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Since the conception of quantum cosmology was introduced by Lemaitre in 1931, many authors have discussed the quantum nature of the Universe. Yet the most significant new feature of quantum physics, the notion of quantum nonlocality and its verification using Earth-based experiments, is never addressed by cosmologists because they basically do not know how to deal with it. In the spirit of making the transition “from quarks to cosmos” we will demonstrate how this is done. We show how to estimate the temperature of the flat Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker spacetime using a spherically symmetric approximation of the metric in conjunction with Lee’s theorem for scalar quantum fields on curved backgrounds. This temperature dependence is not the same as the classical Gamow temperature which follows from general relativity for the radiation-dominated era of the Big Bang model, and we relate this result to the question of decoherence in the very early Universe.  相似文献   

Millisecond X-ray time variability studies of accreting low-magnetic-field neutron stars and stellar-mass black holes in X-ray binaries probe the motion of matter in regions of strong gravity. In these regions, general relativity (GR) is no longer a small correction to the classical laws of motion, but instead dominates the dynamics: we are studying motion in strongly curved spacetime. Such millisecond X-ray variability studies can therefore provide unique tests of GR in the strong-field regime. The same studies also constrain neutron-star parameters such as stellar mass and radius, and thereby the equation of state (EOS) of ultradense matter. I briefly review the status, and discuss the prospects for mapping out space-time near accreting stellar-mass compact objects, and measuring the EOS of dense matter, through millisecond timing, particularly with an eye towards future missions. The overwhelming consideration for timing sensitivity is collecting area: contrary to most applications, the signal-to-noise ratio for the aperiodic timing phenomena produced by accretion flows increases proportionally with count rate rather than as the square root of it. A 10 times larger instrument turns 1σ effects into 10σ effects (or does as well in 1% of the time). With the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE), using 0.6 m2 collecting area, we have found several timing diagnostics from the accretion flow in the strong field region around neutron stars and black holes, as well as signals from neutron star surface hot spots. Combined work between RXTE and the new sensitive X-ray spectrographs onboard Chandra and XMM can already begin to clinch the geometry and physical mechanisms underlying these signals. Future instruments, larger in area by an order of magnitude and in some cases with enhanced spectral capabilities, are expected to turn these diagnostics of GR into true tests of GR. They are also expected to put strong constraints on neutron-star structure, and thereby on the EOS of supranuclear density matter.  相似文献   

作为多普勒跟踪测量用于时空引力检验的尝试,在多普勒建模过程中加入了对于局部洛仑兹不变性(LLI)以及局部位置不变性(LPI)的检验参数。LLI/LPI是包括广义相对论在内的任何度规引力理论的基石。通过迭代求解多普勒建模过程中所需的光行时解,证明了只有在单程以及三程多普勒测量中可以检验LLI和LPI。鉴于该种测量手段无需额外载荷以及我国测控精度,可以尝试通过单/三程多普勒测量来检验LLI和LPI的科学目标。  相似文献   

Recently developed atomic hydrogen masers have achieved stability well into the 10?16 domain for averaging time intervals beyond 1000 sec and future devices promise further improvements. These devices are very adaptable for space use in very high precision measurements of angle through Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) and range and range-rate through Doppler techniques. Proposed space missions using these clocks will be discussed for the measurement of the sun's gravity field distribution and tests of gravitation and relativity including a search for pulsed low frequency (~0.001 Hz) gravitational waves, and orbiting VLBI stations. Estimates of system performance capability will be discussed and the accuracy capability of relativistic measurements evaluated in terms of results from the 1976 NASA/SAO spaceborne clock test of the Einstein Equivalence Principle.  相似文献   

“2019全国时间频率学术会议”是由四个专业委员会联合每两年举办一次的20周年纪念会。20年来,我国原子钟事业已有长足发展,成为世界上原子钟研制与开发的大国。但总体上说,我们的工作还是以跟随为主,真正属于自主创新的较少。不改变这种局面,我们还难以成为独立自主的时间频率强国,为国家经济和国防建设作出应有贡献。本文回顾了我国原子钟研发的情况,提到一些从基础研究上属于原始创新的案例。阐述了这些案例是在简陋的实验条件下依靠对原子钟内各类实验现象进行深入的物理分析基础上出现的。同时,也指出了在比较粗糙的工艺条件下实现精细的技术指标中能工巧匠所起的特殊作用。文章也约略提到国内各单位间无私协作的崇高精神。本文将讲述一些故事,并就原子钟产业的问题表示一点看法。中国要实现“强国梦”,阻力和困难还很多很艰巨,我们必须拥有丰富的原始创新来加以克服。为此,坚韧的奋斗钻研精神和传统仍不失借鉴与继承意义。  相似文献   

Two special measurements of the energy exchange between earth and space were made in connection with the FGGE. A global monitoring program using wide-field-of-view and scanner detectors from NASA's NIMBUS-7 satellite successfully returned measurements during the entire FGGE. This experiment system also used a black cavity detector to measure the total energy output of the sun to very high precision. A second set of high frequency time and space estimates of the radiation budget were determined from selected geostationary satellite data. Preliminary results from both radiation budget data sets and the solar “constant” measurements will be presented.  相似文献   

Submillimeter interferometry has the potential to image supermassive black holes on event horizon scales, providing tests of the theory of general relativity and increasing our understanding of black hole accretion processes. The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) performs these observations from the ground, and its main imaging targets are Sagittarius A* in the Galactic Center and the black hole at the center of the M87 galaxy. However, the EHT is fundamentally limited in its performance by atmospheric effects and sparse terrestrial (u,v)-coverage (Fourier sampling of the image). The scientific interest in quantitative studies of the horizon size and shape of these black holes has motivated studies into using space interferometry which is free of these limitations. Angular resolution considerations and interstellar scattering effects push the desired observing frequency to bands above 500 GHz.
This paper presents the requirements for meeting these science goals, describes the concept of interferometry from Polar or Equatorial Medium Earth Orbits (PECMEO) which we dub the Event Horizon Imager (EHI), and utilizes suitable space technology heritage. In this concept, two or three satellites orbit at slightly different orbital radii, resulting in a dense and uniform spiral-shaped (u,v)-coverage over time. The local oscillator signals are shared via an inter-satellite link, and the data streams are correlated on-board before final processing on the ground. Inter-satellite metrology and satellite positioning are extensively employed to facilitate the knowledge of the instrument position vector, and its time derivative. The European space heritage usable for both the front ends and the antenna technology of such an instrument is investigated. Current and future sensors for the required inter-satellite metrology are listed. Intended performance estimates and simulation results are given.   相似文献   

Kilohertz QPOs have been detected from more than 20 neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries. Several different ideas have been proposed for their generation, involving resonances, magnetic interactions, and sharp transitions in the accretion flow. We show that although details are uncertain at this time, it is clear that the stellar magnetic field has a dynamic influence on the accretion flow. We also discuss the inferences about dense matter and strong gravity that can be drawn from all models, and the qualitative advances expected with a future X-ray timing mission.  相似文献   

The nature and identity of the dark matter of the Universe is one of the most challenging problems facing modern cosmology. Only 5% of the energy density of the Universe can be associated with known forms of matter. Problems for baryonic and neutrino dark matter imply the necessity to search beyond the standard model for dark matter candidates. Emphasis is placed on the prospects for supersymmetric dark matter.  相似文献   

We demonstrate by using elementary electromagnetic theory that flare mechanisms that require pre-flare energy storage, that is inductive energy storage, are incapable of accelerating sufficient electrons to satisfy the “non-thermal” hard X-ray hypothesis and are therefore “thermal” flare mechanisms within the context of the “thermal hypothesis”.  相似文献   

The continuum spectra of accretion disks around supermassive Schvarzshild black hole are calculated for a set of accretion disk parameters. In every point of the disk surface the atmosphere is considered to be similar to the atmosphere of the star with the same values of the surface gravity and effective temperature. All important effects of general relativity affected the spectrum shape are taken into account.  相似文献   

General relativity (GR) can be probed by several tests in the weak gravitational field limit. On the contrary, very poor information exists about GR tests in strong gravitational fields. Here, we focus on the interaction of light rays with the strong gravitational field of a massive black hole and show that relativistic images may form. Hence, we calculate the shapes of shadows (mirages) forming just near BH horizons and discuss the possibility to estimate the black hole parameters (mass, spin and charge) by future astrometric missions. In 2007, the Radioastron space telescope will be launched and it will allow to evaluate those parameters for the black hole hosted at the center of our Galaxy.  相似文献   

太阳高纬探测器的借力飞行轨道设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
行星借力飞行技术可以节省深空探测任务的能量消耗.针对借助内行星引力向太阳高纬度发射探测器这一科学任务,分别以金星和地球为借力星体,运用圆锥曲线拼接法,通过求解兰伯特问题绘制能量等高线图,搜索多天体交会发射机会,设计探测器与借力体轨道周期之比为1∶ 1或2∶ 3的多次借力行星际轨道,获得相对黄道面成大倾角的目标轨道.分析表明,采用多天体交会借力相比单天体借力可大大降低发射能量;3次借用金星或者地球的引力可以使探测器轨道相对黄道面的倾角达到30°左右;3次地球借力轨道性能为最优,需要的地球发射能量更低,而且飞行器进入目标轨道之前的转移时间较短.   相似文献   

An electric field when applied across liquid-liquid interface was found to cause, due to different susceptibilities of the two phases, what the authors would term as Marangoni “type” of instabilities, that resulted in the generation of bubbles/drops and caused the movement of the interface countering gravity. Thus “mixing” of the two phases would occur and in systems involving mass transfer, enhanced rates of transfer could be expected.Equations for the bubble formation involving parameters such as electrostatic pressure, surface tension, gravity force have been derived.In the case of non-gravitational or weak-gravitational fields such as obtainable in space, the separation of two liquids one below the other, as obtaining on the earth, exhibiting an interface may well nearly be impossible. Under such conditions recourse may have to be taken to super-imposition of other fields as a tool for obtaining the necessary contacting/separation. The dynamics of bubble formation etc. under these contexts are theoretically analysed.  相似文献   

The effects of gravity waves on OH and 5577 0I emissions have been used to investigate (1) the possible production of “secondary” waves or “ripples” by a “primary” wave; (2) the possible application of such observed optical emissions for computing atmospheric parameters such as turbulence viscosity in the mesospheric regions.  相似文献   

ESA technology reference studies are used as a process to identify key technologies and technical challenges of potential future missions not yet in the science programme. This paper reports on the study of the Fundamental Physics Explorer (FPE), a re-usable platform targeted to small missions testing fundamental laws of physics in space. The study addresses three specific areas of interest: special and general relativity tests based on atomic clocks, experiments on the Weak Equivalence Principle (WEP), and studies of Bose–Einstein condensates under microgravity conditions. Starting from preliminary science objectives and payload requirements, three reference missions in the small/medium class range are discussed, based on a re-adaptation of the LISA Pathfinder spacecraft. A 700/3600 km elliptic orbit has been selected to conduct clock tests of special and general relativity, a 700 km circular orbit to perform experiments on the Weak Equivalence Principle and to study Bose–Einstein condensates, each mission being based on a three-axis stabilised spacecraft. It was determined that adaptation of LISA Pathfinder would be required in order to meet the demands of the FPE missions. Moreover it was established that specific payload and spacecraft technology development would be required to realise such a programme.  相似文献   

在空间开展太阳观测是研究太阳活动周、太阳爆发、极端天气等事件起源的重要手段。环日全景探测计划是为实现从黄道面360°全方位观察太阳行星际空间而提出的。本文针对环日全景探测计划,构建了基于三体系统平动点低能量轨道的环日全景轨道部署方法。该方法以日–地L1/L2点Halo轨道幅值及Halo轨道离轨点为变量,以转移轨道飞行时间、入轨机动大小为评价指标,基于三体系统不变流形构建环日全景的转移轨道,并开展轨道优化设计。采用等高线图对设计变量及任务成本进行全局分析。仿真计算表明,轨道部署无法同时满足飞行时间最短与入轨机动最小的要求。设计了轨道机动约束条件下的最优飞行时间解,并给出了基于长三甲运载火箭的一箭双星发射及入轨方案。   相似文献   

通过对文献[4, 5]关于空间引力红移实验原理与精度的分析,根据爱因斯坦惯性力与引力等效的原理,提出在航天器内部,重力的大部分被惯性力抵消,因而其中的微重力比轨道重力小很多(失重).因此,应当把星载原子钟的重力势取为与微重力相当的有效重力势,而不能简单地将星载钟的重力势取为轨道重力势.另外,检验相对论红移需要将理论值与实验值进行对比,这两种数值均具有误差,而检验精度取决于误差较大者.因此,如果不提高地球重力模型(例如EGM2008)精度而只提高测量精度则不能提高检验精度.  相似文献   

重力波波包在可压大气中的非线性传播   总被引:26,自引:14,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文采用二维全隐欧拉(FICE)格式对具有高斯分布的重力波波包在等温、可压大气中的非线性传播过程进行数值模拟和分析.数值分析结果表明:尽管存在非线性效应,在整个传播过程中,波动的等相面向下运动,波包和波相关能量向上传输.波相关扰动速度随高度增加指数增长,并且波与平流会发生非线性相互作用,最后导致平均流场增强.这与线性重力波理论完全一致.重力波波包的传播路径与重力波线性射线理论预言非常接近,但平均水平群速度和平均垂直群速度均明显小于线性射线理论给出的结果,可见波动的非线性过程会改变波相关能量的传输速度.模拟结果首次定量地展示出非线性效应对重力波波包传播的影响,表明建立在线性理论框架中的重力波运动学定义的合理性.   相似文献   

从三维大气运动的基本控制方程出发, 基于MPI消息传递接口和区域分解的思想, 建立了模拟三维可压缩大气中重力波传播过程的并行数值模式. 在对垂直方向进行区域分解的基础上, 针对跳点网格的特点, 以垂直速度主格点线为子区域的下边界, 状态变量主格点线为子区域的上边界进行区域分解. 利用MPI消息传递接口来传递计算各子区域中变量时所要用到的相邻子区域上相应变量, 从而顺利地完成对整个计算域的并行计算. 根据线性重力波理论, 通过模拟小振幅重力波的传播过程对所建模式进行了验证. 结果表明, 模式可以很好地模拟小振幅重力波在三维空间中的传播过程, 模拟的重力波振幅随着传播高度的增加以指数形式增长, 对能量传播路径以及有效扰动位能和扰动动能的模拟结果均与理论预测的结果吻合很好. 另外, 随着进程个数的增加, 完成相同的计算量所用的计算时间也显著减少. 这表明本文建立的并行数值模式不但能够很好的模拟重力波的传播过程, 而且能够有效地节约计算时间.   相似文献   

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