been significant, recent advances in understanding the solar ultraviolet (UV) and X-ray spectral irradiance from several different satellite missions and from new efforts in modeling the variations of the solar spectral irradiance. The recent satellite missions with solar UV and X-ray spectral irradiance observations include the X-ray Sensor (XRS) aboard the series of NOAA GOES spacecraft, the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS), the SOHO Solar EUV Monitor (SEM), the Solar XUV Photometers (SXP) on the Student Nitric Oxide Explorer (SNOE), the Solar EUV Experiment (SEE) aboard the Thermosphere, Ionosphere, Mesosphere, Dynamics, and Energetics (TIMED) satellite, and the Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) satellite. The combination of these measurements is providing new results on the variability of the solar ultraviolet irradiance throughout the ultraviolet range shortward of 200 nm and over a wide range of time scales ranging from years to seconds. The solar UV variations of flares are especially important for space weather applications and upper atmosphere research, and the period of intense solar storms in October–November 2003 has provided a wealth of new information about solar flares. The new efforts in modeling these solar UV spectral irradiance variations range from simple empirical models that use solar proxies to more complicated physics-based models that use emission measure techniques. These new models provide better understanding and insight into why the solar UV irradiance varies, and they can be used at times when solar observations are not available for atmospheric studies.  相似文献   

We discuss the detection of soft excess X-ray emission in a sample of 19 clusters of galaxies observed by XMM-Newton. In 6/19 clusters evidence for a soft X-ray excess is found. Four of these clusters show soft X-ray and O VII line emission from gas with a temperature of 0.2 keV. The centroid of this oxygen line is consistent with the redshift of the cluster. The intensity and spatial extend of the soft excess agrees with previous PSPC measurements. These observations are interpreted as emission from warm-hot intergalactic medium filaments, with density enhancements near the cluster centers, consistent with theoretical predictions. In the other two soft excess clusters a non-thermal origin is consistent with the data.  相似文献   

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