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可靠、安全地实现月面软着陆及月面起飞是完成月面探测任务的基本条件,也是探测器研制的一项关键技术,需要开展地面验证试验。地面环境与月面有较大的差异,探测器在地面的工作特性也与实际过程不尽相同,地面试验的设计及实施有较大的难度。分析了探测器月面着陆起飞的设计要点和地面试验的关键因素,指出了当前试验技术存在的缺陷,在此基础上提出了一种利用探测器自身动力实现月面着陆和起飞的验证方案,通过动力学仿真验证了试验实施的可行性,并对方案的拓展应用价值进行了展望,相关内容可为后续我国月球及其他行星表面探测器的研制提供借鉴。  相似文献   

引入相似理论对月球车的轮土交互系统进行研究,建立了月壤-车轮交互系统的地面力学相似模型,针对原位月壤内聚力较小的特点,提出了一种无需改变车轮尺寸、以模拟月壤为土壤介质的模型试验方法,对月面重力环境下月球车轮的牵引性能进行预测.利用室内土槽试验和颗粒流仿真相结合的方法对该模型试验方法的有效性进行验证,验证结果与模型试验的理论分析结果较为接近,表明该法具有较好的可行性和有效性,可考虑用于预测月球车的月面牵引性能.  相似文献   

嫦娥三号探测器首次实现了中国月球软着陆和月面巡视探测,完成三类科学探测任务.嫦娥三号探测器分为着陆器和巡视器,在着陆器上配置了地形地貌相机、月基光学望远镜、极紫外相机和降落相机四种有效载荷.着重介绍了着陆器有效载荷研制过程中进行的探测能力地面模拟试验验证情况,包括试验项目、试验方案、试验结果和分析.  相似文献   

我国探月三期需在月面真空环境下钻采2 m深的月壤样品,为测试采样器在真空热环境下的性能,需首先在地面模拟一个接近月表的真空热环境.本文设计了一套模拟月壤真空试验装置,研究了模拟月壤真空实现方法.通过使用机械泵对模拟月壤进行抽真空,分析了抽速、样品量、含水量、密实度和温度等因素对模拟月壤真空度的影响情况.此外,分别分析了从容器顶部、底部抽气对模拟月壤抽真空效果的影响,提出了保证样品密实度的可行抽气方法.该试验研究对构建月面真空环境模拟器具备一定的参考价值.   相似文献   

为了验证未来月面复杂地形操控技术方案,基于Unity3D物理引擎对月表模型、月球物理环境以及月面光照环境进行了模拟,设计并开发了一套用于模拟月球自主进行着陆点选址以及在线航天器着陆轨迹规划的系统。该模拟系统的工作过程包含了:基于面阵雷达与立体相机信息融合的局部月表重建、基于3D重建结果的月表地形着陆代价的快速评估与自动着陆选址,以及使登陆器能够到达选址目标的最优燃料消耗着陆运动规划,实现了月球着陆器短距离自主选址着陆的模拟系统构建,同时也从仿真的角度初步验证了“地形重建-地形评估-自主选址-软着陆”这一自主着陆过程的可行性。  相似文献   

月球背面探测任务多目标协同控制模式设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
月球背面探测需要中继卫星提供中继通信支持,实现地面测控网对月面探测器的控制。为解决月球背面探测任务过程中和环月探测卫星等多个航天器目标的相互控制及其与地面测控网之间的复杂协同控制问题,提出了协同控制关联目标描述方法,明确了控制目标和上行路由的概念和确定原则、上行路由测控网资源分配原则,设计了基于时间窗口的中继测控资源分配方法、多目标协同控制的标称计划模式、遥操作规划模式和上行控制模式。经过"嫦娥4号"天地大回路无线联试和"鹊桥"中继卫星在轨飞行证明,设计是合理可行的。  相似文献   

月尘运动是月球探测器软着陆过程中不可或缺的重要环节,针对发动机羽流作用下月尘运动真实感不强和月尘颗粒运动模型过于简单的问题,提出了一种逼真的实时月尘运动仿真方法.通过计算流体动力学(CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics)和二次谢别德插值(Quadratic Shepard)方法,分析和计算单个月尘颗粒的运动学模型,得到一定初始条件下粒子运动的二维轨迹曲线;通过分析粒子的数量、初始位置、初始速度、生命周期等参数对粒子运动学的影响和变化规律,抽象出月尘系统的粒子集;建立基于月尘粒子集的月尘运动模型.实验结果显示:该运动模型逼真的模拟了发动机羽流作用下月尘腾起、飞溅、弥漫、消散等运动过程,视觉真实感和实时性能良好,对研究真空环境中的月尘运动及月球软着陆等相关领域具有一定的参考意义.目前该方法已应用于北航虚拟现实国家重点实验室月球软着陆仿真系统.  相似文献   

中国空间科学学会空间探测专业委员会第十四次学术会议于2001年8月7日至11日在黑龙江省牡丹江市镜泊湖召开。会议学术交流内容包括国内外空间探测新技术。神舟号飞船测控、应用及地面系统,月球探测初步设想,火星探测研究、计划及其软着陆技术,卫星探测的技术、方法及应用,以及卫星接收地面系统中有关数据的接收及处理等方面。空间探测专业委员会对提交的论文,组织有关专家进行了评审,编辑出版了“中国空间科学会空间探测专业委员会第十四次学术会议论文集”。空间探测专业委员会第十四次学术会议召开  相似文献   

“嫦娥4号”月球背面软着陆任务设计   总被引:12,自引:24,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了"嫦娥4号"月球背面软着陆任务设计方案。着陆区初步选定为月球背面南极–艾特肯(South PoleAitken,SPA)盆地内的冯·卡门(Von Kármán)撞击坑内。采用中继星实现着陆器和巡视器的对地通信,并选择环绕地月拉格朗日L2点的halo轨道作为其使命轨道。采用CZ-4C火箭和CZ-3B火箭,分别完成中继星和着陆器–巡视器组合体的发射。两器一星上共配置了6台国内研制科学载荷和3台国际合作科学载荷,开展以低频射电天文观测、巡视区形貌、矿物组份及浅层结构为主的科学探测。此外,还搭载了2颗月球轨道编队飞行微卫星、月面微型生态圈和大孔径激光角反射镜,分别开展超长波天文干涉测量试验、月面生态系统试验和超过地月距离的激光测距试验。通过创新设计顶层任务,充分继承成熟技术和产品,增加中继通信功能模块,开放资源引入高性能载荷和搭载项目,将实现一次低成本、短周期、大开放、高效益的月球探测任务。  相似文献   

月球中继通信与导航技术研究进展和建议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘磊 《国际太空》2014,(4):51-54
月球背面、两极和边缘等对地不可见区域的探测或将是未来月球探测中的重点,其中继通信与导航问题亟待解决。为此,笔者对月面中继通信、月面定位与连续巡视的导航以及星间自主导航需求,广泛调研月球探测的中继通信和导航方式的国外研究进展,提出基于平动点的中继通信和导航方式作为未来月球探测任务的通信与导航手段,并给出了后续研究建议及应用前景,可为我国后续月球及深空探测任务中的中继通信与导航方式提供有益借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

月尘/月壤环境效应地面模拟方法研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
月壤/月尘会附着并污染航天器、月球车的表面,如果不及时清除,还会进一步诱发部件过热、机械机构卡死、密封失效、材料磨损等一系列问题.本文综述了关于月尘特性、月尘与航天器系统的互相作用机理、月尘环境模拟方法等方面的研究成果,提出了一种小型月尘环境模拟系统的设计方案.该系统将使关于月尘特性的实验研究成为可能,并可作为登月飞船及月球车材料选择、机械机构可靠性试验、除尘策略试验的平台.   相似文献   

The Moon is immersed in plasma environment. The most interesting challenge of the lunar plasma– field environment is that it is alternatively dominated by the extended but variable outer atmosphere of the Earth – the magnetosphere – and by the extended but highly variable solar atmosphere – the solar wind. Understanding the plasma environment and its interaction with the lunar surface will be beneficial to both manned and robotic surface exploration activities and to scientific investigations. Presented is a preliminary map of variations of lunar surface electric potential over the day side and night side using probe equations and a discussion on dust dynamics in this E-field structure using the data from Electron Reflectometer in Lunar Prospector spacecraft during 1998–1999. On the day side, potential is around 5 V and on the night side it reaches up to −82 V. On the night side region, only highly energetic electrons can overcome this large negative potential. The variation at electron temperature (Te) strongly reflects in the surface potential. The potential reaches to a value of −82 V for Te = 58 eV. Surface charging causes the electrostatic transport of charged dust grains. Dust grain size of 0.1 μm shows a levitation height of 4.92 m on lunar day side, 748 m on terminator region and 3.7 km on the night side. The radius of maximum sized grain to be lofted, Rmax, peaks at the terminator region (Rmax = 0.83 μm). At the transition region dust levitation is almost absent. This region is most suited for exploration activities as the region is free from hazards caused by lunar dust.  相似文献   

One of the highest-priority issues for a future human or robotic lunar exploration is the lunar dust. This problem should be studied in depth in order to develop an environment model for a future lunar exploration. A future ESA lunar lander mission requires the measurement of dust transport phenomena above the lunar surface. Here, we describe an instrument design concept to measure slow and fast moving charged lunar dust which is based on the principle of charge induction. LDX has a low mass and measures the speed and trajectory of individual dust particles with sizes below one micrometer. Furthermore, LDX has an impact ionization target to monitor the interplanetary dust background. The sensor consists of three planes of segmented grid electrodes and each electrode is connected to an individual charge sensitive amplifier. Numerical signals were computed using the Coulomb software package. The LDX sensitive area is approximately 400 cm2. Our simulations reveal trajectory uncertainties of better than 2° with an absolute position accuracy of better than 2 mm.  相似文献   

An analytic model for the motion of a positively charged lunar dust grain in the presence of a shadowed crater at a negative potential in vacuum is presented. It is shown that the dust grain executes oscillatory trajectories, and an expression is derived for the period of oscillation. Simulations used to verify the analytic expression also show that because the trajectories are unstable, dust grains are either ejected from the crater’s vicinity or deposited into the crater forming “dust ponds.” The model also applies to other airless bodies in the solar system, such as asteroids, and predicts that under certain conditions, particularly near lunar sunset, oscillating dust “canopies” or “swarms” will form over negatively charged craters.  相似文献   

Lunar grains accumulate charges due to solar-based ionizing radiations, and the repelling action of like-charged particles causes the levitation of lunar dust. The lunar dust deposit on sensitive and costly surfaces of investigative equipment is a serious concern in lunar explorations. Inspired by electrostatic precipitators (ESPs), the Electrostatic Lunar Dust Collector (ELDC) was proposed for collecting already charged lunar dust particles to prevent the lunar dust threat. As the conditions for terrestrial counterparts are not valid in the lunar environment, equations developed for terrestrial devices yield incorrect predictions in lunar application. Hence, a mathematical model was developed for the ELDC operating in vacuum to determine its collection efficiency. The ratios of electrical energy over potential energy, kinetic energy over potential energy and the ratio of ELDC dimensions were identified to be the key dimensionless parameters. Sensitivity analyses of the relevant parameters showed that depending on ELDC orientation, smaller particles would be collected more easily at vertical orientation, whereas larger particles were easier to collect in a horizontal ELDC configuration. In the worst case scenario, the electrostatic field needed to be 10 times stronger in the vertical mode in order to adequately collect larger particles. The collection efficiency was very sensitive to surface potential of lunar dust and it reached the maximum when surface potential was between 30 and 120 V.  相似文献   

悬浮月尘的遮挡模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探月活动中,月表的尘埃会对太阳翼等光电器件的工作效率造成严重影响.基于附着月尘的遮挡模型,从立体空间的角度分析了悬浮月尘对工作器件的遮挡,提出了悬浮月尘的单粒度遮挡模型,利用月尘的平均粒度可计算在指定立体空间内,定量月尘造成的遮挡量;引入月尘的粒度分布函数,提出了悬浮月尘的多粒度遮挡模型,能够计算已知粒度分布函数的月尘在指定立体空间内造成的遮挡量;通过设计悬浮月尘遮挡的仿真实验,分别利用3种不同粒度大小的月尘进行实验,实验数据与悬浮月尘的单粒度、多粒度遮挡模型的理论计算值都较好吻合,实验结果证实了悬浮月尘遮挡模型的正确性与可靠性.   相似文献   

准确的月球表面温度分布模型对于开展月球探测具有重要意义. 目前有关月球表面温 度模型还缺乏对完整月球表面温度分布的计算方法研究. 本文建立了一套计算完整月球表面温度的方法, 其中月球阳面温度采用Racca模型直接计算得到; 对于月球阴面, 将其沿纬度方向划分为若干区域, 每个区域的地表土壤采用一维非稳态热传导模型, 根据嫦娥三号着陆器太阳电池阵在轨环月阶段的温度数据, 修正得到月球表面土壤导热系数、密度及比热容, 通过数值计算求解一维非稳态热传导方程, 得出任意时刻月球阴面表面温度随时间的变化. 嫦娥三号着陆器太阳电池阵环月阶段热分析结果与在轨温度符合较好, 初步说明本文建立的完整月球表面温度计算方法正确可行. 基于本文方法计算得到整个月球表面温度分布, 进一步研究了极月轨道太阳电池阵外热流变化规律.   相似文献   

地球同步轨道长寿命卫星热控涂层太阳吸收率性能退化研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
文章介绍了15年地球同步轨道环境对卫星表面太阳吸收率性能影响的试验模拟研究,研究结果为长寿命卫星热设计及热控涂层选择和研制提供可靠依据;介绍自行研制的空间低能综合环境试验设备、太阳吸收率原位测试系统和空间低能综合环境模拟试验方法,并对航天器常用的S781白漆、SR107ZK白漆、F46镀银和OSR二次表面镜热控材料进行空间低能综合环境模拟试验,获得了这些热控涂层在地球同步轨道15年期间太阳吸收率性能退化模拟数据,与已有的飞行试验数据进行对比研究,取得满意的结果。  相似文献   

Exposure to lunar dust during Apollo missions resulted in occasional reports of ocular, respiratory and dermal irritations which showed that lunar dust has a risk potential for human health. This is caused by its high reactivity as well as its small size, leading to a wide distribution also inside habitats. Hence, detailed information regarding effects of extraterrestrial lunar dusts on human health is required to best support future missions to moon, mars or other destinations. In this study, we used several methods to assess the specific effects of extraterrestrial dusts onto mammalian skin by exposing HaCaT keratinocytes and CHO-K1 fibroblasts to dusts simulating lunar or mars soils. These particular cell types were chosen because the skin protects the human body from potentially harmful substances and because a well orchestrated program ensures proper wound healing. Keratinocytes and fibroblasts were exposed to the dusts for different durations of time and their effects on morphology and viability of the cells were determined. Cytotoxicity was measured using the MTT assay and by monitoring culture impedance, while phalloidin staining of the actin cytoskeleton was performed to address structural integrity of the cells which was also investigated by propidium iodide intake. It was found that the effects of the two types of dust simulants on the different features of both cell lines varied to a considerable extent. Moreover, proliferation of HaCaT keratinocytes, as analyzed by Ki67 labeling, was suppressed in sub-confluent cultures exposed to lunar dust simulant. Furthermore, experimental evidence is provided for a delay in regeneration of keratinocyte monolayers from scratch-wounding when exposed to lunar dust simulant. The obtained results will facilitate further investigations of dust exposure during wound healing and will ease risk assessment studies e.g., for lunar lander approaches. The investigations will help to determine safety measures to be taken during extraterrestrial expeditions in order to minimize risks to human health associated with exposure of human skin to dust contaminants.  相似文献   

月表磁异常区的分布是月球探测工程的重要内容. 但是由于月表电磁环境错综复 杂, 通常认为月球表面在特殊的空间天气条件下会带有数千伏电压. 以往的空间研究已经证实, 表面的带电与放电容易造成卫星仪器的异常或失联. 月表电场对电子 反射法有重要影响, 研究分析不同电磁条件下太阳风电子的运动轨迹,对月表环境 (电磁环境, 太阳风条件, 等离子体参数等)的研究可以更加深入细致. 通过模拟向月表运动的太阳风电子的运动轨迹, 分析了月表电磁环境的改变对太阳风电子反射 的影响, 并着重研究了月表电场对电子反射法遥感探测月表磁异常的影响, 为探测 月表电磁环境提供了重要的信息.   相似文献   

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