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E.V. Chubaryan R.M. Avakyan G.G. Harutyunyan A.S. Piloyan 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2009,44(11):1359-1365
Recent astronomical observations of supernovae and cosmic microwave background indicate that the universe is accelerating. Scalar–tensor theories of gravity give rise to suitable cosmological models where a late-time accelerated expansion is naturally realized. In an alternative proposal the cosmic acceleration is generated by means of a scalar field (quintessence), in a way similar to the early-time inflation. In this paper, we consider two classes of cosmological models with scalar fields. The first one corresponds to the Jordan–Brans–Dicke tensor–scalar theory with a cosmological scalar and the second one contains a conformally coupled scalar field with quartic potential. In both type of models the cosmological dynamics is described and the deceleration parameter is evaluated. The values of the parameters are specified for which a late-time accelerated expansion is realized. 相似文献
Atanas Marinov Atanassov 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2011
The Spectral Airglow Temperature Imager is an instrument for ground-based spectroscopic measurements of the night-glow atmosphere emissions. This instrument was developed specially for gravity wave investigation. The measured airglow spectra are matched to synthetic spectra calculated in advance for determination of the temperature in the mesopause region where the radiation maximum of some О2 emissions is situated. The synthetic spectra are transformed into a format which corresponds to the measured spectra in order to be matched. This transformation is based on the known values of the refractive index and the central wavelength of the interference filter used. A substantial part of the processing algorithms of the SATI images is connected with determination of these two filter parameters. The results of the original and newly-proposed algorithms for filter parameter calculation and their importance for the final results for temperature determination on the basis of the О2 (864–868 nm) emission measurements are presented. 相似文献
《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2007,39(9):1389-1393
An occulted solar flare occurred at about 06:07 UT on 2002, November 2. The RHESSI X-ray images show two separate parts. The lower part consists of a complete loop and the upper part a coronal source which well extends above the solar limb. The loop source shrank for about 3 min with a speed of ∼24 km s−1 during the early impulsive phase and then expanded at ∼7 km s−1, while the coronal source presented an upward motion at about 6 km s−1. We obtained the temperature map of the loop source from RHESSI image spectrum. The temperature of the loop increases with altitude, indicating that the reconnection X-point of this flare is located above the loop source. However, the apparent coronal source is the top of another independent large-scale loop. 相似文献
V.K. Pandey K.K. Mahajan 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1984,4(1):97-99
Comparisons of various available empirical models of electron temperature are made with actual measurements from incoherent scatter radar and rocket and satellite probes, during low solar activity period. The models compared are those of Pandey (1983), Brace and Theis (1978), IRI (1979) and Bilitza (1983). It is found that our model and the Brace and Theis model are closer to actual measurements than the IRI and Bilitza models. 相似文献
V.E. Zuev V.S. Komarov 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1985,5(6):61-66
Statistical mid-latitude models of altitude distribution of temperature, water vapor, ozone, carbon dioxide and trace gases (CO, CH4, N2O, NO, NO2) are considered. The mean characteristics of altitude profiles of these parameters, as well as their time and space variability, have been taken into account. The statistical regional models were constructed using a temperature-humidy complex. The considered statistical mid-latitude models have been constructed as applied to solutions of the problems on remote sounding of the atmosphere and underlying surface from outer space. 相似文献
基于截集法的结构模糊可靠性基本模型已被用于各种可靠性工程问题中,形成了应力-强度模糊可靠性干涉模型、结构疲劳寿命模糊可靠性模型和结构抗共振模糊可靠性模型等具体模型.提出了常用截集分布下模糊可靠性模型的收敛性定理,并予以理论证明,进而针对单侧无限安全域和双侧无限安全域这两类模型,分别给出了相应推论.定理表明,当截集逐渐变长时,采用常用截集分布所得的可靠性分析结果趋于某一固定值,而与具体的结构无关,因此是不合理的.为了避免这种不足,提出了一种新的截集分布——修正的截尾正态分布.并通过3个具体例子验证,采用文中所给的截集分布,模糊可靠性模型收敛于相应的随机可靠性模型,表明其具有良好的收敛性和更好的适用性. 相似文献
Sandip Mukherjee P.K. Joshi R.D. Garg 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2014
Remotely sensed high spatial resolution thermal images are required for various applications in natural resource management. At present, availability of high spatial resolution (<200 m) thermal images are limited. The temporal resolution of such images is also low. Whereas, coarser spatial resolution (∼1000 m) thermal images with high revisiting capability (∼1 day) are freely available. To bridge this gap, present study attempts to downscale coarser spatial resolution thermal image to finer spatial resolution using relationships between land surface temperature (LST) and vegetation indices over a heterogeneous landscape of India. Five regression based models namely (i) Disaggregation of Radiometric Temperature (DisTrad), (ii) Temperature Sharpening (TsHARP), (iii) TsHARP with local variant, (iv) Least median square regression downscaling (LMSDS) and (v) Pace regression downscaling (PRDS) are applied to downscale LST of Landsat Thematic Mapper (TM) and Terra MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) images. All the five models are first evaluated on Landsat image aggregated to 960 m resolution and downscaled to 480 m and 240 m resolution. The downscale accuracy is achieved using LMSDS and PRDS models at 240 m resolution at 0.61 °C and 0.75 °C respectively. MODIS data downscaled from 1000 m to 250 m spatial resolution results root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.43 °C and 1.62 °C for LMSDS and PRDS models, respectively. The LMSDS model is less sensitive to outliers in heterogeneous landscape and provides higher accuracy when compared to other models. Downscaling model is found to be suitable for agricultural and vegetated landscapes up to a spatial resolution of 250 m but not applicable to water bodies, dry river bed sand sandy open areas. 相似文献
《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1996,17(1):43-46
The analysis of the data of sea surface temperature observed with a portable infrared radiometer from the fixed point on the seashore indicates a significant effect of observation(look) angle when it becomes larger than 70 degrees. An attempt is made to explain the effect by applying Fresnel's reflection law. A verification indicates a good agreement between the sea surface temperature observed with a portable thermal IR radiometer at large observation angles and that computed from Fresnel's reflection equation. 相似文献
Improving DORIS geocenter time series using an empirical rescaling of solar radiation pressure models 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
M.L. Gobinddass P. Willis O. de Viron A. Sibthorpe N.P. Zelensky J.C. Ries R. Ferland Y. Bar-Sever M. Diament F.G. Lemoine 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2009,44(11):1279-1287
Even if Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) remains the fundamental technique for geocenter monitoring, DORIS can also determine this geophysical parameter. Gobinddass et al. (2009) found that part of the systematic errors at 118 days and 1 year can be significantly reduced by rescaling the current solar radiation pressure models using satellite-dependent empirical models. Here we extend this study to all DORIS satellites and propose a complete set of empirical solar radiation parameter coefficients. A specific problem related to SPOT-5 solar panel realignment is also detected and explained. New DORIS geocenter solutions now show a much better agreement in amplitude with independent SLR solutions and with recent geophysical models. Finally, the impact of this refined DORIS data strategy is discussed in terms of Z-geocenter monitoring as well as for other geodetic products (altitude of high latitude station such as Thule in Greenland) and Precise Orbit Determination. After reprocessing the full 1993.0-2008.0 DORIS data set, we confirm that the proposed strategy allows a significant reduction of systematic errors at periods of 118 days and 1 year (up to 20 mm), especially for the most recent data after 2002.5, when more DORIS satellites are available for geodetic purposes. 相似文献
F Raulin P Bruston P Paillous R Sternberg 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1995,15(3):321-333
Organic chemistry on Titan and prebiotic chemistry on Earth involve the same N-containing organics: nitriles and their oligomers. Couplings of their chemistry in the three parts of Titan's geofluid (atmosphere, aerosols and surface) seem to play a key role in the organic chemical evolution of the planet. If liquid water was present on Titan, then a prebiotic chemistry, involving eutectics, similar to that of the early Earth, may have occurred. However, liquid water is currently absent and a prebiotic chemistry based only on N-organics may be evolving now on Titan. The other consequence of the low temperatures of Titan is the possible formation of organics unstable at room temperature and very reactive. So far, these compounds have not been systematically searched for in experimental studies of Titan's organic chemistry. C4N2 has already been detected on Titan. Powerful reactants in organic chemistry, CH2N2, and CH3N3, may be also present. They exhibit spectral signatures in the mid-IR strong enough to allow their detection at the 10-100 ppb level. They may be detectable on future IR spectra (ISO and Cassini) of Titan. 相似文献
辐射测温中环境辐射的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在辐射测温中,环境辐射对辐射测温有一定的影响。对于环境辐射的影响,不少参考资料中指出500℃以上可以忽略,经理论分析得出,是否考虑环境辐射的影响,不仅与所测温度有关,同时与辐射温度计的工作波长和所测物体的发射率有关。为了提高测温的准确性,分别对单色、比色测温中环境辐射的影响进行了分析比较。 相似文献
C. T. Russell J. G. Luhmann F. R. Fenrich 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2001,28(12):1707-1716
The Polar satellite has explored the high-latitude, high-latitude magnetosphere out to 9 Earth radii (Re). The magnetic field data returned from this mission can be used both to provide data for new empirical models and to test existing models. Tests include comparing the observed location of the polar cusp with its position in the empirical models and comparing the strength of the magnetic field in the surrounding region. Near the cusp the magnetosphere is quite sensitive to solar wind conditions. In particular the energy density of the cusp plasma depends on the pressure of the solar wind applied to the interface of the cusp and the sheath. The applied pressure in turn depends on the shape of the magnetopause and the orientation of that interface, both controlled by the direction of the interplanetary magnetic field. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models provide a coarse picture of the magnetosphere at high latitudes. While generally quite realistic, these too require testing against observations because even the MHD models must make some simplifying assumptions. 相似文献
J.L. Falin F. Barlier G. Kockarts 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》1981,1(12):221-225
Total density data were obtained from the accelerometer CACTUS on board of CASTOR-D5B 1975-39A. Numerous and precise data were obtained between 250km and 600km altitude in the equatorial region (±30° latitude) for a period extending from May 1975 (minimum of solar activity) to February 1979 (already important solar activity). Since CACTUS data have not yet been used for the construction of empirical thermospheric models, a significant part of the data file is compared with several thermospheric models in order to provide an external test of the reliability of such models. Standard deviations of the order of 20% are apparent. The most significant differences extend over a few weeks and cannot be represented by the geophysical indices as they are presently used in the empirical models. Such an experimental fact suggests that the mathematical and physical aspects of the empirical models should be refined in order to achieve a better representation of physical reality. 相似文献
Tiago M.D. Pereira 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2019,63(4):1434-1442
The interface between the bright solar surface and the million-degree corona continues to hold the key to many unsolved problems in solar physics. Advances in instrumentation now allow us to observe the dynamic structures of the solar chromosphere down to less than with cadences of just a few seconds and in multiple polarisation states. Such observational progress has been matched by the ever-increasing sophistication of numerical models, which have become necessary to interpret the complex observations. With an emphasis on the quiet Sun, I will review recent progress in the observation and modelling of the chromosphere. Models have come a long way from 1D static atmospheres, but their predictions still fail to reproduce several key observed features. Nevertheless, they have given us invaluable insight into the physical processes that energise the atmosphere. With more physics being added to models, the gap between predictions and observations is narrowing. With the next generation of solar observatories just around the corner, the big question is: will they close the gap? 相似文献
I.N. Tziavos G.S. Vergos S.P. Mertikas A. Daskalakis V.N. Grigoriadis A. Tripolitsiotis 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2013
The use of geoid heights has been one of the available methodologies utilized for the independent calibration/validation of altimeters on-board satellites. This methodology has been employed for long in the Gavdos dedicated cal/val facility (Crete, Greece), where calibration results for the Jason satellites have been estimated, both for ascending and descending passes. The present work gives a detailed overview of the methodology followed in order to estimate a high-resolution and accuracy gravimetric geoid model for the wider Gavdos area, in support of the on-going calibration work. To estimate the geoid model, the well-known remove-compute-restore method is used while residual geoid heights are estimated through least-squares collocation so that associated errors are determined as well. It is found that the estimated formal geoid errors from LSC along passes 018 and 109 of Jason satellites, used for the bias estimation, range between ±0.8–1.6 cm. The so-derived geoid heights are employed in the determination of the Jason-2 altimeter bias for all available cycles (cycles 1-114, spanning the period from July 2008 to August 2011) together with the RioMed DOT model. From the results acquired the Jason-2 bias has been estimated to be +196.1 ± 3.2 mm for pass 109 and +161.9 ± 5.1 mm for pass 018. Within the same frame, the GOCE/GRACE-based geopotential model GOCO02s has been used to estimate the mean dynamic ocean topography and the steady-state circulation in the area around Gavdos. The so-derived DOT model was used to estimate the Jason-2 bias in an effort to evaluate the performance of satellite-only geoid models and investigate whether their spatial resolution and accuracy provides some improvement w.r.t. traditional local gravimetric geoids. From the results acquired with geoid heights from GOCO02s, the estimated Jason-2 bias deviates significantly from that of the local gravimetric model, which can be attributed to a possible mean offset and the low resolution of GOCE-based GGMs. On the other hand, when the newly estimated GOCE-based DOT was employed with geoid heights from the local gravimetric geoid model, the Jason-2 bias has been estimated to be +185.1 ± 3.2 mm for pass 109 and +130.2 ± 5.1 mm for pass 018. 相似文献
振动与冲击传感器的灵敏度(校准系数)、阻尼比和谐振频率均为温度的函数。灵敏度随温度变化的特性称之为温度响应。从分析目前传感器温度响应测试方法存在的问题入手,着重介绍了将激光测振应用于温响校准的实施方法、原理和校准装置的技术性能。 相似文献